The Dog in The Clearing

Story by ben243 on SoFurry

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A boy makes friends with a stray dog that ends up changing his life for the better in an unexpected way

I was born in a time when computers and video games were still new. As they were fairly expensive, most homes didn't have either one. This forced us to find other ways to spend our time.

I spent most of my time outside, playing in my back yard or the large wooded are that was just beyond our property line. I would spend many hours each day walking through the tree lined area, and often just lounging against one of the trees taking in the view of the clouds as they drifted past.

Sometimes I would catch sight of some animal as it went about its business, and I would keep watch on it as long as I could. Often trying to imagine what it was up to and what it would be like to be that animal.

As I grew, I knew that there had to be more to life than the existence of a human. It was great in some ways, I loved playing with my friends, and watching movies and tv, as well as the times I got to play video games at a friends house. But I still felt like something was missing from my life.

One summer, when my friends were away at summer camp, I found my self stuck at home with little to do. I decided that I would spend the day in a clearing I had discovered in the woods. It was a secluded area, and I had never seen another soul there, save for the occasional rabbit or bird.

I packed myself a lunch and a book, and made my way through the woods. When I reached the clearing, I found a nice place to relax, and started reading. It was the most relaxing experience I have ever had.

I spent the next few days returning to the clearing, and reading. I had started the summer envying my friends and the fun they would be having away at camp, but I couldn't deny the draw that nature had on me. I felt more like I belonged here than anywhere else.

I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I remember, I heard a rustling sound next to me. I looked over and found myself face to face with a large dog that was tearing into the bag I had brought, attempting to get at my sandwich.

I sat up and turned to get a better look at the dog. As I did, I must have scared him, as he backed away. I tried to call him to me, but he refused, and stayed just out of my reach.

Suddenly I got an idea, and pulled out my sandwich. I offered the dog a piece. Cautiously, he sniffed it and came close enough to gobble it down. I reached up and petted him. He looked leery, but stayed close, obviously hoping for more food. I fed him the remains of my sandwich, and looked for any tags or other means of identification. There weren't any to be found, and I wondered where he could have come from.

Over the next few days, I made an extra sandwich for the dog, and was happy to see him each time I went to the clearing. It wasn't long before he came to trust me, or at least enjoy the sandwiches, and would come to me when I called, and spent most of the time I was there with me.

I had never had a pet of my own, as my mom was allergic to dogs, and figured this was as close as I was going to get. I taught him a few tricks, and threw sticks for him to catch. It wasn't long before we were fast friends. I look forward everyday to spending time with the dog.

Before long I decided to see what it would be like to be a dog. I dropped all my things off at the clearing and got down on all fours. The dog looked at me funny for a moment, then came up and licked me right in the face. I couldn't help but laugh.

At first I just watched him, and imitated his movements. Then it seemed like he realized what was going on, and started trying to teach me how to be a dog. He would sniff at things, and do other typical dog things that I would quickly copy. If I did it wrong, he was quick to show me again, and even nuzzle and lick me as a reward for doing it right.

By the end of the day, I was filthy from head to toe, and my clothes were a mess. My mom was going to kill me when I got home, but I loved the experience, and wouldn't have traded it for anything.

When I got home, I stripped off my clothes, and threw them in the laundry and took a long bath. I couldn't wait until I could go out again tomorrow and get more practice being a dog. When my mom found my clothes, I was afraid she was going to ground me, but I convinced her it was just a typical boy thing, and I would be more careful in the future.

The next day, I made my way to the clearing and found my friend waiting there for me. I let him lick my hand in greeting, and fed him a handful of cereal I had brought with me.

While he finished of the snack, I stripped off all of my clothes and carefully folded them. I placed them in my backpack. Now my mom wouldn't have anything to complain about, I thought as I dropped onto all fours.

The warm sun felt wonderful on my skin. As the dog and I spent the day playing, I began to let myself slip more and more into what I though was a dogs mindset. Somehow this felt completely natural to me. I hardly noticed as the hours flew by as we ran through the woods, chasing the rabbits, and marking our territory. I felt that this was where I belonged.

I was disappointed when I had to go home, but I had to get back and get cleaned up before my parents came home. I made my way back to the clearing and grabbed my bag, and walked through the forest, forgetting that I was still naked. Luckily my neighbors would still be at work, and no one saw me as I made my way back to my house. The dog followed me all the way to the edge of the woods, but wouldn't come any further. I said goodbye to him, promising I would see him tomorrow.

One Inside, I tossed my bag into my room and took a quick shower. I was just finishing getting dressed when my mom returned home. I ran down to meet her, and gave her a hug. She could tell I seemed happier than usual, but I just shrugged when she asked me why.

I was practically squirming out of my skin at dinner over the anticipation of spending time with the dog the next day. My parents threatened to tie me down if I didn't eat. Somehow I managed to calm myself down long enough to eat and get to bed without getting into trouble. I lay in my bed that night, unable to sleep with the anticipation of what fun the dog and I would have in the morning.

I awoke early the next day to find that my parents had already left. I got up and grabbed a quick bowl of cereal. I was still young and didn't have much modesty yet, so I decided to forgo getting dressed, and decided to walk out to the woods naked.

It felt very liberating not to have to worry about the typical human trappings, and allowed me to bring myself more in tune with my surroundings. Without realizing it, by the time I made it to the clearing I was already on all fours. I let out a bark of greeting when I saw the dog waiting for me.

I spent the rest of the day completely in dog mode. I could feel my bond with this dog growing. I have only vague memories of exactly what we did for the day, but I remember the raw emotion of it. It was the most thrilling and exciting time I had ever had. I was just barely able to return to my human self in time to get back home and cleaned up before my parents came home.

The rest of the summer went pretty much the same way. I spent all day as a dog, and it was becoming so natural that I was starting to walk on all fours and bark when I was at home. My parents were starting to think that there was something seriously wrong with me.

I was disappointed when summer came to an end and school was starting. It meant that I would have to sit all day and listen to the teacher and not be able to run free with my best friend. I was glad to see my human friends again, but I was having trouble adjusting back to human life. It all just seemed so bland and boring.

After that summer, I went looking for that dog again many times. I was never able to find him again. I even looked through all the shelters and put out ads in the paper. It seemed as if he had disappeared off the face of the earth.

I reluctantly moved on with my life, and completed school. I found a good job and ended up moving to an apartment a few miles away. I managed to assume an adult role, but something in the back of my mind kept calling me back to where I belonged. I tried to put it out of my mind. It was time to grow up and act like a man. I couldn't be a kid anymore.

My life wasn't anything special, and I always felt it could have been so much more. I was never able to put my finger on it, but I always felt that something was missing from my life. Sometimes a small change can make all the difference. A simple decision to go right instead of left can make all the difference down the road.

I tried, mostly successfully, for several years to put my adult life and job first. I found a few guys to date, and even managed to get a few raises and promotions. Still something felt wrong.

As I went about my daily business, I would catch glimpses of things out of the corner of my eye. It was never very long or clear, but I could swear it was a large dog. By the time I would look around, nothing would be there. I was beginning to think I was starting to loose my mind.

Over time the sightings would become more and more frequent. Sometimes I would look around and find it was simply someone walking with their pet, but often it would be in places where there couldn't possibly be a dog.

My parents decided that they would take a cruise and tour in Florida, and asked me to keep an eye on the house for them and bring in the mail. I quickly agreed, and wished them a good time on their trip.

The first time I walked into the house to collect the mail, a wave of nostalgia hit me. Of course I had been back many times to see my parents, but this was the first time I had been here alone since I was a child. I dropped the mail into a box my parents had left on the kitchen table and sat down. I could almost hear the sounds and smell the smells of childhood.

I was lost in thought for a long time, when suddenly I caught sight of a dog out of the corner of my eye. It looked like it was in the back yard, and I got up quickly and ran to the door.

I didn't see anything, and walked out into the backyard. Still nothing. Something compelled me to continue through the yard and to the wooded area beyond. Obviously no one had been back here for years, as thorn covered vines had grown over the paths I used to take.

Still, without really knowing why, I pushed on. After a few dozen feet, the vines subsided, and I was able to walk freely about the woods. I quickly found myself back in the clearing where so many years ago I had spent that wonderful summer. I stood still and listened to the sounds of nature and let mind transport me back to that time in my childhood.

After standing there for about 10 minuets, I felt totally at peace, as if this is where I was supposed to be. There was something in the air that caused all of my worries and cares to melt away. I wished I could stay forever, but I had commitments. Sadly, I took one last look around, and promising myself I would stay longer tomorrow, made my way back to the house.

The rest of the day went smoothly, thanks in part to my reinvigorated sprit. I don't know why I had stayed away so long. I got more accomplished than I had in a long time and resolved to try and keep this feeling with me.

The next day, I went back to the house to get the mail. Something drew me to my childhood bedroom. As I entered the door, I was flooded with memories of my past. It was pleasant for the most part, but I could tell that something was missing. There seemed to be a hint of something underlying the memories and feelings. It was almost as if there was a second set of memories there.

If I concentrated hard enough, I could almost pick out another version of events. At first it seemed like an echo, but things were subtly different. I seemed happier and more fulfilled. There was a definite difference in the overall atmosphere. I couldn't tell exactly what caused the change, but I could tell that this version of events was the true one, and the way things were supposed to be.

I tried as hard as I could to pull in each of the alternate memories, and spent hours creating as complete a version of this alternate past as I could. The more I saw the more I was convinced that what I was seeing were real events. I yearned to return this time and wished it could have been my childhood.

When I couldn't find anything more, I decided to make my way out into the back yard. I was again drawn to the clearing. Today I was again alone, but I felt a stronger sense of calm and peace. It was as if something was pulling me towards a time and place that make all of my problems disappear.

The next thing I knew, it was dark and I had spent the entire day, as far as I could tell, just standing out in the woods. Deep in my mind, I knew it was so much more.

My stomach started growling, pulling me the rest of the way back to the present. I made my way back to the house, putting the mail on the kitchen table. After a quick check to make sure everything was okay, I locked up and made my way home.

For the rest of the time my parents were gone, I made as much time as I could to prowl around the house hoping that I could catch another glimpse of this alternate past I had seen. I would sit on the floor in each room and close my eyes, hoping to feel the pull of the past.

It was eerie and sent chills through my body every time it happened, but as the memories formed in my mind, they filled me with a happy feeling that I had never felt before. I didn't know if was just going crazy or exactly what was going on, but I liked it. The feelings I got from the memories had the same kind of effects as a drug. I was becoming addicted to them. Almost to the point of shutting out my real life, not that it would have been too big a loss.

Friday night I arranged to spend the whole weekend at the house. I was so caught up in the past that I didn't even notice that I hadn't really moved for nearly three days when my parents came in the door. They were surprised to find me there, but were happy to see me. We went out to eat at the local Chinese buffet, and spent several hours talking about their trip. I must have put away two or three plates of food, but I could only feign interest in their trip. I was much more interested in what I had experienced. Still, it was good to see them again.

I came over many times after that, claiming I had missed them. I was really wanting to see if I could recapture what I had felt when they were gone. Nothing ever happened. I even tried coming when I knew they wouldn't be home, but I couldn't catch even a hint of what I had felt. I was starting to think I imagined it.

I eventually went back to my normal life, going through a kind of withdrawal. I started to feel a little depressed knowing that I could have had something better, but not quite knowing what would have made the difference.

A few months later, my parents called me and let me know that they had decided to retire to Florida. They had loved the tour so much, that they decided they wanted to move there.

I went and helped them pack up their things, and even brought home a few of my childhood things I found along the way. I did my best to keep a happy outlook, knowing that I would be losing my connection to whatever I was experiencing.

The house sold not to long after that. I was heartbroken knowing I would never again experience the euphoria I had felt that week. I would sometimes pass by the house on the way to some activity, and would feel a tugging at my heart, but there was nothing I could do.

I tried to live my life as normal, but I couldn't shake that feeling that something was supposed to be different. As time went on, I was able to bury the feeling. I went back to my life, letting the alternate memories fade from my mind. After what seemed like an eternity, things had returned almost to normal.

Then I was talking to one of my coworkers, and learned that a new housing development was going in nearby. When they told me where, I realized it was right behind my childhood home. That meant that the forest and the clearing would be destroyed.

I knew that if I ever wanted to figure out what was going on, I had to visit the clearing once again. I had been meaning to do it for a while now, but never had the time. Now I couldn't wait, or I would loose the chance forever.

I drove over to my old neighborhood, and pulled up on the street near my old house. I hadn't seen it since it was sold, and the family that moved in had repainted it and done some work on it. It looked good, but something in me still preferred it the old way. Nostalgia I guess.

I looked passed the house, and could see large numbers of pieces of heavy equipment moving around behind it. They were clearing out the forest, and leveling the ground. They left large bald spots and muddy patches. The land looked so sad.

I knew it wouldn't be long before they hit the clearing. I got out of my car and ran through what was left of the forest, hoping that the clearing was still intact. I felt a surge of relief through my body as I found that the machines hadn't made it that far. They were close, I had made it just in time.

I looked into the clearing, and much to my surprise, saw the dog. It looked the same as it did so many years ago. Without thinking, I started to shed my clothes. First I took off my shoes and socks. Then came my shirt, which I flung to the ground. My pants followed quickly, and my hands reached for the waist of my boxer briefs just as I was beginning to enter the clearing. I slid them down my legs, and tossed them back out of the clearing with the rest of my clothes.

The air of the clearing felt wonderful against my bare skin. I smelled the air, and noticed I couldn't detect the hint of diesel fumes in the air. It was also much quieter than outside. I spun 360 degrees taking in the sights, and was astonished at what I saw.

There wasn't a trace of the construction here. Everything was pristine and just as I had remembered it. The forest stretched on for what seemed like miles. A sense of peace came over me, as the dog approached me and started to lick my hands.

I looked down at the dog, and felt the irritable urge to join it on all fours. As my knees and hands hit the ground, a wave of pleasure came over me. I looked at my body, as a think coat of blond fur started to cover it. I felt a pressure on my spine as a tail began to push its way out.

As I watched in wonder, my fingers started to shift and become paws, my legs shifted and my feet took their position as paws, giving me the traditional stance of a dog. My nose flattened out, and my mouth started to push out into a muzzle.

I must have looked strange as my features gradually changed, what surprised me was that I felt no pain as my muscles and bones shifted beneath my skin. It wasn't long before my tail had reached its full length, and was covered in the same fur as my body.

Following shortly after that, my muzzle finished its growth, and I could feel my ears move to the top of my head and flop over. I was amazed at the new sights and smells that I could sense through my new ears and nose.

A wave of disorientation washed over me as the transformation completed. Where once a human stood, was now a perfectly formed yellow lab. I looked around, letting my new instincts take over. Everything looked the same yet different. I had a new appreciation for the simple things that I would have just ignored as a human.

The dog barked, and motioned for me to follow him. I started to walk behind him, enjoying the power and felling of my new form. As we reached the edge of the clearing, I wondered what would happen. The dog had always stopped here before.

Much to my surprise, he kept walking. I followed close behind, and we came up to the back of house. I recognized it immediately as the one I had grown up in, but subtly changed. It seemed newer and fresher. As I was contemplating the house, I heard the back door swing open. Looking over I saw a small boy run out of the house towards us.

I was totally shocked to discover that the young boy was me! At least me as I had been at the age of 12 or so. He ran over to us and started to pet me. As he did so, my mind filled with memories of a life that never was. I remembered growing up with him, playing with him, and learning tricks from him. I could sense how much he loved me.

From one of his pockets, the boy pulled out a collar, and placed it around my neck. All the while praising me and telling me what a good dog I was, and how happy he was to see me. As the Collar fastened around my neck, I snapped into this reality and became his dog. My memories of my old life floated in the background and if I concentrated really hard, I could call them back. But why would I want to?

I now knew what it was that had made my life better in this universe. That revelation filled me with a sudden sense of pride knowing that everything would be better. As I settled into my new role, I vowed to do everything I could to make sure the boy's life was the best it could possibly be.

As the boy started to lead me back into the house for our evening meal, I glanced back to see the other dog give what I can only call an approving look, and start making his way back to the clearing. I can only assume that he was there waiting for the next lost soul who needed his help to find their way back to their true home.