The Queiajirai Chronicles ~A Young Fur's Fantasy~ Part 1

Story by Pynk Lavender on SoFurry

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#1 of Pynk Lavender's Stories ~The Queiajirai Chronicles~

The Queiajirai Chronicles

~A Young Fur's Fantasy~

Come on, Alex, where coud you be? The young wolf's foot-paw tapped against the cobblestone road impatiently as his wary eyes darted to and fro down the street, searching for the outline of his friend, Alexander Fox, to appear in the mist that enveloped the street at this time of morning. The young wolf wore a longsword at his side as his cloak was wrapped around his shivering form. The burgundy tunic he wore was a far cry from the finery he once wore in his father's estate, but these, his old traveling clothes, will have to do. His grey fur, discheveled from his haste to escape his home-prison, seemed to shimmer from the soft breeze that was beginning to blow away the ever-present mists. The sun was going to rise over the Mezeron Mountains to the east in only a matter of minutes, and he and his mate was going to miss the ferry. Of all the days to be late, you decide upon this one.... "Aitrus?" a young voice half-whispered from the gloom, "Is that you?" The wolf jumped at the small noise, even whispered, at this time, the streets were deserted and even the foot-falls of a kitten could be heard from several houses away. "Alex!" The young wolf hissed, "Where in the hells have you been? It is almost dawn!" The figure of a lone fox slowly eminated from the fog. Alex's visage was etched with both amusement and penatance. "Sorry, Aitrus, I had trouble getting here. The gaurd on the estate changed late and I had to time my escape exactly." Aitrus rolled his eyes despairingly. "Your lucky I love you too much, beloved." The young fox walked up into the awaiting arms of his lover. Alex wore a dark green hooded cloak which he unbottoned and let fall to the cobblestones. A lone tear trailed down Aitrus' cheek as he embraced him. "I thought something happened to you, love." Alex wiped the tear from his mates cheek as his own eyes shimmered, almost at the point of tears himself. "Im sorry, my pet..." Aitrus froze as his head jerked toward the mist. His eyes squinting into the fog as if he could pierce through the grey miasma by his mere stare. "Be silent...." Alex froze as well as his ears twitched. The soft sound of foot-paws shuffling on the cobblestones emenated from the direction of the river, the two lover's destination. Alex whispered softly as his eyes widened in horror, "It may be the guard..." The wolf's ears likewise twitched at the soft sound as he gently grasped his mate's shoulders. "No.... Its something else...." Aitrus' eyes darted to a small alley nearby, crates were stacked here and there along its walls. "Go, love, hide yourself." Alex sped off in the direction of the alleyway as Aitrus' paw drifted to the hilt of his sword. He peered into the murky fog and raised his voice in challenge. "Who goes there?! State your business!" The shuffling stopped suddenly and a strong masculine voice emitted from the mist. "I am Marcus Soverign. And my business is my own!" Another voice, one frail and ancient called out as well. "I am Veil, a master of the Arcane Tower! Who calls from this bleak mist?" Aitrus swore under his breath. Just what we need, a Magelord to burn us to a crisp before he takes our charred corpses back to the estate. Suddenly, a trail cleared from the mist and not fifty paw-lengths away stood a burly bengal tiger beside a greyed badger. The tiger stood at an enormous 7'' 3" and across his bare muscled back was a hand-n-half sword half drawn from its sheath as the tiger's massive paw gripped the hilt. The blue and grey wrap-trousers slung at the tiger's waist by a brown leather belt told of his guardianship in service to the Arcane Tower. The greyed old badger, on the other hand, wore a blue and white robe, and within his right paw, clutched a staff: topped with a azure gem. Aitrus' eyes bulged at the sight of the old badger. "Magelord Veil Quill! What are you doing here?" The ancient badger grinned mischeviously. "I could ask you the same question, young one...." The bengal tiger huffed angerly. "You dare question Master Veil?" The tiger's hair stood on end along his muscled back as he drew his sword completely and positioned himself in offensive stance against the young wolf. "I will cut you to ribbons, insolent little....." The old badger clanged his staff against the tiger's sword, lowering it to the ground. Veil peered past Aitrus into the alley behind him. "Its alright, there, you can come out!" There was a short pause. The old badger chuckled softly. "Don't be afraid, young one. the tiger is putting his weapon away...." With the word weapon, spoken intentively to the tiger, the arcane guardian sheathed his sword, and the soft patter of paws emenated from the alleyway. Alex appeared, his eyes darting back and fourth between the three. He ran over to Aitrus who gently grasped about the young fox's waist in a warm embrace. "Are you okay, love?" The fox's eyes were bright with tears, some of which appeared to have already been left behind the crates in the alley on the cobblestone street. "Oh, Aitrus, I was so scared..." The young fox sobbed a little as Aitrus drew him closer. "Shh, easy, love... its okay now."

The tiger, Marcus, whose eyes were steel grey, softened at the sight of the two lovers. "You two are the young princes, Alexander Fox, and Aitrus Queiajirai!" The duo froze before they turned mechanically toward the badger's guardian. There was a long pause before Aitrus found his voice. "How did you...." The badger mage laughed softly. "Well, in my position as Second Magelord of the Arcane Tower, there comes privilages with the responsibilites." He turned to his guardian. "And with him being not only my guardian but my best and most loyal friend, he also has his privilages." The arcane guardian nodded. "Not all may be known by the estates of Jiradj and Queiajirai..." Alex cringed at the ancient word of his house. "....but to the Masters of the Arcane, nothing is hidden." Marcus smiled at his master. The old badger smiled, and suddenly looked at the peaks of the Mezeron Mountains which were gradually turning orange. "Dawn is upon us." He looked again at the two lovers. "I have taken liberty of paying the ferryman to suspend his voyage for a few more minutes." He hobbled over to the wolf and gently but firmly grasped the young wolf's paw and pressed an envelope into it. "Here is a letter, explaining everything to the ferryman. You must hurry before it leaves." Aitrus suddenly seemed to come out of a daze and cast a horrified look at his mate. "We must go, now!" He firmly grasped Alex's paw and sped off into the mist. His voice called back to their two saviors. "Thank you, Master Veil! I won't regret this! I will repay you someday!" The young wolf's voice faded into the brightening grey as the old badger stood there chuckling. Marcus Soverign looked down fondly at his master, then murmured, "Will they make it? Its a long way to Ahrun." The badger-mage nodded confidently. "Set your heart not upon fear, my young friend. They will prevail. My heart says so." Veil poked Marcus teasingly with his staff. "Always listen to your heart.... you should know this by now, my young friend." Veil watched as Marcus transformed into a vixen, a white shaul draped over her head, and spectacles perched on her nose. She smiled warmly at him. "I only hope that my son will grow to forgive his father for what he has done.... In time I know he will, but only his father can welcome him back home." The badger mage nodded. "Indeed, Elena Fox, but your son will grow to become far greater than what his father could ever hope to achive."

The two lovers sped off towards the ferry as the watchful eyes of an old vixen and an ancient badger mage peered after them, as if piercing the ever dissapating mists of the morning. The dawn sun arose, gently searing away the cold grey fog to reveal the unfurling sails of one last hope from persecution in this world that is Mezeron.