The Secret of Hoyt's Farm : Chapter 24

Story by Wormsworth on SoFurry

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#24 of The Secret of Hoyt's Farm

Chapter 24 :

The Consequences of Choice

A few days later and almost time for dinner. The chill that had claimed Halloween night had let up a bit, and they had decided to take the meal outside at least one more time before winter set in.

Muffin and Jasmine were in the bunkhouse as always. One busily making the final preparations for the meal, while the other sat nearby in her recliner reading quietly. Jasmine was a decent cook herself, having spent so much time in the presence of a master, but she had found long ago that it was better to just stay out of Muffin's way unless asked to do otherwise. She had a plan for every meal, and it was better to just let her do her thing.

Penelope was with them, as she often was just before dinner. The sheer volume of food required them to enlist the children's aid with setting the table and bringing out the platters and pots ready to be served. Penelope often oversaw the proceedings. They didn't need her guidance anymore, but she liked to stand with them to offer encouragement. She was there to be proud of them, and they all loved her for it.

She was standing next to Muffin behind the kitchen counter, smiling and holding her belly as if to cradle the life growing inside her. Her joy was infectious enough, but throw Muffin into the mix and the pair had become downright giddy.

"Have you come up with a name yet?" Muffin chuckled, sliding the last of the serving dishes across the counter, which were quickly snatched up by some of the children to take outside.

Penelope shook her head, "I don't want to jinx it. Not until I know if it's a boy or not."

Muffin giggled again, coming up alongside the other woman to put one arm arm around her and let her other hand rest on the bump at her belly too now, "It's going to be a very dramatic birth, then."

"Actually..." Jasmine was not quite as taken in by all their mirth, and was still reading in her chair, "Henry and I found someone that specializes in helping the Changed. Has all his own equipment and everything, including an ultrasound."

"The world still has good people in it." Penelope said with a smile, "What was this doctor's name? You never said."

"Oh, uh... Andrews. Though he's not so much a doctor, as a..." She trailed off into a short pause, then mumbled the last word, "Veterinarian."

"Really?" Muffin rolled her eyes, but was still unable to contain her giggling, "I suppose we should be insulted, but I can't imagine the Change did much for his profession."

"Not really, no." Jasmine grumbled quietly. She actually did find it more than a little insulting. Not that this man was willing to treat them, but that traditional doctors still weren't allowed out of fear of liability. Many wanted to, but there was no money in it and the administrators and lawyers didn't want to take the risk, "He's really coming to see Cassidy anyway, he just doesn't know it yet. Penelope is the excuse we're using to get him here."

The three went quiet for a few seconds. The giggling stopped.

"We don't even know what her child is going to look like, do we?" Penelope said quietly, "Are we really so worried about her?"

Jasmine sighed before replying, "I don't think we're worried enough. She should be getting weekly examinations by now, not three months later."

"She's tough, don't you worry." Penelope started toward the door, pausing once she got there to look back with a smile, "She's led a difficult life, you know. She feels kinship with the Changed, because so many of her own kind have pushed her away for the flaws they see when they look at her."

"I've read something about that." Jasmine looked up from her book, "We changed into a world where there were vastly different types of people, so it's believed that we're more accepting of the physical differences between us. Humans have always had ideas of what perfect beauty looked like though. So much so that affects their social status, especially through childhood."

"Exactly. She's barely an adult herself. It doesn't sound like her peers have treated her kindly." Penelope let her eyes drop, a touch of sadness coming across her, "She's... Determined to have this child. She wants people to see that we're not so different. She wants to do it for us."

Muffin couldn't help but mist up a touch at that, "Oh, that's so sweet."

"All the more reason it's up to us to keep her safe." Jasmine did not share the same emotional reaction, "She could very well push herself too far. I've tried to be the voice of reason, but..."

"Maybe he will listen to the voice of compassion, then." Penelope cut her off, and for a moment she and Jasmine locked gazes, "I'll talk to Henry. He may see it differently if he hears it from another perspective."

"Thank you, Penelope." Jasmine couldn't help but smile a little, "I know sometimes you all think I'm too detached, but I just want her to be safe. Same as everyone else."

"I know." Penelope opened the door finally, "But I've never thought that about you, Jasmine. We're lucky to have you."

"Wait, wait!" Muffin came out to dash over to her at the door, wrapping her up tightly in a hug that was welcomed. They held it for a bit, then she leaned back to place a kiss right on Penelope's lips. Too long to be just friendly, but not unexpected. Muffin had kissed just about everyone on the farm at some point, and this wasn't her friend's first.

Jasmine just sighed, buried her face in her book and tried not to be bothered by it.


And then Penelope was gone, leaving the pair alone in the bunkhouse for the first time all day. The compliment Jasmine had received should have felt good, but somehow it just caused a sadness to fester in her. One which had been becoming a bit too familiar of late, and which was beginning to worry her greatly. Not because of the emotion...

But because Muffin never noticed.

"Do you ever think about having another baby?" Muffin called, still looking wistfully toward the door their friend had just left through.

"No." Jasmine said, shaking her head, "I rely too much on them to raise the daughter I have. I'm not a good enough mother for another child."

"Oh, don't say that!" Muffin turned and moved over to sit on the arm of her chair, leaning in to kiss her on the top of the head, "Colette adores you. You're a wonderful mother."

Jasmine leaned into the kiss, but held her tongue regarding how she really felt about that sentiment. She never felt like she spent enough time with her daughter, and she was afraid to admit why.

"I take it you have considered it, then?" Jasmine finally asked.

"Well, my next baby is going to be the new kitchen." Muffin said, pulling back away to walk back behind the counter, "But... Yes. I think I'd like to have another one."

"Well, I guess we'll deal with that when you're ready then." Jasmine said, shifting to try and settle back into her chair, "I'll do the insemination myself this time."

"Oh, I don't know..." Muffin leaned on the counter, one hand under her chin as she entertained a thought, "Maybe Miss Penny has the right idea. It might be worth it to do it the right way, at least once."

Jasmine let her book close slowly. There it was. Exactly what she had feared, but had suspected just the same. She let her eyes close soon after, taking a few slow breaths to try and calm herself.

Muffin eventually turned to look at her, once the silence from her love had become conspicuous. She regarded her a moment, tightly gripping the book in her hands as if resisting the urge to tear it in half, "Jazzie? Are you alright?"

The words came quietly, almost a whisper.

"You can't sleep with Eli."

Muffin watched her a few seconds longer, "It's not like we haven't all thought about it. I mean, he's the only..."

"No. I haven't." She was still quiet, but this time the words were touched by anger.

"Never?" Muffin was starting to get a little worried, and leaned back off the counter, "You've never wanted to try it with someone else?"

Jasmine's arm came up, then back down again to hurl her book at the ground. It landed flat and loud, causing Muffin to jump in surprise. Just as quickly she shot up out of her chair, hands balled in fists at her side as the words exploded out of her...

"I'm already with the person I want to be with!"

"Jasmine..." Muffin stared back at her in shock, taking a few moments to realize that for the first time in a long time she had no idea what was going through her lover's mind, "You know I'll always be your girlfriend. I didn't mean it like..."

"My girlfriend?" Jasmine just shook her head, letting her eyes close again, "Is that really how you think I see you? Just my girlfriend?"

Silence fell. Muffin didn't know how to respond.

"You are my everything. My lover, my partner, my... My life." Jasmine finally said, quieter now, but full of hurt, "How... When you know everything about me... When you know my thoughts before I do..."

There was a pause, and she looked up at Muffin with tears in eyes...

"How do you not know... That?"

Muffin took a step toward her, but she was already turning away to quickly storm out, slamming the door behind her as she went in a way that said very clearly not to follow just yet. It was all Muffin could do to just stand there trying to figure out what had just happened, but there was nothing she could do to stop herself from starting to cry.

Outside everyone was motionless as they watched Jasmine stride off angrily past the tables and away. They'd all heard the yelling, and even the thought of the two having a fight seemed almost alien. Henry was the only one that started off after her at first, but she gave him a look that let him know quite clearly that it was not a good idea. He stopped instead and folded his arms to watch her go.

Eventually Clairibelle came up alongside him, the pair just out of earshot of the rest of the group.

"Did you hear what that was about?" Henry said once she had drawn close.

"No more than you did, really." Clairibelle said with a shrug, "I heard them talking, but I wasn't paying attention. No reason to, normally."

"Damn." Henry sighed to himself, "This complicates things."

Clairibelle turned her head to look at him, "Does it? It's just a fight, Henry. Don't tell me you never fought with your wife."

"No, we had some good ones." He smiled to himself. Catherine had been strong willed, no doubt. It was a big part of why he loved her, "But... Their Christmas present arrives in a few days. I'm not sure it's a good idea now."

Clairibelle regarded him a little longer, "I'm assuming you're going to explain? It's barely November."

"When was the last time you spoke to Poppy?" He replied, still staring off into the distance.

"Not since the last time she was here, but I'm not sure..." She caught herself. Considering all of the things that his question might imply long enough for it to sink in, "Wait... That bill got shot down, Henry."

"That was a hail Mary. It was supposed to get the issue on the table, but it was always going to fail." Henry turned to look at her now, "She and Brian haven't given up. They've been whittling away at the issue from the bottom ever since."

Clairibelle nodded slowly, "So they've actually made progress then?"

"More than we could have expected. Less than they hoped." He sighed, turning and motioning for her to follow him back to the meal, "I assumed it would be the perfect gift. Now I'm not so sure."

He took a few steps forward, but she didn't follow despite his prompting . He turned to look at her, hand on her chin now as she considered the situation.

"Henry..." She finally said, "Do you trust my judgement?"

"Of course." He replied, "You have something in mind?"

"I've been expecting this." She looked away, back toward where their nerdy sister had just fled to, "I adore Muffin, but Jasmine should have stood up to her years ago. This was going to happen eventually."

Henry furrowed his brow, "You think she's taken Jasmine for granted?"

"I know it." Clairibelle said with a sigh, "Just as much as I know they're meant to be together. So if this gift is what I think it is..."

He cut her off, "The perfect apology?"

"Exactly." CB smiled back, "Don't you think so?"

"I'm not so sure. It could make things a whole lot worse." He said, then turned once more to head back to dinner, "But I do trust your judgement, Clairibelle. We'll talk about it after we eat."

The meal was almost over before Muffin finally came out of the bunkhouse, and it was a sight like no one had ever seen. She was clearly distraught as she hurried past them. Shy even as she averted her eyes, as if begging not to be noticed. Everyone stayed quiet as they watched her trace the same path that Jasmine had earlier before disappearing out of line of sight.

Nothing embarrassed Muffin. They didn't know how to make sense of it.

It wasn't long before she had made her way through the trees and into the little clearing by the creek. The overhanging foliage made it quite pleasant and shady in the summer, but this late in the year all it did was make sure no warmth ever made it through. She had expected Jasmine to be inside the shack. It was small, but they had a little gas heater set up inside for when they wanted some time alone in the colder months.

Instead she was sitting on the log by the creek. The same spot where she had found Muffin years before, just before they had become friends. The friendship that had blossomed into so much more.

"Jasmine?" Muffin said the words quietly, still afraid she would be turned away.

The reply came in the form of a slight turn of her head, and one hand reaching out to rest on the log beside her. An invitation, but one steeped in sadness. Muffin gladly accepted it though, and moved around to sit beside her timidly.

"I'm so afraid of losing you." Jasmine said quietly, looking off into the distance across the creek..

"I don't understand." Muffin stared back at her in disbelief, "I love you. You know that."

"You're brave, Muffin. So confident." Jasmine shook her head, letting the motion drop her chin low, "I'm not. I let you do the things you want to because I know I have to trust you, and I'm afraid of what will happen if I... I don't. I'm afraid you'll realize you don't want me anymore."

A chill came over Muffin that had nothing to do with the November air, "I only want to help draw you out of your shell. I didn't mean to..."

"Sometimes I need my shell, Muffin. I need that safety." Jasmine said with another sigh, "But then you say things to embarrass me in front of our friends, and everyone laughs. I can't... I can't do it anymore."

"I never meant..." Muffin put her hands over her mouth briefly, starting to cry now, "I'm so sorry, Jasmine. I didn't know."

Jasmine looked over at her sadly, "How could you not know?"

"You never... Said..."

Suddenly it all dawned on her. All the times she talked about their private time together. All the times Jasmine was shocked and embarrassed. All of her stunned reactions. All of the mortified exclamations of surprise. Muffin had thought it was adorable, but now finally it was clear to her how that felt from the other side. Jasmine was begging her to stop, and Muffin never would.

"You did tell me, didn't you? I didn't see it." Muffin practically folded in on herself, "All this time... I've just been bullying you?"

"It's not all your fault, Muffin." Jasmine said in a tone that was unexpectedly reassuring, "I'm too jealous. I want to spend more time with Colette and in the shop, but every time I leave your side I wonder if I'm going to come back to find you hanging on someone else, or kissing them, or..."

Muffin couldn't do much but cry. She had no idea how much power she had over the woman she loved until now, and how truly she had been abusing it. She felt nothing short of awful.

"I want you all to myself." Jasmine reached over to place her hand on Muffin's knee, "And that's not really fair either. You belong to everyone. You bring them happiness, and food and love... I've always tried to let you be that person. I've always tried to meet you halfway, but..."

Jasmine paused long enough to take a long breath, then repeated herself from earlier...

"You can't sleep with Eli."

Muffin turned and practically fell into the arms of the woman she loved, her head falling against her chest and weeping openly, "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I never meant to hurt you."

"I know, Muffin. I know." Jasmine held her there, stroking her lover's hair as she cried herself out, "But you did hurt me. You don't get to do that."

They sat like that for a long while, until the worst of the torrent of tears had finally passed, leaving just a mist on them both and a symphony of sniffles brought on by both the crying and the cold. They might have stayed that way forever, afraid to say another word... Until a sound caught them from the sky above the wilderness across the creek. The trumpeting of birds as they made their migration south, hundreds of them flying overhead in a mess of lopsided formations.

"Look... Snow geese." Jasmine said, watching them fly over.

Muffin rose up, settling herself to sit properly again, hip to hip with her love to join her in watching the spectacle with their arms around each other as if afraid to let go.

"I hope they stop in the fields across the road this year." Jasmine said, unable to contain a little smile, "I've always wanted to get a closer look at them. Before Rosie starts shooting, I mean."

Muffin watched her for a moment, then started to mirror the smile. It faded just as quickly. This was the woman she loved, and it was things like that that she loved the most. Not just learning and knowing... But seeing for herself. Experimenting and tinkering.

How long had it been since she had done any of that, she asked herself? How many days had she spent curled up in that chair in the bunkhouse, reading in silence... Chained to Muffin's side, out of fear and a sense of jealously that she had every right to. How much time had she sacrificed from the other things she loved just to stay close to her? How much time in the shop? How much time exploring? How much time with her daughter?

"This is what you meant, isn't it?" Muffin leaned back a bit to regard her love sadly, "About Colette... It's because you're afraid to leave me to spend time with her."

Jasmine lowered her eyes again, letting them close. She didn't say anything, but it was as clear an answer as any words could have said.

"What do we do now?" Muffin said quietly, "How do I fix what I've done?"

Jasmine reached up, pulling her head down to her shoulder to hold her there. She placed a gentle kiss on the top of her snout, and then leaned her own head against her love's...

"I don't know."

The next morning in the barn was quiet. Everyone was worried. The pair had barely said a word to each other ever since they came back to the bunkhouse, and it didn't seem like that was about to change anytime soon.

Henry made his way around the room as he always did, setting all the other women up with whatever they needed. He never even had to ask with Muffin and Jasmine, so he just moved to their cabinet as he always did and started to open it up.

"That won't be necessary, Henry. Thank you."

Henry turned to look, finding Jasmine just leaning over the rail with Muffin looking down at her sadly. He stood there a moment, then nodded and walked away.

Sophie watched them for a bit. She was just to their right on their side of the rail. She'd often heard the things they whispered when they were in here. She knew as much as anyone how much they loved each other, and seeing them like this now...

She felt she had to say something. Anything.

"Are you two going to be okay?"

Jasmine didn't even look up. She waited while Muffin settled down onto the rail next to her, letting her arm slip around the usually cheerful woman. She sighed, and then she answered...

"Not today."

There was something about the way she said that struck the room with sadness. A sense of defeat that said more about the rift that had formed between them than the words themselves. It was hard to hear, and harder still to feel as the hurt of it spread among them.

Henry paused near Clairibelle with his arms folded, giving her a look that was clearly meant to ask if she was still sure about what they planned to do. She replied with a smile and a nod, and they all went back to their business in silence.

It wasn't the only drama on the farm this morning however. Out by the main road another was about to unfold, starting with the white Cadillac that had just pulled into the drive a bit more quickly than was legal. The judge still hadn't realized all the drawbacks of not being a judge anymore, and he was still a few speeding tickets away from realizing that the police weren't going to look the other way now.

It was only moments before Millie came running out of the guest house to meet him, with Cassidy stepping out onto the porch behind her to watch.


She charged into his arms, and he lifted her up into a tight hug and spun them around, the both of them laughing with abandon.

Cassidy took the time to regard the man. He was older even than she expected, though he seemed fit enough. It felt wrong to her somehow. Everything did. How could it not? Her sister was about to leave her again and she couldn't find any way to justify asking her to stay, no matter how much she wanted to.

"I've missed you so much." The judge let her down, then leaned in for a kiss. It was deep and passionate, something they had practiced countless times before.

She stepped back a bit once the kiss was done, still holding his hands and smiling, "So much has happened, Conrad. I have so much to tell you."

"I'll bet you do." He said with a chuckle, "But you can tell me in the car. Go say your goodbyes, Laika. We need to get moving."

Her smile faded.

The sound of her fake name was a sharp reminder of how much she'd faced while they were apart. She had become painfully aware in that time that she needed to make a choice. It was a choice she had already made. She squeezed his hands, and looked up at him sadly.

"I can't leave."

"What?" Conrad's face scrunched up a bit as he looked back at her in confusion, "Why not? Is something wrong?"

She turned slightly to motion toward the girl who was on the porch watching them, "This is Cassidy. She's my sister."

Conrad nodded to the girl, then looked back toward the little dog before him, "I'm glad your making friends, Laika, but..."

"My name isn't Laika. It never was." She turned to face him again, "It's Millie. It's the name she gave me when she was still a little girl. It's my name."

He looked back at he girl on the porch again in surprise, piecing together very quickly what she had just told him. He was about to say something, but she went on.

"I don't know who I am anymore." She said, letting her eyes drop to the ground, "I need time to figure that out. I need my family."

"I just gave up my life for you." The judge was starting to sound annoyed now, "I went to prison to prove it."

"I didn't want you to do that. You know I didn't." Millie looked back at him sadly, "But all of this is because of you. You set me free from that place, I've found my family, I... Finally have a chance to choose what to do with my own life."

"Jesus..." He turned away, running a hand over his head in frustration. He wasn't man used to not getting his own way, "I took you from there so we could finally be together. Not so..."

"What then?" Cassidy had fire in her tone as she stepped off the porch now, "You take her out of one cage, just so you can put her in your own?"

Millie turned to face her, holding up a hand, "Cassidy... It's okay. Please go back inside."

The pair locked gazes for a moment, but the human girl relented eventually. She turned, stomping back up the porch steps, "You know, Judge... I was really hoping I'd like you. For her sake."

They watched her disappear back into the house, then turned to look at each other for a long moment of silence so he could collect his thoughts. He seemed to struggling with it, so eventually she spoke again.

"I know this isn't what you wanted..." She moved forward to put one hand on his chest, "But this is what I need. I have to stay here."

The touch seemed to relax him a bit, and he reached up his hand to place over hers, "So what now? We just go about it like before? A couple weekends a month, just like at the Pretty Kitty?"

Millie cringed even at the name of it, pulling back away from him. It was something he hadn't seen yet. She was still Laika when he'd taken her from the Kitty. She still had what little she could muster of a hardened shell around her emotions, following him around obediently and jumping to his side at a call. That shell was gone now, because it needed to be. She couldn't move on otherwise.

"This place has changed you." He said after a regarding her for a bit, "I'm not sure what to make of that. Am I even part of this new life?"

"I love you Conrad. That will always be true." She looked back up at him shyly. Something he hadn't seen from her in years, but which struck a chord, "Please, I need you to understand."

The judge looked away from her, shaking his head slowly. He was less upset now, but still clearly unhappy with how things had gone. Eventually just gave up, and turned to walk back to his car, "We'll have to talk about it later. My assistant has a press conference set up. I need to get going."

"Conrad..." She took a couple steps after him, clearly hurt that he would just leave it like that.

He opened to door, but just stood with his hand on it for a moment, "What am I going to tell them? I said you were going to be at my side for this, and now..."

She sighed, looking down at the ground before her, "Tell them the truth. That's what you're good at, isn't it?"

"The truth..." He said quietly, "I'm not sure I know what that is right now."

"Tell them I'm not ready. Tell them I'm hurt, and trying to find my place in the world." She took another step toward him, "Tell them you love me."

There was a pause before he spoke again. Not what she wanted to hear him say, but it was all he had to offer, "I'll call you tomorrow. We'll figure this out."

Then he got in the Caddy, and drove away.

She made her way slowly back to the house. Cassidy had been listening in, and stepped just outside the door to watch with concern as her sister approached.

"Are you okay?" She said, finding less emotion apparent on the little dog than she expected.

All Millie could do was offer a weak smile. Cassidy had half expected her to close in for a hug, but she just made her way past instead and into the house.

"I don't want to cry anymore."

Soon Cassidy had followed her in, closing the door behind her gently as she watched her sister move over to the couch to curl up into one corner of it. She was having a difficult time reading her reaction to all this, "I'm sorry it went like that, but... I'm so glad you stayed."

"Do you know why, Cassidy?" Millie replied with a sigh.

Cassidy just shook her head.

"Because you didn't tell me to. You let me choose." Millie looked up at her, offering another tired smile, "I may never be free of that place. Not truly, but... This is what I want."

Cassidy walked over the the couch to sit down beside her, and the pair leaned into each other for the hug they both so desperately wanted. Millie smiled, and spoke again.

"I choose my family."

That Saturday afternoon another car pulled up at the farm, and there was already a group gathered to meet it. Henry, of course. Sophie was there, for lack of anything better to do. Clairibelle wouldn't have missed it for the world, and had insisted that Megan join her. For her part, Megan was more than a little curious about the whole affair.

Clairibelle always tended to dress modestly to some degree and somehow managed to make it look sexy anyway, but today she was wearing far too little for how cold it had gotten. A tight crop top over a fancy bra, and some ultra-short shorts which showed off far more of her banded black and white markings than one would normally see outside of the barn.

Once their visitors had parked, the passenger door opened and out stepped Poppy. She was a goat, almost as skinny as Megan's daughter, but rounded off at the curves a little more. She was a bit off-white in color, with small horns that curled around in a loop to leave the tips pointing forward. She wasn't wearing much more than the farm's Belted Galloway at the moment either. A tied off tee-shirt and some highly frayed jean shorts that showed off far more of her body than most people would be comfortable with. She rolled her neck a bit after being cramped up in the rental car for so long, looked over at the group and zeroed in on Clairibelle. A wicked looking smile came across her face, and she made a little popping sound with the gum she was chewing, as if a facial expression could end in an exclamation point.

This was going to be fun.

Almost as one she and Clairibelle moved forward, stopping about eight feet apart to regard each other. Megan started to move to join them, but felt Sophie's hand on her shoulder to stop her.

"Hold up, Megan." Sophie said down at her with a grin, "Just watch."

They stared each other down. Poppy chewing her gum, making it seem as rude and noisy as possible. Clairibelle with her tail waving back and forth dramatically, like a snake ready to strike. They sized each other up for a moment, and then it was on.

"Would you look at this..." Poppy finally said, looking CB up and down, "I didn't know they made Oreos in double-skanked."

Clairibelle smiled, dropping her snout to look back at her opponent through narrowed eyes, "Is that gum your chewing, or did you just suck all the good stuff out of the condom already?"

"Oh, well that's a surprise. You actually know what a condom is?" Poppy shrugged a bit, "I thought your favorite form of birth control was getting knocked up."

"You should try it some time." Clairibelle snorted back at her, "Might put some tits on that body of yours so you can stop being mistaken for a teenage boy."

"You know, I think I've figured out why you're so bitter." Came the reply, "It's all the semen, isn't it? I mean, you are what you eat, right?"

Clairibelle grinned a little wider and went in for the kill, "Is the reason you have eyes like an octopus because you're so good at catching crabs?"

Sophie lost her battle against laughter, and the sound of it echoed across the farm. Megan was really just lost with what was happening, and jumped in surprise at the sound of it.

There was another long stand off, the two woman grinning across the space between them, until Poppy again broke the silence.

"Is this slut ever going to come over here and hug me, or what?"

"Bitch, I was just waiting for you to ask." CB replied, then started over toward her. Poppy took the final step in return and the pair wrapped their arms around each other tightly.

Megan watched curiously. There was something about that hug. Despite the way they were dressed, and all the things they had just said... There was nothing sexual about it. It answered some of her questions, but raised many more.

"Come on. There's someone you need to meet, honey." Clairibelle pulled away a bit, hooking her arm with her old friend's and leading them back toward where Megan and Sophie were waiting.

Poppy smiled up at the big woman as they approached, "Hey Sophie. Still doing the intimidating giant thing, huh? That's cool."

"Oh, no you don't. You two keep your battles of wit to yourselves. I'll stick to fights I can win." Sophie chuckled back at her, "Good to see you, Poppy."

"You too, babe." Poppy smiled, then turned to regard the small human next to her, one hand resting on her hip as she did so, "So who is this?"

"This is Megan." CB let go of the other woman's arm to move up next to her lover instead, slipping her arm around her and kissing her on the forehead, before turning to look back to Poppy once more, "I took your advice."

"No kidding?" Poppy smiled brightly, looking between them both, "Well hot damn. It's about time, Clairibelle. Congratulations."

CB and Poppy locked gazes, sharing a moment between them. Megan honestly felt a little left out, so she decided to just ask.

"What advice?" She said curiously.

"Simple, really. Don't try to find love by looking for sex." Poppy said, then a wide grin came to her lips, "Speaking of which..."

The hand that had been on her hip came up, palm toward herself. Like all hoofed changed she had just the two fingers and a thumb. She had a ring sitting on what would be the index, for lack of a ring finger. Lovely silver with a series of five diamonds all in a row, tapering in size away from the middle.

"Boom." Poppy said, managing to snap her gum at the same time.

"No way!" Clairibelle let go of the little woman to shoot forward and take her old friend into another hug, "Oh well done, Poppy!"

As she said it, Megan looked over to the car at the man Henry was greeting some ways away. He was human, in his early thirties perhaps, with nicely styled blonde hair and a clean shave. Even more surprising was the way he was dressed. All in black, except for the bit of white around his collar.

He was a pastor.

"You're marrying him?" Megan couldn't help but blurt out, then tried to recover as everyone turned to look at her, "I mean, did I miss something? I didn't think humans and changed were allowed to get married yet."

"They're not. There are some churches that will hold symbolic ceremonies, but it's not recognized by law." Poppy said with a shrug, "They can't stop me from being his fiance though. Aren't any laws about that."

"So, wait..." Clairibelle had pulled away, and now folded her arms as she considered that, "You haven't even done the symbolic one?"

"Nope. Not good enough." Came the reply, "Not until we get true marriage with all the legal protections offered to anyone else."

CB nodded slowly, her brow furrowed now, "You mean you and he still haven't..."

Poppy smiled back at her with a wink, "Still as celibate today as I was last time you saw me, babe."

Megan found that hard to believe, even knowing as little as she did about this woman. She looked back and forth between her and her own lover, and had to ask, "So you two were never a thing then?"

"Oh, definitely not." Poppy replied with a laugh, "A girl's got to have some standards."

"Oh, I wanted us to be though." Clairibelle chuckled, then turned to Megan a little more seriously, "I was still pretty out of control back then. Suddenly here's this woman who dresses all skimpy, swinging her hips and batting her eyes at everyone. I wanted her more than I'd ever wanted anything in my life."

"So what happened?" Megan asked, regarding CB with concern.

"Well... Something that never happened before." Clairibelle moved back to Megan to wrap her arm around her again, "She didn't get mad. She just sat me down and we talked. About... Pretty much everything, really."

Poppy smiled affectionately back at them, "You needed someone to listen to you. I don't think anyone realized how clever you really were back then."

Sophie cleared her throat, rocking back on her heels a bit, "Yeah... About that. Sorry, CB."

"It was more than that." Clairibelle went on, though she smiled back at Sophie at the apology, "I didn't know how to just have a conversation before then. I'd never had one that didn't end in someone getting mad at me, but every time I'd try to go too far she'd just laugh and tell me no, then go on like it didn't matter. It helped me realize that my urges didn't have to define the person I could be. She made me better."

Poppy's head turned at the sound of her fiance calling her over, something about showing Henry the ring. She waved at them, then started walking backwards to say one more thing before she went, "You made yourself better, Clairibelle. I just let you."

With that she turned and bounded over toward Henry and Brian. Sophie moved forward, putting her hand on CB's shoulder briefly before following after, leaving Megan and Clairibelle alone for the moment.

"She's going to make one sexy stained glass window once they make her a saint, you know." CB said after a bit. It was a bit of a joke, but the affection in her voice was clear.

Megan watched her for a brief moment, then asked the question that had been nagging at her all morning, "Why are they here, though? Something is going on, isn't it?"

"You better believe it." Clairibelle chuckled, then started leading them toward the others, "Today is going to be amazing."

It was a full half hour before they all made it to the bunkhouse. Jasmine looked up from her book to watch as Henry opened the door and leaned inside.

"Jasmine, can I borrow you for a bit?" He said to her.

She wasn't surprised really. He often asked for her opinions and feedback on things, so she nodded and stood to move to the door. Muffin watched her go quietly, noticing that she didn't even look her way. Things were better between them, but the rift wasn't going to go away on its own. It was going to require much more...

And much more was the plan.

She barely made it out the door and down half the steps before she froze. Everyone was gathered. All the women. All the children. Even Cassidy and Millie had made the trip from the house to witness this.

"What's going on?" She asked nervously. She didn't like being the center of attention in the best of times, and this was not the best of times.

"We'll explain." Henry said, offering her an arm to lead her away from the bunkhouse, "You remember Brian and Poppy, right?"

"Of course." She nodded at them as they drew near, "I was sorry to hear that your bill didn't pass. I know how hard you worked on that."

"Oh, it's alright. It was always going to fail." Brian offered her a hand, which she shook, "But it did help us figure out who was on what side of the issue, and we haven't given up. In fact... We're about to have our first victory."

"As you know, now that many of the Changed are working and getting paid, a lot of states are making laws to make sure they pay taxes." Henry folded his arms, "They're about to do the same here. There's a lot of opposition to it, and it's all very unfair as it stands."

"Well, yes..." Jasmine snorted, "I mean we'll be paying into programs that were not allowed to benefit from. Social Security, Medicare, Unemployment..."

"We believe it will lead to those things, in time." Brian said with a warm smile, "The Changed will get the legal protections they deserve eventually, and the first of those things will pass next month along with the bill."

"Marriage, babe. Legal, binding marriage." Poppy had been pretty silent, but she stepped up to put at arm around the pastor and lean her weight against him, "Not for us. Not yet... But two Changed married to one another will receive the same legal tax status as two humans and all the benefits thereof."

It didn't take long for Jasmine to piece together what this was about. She was the smartest person on the farm after all, and it wasn't exactly a leap of logic, "That's what this is all about then? Are you sure this is really the best time, Henry?"

"Actually, no." Henry replied, scratching the back of his neck nervously, "I planned this weeks ago. It was supposed to be your Christmas present."

Jasmine looked back at him skeptically, "And yet you decided to invite everyone on the farm to tell me about it?"

"That was my request."

Jasmine turned to find Muffin had quietly come out of the bunkhouse behind her. She was now standing a few yards away, hands clasped nervously before her and looking ashamed.

"I have a lot to say, Jasmine." She said with a long sigh, "Please... Listen?"

Jasmine took a couple steps toward her, curious where this was going to go. They both knew that the next step was Muffin's to make. The apology, the proof... Something. They both knew it wasn't going to be easy.

"I have not been as committed to our relationship as you are." Muffin finally said, letting her eyes drop, "I tease you. I kiss people in front of you. I never thought, even for a second, that anything I could ever do would push you away. You would always love me, no matter what I did."

She paused, then looked up again to make eye contact, "I had no idea how much power I had over you. I had no idea how much pain I could cause with just a few words... But If I'm able to hurt you so badly, then how many times have I done it before without even realizing?"

She sniffled a little, and then continued, "I was wrong. Not just in the things I said or did, but the entire way I've been thinking. I didn't consider your feelings. I never asked your permission. I just... I took you for granted. I'm sorry."

This brought an odd smile to Jasmine's lips. As much as it hurt, it still helped to hear her say it. To know that she finally understood, and that she regretted it.

"It will never happen again." Muffin straightened up, trying to muster her courage, "I'm going to prove that to you every day of my life, from here on out. Starting right now."

She took the final steps toward Jasmine, reaching into her apron to pull out a small box as she went. She stopped just in front of her love, gave her a nervous smile, then dropped to one knee. She lifted the box up, opening it with shaking hands to reveal the ring she had picked out with Henry a couple of days before. A silver band with a groove all the way around it, within which was nestled a second band of polished petrified wood. The moment she'd seen it, she knew it was perfect for the nerdy woman she had fallen so hard for.

"I love you so much, Jasmine..."

The desperation in her voice was clear, as was something else...


"Please... Marry me?"

Tears sprang to Jasmine's eyes, and her hands balled in front of her mouth. She had thought about asking Muffin so many times. She had always assumed she would have to be the one that did it, but she had always decided that they just weren't ready yet. Still, all the times she pictured herself down on one knee, wondering how nervous she would be and how difficult it would be to say the words...

It was nothing compared to this.

Muffin was afraid... Afraid she was going to lose the woman she loved. It was a feeling Jasmine knew all too well.

She smiled down at her, trying and failing to wipe away the tears from one eye. She couldn't help but laugh for some reason she couldn't fully explain. There was only one answer...

"It's all I've ever wanted."

Muffin rose to the sounds of applause as the pair fell into each other's arms, holding tighter than they'd ever held each other before. For the first time they truly felt as much a part of each other as everyone else had always assumed they were. They were meant to be together, that was never in doubt... But now they really would be.

No relationship was supposed to be perfect. It was supposed to take work, and compromise, and honesty. The facade of perfection had finally fallen away, but it was no longer needed. There was nothing left to hide from.

Muffin whispered in her ear, happily crying now. She asked the question she'd asked so many times before, just to hear the answer that always made her so happy...

"Why do you love me?"

Jasmine smiled...

"Because you're my Muffin."