Scales and Scavs chapter 4, Testing and treatment

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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#11 of Wayward Scale

Just a minor plot point this time.

As the last of the eggs was loaded into a van, a Dracosith soldier turned to James and said, "Well, I was told that we'll try for more females than males. If there are too many males, then we'll send him over."


As the van drove away, James looked down at the yingling at his side. That was when something donned on him; he remembered having ingrown claws and getting one infected. He ran after the van and screeched, "Wait! Zhey will need a screening!"

He looked at the yingling, pointed and continued, "She will need a screening!"

After a minute, the van stopped. The door opened, and one of the soldiers stepped out, looked at James and called, "What was that?"

"Zhey'll need a screening, all of zhem! Even zhis one! I have MRSA!"

Another one of the soldiers emerged from the truck and said, "What?"

"MRSA, it's a serious infection!"

The soldier looked at his colleagues and asked, "Can someone bring them in?"

"I guess."

"Not it," said the soldier, in unison with one of his comrades. James kept an eye on the other soldier as he went over and picked him up, then went and took the yingling. Upon seeing her kicking, James weaseled her from the soldier's grip and held her. They were set on the driver's lap before the door shut and the van resumed driving. A soldier turned around and asked, "Now, can you tell us about this MRSA?"

"Well," replied James, "it's normally contracted in hospitals and tends to be resistant to most antibiotics. If left untreated, it can kill. I got it when I was a teenager wizh ingrown claws."

The soldier looked at James and asked, "How did you survive it?"

"Zhey caught it early."

"Floor it, Reidan!"

Both yinglets could feel a jolt as the van suddenly picked up speed. James heard whimpering coming from the yingling and stroked her head. He also brought her ear close to his chest. "It'll be alright," said James.

James lifted her up and took a quick look. His eyes instinctively shut themselves as yellow liquid sprayed from the yingling. He looked at the soldiers and said, "Remind me to put zhis one in a diaper later."

Then, James took a tiny foot to the face from the yingling. He sighed and muttered, "This is going to be a long set of years."

"Why do ya say that?"

"Zhis one's gonna be a handful."

* * * * *

James was the first to get on the bed for the screening, so the doctors would know what the MRSA infection was. As one of the doctors entered the room, he asked, "So, what'll i have to do to give a sample of MRSA?"

"Its a nose or skin infection, but its resilience to antibiotics is common."

"Right. I got it during a war wizh ingrowing claws as a teenager."


"Tell me about it."

"You still have the ingrown claws?"


"Ok, this will make it easier"

"Can you include zhe yingling I came wizh and my clutch in zhe treatment, if zhere is one?"

"Yes, i will check them"

"Zhank you."

An x ray scan showed traces of a leftover pathogen. When the doctor scratched his head, James asked, "What is it?"

"A leftover pathogen."

"Figured as much."

"I'll see what i can do"

Wait, will I have to be put to sleep for zhis?"

"Not for this."

Then, James felt a cotton ball enter a spot he would rather not think of and twist. "Ouch!"


"Should I stay here?"


"Alright, no big deal. Just a test and treatment," he said to himself. The doctor returned took James by the arm and injected the meaty section. "Reverse engineering of the MRSA strain."

"Oh, you might want to treat zhe eggs as well once zhey hatch."

"I will."

"Zhank you-"

James picked up the sound of whining mixed with wheezing and looked to see the yingling weeping. He stood up on the bed, outstretched his arms and said, "Look, mommy's alright!"

She was the last one to be treated that day for MRSA before they left.