
Story by Graying Wolf on SoFurry

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It is odd when you think about it, sometimes you simply let time flow in front of you, people living their own stories, everyone being the protagonist of each book that keeps being written. Some of them would end prematurely others would take complete sagas to even get a glimpse of their journeys.

Meanwhile, the cerulean furred wolf sat on a bench, eyes unfocused, almost as if she was on a trance or even blind, she had a sketchbook on her lap, pencil moving surprisingly fast even though the drawer herself wasn't looking at the page. The canine just kept working on it, the sound of the graphite scratching the page, making lines and curves.

The sound of a car's alarm startled Diana, blinking and looking around, not realizing how much time she went in the drawing trance "Must have been a while, I feel so stiff." The wolf complained to herself while stretching her arms and back until the sound of her spine popping made the wolf gran in comfort. Looking down at the drawing she made, the canine couldn't help but smile.

It was a calm scene, being a park with kids playing around in the middle of the day, a bear cub was playing tag with an eagle girl, the former using his larger figure to look intimidating, but by the smile shown on the beak of the latter as she flapped her still growing wings, they were having fun. Another case was of a shark girl, a five-year-old by the size she had, who looked with interest at an older and way bigger shark, they were reading a book while sitting on a bench, a curious thing was that the great white shark male had scars along his face and some could be seen on his arms, yet his eyes showed so much wisdom as he was reading the book to the curious girl _("Probably his granddaughter") _was the first thought of the wolf.

Looking at the other edge side of the drawing, an older bear and eagle could be seen, the bear had her head resting on the eagle's shoulder, which made the bird look smaller already, he was looking at the kids playing, a cigar in his beak, not doing much, just looking. As for the bear, she seemed to be sleeping by the posture she had, one large hand holding the winged arm of the eagle.

("This one is a good drawing") Diana started adding details on the page, like the pieces of rust on the playground, the feathers of the eagles, even the leaves they flew with the ending of the winter, everyone had lighter pieces of clothing to deal with the weather, but it was starting to get more template, proved by the elder shark whose jacket was on his shoulder.

Getting up on her feet, the cerulean furred canine stashed the sketchbook in its backpack, pencil twirling around her fingers as she moved along the sidewalk, thinking of what to do. Looking at the street, she would see the shops and restaurants, filled to the brim as it was the highest active moment of the day, a gazelle moving as fast as she could to pick up plates on an outdoor restaurant while a rhinoceros was fixing the lights of a clothing shop.

The mirror exploded, pieces of glass slicing her back fueled the canine's adrenaline as she jumped and stomped his knee...

Shaking her head, the wolf tried to get rid of the memory, that was already on the past, she was fine and healed, the gym owner apologized so much that it was even desperate _("Then agian, I could have easily sued.") _she chuckled, remembering the talk with the lion on her hospital room, he was a good guy and the gym was one she frequented, having some friends that were great workout partners.

The howl of agony was followed by a roar of fury, then her stomach felt on fire...

Diana held her head as a throbbing headache came, as if someone used a sledgehammer and hit her brain ("Stop thinking about it, you were defending yourself,") the wolf repeated that sentence over and over, walking up the stairs of the bridge to cross the street.

The stare of pure terror as she limped towards him, horn still imbedded on her stomach, the wolf lifted the barbell, ready to swing...

Stumbling back at reality as she accidentally bumped with someone, the canine apologized and held the edge of the fence, the sound of metal being scratched brought her attention to her hand, claws already leaving a mark on the fence's bar.

The moaning filled her ears, the humping made the water splash, her claws were sratching the bathtub's rim as her hand held it, leaving deep lines...

A simple slash would be enough...

Opening her eyes, Diana released the hold on the fence, breathing hard and sweating. She walked faster towards her destination, trying to stay, the sound of wood cracking within her hand was what kept the cerulean furred girl awake ("The pencil is real, the cracks are real, focus on them.")

She was nearly there, the sound of waves crashing on the surface was a comforting sound to her ears, the feeling of the sand shifting with each step kept the canine intact. Then she stumbled with a rock, landing on her knees.

One was terrified, the other disappointed, but she was so close to end one and crush one...

Hands now holding her head, Diana, clashing thoughts trying to get the spotlight, she looked at the remnants of the pencil, pieces of it on the sand, others still on her palm. She had to vent, and fast. Looking around for anything, the wolf found a rock, her rock, its smooth surface was always comforting whenever she lied down or even slept on it, it would do for now.

Dropping her backpack on the sandy surface, the wolf's hands became fists, trembling with pent up energy, and with a breath, she punched the rock, nothing happened, then again with another punch.

And again

And again

And again

Her knuckles were throbbing, but the pain felt good, it showed it was real, she needed real right now, the canine's muscles fueling with adrenaline as she attacked the rock, each punch stronger than the one before, the sand starting to shift with the force coming from her.

The smooth obsidian would start to show scratches, followed by cerulean strands, then red, only droplets, but consistent with each breath from her. It then became the rhinoceros of the gym, knee broken, stomach bruised and horn missing, then became the dire wolf, the smug grin twisting into something wicked, both shattering as if they were mirrors, pieces of glass flying.

Until the rock cracked, the crack stopped the wolf in mid punch, breathing hard, fists throbbing, feeling the wind on her injured knuckles. Her pupils showed she was on high alert, ears moving around for possible threats, claws tightly pressed on her palm, nearly cutting the skin.

A whimper escaped Diana's lips, anger dissolved, becoming a hollow pit as she fell on her back, the sand being her comfort, but it vanished as her knuckles touched it, a burning feeling took all her brain power as the pain receptors flared with alarms, she quickly cleaned the cut knuckles with her shirt until the burn became just an ember, same with her sould, only an echo of the raging inferno.

In the end, she simply sat by the rock, a finger tracing the crack made, her other hand was changing pages on her sketchbook, seeing so many scenes and people, tired eyes looked at them, memorizing their emotions, then they closed as she sighed.

She looked up to the now starry night, feeling the wind on her cheek, feeling the chains lose their hold and her lungs feeling with oxygen, a small smile forming, the cerulean wolf's book still had chapters to be written,