Scales and Scavs chapter 2, Ditched

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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#9 of Wayward Scale

It appears that the Dracosith do not like the presence of Yinglets.

When James awoke, there was a new sting on his rear, and he had flown across the room. "On your feet!" he heard someone behind him bark, "You're late for training!"

He jumped to his feet and ran outside while trying to blow red hair out of his eyes. A Dracosith ran alongside turning to subtly lead him to an obstacle course of sorts. He could see other recruits running across various hurdles and jumping over walls. He heard a bang and looked in the direction it came from to see other recruits crawling under a fence while Dracosith were shooting at them.

Suddenly, he felt a push and planted his face in the mud inside the course. He stood up as someone behind him barked, "Today rat!"

He heard more gunshots and a bullet whizzed past his ear. He gasped and bolted across the field. He went on four legs to run under the wire around the other recruits. Some of them stopped to stare, some had mud slung in their faces as James ran across the field before planting his face into a wall.

He looked up the wall, after taking a moment to gather his thoughts, and jumped only to end up planting his face into the mud. He jumped back up on his feet and tried using his claws to get up. It worked at first, until he found a knot. After that, he slowly slid down leaving lines where his claws dug in.

As Dracosith laughed, he scanned the wall for footholds.When he couldn't find one, he sighed and went around the wall. Then, he found himself beginning to hyperventilate while running toward the next obstacle. He jumped into a pool of water and began paddling like he was drowning.

Once he was across, he flopped on his back and stared at the sky. His tail stood up as he laid there. Once he caught his breath, he stood up and looked up at one of the Dracosith. He heard snickering and asked, "What?"


"Alright, I admit it; I suck at zhis!"

"You do?"

"I bet I do. By zhe way, how did I do?"

"Decent, I guess."

"Alright, what's next?"



Without warning, they handed him a bag of bricks, which instantly crushed him under its weight. Soon afterward, the bricks were lifted off him. He crawled away from them and laid in the muck. When someone new approached, he hissed, "What now?"

"Get cleaned up."

"What's next?"

"You're done for now," said one of the Dracosith before another one picked him up by the collar of his uniform. He was carried away from the course, but instead of going to the barracks, he was brought to a vehicle. Right after a purple hound jumped out, James was put in the backseat. James looked up to see the hound sitting over him. "Good Morning, Scale!"

"Uh, hi."

"Sorry we are uh, taking you away."

"Where to?"

"Don't ask!"

"Why not?"


James crossed his arms and scoffed. "Now be quiet!" barked the driver. "I can, but I won't enjoy it..."

"Agh! Do yinglets ever become quiet?"

James sighed and stared through the window. He noticed when they stopped at the gate leaving the fort, and he saw the guard inspect the vehicle, heard him give the all clear. "Are we heading to zhe yinglets?"

"Don't ask me!"

James groaned at having yet again been denied information. He unbuckled and jumped to the floor. There, he laid down. The car went faster, and he shut his eyes. Finally, once the vehicle stopped, he got back on the seat.

He climbed on top of the sleeping dog and looked through the window. However, he could hardly see since the window seemed to be blacked out. "Were are we?"


"I said where are we."

Then, he felt a push as he was dumped out of the car. He watched them drive away before he took a look around at they place he was ditched. He stood up and explored the area. There were rocks everywhere, and he climbed up a pile of them. He peered into the distance at the stars and the endless expanse of Dracosith wilderness. "Hello," he called.

Silence. He sighed and went down to try to find the fort. It took a while, but he eventually came across the gate. Once he found the fort, it had already went into the afternoon. He went back to the course only to find three guards blocking the entrance. "Guys, I've been ditched!"

"Get out!" was the only reply he got. "Why?"

"We wanted your rat ass gone!"


"Yes! You annoy almost everyone, and what the hell is with your head?"

"Well, I never!"

With that, James turned and marched away. He raised two middle fingers before jumping in a cab and saying, "Take me to zhe yinglets!"

He felt a jolt as the vehicle sped away. He stared through the window out at the Dracosith landscape, blurring with speed. "What zhe?"

"Are you buckled," asked the driver.



James pulled down on the belt having remembered a trick that often worked with cars back on earth. When the driver looked back, James was in for a surprise when he found out it was a yinglet. "What zhe?"

All sorts of questions ran through his head at that moment, but all that came out was incoherent sputtering. Finally, he yelled, "What are you doing here?"

"Driving! What do ya zhink?"

"Where and why?''

"To Zhe enclave! Because zhat's where we're going!"

"Wait, does your leader want to see me again?"

"I dunno, but you said you want be wizh us!"

"Because zhey don't want me zhere at zhe fort!"

"Well zhey're asses!"

"I'll take a hundred more pounds wizh your general!''

"What do you mean?"

"What do you zhink zhose sounds were?"


"Oh, never mind."

"Oh okay! We no minds zhan!"

James took a look through the window. As they hit something, James gasped. He cleared his throat and asked, "How much furzher?"

"A mile or two!We can walk it if you want!"

"I guess we can."

"Then, let's go!"

James opened the door and jumped out. He rolled across the ground for a moment. He watched as the other yinglets also jumped out. "Ready?"


James beckoned them further along the road leading them towards the enclave. Then, after a while, they came across the small fort. "Home!"

They ran, and all stopped at the gate. "Let us in!"

"I'm here to see zhe General," added James.

The door opened, and he immediately went back to the largest hut. He looked back to see the other yinglets following. "You guys can go now."

As they parted ways, he took a deep breath and went inside. "Hello? General?"

Someone certainly appeared, but not the general. This one had a much lighter fur tone, and had a tuft on the end of their tail, typical of female yinglets. "What zhe?"

"What, never seen a woman?"

"No, weren't you a man before?"


"Zhen, who was here zhe ozher day?"

"He died, tried fight a bus and got hit."

"You serious?"


"Well, who was he?"

"Uh, Torkit."

"Oh. And, what role did he have here?"

"A general."

"A military governor, so to speak?"


"So, you're in charge now?"

"I am, and will be until I die some stupid way!"

"Well, what am I to do now? Zhey kicked me out if Sulfur, and zhe one I came to see is dead."

"Zhink I know? Beat some males?"


"Yes, zhe kinky ones."


"You want to zhat?"

"Eh," James shrugged and said, "why not."


"Where do we start?"

"Down in the enclave."


James turned and opened the door. The new matriarch went out, followed by James. "Who to visit first..."

"I dunno, up to you."

"Any ozher high ranked boys?"

"I don't zhink so."

"Great, so it's just Joe Schmo-Ahh!"

James lifted his tail to reveal a white sphere sliding through. He laid down and bit the end of his tail as the egg came out. Then, another orb showed up after that. All the while, the matriarch cringed at the sight. Soon, James had four eggs. He looked at the matriarch and said, "Well, zhat wasn't so bad."

"It wasn't?"

"Not as bad as what mammals do."


"At least from what I hear. Now, what do we do wizh zhese?"

The matriarch shrugged and suggested, "Eat zhem?"

"What if zhey're fertile?"


"Don't we want more yinglets?"

"I dunno, do we?"

"Well, I'm not eating zhese!"

"Zhen, don't!"

"Is zhere an empty hut?"

"Yeah, always is!"
