Unknown Within 3

Story by Aitos Saibankan on SoFurry

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#3 of Unknown Within

Unknown Within 3

I shook my head, looking at him and keeping my eyes on his as I tried to stand again. I felt sore all over and the pain on my back was gonna make this very difficult indeed.

"You are mine now. You were very easy to track. I like that." The manticore approached, licking his lips. "I need to feed now. Stand still, toy." The monster said, hunger in his deep voice. They could only feed off of other man creatures, as they could not pass by portals like us incubi. I was not planning on letting myself be his food.

All of a sudden, a flash of light burst in front of me, between me and the manticore. It scatters everything around it and I feel wind blow past me. I partially shield my face as a reaction. Then I saw that it was an incubus.

He extends his wings, and they were made of white feathers.

"You and your tribe have no place here. Leave now or I will remove you." Said the angelic incubus, fierce in his tone.

"No. I need to fee"-

There was another flash of light after that. It was brilliant, but I could make out what happened. The incubus folded his wings in front of him and darted into the manticore's abdomen. Its heavy musculature was no protection for such a blow, it seemed.

The bash was resounding, it had more than just strength behind it. The manticore is sent flying back like a ragdoll. It crashes against a tree, and it was out of my view at this point. A tree is toppled. I could hear it smack loudly against the ground.

The angel winged incubus went after the Manticore, and I followed.

The angelic incubus stood before the manticore, the monster still crumpled on the ground. "You are in territory that is under mine and my family's protection. The tower should be clear enough warning." said the angel incubus. The manticore looked at him and protested with a growl.

"I want you to go and tell the rest of your tribe to leave and never come back."

"I will not be denied my food!"

The manticore spat. It stood menacingly and clearly towered over both me and the angelic incubus.

After barely a moment's notice the white winged incubus approached the monster, the beast then stepping back defensively. One instant later the angel lunged at him and grabbed him by the cock, wrapping both arms around it, and his muscular arms seemed to glow faintly.

"It burns! Get off my cock!" Yelped the manticore. The angel squeezed, then growled, his face fierece. "I said I would remove you if you didn't leave!"

Then the angelic incubus pulls the manticore, the towering monster seeming much more small and weaker and almost impotent.

The manticore is then lifted a few feet off the ground, still held by the cock, with what I had to presume was a painful, burning grip. With some effort, the monster is spun in midair, once, then twice.

And then with enough momentum built up, released.

The monster was thrown and soared over the canopy, branches breaking violently as a result. A loud thud was heard in the distance moments later.

The dust settles eventually, and everything was still.

Time froze again for me. My heart beat fast.

"Hey." He looked at me.

"You are safe now."


He grabbed me by the shoulders and fixed his eyes on mine.

"You are ok, right?"

He shook me a little and I realized that I was looking into his shimmering green eyes. The seemed endless. I felt sucked into them so completely that I stopped processing everything else.

He stepped back, looked at me from head to toe, smiling at something along the way. I had felt lost for the instant his eyes wandered down, and I suffered a brief instance of despair. But his eyes returned their gaze up again and I quickly disappeared into them just like before. A smile grew on my face.

The angel patted my head and shoulders and arms as he looked at all of me a second time. I sighed as his gaze broke again, but my smile remained, and I couldnt help but feel like I was glowing.

"I am ok." Finally I answered his worry.

He smiled back, a bright expression on his face. "Ok, perfect. I'm very glad."

I felt his hands on my shoulders and he gently squeezed them.

"Thank you." I managed to tell him. The angel releases my shoulders. "Of course. It is our duty." He replied with confidence.

He kept eyeing me and worry arose on his face once more.

"Do you want to sit down?" He said, moving to my side and grabbing my arm.

"Yes. But... you are gonna have to help me. This is silly..." I said. "I don't feel like I can move, or think. I don't know why."

He nodded. "You are still in shock, so maybe you really are not all that ok."

With his help I sat a moment later, leaning against a nearby tree and sitting down. He sat next to me.

I looked at him and he looked at me back. We allowed silence to permeate for a moment before either of us spoke again.

"I am Raphael." The angel said.

"Raphael, what a beautiful name." I said. "I am Dose."

A pleased chuckle came out of him. "So, Dose. Now that we are here, maybe I can get to know you a little."

He let those words sit in my ears and settle into my mind. He watched me with curiosity.

"Raphael, if I may. Your eyes, I can't look away from them. I am at their mercy, which only wanes when you look away or close them or I close mine."

His tail flicked. "Really? Well, if it is any reassurance, the power I wield has nothing to do with my eyes, at least as far as I know."

I shook my head. "They are spellbinding."

Raphael kept his smile.

"I'm sorry if I'm being redundant, but are you sure you are ok? I just ask because one my sisters wields the power of healing."

"I'm fine." I managed to escape his binding green eyed and glanced at my arm, then at the other.

"Alright, good. Then it is just a matter of letting the shock pass." Raphael sighed pleasantly.

"Raphael. After you feel my shock has passed, you'll leave?" I asked.

"No. I said I wanted to get to know you better, remember?" He squeezed my shoulder as he reassured me.