
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Try as I might, the slips & struggles keep me in continuous clockwork discovery

Seeing what's been sighted, fought for, wronged, & righted throughout history

So many sitting on a thought long forgotten, seen as not enough

Too many with plenty mistakes, trying their best to make them seem tough

It's just what it's always been, same as before, slowing becoming what it was then

A choice never challenged beyond its "half" one-sided "full" potential

The callus hands of a stone hearted man who's long forgotten how to be gentle

Storms turn as fires burn fields of dreams into crystal clear hope-filled streams

All the while, the happy, sad, angry, mad, share in an upright, or upside-down smile

We often wake on a thought that turned into an unseen mistake

Though we seem to know, after it all, what we should of done, for our own sake

Most in life, would agree, very few things go as we hope, as we'd like to see..

In many a word, many a language, it's best many a time, to let most of those instances be...

"The endings unavoidable, so truly, no need to mention it..." ????

Live life, happy for what comes your way, & in trying, never quit..." ??

    • - Thanks for reading - - -
    • - Always - - -

Written listening to: "Young Mister - Everything has its place"