My Life as a Slave 11

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#11 of MLaaS

My Life as a Slave

The Prom

Well it's our last year in high school our lives have changed so much. I have finally stopped growing, I stood at 6 feet tall and weighed 310 pounds with 3% body fat. I am quite the fine young man now I see pictures of myself as a kit and I think just how lucky I am.

I had gotten a new suit considering my old one was a bit too small. It was pale tan, and I have to say I looked so good in it; I liked it because Raze liked it and I would do anything for her. She said it made my fur look sheik and brings out my eyes. I enjoyed that fact as much as she did.

I had also been practicing my dancing with a teacher for a little over a year. I feel like I had done pretty well in learning how to do it. I worked till my legs ached. I know I wasn't the best but I sure made some excellent progress. I think Raze would be rather happy with the results.

I planned for this event the entire year to actually get there was so great. Raze had also bought a new dress to go specifically to the prom. She wouldn't show me what it looked like but she said I would love it. Well I couldn't help but remember my last birthday when I turned 17 two summers ago, in that stunning dress.

The night of the prom I was waiting downstairs waiting for my date. When she came down those stairs my jaw dropped. Her hair was done up in a half bun curling down to just above her shoulders. She was wearing a stunning dress very much form fitting until it reached her waist that spread like a lotus made of the finest velvet silk. Hell I could bet that it cost a thousand more dollars than my suit.

Well I had the limo driver take us to the hotel. It was the nicest and most expensive hotel. We were going to the ballroom which was huge. It had enough room for every single student and plus. My god it even had her favorite band, Aesma Daeva. So we lucked out in this case she absolutely loved them so much.

Well we danced most of the night and I didn't step on her toes once. I loved how well it worked, she was by far better than me but I was doing a hell of a job. Mom paid for the band so Raze and I would at least be happy with the band. Then we stopped to listen to who the Prom king and queen are.

"THe prom King is Haku Yeats, and the prom queen is Melisa Kronkite," the announcer said.

A light shined on me as well as Melisa. So we met each other and did as everyone requested. The song Artemis (Link here started playing and then it made me think back Raze and I's fist kiss. We were going all over the floor for most of the time then at the end she leaned forward and kissed me.

No I tried to get her off of me but she held tight. Then I heard doors break apparently I was in an understatement, deep shit. I then pushed her away and slapped her as hard as I could I don't care if I get assault charges that bitch isn't who I am worried about. I ran off to talk to Raze after I said to the Doberman "Just because you're a bitch doesn't mean you have to show it."

Raze was outside I just kinda followed the trial of destruction in the forest. I went out to talk to her about what happened in there. As soon as she turned around she slapped me, but not as hard as she could, at least she's holding back. I also noticed her dress was ripped; well it wasn't like we were going back at all.

"Look that bitch in there kissed me first," I said.

"Well you didn't seem to mind," Raze said.

"I tried to fight her off but I wasn't about to hurt her. After she broke the kiss I slapped her and called her a bitch," I told her.

"Really," she asked, tears rolling down her face.

"Look there is only one girl for me and that is you," I told her.

Raze started crying more and smeared her makeup while leaning against me. I held her and waited for her to stop crying. I then called the limo and we got the hell out of there. The next day in the local paper the headline was "Millionaire Heir Bitch Slaps Prom Queen," I wasn't upset at this or surprised. I also wasn't surprised to hear from her lawyer who I knew would call, or the police officers later that day. I told them the strait up truth, I didn't sugar coat it with the unimportant details.


I can't feel that it is somewhat my fault that Haku went to jail. I mean he was more concerned about me and not that stupid bitch. The dress was ruined, but I could have it easily replaced any day of the week if needed. I can't believe that he told me that I was the only one he would ever love. How could he possibly know that? I didn't even know that, but did I feel that for him...?