Silver Nights - Chapter 1

Story by Fatchaos on SoFurry

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Silver Nights - Chapter 1

-= The awakening =-

She stepped into his room, and had a silver bowl full of steaming water in it. The boy yawned as he woke to the sound of the oncoming steps. "Not yet, mom..."

  • "You know I'm not your mother..."

  • "Yes you are..."

She chuckled, and placed the bowl on a table next to the bed. The room was rather large for a child, the walls were made of sturdy stone, and there was a window with red curtains in it, with daylight shining inside. The floor was made of heavy, thick wood, as was the roof and the door. Though the room looked aged, it had sustained itself well in the hands of time. She looked at the boy, who turned his side. She thought he looked adorable... Very much so. The little being. She walked to the door, and turned to the boy in the doorway.

  • "Gelorah. 30 more minutes. No more."

  • "Ok, ok, mom...."

  • "Just call me Venzyriel..."

The boy mumbled something, but it was too quiet for her to figure out what he said.

  • "Gelorah! This is an important day for you, so you need to behave, alright?"

  • "I know, Venzyriel... But why do I have to wear this blue tunic? It's uncomfortable!"

  • "That may be, but we are going to a town today, and you need to look more... representative. There is someone I want you to meet."

  • "I've been eagerly waiting for this! I've not been in a town in a while! Can we go eat something? Your food is good but... it's nearly always vegetables!"

  • "Sure... we can go somewhere... But after I have introduced you to a certain someone."

Gelorah showed his enthusiasm by running around the room, he truly was a pure being. Yet, she would have to roughen him up. He was already 9, so his training had to begin now. She had already taught him a lot from the numerous books she had, and he had learned much. But he needed more than just books. He needed training & experience. And without him even noticing, she had tapped some of his powers already, slowly... It showed no physical changes yet, but, she was not to be hasty.

They ventured to the town of Ishimur, not too far away from their home fort, which was hidden deep in the great woods of middle Earthym, and she was holding Gelorah's hand as they walked in the streets. She had dressed in a more casual-looking dress than usual, one that covers her body more than her regular one. It was still a sight to behold. White velvet, with blue trimmings, and the jewelry made no questions remaining if she had influence or not. She was well know in Ishimur, and people showed their respect to her whenever she passed by someone. Yet, no one talked to her. Gelorah was curious where they would be heading. Turns out their destination was a small, old, but well preserved apartment at the edge of the town. Venzyriel walked straight in, without knocking on the door that was open, anyway. The house had two floors, with the first floor being the kitchen and the dining room, with a staircase on the right that led upstairs, and a trapdoor under the stairs that, without a doubt, led to a basement. There were swords placed neatly in the back wall, and some of them looked really fancy. The room was filled with a delicious smell that came from the fireplace. There were some ribs being cooked in it. "Ah, Venzyriel! Mi'lady! You have arrived!" A bald old man with a short, well kept, grey beard was sitting in a chair near the fireplace, smoking his pipe. He had a brown jacket with olive pants, nothing too remarkable, but his belt was made of fine black leather, and the buckle was a shiny piece of metal, with runes covering the edges. Possibly made of silver.

  • "Indeed I have, Mormick. As I told you I would."

  • "Just so! Just so! Aaaah... this must be... Gelorah, right?"

Gelorah looked up at the man and gave a shy smile at him.

  • "Gelorah... this is Mormick. Say hello."

  • "Hello, mister Mormick!"

Mormick gave a warm laughter. His voice was smooth, basslike and had a friendly tone in it. "Such well behaved young man! A rare sight these days, might I add!"

  • "Yes... Well... shall we discuss the details, now that Gelorah is here?"

  • "But of course, thats why you are here, after all! But Gelorah sure looks hungry... and he needs all the strenght he has to offer, so let's eat first, if that's alright, Mi'lady."

  • "Ah, that is fine, I had promised Gelorah a meal, after all."

Gelorah looked at the ribs in the fireplace, they sure did look delicious. Mormick saw his hungry gaze and let out yet another warm laughter, and served the ribs on the table right away. " You'll love these, Gelorah, I've spiced them with my special recipe! Dig right in, no need to wait any longer!" Mormick grabbed one rib for himself, and took a bite. Gelorah carefully took one himself. It was rather hot. He took a bite, and it surely did taste delicious!

Venzyriel didn't take a rib, instead she just sit with them, with a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Well... Gelorah. Mormick here, he used to be one of the best swordsmen in all of Earthym, until he resigned from the army."

  • "You truly flatter me, Mi'lady... But yes, I do have a trick or two!"

  • "Quite so! And... Gelorah, I have asked him to teach you swordplay."

Gelorah stopped chewing on the delicious meat, and with still some meat in his mouth, he yelled: " Swordplay? I get to learn swordplay!?" His voice was thrilled.

Venzyriel gave him the glare. "Gelorah, don't speak with food in your mouth!"

Gelorah swallowed the meat and gave the sweetest, apologizing look to Venzyriel.

  • "I'm sorry, Venzyriel, I just-"

Mormick laughed again. "Think nothing of it, my boy! We are not that formal here! And yes... I shall be your teacher in the arts of swordplay. Just like I was... you will be trained at young age."

Venzyriel smiled and stood up. "Well... I know Gelorah is in able hands... So... I'm leaving him for you for a year. "

Gelorah yelled : "What?! For a YEAR? But!"

  • "Worry not, Gelorah... I will come to check on you every week... I'm not leaving you. But I would be a hindrance in your training, as I know nothing about swordplay."

Mormick softly pat Gelorah's shoulder. "Worry not, my dear boy, I'm sure you will find it comfortable here, I have a room prepared for you upstairs... it's a good change for that old, big castle, after all!"

Gelorah was nearly weeping, but did not cry. "If you wish so..."

  • "Yes. I wish so, Gelorah."

  • "But I will miss you."

Venzyriel's stomach did a little turn. She did feel bad about this. But it was all part of her plans for him, it had to be done. How fond she had grown on him! She placed her hands on Gelorah's cheeks, and bended down to look him in the eyes. "I will miss you too." Her eyes were almost as glassed as Gelorah's. Then she left, without looking back. Was that a tear on her cheek? Couldn't be. She hadn't ever cried before.

Gelorah was a swift learner. He had learned the basic movement completely in less than a month, and he was incredible after 6 months. For such a young boy, he showed extreme endurance and strenght, and often Mormick was more exhausted than Gelorah was. Every week, Venzyriel came to to visit. The first visit was the most touching one, as Gelorah did cry a little. Mormick was quite sure she did as well, but not a moment before she had left the house to get back to the fort. But Gelorah got used to his training, and Mormick was certain, that after a year, he had already surpassed his own abilities. He found it extremely amusing. One of the best swordsman ever know was outmatched by a 10 year old kid. But then again... he was no original boy. Gelorah grew rather fond or Mormick, he was always friendly, he laughed a lot and told him very interesting stories of his past. Wars, battles, glory & honor. But he also told him a story about his son who was killed nearly ten years ago, during a war with some of the remaining opposing kingdoms that remained in Earthym back then. Mormick's most treasured sword, that he nearly always carried with him, was the only reminder of his son, as it originally belonged to him, for he was a soldier too. Mormicks wife had left the world nearly 20 years ago, as a victim to a hideous disease. Finally, the final day had come. Mormick and Gelorah were standing outside the house, and Mormick had his sword with him, sheathed. Venzyriel appeared, and Gelorah ran to her laps, and Venzyriel braced him happily. "Yes, Gelorah... we are going home today!"

  • "Don't ever leave me again, promise, you have to promise!"

  • "I promise..."

Mormick had walked up to the two, and pat Gelorah in the head. "Mi'lady. A finer swordsMAN is harder to find than Gelorah. He is truly a marvel."

  • "All thanks to you, Mormick... I am most pleased in your effort."

  • "Think nothing of it, Mi'lady! It was truly a pleasure working with such a gifted young man!"

  • "I will keep my end of the bargain, then..."

  • "No, you have no need to do that, Mi'lady. I did not do this for the sake of your wealth. I don't have need for such things."

  • "Are you sure? Mormick. You have done me a great service, and I would feel embarrassed not to give you anything in return."

  • "You already gave me the greatest gift a man like me could wish for. A fine student to pass my skills on. I have absolutely no regrets anymore. You have no idea how pleased I am."

Mormick had glassed eyes, and he sniffed a little and wiped his face (and eyes).

  • "In fact... I will give you, no, Gelorah, something, instead."

Mormick loosened the sheathed sword from his belt, and gave it to Gelorah, who took it with confusion. "But! It's your favorite sword!"

  • "So it is. It's not very fancy, but it's perfectly balanced, and it has served me well."

Venzyriel stood up, and looked at Mormick. He had a very serious face.

  • "Mormick, I cannot accept such a gift. I know that sword means a lot to you!"

  • "You cannot, but he can. And I insist, Mi'lady. And gifts with no meaning are not worth giving. I couldn't think of a better young man to have this sword than he."

Gelorah hugged Mormick with all his strength (which was quite much for a 10-year old), and Mormick couldn't help but laugh. "Stop or you will crush me!"

  • "Thank you, Mormick, I will miss you! I will miss you!" Mormick laughed joyfully.

Venzyriel was happy to see Gelorah had made such a strong bond with someone beside herself. She was smiling. "Mormick... I cannot thank you enough. If you need something, anything, you know where you can find me. I am in your debt."

  • "You honor me with your words, Mi'Lady..."

Mormick paused for a moment.

  • "Ah, leave me before this little warrior crushes my bones!"

  • "Yes, we will take our leave now. Gelorah! Say goodbye."

Gelorah finally stopped hugging Mormick, and stepped back to look at his eyes. He avoided his eyes. They looked pretty glassy...

  • "Now go, I should not keep you away from your home for any longer than I already have..." Then he laughed again, but it sounded a bit more fake than before. He sniffed.

Venzyriel grabbed Gelorah, and Gelorah shouted "Goodbye! Thank you!"

Mormick turned his face away, and replied with a wave in his hand. But he did shout back: "Hey! Come back anytime! I'll cook you some more ribs!" Gelorah waved back, and Venzyriel gave a faint smile back at Mormick. They left Ishimur, and returned to the fort. Gelorah was amazed to see it had not changed one bit. The fortress had served as some sort of stronghold, or more likely a hideout for the forces of a now destroyed kingdom, as it's was as old as the war of Earthym, itself! As the kingdoms united, this fort was forgotten. Until discovered by Venzyriel. It had worked as a perfect place for her to store her possessions, and after finding Gelorah, it was a great place to raise him in the safety of it's walls. Perhaps too secure, as Gelorah rarely saw other people, and grew very fond on her. But so did she. It is built in the base of a small, rocky (but steep and long) hill, with walls surrounding it. The walls connected to a barracks building on the west side of the fortress. 6 rather large guard towers were placed along the wall, with the gatehouse in the south part of the wall. The main building was partly built inside the cliff, located north inside the fort. Various workshops & storage buildings were located in the eastern part of the fort. As they walked past the front gates leading to the courtyard, Gelorah could see that Venzyriel was still growing vegetables in it. He actually missed their taste, as Mormick was more used in providing meat & bread. But it also had a few dummies prepared in the yard. Most likely for him to train on, Gelorah thought. They proceeded into the main building, but they used the smaller door instead of the big ones. Gelorah had always wondered why the doors to the main building were so big, anyway, and it looked like they used to be smaller, but were enlarged at one point. Rather recently, as well. They proceeded the main hall, which was quite impressive in itself. Large granite pillars stood in a row on both sides of the hall, with a balcony going on the both sides of the hall. Numerous doors were placed in the walls, leading to rooms, that were mostly empty, and 2 of the doors leading to a stairwell leading up. They moved towards the second set of large doors. Again, they used the smaller one located near the big ones. This hall was much more well preserved but otherwise the design was pretty much the same, maybe it was a bit shorter, and was built inside the rocky cliff, as some of the walls suggested. Venzyriel used it mostly as a library. It was filled with bookcases filled with books of various themes. Gelorah was quite sure she had a copy of every book in the Earthym that contained at least somewhat useful information. She seemed to be very interested in history, and some of the books were in languages Venzyriel never taught Gelorah to read. The end of the hall had yet another set of large doors, but Gelorah had never been there, as there were no smaller doors leading to the room, and the doors were locked (and too heavy to open anyway). But he never asked Venzyriel about the contents behind those doors. But he was quite curious. Venzyriel led Gelorah to the middle of the hall, and turned to face him. "Gelorah, I know you are exhausted but, I need to, have to, show you something. And to give you something. Put Mormicks sword away for a while... " Gelorah was a little confused, but he obeyed without question, and placed the sword leaning in one of the pillars. Venzyriel made sure she had enough room as she walked to the middle of the hall.

  • "Gelorah, I want to show you what I am. Who I am."

  • "But, Venzyriel, I know who you are! You're my mother!"

  • "How I wish that was true, how I wish it was true... but it's not. You know it, you know what happened on the day I found you."

  • "I don't care if we are not blood related! You're still the closest thing I have for a mother, for a parent of any kind. "

Venzyriel chuckled, but it was fake. She was afraid. She was afraid to see his reaction. She had kept the truth away for too long. But if she kept it any further, it would be too late.

  • "Gelorah."

Gelorah looked confused, and started walking towards Venzyriel.

  • "No, do not approach me."

  • "Why...?"

  • "Just... don't. Can I ask you for something?"

  • "Of course you can! What is it?"

  • "I PLEAD to you, as your mother. Do not... do not be afraid of what you will see next. And do not approach me, I am completely fine."

Gelorah did not reply. He was feeling nervous.

  • "And cover your eyes."

Gelorah obeyed, and shielded his eyes with his hands. He could hear a loud shriek of thunder, and strong light was nearly blazing trough his hands to his eyes, though he kept them shut. Then the light faded, and the thunder was gone.

Ever so softly, Venzyriel said: "You can open your eyes."

As Gelorah opened his eyes, the Venzyriel he knew was no longer there. In her place, was a dragon, a very same on the storybooks he had read. But at the same time, it looked a bit like Venzyriel. It had the same eyes. It WAS Venzyriel. She was big, and she stood on her 4 legs. Her head had 2 largish, decorated horns in it, with her yellowish, shiny hair sweeping down on her long neck. Her head also had a few spikes coming out from her "cheeks". Her whole frame was shiny, silver colored, with her chest being of slightly darker color with bigger, horizontal scales on it. Her back was covered in shiny, darker spines in it, that went all the way to her tail that was decorated with a huge amethyst. She was covered in smallish barbs, mostly on her legs. Her back legs had one extra joint in them, and she had 4 huge "toes" with sharp, black fangs on them. Her front legs looked slightly smaller, and they had 3 "toes", with black fangs as well, with an extra toe on the side of them. She was quite slim, well, for a dragon, at least. She stood about 4 meters tall with her long neck, and was about 6 or more meters long. She breathed softly. Gelorah was awestruck, and didn't exactly know what to say. Looking at her for nearly 5 minutes without either of them saying a thing, Gelorah couldn't help but to admit how magnificent she looked. Then he saw her expression, it looked a little... worried. He gathered his courage, and finally opened his mouth. "Venzyriel... it's really you, is it?"

Venzyriel woke from her trans-like state, and looked like she wasn't very certain what she would reply. "Yes, Gelorah, it is me, Venzyriel. I'm... sorry. I'm so sorry. I hid this truth from you for such a long time, it was very selfish of me."

Gelorah stepped forward, and started walking towards her. He walked right in front of her, and lifted his right hand up, towards her head. She lowered herself a little, allowing Gelorah's hand to reach the tip of her snout. It felt rather soft. She opened her mouth to speak, and Gelorah could see her row of razor sharp teeth, but it didn't intimidate him. "Gelorah... can you forgive me?" They both looked at each other, like a mother & a son. Gelorah rushed at her leg, and gave it a hug. "How could I be mad at you? You're my mother! You don't need to apologize for anything."

Venzyriel was overjoyed by his response, and let a sigh of purest relief & joy, and placed her claw on Gelorah's back, very gently. She had to be careful with her true form. "I'm so, so, so very happy, Gelorah, I truly am!" While she was enjoying this touching moment with all her heart, she had yet something to do. She had to be careful, as he was not ready for full transformation yet. His heritage was over 800 years old, so she had to awaken it little by little, or his body, or mind wouldn't be able to handle it. This was going to be the most major change yet. "Gelorah..." She said with a soft, quiet voice. "The reason I found you was because you are very special. Special indeed. I want to show you just how special. But I will not do so if you do not wish, as this will change you. Permanently. I promise it will not disappoint you." Couple of years back, she would have done so without his permission, but she was not sure she could do now if he declined. "Anything, Venzyriel, anything. "

  • "Then say no more..."

She had prepared for this for many years, but yet she couldn't help but feel uncertain when she started to write runes in the air with her claw. They hovered in mid-air, glowing with the color of pure blue. After she had done all the required runes for the awakening, she placed her claw on Gelorah's head. She had to be careful she didn't overdo it. She had to be patient. "This might fell a little... odd."

Gelorah could feel electricity running trough his body, but oddly enough, while it did hurt a little at first, it felt quite good in the end. It felt like something strong was running trough his body, from toes to his head, and it was changing him. Just as he was getting used to the feel, it stopped. Venzyriel pulled his claw away, and the runes disappeared. She could see the physical changes immediately. "What... was that?" Gelorah asked in disbelief.

  • "That... Gelorah... was me awakening some of your heritage."

  • "Heritage?"

  • "Just so, my dear... Look... in a mirror, and you will see. But you might be shocked, the changes are quite visible."

Gelorah proceeded carefully towards a mirror placed on the wall between 2 bookcases. He didn't feel different. Well, he did, but not like he had changed. He only felt more... stronger. He gazed in the mirror, and there he was. Changed. His hair had become more spiky, it had changed it's color from brown to slightly orange, yellowlike tone. His eyes were now bright yellow, and his skin was paler. Not only that, but he realized he was longer now. "Venzyriel... what is my heritage? What am I?"

Venzyriel appeared behind him, and lowered her head next to him. She smiled.

"You... my dear son, are a descendant of no other than a silver dragon, who, I know not. Over 800 years, the heritage has passed on your family... ever so strong as it was back then. I'm going to let that heritage show it's full potential. I will awaken your true self. Gelorah. My discipline!"