Soul Stalkers - 08

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of Soul Stalkers

I am never going to finish this story and so I'm ending it here. This happy ending is much better than all of the horror I had planned. I know this will annoy some of my fans but I have extremely important stories to write and this one is just kind of hanging in the air. Now it is finished. Now I can move on.

Dearest Tammy,

My world has gone wrong. The demon who kissed you has destroyed our bond. I can no longer feel your beast. You are free. I am compromised but you can return to a mortal life. Let go of the wolf and it will fade in time. Allow yourself to become human again. Stay with Angela and love her for the rest of your life. Do not look for me.


Tears fell onto the paper as Tammy read it a third time. Eventually she set it down on the table and turned to look out the window. The sun was setting. Somehow they had lost a full day. The party had been Friday evening and Tammy had not opened her eyes until the sun was dipping toward the horizon on Saturday. Every part of her ached from frantic mating and there were no answers.

The water heater only took only a moment to do its job and Tammy turned it as hot as she could stand. An old friend of her mortal family had once told her that hot water could fix anything and right now she needed fixing. Though she would have preferred a bath, Tammy felt so gross that she did not want to sit in a pool of her own filth. The bite-marks on her skin had mostly healed, becoming purple bruises, but all of her muscles felt as if they had been cramping for hours. The damn demon had also managed to bring her period about a week early and that just seem to add to her bitchy mood.

Hot water hit her skin and made her jump. Goosebumps erupted across the whole of her and she braced her hands against the wall with eyes shut, enjoying the sensation.

"Tammy?" Angela called out as the door opened a crack. "Can I join you?"

"Did you read the note?" Tammy asked as she took up the soap and began to scrub dried cum out of her aching personal spots.

"Y-yeah," Angela said, and Tammy could tell by the tone of her voice that she had.

"Alright," Tammy said and soon her pack-mate joined her.

The shower was large enough for their master to stand in while in his full werewolf form which meant the two women had no problem sharing the space. A spout had been installed on two separate walls and one of them was detachable. Tammy admired her little-sister.

No ... she's my pack-mate. Master wants us to stay lovers. I guess that means we should get married and stay together for life. Part of me wants that too but I don't know if we should. He was controlling our minds, after all. Maybe we should break up and never see each other again.

"Don't do that," Angela said and Tammy froze.

"What?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Please," Angela said firmly, "don't think about leaving me."

"How ... did you-"

"Tammy," Angela said, cutting her off, "we're connected. We've done more than just fuck a bunch. I'm sensitive to the magic of our kind. I can hear the spirits and sense all of the things you and Master were fighting about. I could practically hear your thoughts, just now, and if you think I'm letting you go ... you're dead wrong."

"Angela ... I-," Tammy began but her pack-mate just hugged her hard.

"I love you, Tammy!" Angela said through a storm of emotion. "I'm not letting you go! I'll marry you or stay your secret lover or whatever you want me to do! Don't ... just don't you dare think about leaving me!"

"Alright," Tammy whispered. "God, Angela ... I love you too."

She finally said it. There was silence then as they held each other, tears falling silently into the stream of the water. Eventually they parted to and finished their bathing but once they had left the shower they sat together on a couch in the front room. They did not want to be out of touching distance of the other and it took time before they started talking again.

"Did you get that paper done for Doctor Sullivan's class?" Tammy asked.

"Yeah," Angela replied dreamily. "He wants me to go all the way to PHD land with him."

"Full biologist?" Tammy asked. "He liked your ideas about RNA replication that much?"

"He says I have a lot to learn but he wants to read more about my ideas," Angela said with an embarrassed grin. "He says the cure to everything is in my head and he wants me to learn everything he knows. Something about me curing cancer or something."

"And what do you think?" Tammy asked.

"I don't know," Angela said. "I mean ... curing cancer would be great but who would actually listen to a lesbian werewolf." Something about that statement seemed way funnier than it should have been and the pair burst into inappropriate laughter. When they settled down they spent some time kissing and then they settled back and stared out the window as the stars began filling the sky. "He's not coming back this time."

"I know," Tammy said as her anger flickered back to life.

"You ... want to go after him?" Angela asked cautiously.

"I think you know the answer to that," Tammy told her curtly.

"Well," Angela said cautiously, "I know a guy."

"A ... guy?" Tammy asked suspiciously.

"Oh, don't say it like that," Angela scolded her. "He wants to fuck me but I won't do it unless you're there with me."

"I'm sure he'd love that," Tammy said with a huff.

"He's ... kind of like us," Angela said, but she did not sound certain.

"Wait ... do you mean Ansa?" Tammy asked and Angela nodded. "Yeah ... I spoke to him once or twice. What do you mean kind of like us? He's just like us."

"I don't think he is," Angela said. "He was flirting with me when he said it, but he said he would help if we got into trouble again."

"Whatever he told you," Tammy said sternly, "it's not out of the goodness of his heart."

"He said he's not into slaves and wants us to be able to rebel against those who want to control us," Angela said quietly.

"Yeah, that's what that demon bitch said last night," Tammy growled. "You saw how that worked."

"Yeah," Angela said with a little grin as she squeezed Tammy's hand. "Abigail's cure for being a thrall could have been worse."

"Yeah, well ... yeah," Tammy admitted. "I guess that could have gone worse." They were quiet for a little longer. "Do you think they're working together?"

"No," Angela said confidently. "Abigail's different. I don't think anyone controls her."

"She does seem a little free willed," Tammy said and then something occurred to her. "Did you call your dad?"

"Yeah," Angela said softly, "he wants to meet you."

"What did you tell him?" Tammy asked sternly.

"Just ... that I'd met someone," Angela said a little defensively. "I ... might have mentioned gay rights and I think he got the message. He said he's not going to make any decisions until he's met you."

"So ... want to elope?" Tammy asked as Angela began to blush uncontrollably.

"I was thinking we could just act like a perfectly normal lesbian couple while fighting the forces of evil."

Tammy felt heat buildup in her chest and she looked steadily at the woman she loved. "Do you still want to go fuck Ansa what's-his-name together?"

"Yeah," Angela said with a sly nod, "we could do that." The pair of them giggled and then Angela suddenly gasped a little. "Hey ... you swore."

"Yeah," Tammy said and then she tried out all of the cursing she had not been allowed to do for the past year.

"Well ... sounds like that works," Angela said as she wrinkled her nose a bit. "I think I prefer the non-swearing Tammy better."

"Alright, love," Tammy said, "I'll work at it."

"Love?" Angela stated as she looked like she might start to cry.

"Oh ... dammit," Tammy said. "This is why I don't like getting all ..." she paused and huffed. "Yeah ... uhm ... Angela, will you marry me?"


The snow crunched under heavy boots and white puffs of breath hung in the air. Tammy looked at her fiancé and she nodded. Without speaking they moved towards a nice restaurant. When the hostess came up to greet them, Angela described Ansa in detail. The hostess blushed and then showed them to the table where the large black man lounged in a u-shaped booth with his arm around a powerful looking woman who was just as dark as he was.

"Thanks for agreeing to see us, Ansa," Tammy said politely. "Mind if we sit?" Ansa's smile was both playful and knowing but his companion looked as if she wanted to tear their throats out with her teeth."

"O' course, mon," he said with a gesture to the far side of the booth. He then patted his companion and cooed to her. "It okay, love. Be good to our guests." Tammy made it a point to sit first, scooting herself between Angela and the werelion who gazed at them through heavy lidded eyes. "So ... what be bringing Adolf's prized thralls to old Ansa."

_Adolf?_Tammy thought and filed that information away for later. "He's gone."

"That right?" Ansa asked as his smile grew smug. "He run away, eh? Not knowin' 'im ta be craven." He pushed the woman next to him away and leaned towards them. "You lookin' ta get even wit' what he did to ya?"

"Maybe a little," Tammy said, "but I won't know until I find him."

"You ... takin' ovah as alpha?" Ansa asked Tammy.

"I don't know yet," she admitted. "We ... don't know as much as we would like to know about this new world."

"Oh?" Ansa asked as he nodded gravely. "Well, that be bad now. Lots to this little world. Our kind been known to fight. Wars were bad but now there's a treaty."

"You see," Tammy said brightly, "that's why we need to find him. We need to know this stuff. I think he sensed we were breaking free from his power and he ran off before we could challenge him."

"No no not we," Ansa said as he waived one slab of a hand, "jus' you."

"Me?" Tammy asked.

"This one," Ansa said as he gestured to Angela, "be followin' you lead. She love you good ... loves you for real, I think. Why you want Adolf? Why don't you jus' let the wolf go? Go back ta being human. You be happy that way, me think."

"No," Tammy said firmly. "I'm not giving this up. I want to stay ..." she paused and glanced around the restaurant and then lowered her voice back to normal. "I want to stay like this. I love being ... I love being a wolf. I'm strong, confident ... I don't think I'd be able to be weak again."

The big black man rubbed at his chin as if considering his words. "I can see that," he said with a nod. "It be a wild world out there. Now that yah taste the power ... yah don't want ta give it back. I see ... I see." He looked to his scowling companion and she glared at him.

"No," Tammy said but then she paused to think about it.

"Yes?" Ansa asked as his grin grew wider and more knowing.

"Shit," Tammy muttered. "Alright ... you're right. My old master-"

"Adolf," Ansa said, cutting her off.

"Like ... fucking Hitler?" Tammy asked as she heard the name again. The big black man nodded and Tammy nodded with him. "Fine ... Adolf showed me who I really was. I love being this way and I'm not going back. I'm sure you know what I mean."

"I know what you mean, lass," Ansa said with a leonine smile. "This be da good life. We know things the sheep can never be knowin'. Be it good or bad ... we be in the know. If yah be dedicated, we can find 'im. He teach yah trackin'?"

"A little," Tammy said with a nod. Angela's hand found hers and she squeezed it gently. Tammy had asked her to do that if she became too aggressive or if her emotions were getting the better of her so she took a breath and leaned back. "What do you need us to do?"