Oblivion RP entry.

Story by Skal-Tel on SoFurry

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This was an entry for an RP thread that i am an active member of. the rest of the RP can be found here: http://www.invision.tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/1453-rp-brumas-court/

there i am known as Glaedr. if you by some chance end up joining there, please do not mention that i have an account here. thx.

Jeanne and Lilith, as well as the other members of the Bruma Mage's Guild traveled from residence to residence, explaining their situation and collecting all the jewelry they could carry. Once the leather bags they carried were full, they returned to the guild, dumping piles of jewelry onto one of the tables. All types littered the table. There was gold, silver, and bronze, as well as numerous fine examples of the jade, copper, and common mundane varieties of amulets and rings.

Jeanne and J'skar had gone down to the basement and grabbed all of the soul gems that they could carry, piling roughly twenty per person. They rejoined the others, who were all busy enchanting, save for Lilith, who waited patiently for Jeanne. She took a seat next to the young argonian.

"Lilith, enchanting is very simple. All you simply do is hold the item in your hand, along with the soul gem, making sure they touch, and recite the phrase "Mitta anyammis. Emero tarnabye av bal", which translates to 'Enter life. I guide your passage from this stone.'"

She picked up a soul gem and an amulet, cupping them in her hands. She recited the phrase, and a wisp of what looked to be blue smoke emanated from the gem. The smoke disappeared into the amulet, seeming to be sucked up by it. The jewel in the center of the amulet glowed briefly, then returned to normal. Lilith watched, eyes wide, never having seen such a thing. Though she had spent much time with the enchanters of the Arcane University, she had never seen an actual enchantment done.

"The enchantment alone cannot transfer the soul, however, without a reference for it to go to." Jeanne stated, raising a skinny finger, placing the amulet on the table with her other hand. "The proper Ayleid name is not known for most objects, but thankfully, magic can be manipulated to overcome this."

Lilith sat there, quite intrigued. She had no idea that enchanting a simple ring or necklace could be so complicated.

"To make up for this lack of names," she continued. "One must picture an exact replica of said object in their mind. If the picture is not accurate in any way, then nothing will happen. This is why not everyone can enchant. It is difficult, and can take a long time to train one's mind to actually take in and remember every detail.

"Another thing," she continued, "is that enchanting draws energy directly from the enchanter. The larger the object, the more energy it takes to enchant." She said, rethinking her earlier statement on the simpleness of enchanting. "The same is also true with the strength of the spell. It would take more energy for one to enchant a cuirass than it would with a ring, just the same as it would take more energy to enchant said objects with stronger enchantments.

"There are many more details, but I will not bore you with them. I am sure that you want to try your hand at this." She handed Lilith a small, light blue soul gem, and a ring. Lilith took the stone and ring in her hands, ready to give it her best shot.

"Oh, one more thing before you start," Jeanne interrupted. "the more experienced you are, the less energy it will take to enchant. Since you have never enchanted before, as I assume, this may take more energy than it would for any of us.

Lilith looked up at the woman, blinking her orange eyes. She was no longer sure what to expect. The process could have little effect on her, leaving her only slightly tired, but, by what Jeanne had said, it could also leave her quite drained. She guessed that that would depend on her own magical experience, and her magicka reserves.

It was now or never. She studied the ring intently, making sure to take in every detail. After several minutes, she closed her eyes, and pictured the ring in her head. It was a simple brass ring, which made things easier for her. What did not, however, were the number of small nicks and gouges that littered it surface. Picturing the ring as best she could, she concentrated. Her breathing slowed subconsciously.

"Mitta anyammis. Emero tarnabye av bal" she whispered. There was a dull roar and the rafters creaked as the familiar blue smoke appeared, and disappeared into the ring, causing it to glow momentarily. Lilith opened her eyes, only slightly drained.

"Did I do that?" she asked, completely aware of the noises that had just stopped.

Jeanne had gone over and opened the door and was peering outside. "No," she laughed. "Captain Burd is giving the men a speech, and it seems to have them quite riled. I can see your friends up there; your husband as well. Burd has them all up in arms, and Glaedr is flying through the air." She smiled, closing the door, cutting off the stream of cold air that flowed into the warm hall from outside.

"He does love to fight." Lilith said. "It's in his blood. The tribe he came from was a warring tribe. He's fought for as long as he can remember. It makes him feel alive. There are few things he loves more than the call of battle." She listened to the dull roar of the troops. Even through the thick wooden doors of the guild, she could still hear them. It must have been deafening outside.

"I can think of one thing." Jeanne said with a smile. "Now, tell me, how do you feel?"

"Fine actually. Only a little tired."

Jeanne looked at the young argonian curiously. "Good. I must say I am impressed. I've met few that have the mental discipline to succeed at their first enchantment, let alone lose so little energy over it. Tell me, are you a practiced mage?"

"Not really." Lilith began, blushing slightly. "I trained in the art of Restoration at the Arcane University for a number of years before an expedition with my tutor into the wilderness went array. That is how I met Glaedr. We've been together ever since. He has taught me everything he knows about the blade, and then some. During our travels to the other cites, I also had the opportunity to learn from other mages, as well as some marauder battlemages that Glaedr had close ties with. I specialize in Restoration, but can also use any of the other classes, though with limited success. Only recently did I discover that I could also kill with Restoration, as well as heal with it. As you can see, I still have a lot to learn."

"One can never learn all the secrets of magic." Jeanne replied. "It is a mysterious energy that requires the utmost care in learning, and commands a deep respect from those who use it. Use it improperly, and there are consequences to pay."

Lilith nodded in agreement. "So, do I get to enchant anymore, or is that it for me today?" she asked, eager to practice some more.

"Yes, I believe that will be it. You have already shown me that you have the skill, and I do not believe that you need to practice more. Also, I want you to have the energy to fight. You won't be any good to us tired."

Lilith sighed, a little disappointed. Jeanne was right though, she needed her strength for the impending battle. She watched impatiently as the others finished up with their piles, while Jeanne had only started hers. Piles of amulets and rings littered the table, ready to be worn by the troops.

"So Lilith," Jeanne said while readying another ring for enchantment. "you said that your husband knew some marauder battllemages. If you don't mind sharing, I am curious to know how he has ties with them."

"Not at all!" Lilith laughed. "And he's not really my husband. We never had a formal marriage." She smiled, and began to recant her tail of Glaedr's past, how she met him, and their travels up until they came to Bruma.

The members of the guild listened as she told her tail, some distracted for minutes at a time before remembering that they had enchanting to do. Lilith skipped over personal things and things she did not deem important, but the tail was still rather long. Once, she broke down, but quickly regained her composure, and continued, finishing her tale.

When she had finished, several of the others began to clap, having finished their enchanting, and had begun listening. They started to pelt her with a multitude of questions, but she dismissed them with a wave of her scaled hand, stating that she did not feel like answering questions.

Jeanne sat quietly for a moment before breaking her silence. "You two certainly have a colorful past." She said, contemplating what she had heard. "It sounds like you have an undying love for each other as well. From your story, Glaedr is quite the fighter. You are lucky to have such a man... er..." she was at a loss for what word to use.

"We'll just say man for lack of a better word." Lilith said laughing.

"And we'll have to have a proper wedding for you two once all this is all over." J'skar piped up from the other end of the table. He had a low, scratchy sound to his voice. "I've always wanted to attend an argonian's wedding. Will it be within concordance to the beliefs and practices of Black Marsh?"

"I don't know," Lilith answered, pondering the thought in her head. "but if Glaedr has anything to say about it, then yes." She laughed as she thought of his reaction to the idea.

"This is all well and nice," Jeanne interrupted, but we have some jewelry to deliver to the soldiers." She filled her leather sack to the brim, put on her furs and armor, and proceeded to the door, opening it. A blast of cold air greeted her. "Well, don't just sit there." She snapped. "Come on!"

The others hurriedly gathered their things and followed her out the door.