Sophomore Year: SUA

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#8 of Sophomore Year

In this installment we have the lost and forgotten Tyran and Jakob make an appearance for the first time in Sophmore Year. Explore SUA, and maybe meet a potential new character? Temporary is only here for a while, but the memory last a lifetime!

I apologize for double posting. I accidently made this chapter into a journal. The problem has been fixed. Thank you for your time!

The Ninth Installment for Sophmore Year will release soon!


Sophomore Year: I'm Coming Out

God hates fags. I was starting to believe that. After all that has happened in the previous year, the statement was starting to become a fact. A little while back my friend and I decided to take our relationship to the next level, but this friend was not a girl. No. This friend, Drake, was a guy, and I fell madly in love with him.

Yes,the person was a guy and that makes me gay, at least that's what I was made to believe by social normality. To be honest, I was not gay, nor would I consider myself bisexual. Hell, I can't even consider myself straight after dating my best friend. My sexual orientation was weird. I love women. The smell, their looks, and those beautiful bodies and huge titties! Just thinking about them makes me drool.

So am I bisexual? I did date Drake, yet he was the only guy that interested me. We grew up together, forming a bond that was closer than brothers. Little did I know, that connection would evolve into something beautiful, yet destructive.

Drake was the one to initiate those feelings. He loved me more than life itself, and at times I felt like his love would run much deeper. I often felt intimidated by his love for me, but his presence... his smile... his laugh... They would all erase my doubts, filling me with more love than I could ever imagine. I tried to return the affection, and I did. I actually loved this guy back. Unfortunately, unlike his love for little ole me, when I needed to show him how much I cared, I couldn't.

When Shawn told my parents I was gay, all of the courage Drake gave me vanished. To see my foster parents look at me with such distaste forced out every bit of fight I had in me, making me feel like shit every time I even think of Drake. How could I defend him when the two with power over my life stood in front of me, belittling the one person I truly ever loved?

I sound like a school girl. I'd like to be one of those right about now. Instead, I am stuck in a place known as SUA, also referred to as Straighten Up Academy.

SUA is a military school. I don't understand why my parents jumped to this extreme. I blame Shawn. That little weasel probably had something to do with the drastic approach my parents took to insure their son would not turn into a fag. All in all, this was a bit extreme. A straight A kid being sent to a school with hardened teenagers. You could find all types of crazy kids here, from thugs, to teenage hackers. They were all crammed in this place with the hope of being rehabilitated. Meanwhile, I was here for the simplest reason: for loving a guy.

Two weeks into Military School, and I was already anticipating my release. Every morning started with a drill sergeant bursting in a large room full of young boys where everyone slept in bunk beds, yelling at the top of his lungs. Immediately, everyone jump up and stands beside their bunk. Every morning at 4:00 a.m I had to go through this, and every morning I hated it. Standing next to all of those guys in nothing but our boxers made me uncomfortable. I guess sending me here was a good idea after all.

Next we made our way to the obstacle course, then jog ten miles, and after all of that, breakfast was served. After two weeks I still had not gotten use to this intense regimen. I felt like I would die. Ever since the first day, my body ached, from my head to my toes. All of the working out made me think about Drake. I remember how much effort he put into sculpting his body. He followed a similar workout plan, pushing through it not because a drill sergeant assaulted his ear drum. No, Drake pushed himself to be the fastest -to be the strongest. The memory of his dedication gave me the motivation to survive.

One thing I feared coming into SUA was being surrounded by future convicts. I am a small guy who focuses on school and grades, not drugs and sex. I had nothing in common with these guys, so of course making friends would pose as a problem. I wish Drake was here. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad... But I had to stop thinking about him. I had to move on with my life, because no matter how bad I wanted to see, touch, and love my old boyfriend, I would never get that chance. I knew even when I left this place my parents would never allow Drake and I to date, let alone inhabit the same room as each other. The smart decision was to sever my tie with Drake -forever.

Classes began after breakfast. My day consisted of four classes, plus drills that was at the end my fourth class. The teachers were very strict. They all possessed dominant attitudes and demanded respect from every student. When they were not given respect, teachers were allowed to contact the drill sergeant. Those who disobeyed the rules were forced to run miles, and the worse your attitude, the more miles ran. This kept them in place during classes, but when teachers were not around kids acted like kids.

I played it smart. I learned that the best way to stay out of trouble is to become the teachers shadow, so I spent most of my time helping teachers grade papers and check homework. Some of the other students didn't like how I chose to spend my time, but I could care less. I would do anything to survive here, especially seeing how incredibly misplaced I felt. A straight A student should not have to go through this much mental stress... God I missed Drake. If he was here I would never worry. I would always be safe.

September 18th, 2017. The last class of the day was PE, but every class felt like PE. All of the students were required to do drills: pull-ups, push-ups, ran miles, and completed our obstacle course. The first day of PE was the worse for me. I am a small guy, so my body wasn't able to keep up with the workout, but overtime I became use to it and my body memorized the drills. With each day I could feel myself get stronger. In no time my body transformed. The once slender frame had become more defined. I wasn't as built as Drake, but I could see the muscle slowly build.

After we finished our drills, we made our way to the showers. The stench of sweaty teenagers filled the misty room. I never looked at any of my classmates. I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention; plus I was not into guys in that way. Just Drake...

I am lying. On occasions I would glance over a nice body. A nice pair of abs, and a chest to compliment them, always caught my attention. They remind me of Drake. I fantasize about him more often than I'd like. The whole point of being here was to force me to stop loving Drake. I needed to do that, but doing so is so hard. He would never take me back, not after I turned my back on him. I didn't call; I never texted. In order to survive I shut him out of my life, denying my best friend the closure he so rightfully deserved.

I finished showering and made my way to the personal locker given to each student. I dried my fur and began dressing myself when a huge shadow descended over me. I turned around to find three furs: a bear, cougar, and German shepherd, towering over my small, 5 foot 5 body. They all wore very intimidating looks on their face as they glared at me.

The cougar was the first to speak.

"Well, well. If it isn't the teachers pet."

"H-hey guys.." I said, my voice barely breaking the air.

The cougar stepped up, propping one leg up on a bench. He wore nothing but a towel with one of his golden brown legs exposed. "We see you around here clinging to the teachers like you're some lame, bitch boy. Why don't you hangout with the rest of us? Think you're to good for everyone here?"

"N-no... I just want to do my time a-and leave..."

The three started to laugh. Hearing the laughter brought more eyes in my direction as a few more guys began to circle around. I could feel my anxiety start to flourish. This is exactly what o tried so hard to avoid.

The cougar sat on the bench. He was so big, even when he sat down he was at eye level with me. He looked me straight in the eye and grinned. "Time? We're not in prison. Some of these guys are here because of their parents being military."

"Why are you here? Are your parents in the military?" I asked.

The cougar chuckled. "Oh no. I'm here because I beat the hell out of some piece of shit human for looking at me."

Wow! Humans and Anthros were always at war with each other. From as long as we can remember a line was drawn between us and them because of how their ancestors treated ours. I felt bad for the humans. We out numbered them a hundred to one. Laws protected humans nowadays, but some Anthros formed groups to keep their hatred alive. I saw both sides, but you could only feel bad for Humans. They had a lot in common with myself, being the victim of bullying.

"And why are you here?" The cougar's head slightly tilt to the side. A look of amusement bloomed over his face as he could see my own.

I must have looked nervous. That is because I am. I hate the spot light and spent the last two weeks trying my best to avoid it at all cost. Now I was slap down in the middle of everyone's attention.

"So what did you do to get thrown in here?" The bear asked this time. Everyone gave me their attention as they stared at me in anticipation. Their stares demanded an answer. What should I tell them?

The truth?

Not the truth. The truth would only make bullies, not friends. You can't tell a room full of delinquents about your parents sending you to military school for dating a guy. Might as well cut your own foot off.

I had to lie. If I were to survive in this hellhole I would need a new personality. I had to become someone else, and the perfect person popped up into my head. The only way to keep my head out of a toilet was to transform my personality into Shaun. How hard could it be? I had a front row seat to observe his stupidity for years.

"Shit dude, where do I start?" I looked the bear straight in the eye. "This boxer guy at my old school thought he was tough, so me and a bunch of guys got together and fucked him up. The police came and took us in. You know how that go. Parents had to come get us. The folks were pissed! Especially after they found some of the sticky when they booked me."

All eyes were on me as I pulled them into a complete lie. So far, so good, it seemed.

"Then my adopted brother and I got into a little fight. I found out he had a boyfriend." The crowd gasped. "I know, a boyfriend. The dude was a complete homo! Who would have guessed? Not me, that's for sure."

"Get the fuck out of here," The bear said as he shook his head.

"No lie, man. I caught the little faggot in bed with his boyfriend one night. I beat the shit out of both of them. My parents weren't so thrilled with my reaction, so they sent me here. "I shrugged. "No big deal. I rather be here than in a house with a fag."

The crowd of guys began to converse, all in shock from the story I just pulled out of my ass. Conversations formed. I couldn't hear everything said, but the occasional, "He's small, but a complete badass," was thrown in every now and then. I gave a triumphant smirk.

"So you finally fought Drake?"

I froze as a mysterious voice fell over the room. A tall, muscular, carmel wolf emerged from the crowd. Furs moved out of his way as he walked toward where I stood. As the wolf moved closer I could make out a familiar face.

With my jaws hung open, I mumbled the name, "Jakob?"


Long time no see. Last time I had a voice my lips were locked with everyone's favorite bear, Brandon. Since then I have been hiding at SUA, trying to get my life back in order because after my kiss in the locker room, I have been lost and confused.

I'm sure everyone would like to know my sexuality. I kind of left a lot of unanswered questions. Am I gay? Am I straight? Am I bisexual? During freshmen year I kissed a guy, dated a girl, and had a mental break down at the final football game of the season. The falling out with Brandon stung my pride; mix that with losing the most important game of my life caused me to run away from my problems. I was so emotionally unstable I told my father I was gay.

No, my father didn't send me to SUA. The idea was mine, believe it or not. I begged and pleaded with him to send me so I could escape Brandon. I couldn't be around him while I tried to figure out who I am, so I overreacted and suggested being sent to Military School.

I fit right in here. I was use to waking up extremely early to workout. Every morning I woke up with a smile on my face, running through the drills, always wanting more. The drill sergeants were very fond of their overachiever. They made me into some sort of a mascot, giving me a private room away from all of the other boys.

Drills are used as punishment, but seeing how I used them for pleasure, instead of going through them twice a day, I had it only once. I attend classes like everyone else, but the only difference I that I have afternoons to myself. Call it a free period. Sometimes I would get bored and help staff.

Today I had to run an errand for Dean Sanders. He asked if i can deliver a letter to one of the sergeants who had drill duty for that afternoon. Fate must have personally given me this assignment because it put me face to face with my past.

I walked into the locker room. The drill sergeant was said to be here, but when I walked in I did not see any adults around, instead I found a crowd of guys circling around one fur. As I walked closer I could hear a voice, one very familiar.

"Shit, dude. Where do I start?" The familiar voice timidly cast itself over the room. "This boxer guy thought he was tough, so me and a bunch of guys got together and fucked him up. The police got involved and took us to jail. You know how that goes? My folks were pissed! Especially when they found some of the sticky when they booked me."

Who did this voice belong to? I can remember it from Madison, but putting a face to the voice proved to be a difficult task. At first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. How could someone from my past be here at SUA?

The familiar voice continued, "Then my adopted brother and I got into a little fight. I found out he had a boyfriend." The crowd gasped. "I know, a boyfriend. The dude was a complete homo! Who would have guessed? Not me, that's for sure."

All of the guys around began to converse with one another. The room filled with whispers as they discussed how bad ass a little lion could be. They kept talking about his size like that was important. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to see who was talking. Curiousity won in the end. I pushed body through a crowd of muscular mischiefs. When my eyes met the center of attention, my jaw dropped. I was right. I did know this guy. His voice and story was familiar for a reason.

The guy's name is Tyran. Even though him and I never hung out at school, I could never forget his performance at a party last year. Him and his foster brother had a little sibling fight. I can't remember everything that happened. The team I played for just won our first game, so my mind was else where, but I remember a drunk hyena slinging his brother and a bottle of vodka around like a paper bag in a hurricane. Drake ended up stepping in to rescue the little lion, so I was curious to hear those two had beef. The story didn't add up.

"So you finally fought Drake?" I said as I pushed my way through the crowd of pubescent teens. Once Tyran caught sight of me, his eyes widened. You'd think he saw a ghost.

"Jakob?" The little lion managed to say in a whimper-ish burst.

Dewayne, a cougar, blocked the path between Tyran and I. He slightly turned to face me. He looked amused, and I guess Tyran's tale was the cause of that. He was a little taller than myself, but that is because his age. He is two years older than I am, so of course he'd dwarf me in size. He felt like an alpha male; one of those guys who lead the pack into bad situations. Guys like that were common at this place.

"You know this guy?" Dewayne asked, looking at me as he nodded his head in Tyran's direction.

Tyran and I locked eyes. Fear stared back at me. He was scared out of his mind, only meaning the story I recently heard was actually false. I knew it! There was not a bad bone in his body. He is a straight A student. When I dated Amber, a close friend of Tyran, she told me how he had his life all planned out for the next 25 years. Tyran has goals. No way he should have been here, unless...

"Yes," I nodded. "I know Tyran. We went to school together at Madison High."

"Is he as crazy as he say? This kid seems like a real bad ass."

Tyran finally broke the eye contact. He stared down at the floor like a sad puppy. He appeared innocent and frightened. I don't know why, but I kind of wanted to help him. I remember all to well how it feels to feel alone in a large world, with only yourself to keep you company.

I locked eyes with Dewayne. "Oh yeah, back at school he was an animal. Drank like a sailor, skipped enough classes to fail at life, and when it comes to weed, this guy is the man."

I would be lying if I said backing Tyran's story was hard. All I did is think about his lowlife foster brother and describe him. The guys here like that type of stuff for some odd reason. High morals were not a noble gesture at SUA, yet that is our goal. Most of the guys here will end up in prison or dead.

"No shit?" Dewayne slapped his knee. "The little cat is actually a beast!"

Chatting began to pop up around me, all focused on Tyran. What Tyran thought was a way of fitting in is actually going to do more harm than good. He now wore a target on his back. All the delinquents here is going to want a piece of him in some way or another. I hope this place doesn't change him. I've seen some good guys become shells of their former selves. It is not a pretty sight, and to be honest I think the whole matter is sad.

"Y-yeah, he is when he wants to be. I hate to break up this little camp fire session, but I'm actually here for Tyran," I lied. "Sergeant Duke needs him for uhhh..."

"My late pre DA?" Tyran quickly added.

"That's it! Sergeant Duke says it's your last day to make it up, so we need to get to his class soon."

"Sorry guys! I'll tell you more of my story next time!" Tyran grabbed his things from a locker and tip toed through the mass of teenage boys. When he made it to where I stood, he softly said, "Thank you." and we made left the locker room.

Once we made it far enough from the locker room and out of hearing distance, I stepped in front of Tyran, facing him. I had so many questions to ask. Curiosity had me by the tail. I had to know why he was here.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Tyran looked off to the side.

"Didn't you hear, I'm an asshole my parents couldn't handle."

"Bullshit." I spat.

"What do you mean?"

"We both know you're one of the most straight forward teenagers there is. Good grades... stay out of trouble. Someone like you doesn't belong here.

Tyran now looked me in the eye. That fear from earlier had disappeared, replacing it with frustration.

"You don't know anything about me, dude. What you see is what I let people see. That's how life works isn't it? And why are you here, huh? I don't remember you getting in any trouble. Your grades stayed above C's to continue playing football? Or are the rumors true?"

Tyran's words came as a shock. I took a step back, wide eyed like Tyran was earlier when he saw me. How bad of a rumor were we talking? I guess the suspense took me by surprise and had its way with me because I had no idea what to say next.

I was able to muster the strength to mumble two words.

"What rumors?"

"There was a few that circulated for a while after you left, but the one that floated the longest was your obsession and love for Brandon, and how you two had a thing for each other."

Silence fell over Tyran and I. The exact outcome I feared had turned to reality. How could I ever go back to Madison High with everyone knowing my deepest and darkest secret. Last year I tried to ignore it, but that only lead to a mental break down and losing one of the most important games of my life. I could never face those people again knowing what they probably think of me.

"So it's true..." Tyran asked as if he already knows.


"No way... Brandon is gay?!"

"No!!!" I blurted. I had to change the topic, and quick! "Nothing happened between Brandon and I... But enough about Brandon. Let's talk about our Hybrid friend Drake."

Tyran's body retreated at the mention of Drake's name. There was something there.

I stepped foward, now a little more confident in myself. "Yeah. I heard your story earlier. How you fought Drake and his friends, when I specifically remember that being Shawn. It's like you took Shawn's personality and made it yours, which will only mean at the end, when you said Shawn was sleeping with Drake..."

"You don't know what you're talking about..."

"No? Then fill me in. What's the true story?"

Tyran gripped his backpack's strap and balled his fist with the empty paw. The little lion was becoming more and more angry at this conversation, but in my defense, so was I. I wondered if it was for the same reason, but the fear of being completely outed only caused me to put up my walls.

"I understand you are having an identity crisis, but I'm not. The reason I'm here is not because I hate myself, nor do I think something is wrong with me." Tyran stared at me, waiting for my response. A response I did not have. Did he know? Did everyone at Madison High find out why I left the precious year? Impossible! The only way I see it being true is if Brandon blabbed his mouth. Something I was afraid would happen and the reason I decided to switch schools.

When I didn't say anything, lost in my thoughts, Tyran turned around and stormed off to leave me feeling lost and a bit ashamed. Did I hate myself for being attracted to Brandon?