The Un-Named (the prolouge/into)

Story by mukimusi on SoFurry

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#1 of The Un- Named

This is an introduction to my story that i will be releasing

it is inted to get the audiance on the same page i am coming from

the actuall story will involve, love, drama, laughter, hopefully i can jerk your tears

i very much intend to make passionant and lustfull sex scenes ;) and i hope, you all enjoy, the inner makings of my imagination

The Un-Named

Have you ever imagined a world beyond your own? Have you ever questioned if your world's existence to be solitary? If you have ever questioned such things then i am here to give you an answer. There is in fact a whole series of worlds out there. If you can imagine it, it is true. However there is one world i would like to tell you about, my world. Here were i exist you name reflects everything that you are. It is your destiny and your status in a community. Your name decides weather you are male or female, it depicts and defines everything about you. Take time to imagine what your name means, and imagine a name you would rather have to define you. take in for example the name Isaac, meaning "he will laugh". If you chose your name to me Isaac then this in turn would mean that you would be a male. The name would also decide your personality, and generally you would be a heart warming guy who loves to laugh and make others laugh with you.

However in this world your name is decided for you, just like in your world. Just like in your world it is decided at birth. When a female becomes pregnant it is the father's job to name the offspring before birth. There is a ceremony that "gives" the name to the unborn offspring. If there is no father to name the offspring then it is decided amongst the males of the mother's family. This is not a form of sexist but the spiritual law of my world, for the naming of an unborn can only be done by a male.

Another thing too is that at birth a child's eyes can immediately tell their sexual orientation. If a child comes out with blue eyes, then they are heterosexual. Blue eyes occur about 50% of the time. about 40% is brown or green eyes. Brown if it is a boy, and green if it is a girl. If the eyes are brown or green then it means that it is undecided. The other 10% is yellow. With yellow eyes it means that the child is homosexual, though this does not out cast them from the community nor does it make them different. Here in my world there isn't such things as discrimination based on sexual orientation. It simply means that they are that way.

As a child grows older and matures into a young adult they get to experiment. By the time they are adults their eye color can change. Sometimes brown and green eyes turn blue sometimes they turn yellow, sometimes in very rare cases they don't change at all.

All these things are law in my world, and nothing can change these things. Unless of course... you are an unnamed child. An unnamed child is the only creature in this world that is rejected at birth. It is for no other reason than they hold no meaning to society. They can not improve or hinder a community nor can they benefit themselves. Sometimes their better of not even being born. How such a thing can occur is a striking question. Maybe the mother was ashamed of her pregnancy and kept it a secret, maybe there was never a ceremony. What ever incident occurred the sad fact remains that there are thousands of young born without a name.

In most incidents the child is put to sleep at birth, sometimes they are cast out the minute they can fend for themselves and sometimes they are just kept a secret.

Though such a tragic thing exists i am here to tell you the story of a fox, who forever changed a world without so much as a name...