A Missing Link

Story by Imnotheere on SoFurry

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Spencer rubs dicks with a bird who is not Kass but is obviously Kass

The sound of coins colliding with wooden countertop echoed through stiff air. Spencer's bones ached. His soul was weary from constant travel, cheap inns with broken beds and barfights, and predatory howls in the darkness, just off the beaten, dirt path. Adventuring sucks alone. Nothing but scowling glances, unwelcoming town guards, and cautious mercenaries accompanied the lizard's travels. His thumb flipped a third silver piece as an obligatory kindness, a tip to be left alone, and he lumbered through the male-marked curtains to store his meager belongings.

Steamy air filled the reptile's nostrils and he heaved a sigh, hoping dearly that this would help him relax. Spencer felt utterly trapped by the world, the mere presence of another creature within his vicinity tensing him, forcing the lizard to accommodate mental space for their presence, not wanting to be taken advantage of or to appear as less than what he was. What was he? Spencer was a young adult who thought he knew what he wanted in life, but the unwavering fucking whatever. Get stronger shoulders. It's time to relax. The lizard's eyes tensed and twitched, before he shut them completely, taking inventory of his rags, robes, and traveling sack. All of it shut in a wooden alcove, running on man's honor not to be stolen in this cove of leisure, this... bathhouse. Hot springs spread by word of mouth reached his reptilian ears with the promise to right his wrongs and untie his knots. Spencer was instinctually skeptical but hoped dearly that he would be fulfilled.

The sight of warm water made his heart and his hopes rise. The place was empty, too! With a sigh of sweet solitude, the yellow-bellied boy trudged his naked, green hide to the water and gingerly dipped inside. Comforting, wet heat enveloped his clawed toes, making Spencer exhale smoothly. The springs welcomed him with open arms. The lizard soaked up to his shoulders, the tip of his tail raised next to his head. He leaned back into the rocks and let the oneness of man with nature wash over him... but his mind wouldn't let go. The back of Spencer's eyes flashed with social faux pas past and slip-ups aplenty, moments of embarrassment, shame, sin. He couldn't forget every impolite gesture he impulsively fired toward strangers and friends alike, looking the fool. From earlier that day to five years before, Spencer's past constricted him harder than the water. His stomach clutched. His bones ached against the smooth massage of still, hot water. Spencer tried to breathe. He tried to relax. He really, really wanted to forget his troubles and relax. He wished he could forget himself and relax. Forget how many times he had been stupid, how many times he had selfishly wasted the time, money, and effort of his allies, how much he thought he was being helpful but ended up only acting selfishly. The hot water stirred from his twitching tail, and his expression drooped.

Spencer stared down at the water. Beautiful stuff. It was said that these springs were blessed by satyrs and demigods of respite, even visited once in legend by the goddess of hearth to receive a blessing. Spencer felt the water seep into his scales and soak him thoroughly, but he still shuddered at his own inadequacy. He made faces at his own reflection, before trying not to look into his own eyes and face himself. He felt oddly hollow. In a body of water, he felt uncomfortably dry. Spencer rubbed his neck and swallowed. Of course, the springs were great. The atmosphere was exceedingly pleasant, and the upkeep was up to snuff. This was better than a river, better than a bucket, better than camping out, but Spencer wasn't really feeling it as much as he wished he was. He dearly wished to lose himself in the waters, to become enveloped and enraptured in a thoroughly pleasant experience, but he was his own worst enemy.


The water rippled softly as another man entered the pool. Spencer glanced at him before looking away quickly. His solitude was obliterated by a broad, blue bird with a yellow-feathered belly, completely nude. The sight made him hiccup slightly. Spencer's eyebrow twitched, and he did a double take on the big bird. His feathers, while a little dirty, flowed beautifully from head to his knees, and his great, ebony beak contorted into a relaxed grin as he descended casually. He looked gorgeous.

"How's it going?"

Spencer didn't know how to act around others in the springs; he had never been. The gender-separation of the pools did nothing to stifle his sexual frustration. He had never seen such a beautiful male. The fellow seemed to be twice as big as Spencer sat, although the distance and steam clouded the lizard's perception. His generic greeting was returned with an equally stone-faced, unrevealing response.

"I am doing well. How are you?"

The bird's deep, friendly voice made Spencer feel like he had a million pins pricking his scales. He said, "fine," and tried to stop staring. His hands, like wings, meaty, yet fluffy, strong, yet flowing, rested casually at the water's edge, as the avian leaned back and exhaled deeply. His chest contracted and expanded with such strength, that the lizard couldn't help but become distracted.

"Can I help you?"

The bird grinned and prodded, catching Spencer staring. He jumped slightly and stammered, "Oh! Sorry! Sorry... yeah. Sorry." He looked away and kept his sight on his right, toward the empty corner of the steamy bath. The reptile instinctively clung to his tail with both hands to prevent any more mishaps. Now was the time to behave himself. Stay in line. Don't waste time. Shut up and stay out of the way.

The cerulean fowl sidled a few feet toward the lizard, eyeing him curiously. They sat a good few yards apart, now, and as Spencer looked away and tried desperately again to reach relaxation, the bird had free reign to stare, taking in his modest figure. If Spencer couldn't relax alone, then this was hopeless, but he paid money to be here, and he intended to get his money's worth. The image of the bird next to him enveloped the lizard's mind's eye. How broad his shoulders were...! How proudly his chest protruded from his body. He was so tall and soft and dreamy, and before he knew it, his cock began to throb under the water. The bird caught sight of this and considered the lizard warmly. His emerald scales shimmered above the water's surface, his read-feathered head, while ruffled, gave the reptile a rowdy look which didn't at all match his closed-off, distant behavior. He was lithe and fit, and, perhaps, attractive. The bird would have to prod the lizard to get any response out of him, so he broke the stilted silence.

"I think you're cute," the bird cooed. The lizard's snout shot back to the bird, his expression that of a deer caught by the glimmering eyes of a hungry wolf. His cheeks flushed pink instantly, and he shuffled uncomfortably, now realizing how obvious his boner was, and he resisted the urge to touch his itching balls, which clung to his thighs in the heat. "Uh, thanks, man," Spencer got the words out okay, without stuttering, but any emotional expression was thoroughly buried by the filler dialogue, "uh," and "man." He hoped he didn't seem too much like a tool by saying that. His mind burned with the potential intentions of the bird, and how to act on it, but he was inexperienced and distracted by himself. The reptile gave the beautiful, blue bird a toothy grin before looking away, and looking back, and looking at the water again.

"Do you think I'm cute?" The bird pressed amicably. Spencer froze for half a second before chirping, "Oh, yes!" His heart raced at his abrupt bean-spilling, but the bird smote him with his elegant, exotic charm. The bird's head-feathers spiked up and out, making him look even taller than he was, his muscles clearly shown through his thick coat of beautiful feathers, he looked so huggable, and yet, he looked like just the kind of man that Spencer would like to do... something... with.

The bird inched ever closer. His pink, uncut meat was now visible from Spencer's angle, and his mouth grew ever drier. It was so thick...! Spencer's eyes shot up to the bird's eyes out of respect, but he was afraid of what grimace the bird would make after he caught Spencer staring at his junk like some kind of fag, but the bird's expression was deeply pleasant. Those eyes, they didn't pierce the lizard's, but they prodded, oh, they prodded. Gently, but unrelentingly, those eyes pushed to be ever closer, to know, and to understand. Spencer's eyes dilated, and he started to smell the bird. The blue beauty housed a rich, deeply masculine scent which, again, didn't cut through the wafting aroma of steam and heat, but it certainly stood alongside it, unmoving, like a boulder. Such an exotic, rich aroma, yet so familiar. Spencer sunk into the water a little more as the bird began to loom over the lizard, a solid head or two taller. His proud, fluffy, feathery chest was incredibly alluring up close. Spencer could hardly stand it. He had felt these feelings in fantasy but was completely clueless on how to act in the reality! The great, gorgeous avian picked up the slack.

"I'm rather exhausted from my travels, friend. Do you think you could help me... relax?" The way the bird hummed the word "relax" sent shivers down Spencer's thoroughly heated spine, and he stared blankly at the bird, his impulsive, hot-blooded feelings fighting to flood through. "Y- yeah, okay!" He stammered, wholly vulnerable now.

"Thanks, mate..." the bird sighed cordially. Spencer approached the giant, his tail swaying behind him, freeing his arms for action. The avian shut his eyes and exhaled deeply. The massive, alluring sight was burned into the lizard's mind forever. His hands floated up to the bird's chiseled chest. He felt up the fluff, such warm, well-colored design. His fingers slid along the feathers until he felt the rock-solid muscle of the bird's bulk, and he was stricken by such strength. Spencer gingerly rubbed the chest in a circular motion, admiring such a gorgeous body with disbelief and overwhelming heat. God, when did it get so hot in this hot spring? He could feel the bird breathing deeply, and it excited him, contorting his snout into a scrunched-up stare, the personified fine line between decency and debauchery, a wild mix of respect, admiration, and longing. He lingered, massaged, servicing this intimate stranger, desperately wanting to please him, to feel that fulfillment. The bird cooed,

"Yes, that's good, love..." His eyes peeked open slightly. The lizard's facial expression was priceless. Simply adorable. Now the red feathered hair on the reptile's head gave him an intimate intensity, and that's just what the bird wanted. "Would you like to feel my arms?" He asked kindly. Spencer's response was a muffled, "hoh," and he nodded, head bobbing up and down gingerly. The cerulean beauty bent his right elbow up, feathered fingers folding into a fist. Spencer felt for the muscular biceps of the big, blue beast. Spencer squeezed and tested the sheer solidity, the rock-hardness of the powerful musculature of the gorgeous giant. It took the lizard's breath away. The bird curled his right arm with lizard clinging and flexed for their shared enjoyment. Under the bright blue feathers, flesh rippled and expanded. They both giggled lightly. The air seemed to relax. The bird grew thicker than Spencer could ever aspire to be. The feathered friend was naturally born big and took attentive care of himself, and it showed. Spencer was thoroughly enamored with the body of this marvelous man, and his fascination was all too transparent.

"Maybe you should move lower, love?" The bird innocently suggested. His voice dripped wetter than the springs which kept their consciousness floating on a bed of clouds, dripping with intention which the lizard couldn't come close to knowing how to handle, so he simply obeyed, sliding his hands sultrily down from bicep to shoulder, to chiseled, chiseled chest, down to his wide, brick-like abs. Spencer's arms traveled gingerly between the lower chest and the water's surface, afraid of the pink meat pole awaiting just below. Spencer's breathing was rampant, ravaged, but he couldn't make the move himself. The big bird breathed deeply, and his entire body expanded and contracted beautifully yet again, a living example of male exemplary goodness. He tensed momentarily, and his cockhead poked just above the surface. The bird lifted a feathered hand and gently pressed against the back of the lizard's head, digging into a cushion of reptilian feathers and prodding his snout against his chest. Spencer got a face-full of manly musk, the wet, thick, deep, early, rich odor of a real man, a real man's man. It clearly drove him crazy. Spencer impulsively stuck out his tongue to lick at the sweaty, fluffy man, and, while that elicited an excited, "hooh!" out of the bird, it didn't quite feel correct.

"The thigh, perhaps?" the bird proposed, lifting his grip on the lizard. Spencer nodded his head in the misty heat and reached around the veiny, bulging, shaft and felt around the avian's legs. He sighed as he rubbed along the utter structure of the male, such solidity, unbreakable spirit, that's what he felt just under the surface of the bird's hellishly built figure.

"You're getting good at this, cutie!" the bird chirped warmly. Spencer's mind was going haywire, a myriad of exclamation points flooding his brain with validation. He felt fulfilled, and he wanted more. Doubling down on the dreamy date, the lecherous lizard submerged his head under the water, holding his breath, to try and get some good caressing angles in, even rubbing his chin on the tree trunk of a thigh. The bird lifted his head in surprise and peered down to him, but all he could see was the lizard's tail, curved above the water's surface, throbbing with sheer, sexual excitement. The bird felt wonderfully soothing sensations from the little lizard's eager strokes, and he felt a particularly cute touch in that he avoided his obvious arousal. Soon, Spencer resurfaced with a splash, gasping for air. He was practically straddling the bird at this point, his own hardness on full display. Spencer held his breath for a bit too long, so he took a moment to regain his breath and strength, and, in that moment, the monstrous male wrapped his feathery arms around the cute, little lizard, and pulled him in.

"Mmm, you did great, sweetie, but now I want to help you relax..." the words echoed and bounced inside Spencer's head, sending sparks all along his spine. His tail flailed in eager excitement, unintentionally splashing the water and making a lot of noise. The great avian tightened his hug and held him close, cooing, "Just breathe, man, take a deep breath, come on. In..." The great bird's chest expanded against the lizard's, and he could feel every detail of it against his body, "and out..." Spencer breathed deeply, calming himself despite the overwhelming presence enveloping him. He could feel the black beak pressing gently on his forehead, the strong chest holding him up, every muscle in the bird's feathery arms caressing him, holding him close, and he could feel the monolithic member dwarfing his flesh just under the water's surface. They breathed together once more, and his tail stopped splashing and began to simply float along the spring.

"Now, how can I repay you for such a stellar job, hmmm?" the bird's voice dripped with intention and comfort, swirling into a sound which slayed Spencer in a fit of romance. The lizard stared into the bird's alluring, golden eyes, and he was caught. The reptile's relaxed, allured expression said 'take me, I'm yours.' The bird lowered his arms to the green boy's luscious thighs and lifted him from the water, eliciting an excited gasp from the lizard, and, as he looked around, all he could see was bird, beautiful, strong, feathery grace on all sides as he was hoisted into the air. His burning passion throbbed between his legs, soaked both by the water and his own clear, liquid arousal. The bird considered it fondly, before leaning forward to nuzzle softly against the cute, little thing's snout. Such a motion made Spencer plush furiously, elated, enchanted, and enamored with such courting rituals. Then, Spencer felt a rich hardness press between his ass cheeks, and he jumped with a gasp. The bird's look said it all; he was ready to mount. Spencer frowned nervously and shook his head.

"Not on the first date, cutie? That's okay." The bird smiled wistfully and lowered his reptilian friend down on his monolithic, uncut glory, the pink, dense, hot, throbbing meat delightfully hotdogging between Spencer's pale nethers, sliding alongside his tail. Spencer sighed with relief and leaned up to nuzzle the bird back a little. Taking the moment in, the two simply sat together, pulsing, blushing, cooing, giggling, throbbing, aching. Intimately close.

The bird pushed the lizard away, allowing his gargantuan member to rise back between them, before pulling him back in.

"How about this, love?" the bird preened, proudly rubbing his erection right against his partner's substantially smaller cock. Spencer's legs widened and wrapped around the big bird's thighs, and they mounted. Rubbing against each other's aching masculinity, they began to rock back and forth. Spencer found the thrusting motion quite natural, gyrating his hips and driving himself into the plush, feathered hunk. The bird's uncut cock was big. It could not be understated just how thick it was, how dense the flesh looked, how deep a shade of pink it was, it threatened to capture the lizard with obsession. Spencer moved his hands down between them and attempted to stroke the pair. The bird was so girthy, it took two hands just to wrap around his length alone. The bird pitched in with one hand, which easily enveloped the two of them, and Spencer's hands too. The lovers ground against each other, making mental sparks in the other's mind, sending splashes along the steamy spring. Oh, how the enveloping heat of the springs carried Spencer along for the ride, how he allowed himself to become lost in the experience, the experience of making love with this beautiful, beautiful man! The avian began to gently stroke up and down Spencer's pulsating length, pressing a thumb along the sensitive head, and eliciting a feminine squeak from the submissive male. Spencer tried his hardest to worship the wet, leaking mast of the beautiful, blue bird through the water's resistance, and the soft gasps and gentle, rumbling groans informed him that he was doing wonderfully. They frotted delightfully, heatedly, until the heat draped them in a cocoon of cacophonous sex.

Spencer found himself elated by the searingly stimulating sensations of the sweet, sultry, Adonis before him. The lizard's mind screamed, golly, you smell nice. The bird reciprocated such feelings with his sounds, his motions, and his eyes. The bird's hugging arm tightened its grip, and Spencer, once again, found himself with a facefull of man musk, that exquisitely earthy, meaty smell only grew stronger as the pair rubbed each other's cocks together, and he drank up every drop, drooling. Spencer was getting close. His submissive moans rose in pitch and frequency, and the bird, delighted, doubling down on his actions to really make the lecherous lizard squirm. They mashed their bodies together, milking each other for the inevitable climax.

Spencer felt almost dizzy with arousal. His arms explored up the bird's built, beautiful body and wrapped around his chest for additional support. God, he felt so solid and warm and wonderful and smells so damn raunchy, and, and, and, and...

The bird took his opportunity. His hugging arm slid slyly down the lizard's smooth, wet body, trailing his rear, and gave it a squeeze. That really made Spencer sing, but the bird wasn't finished, digging just a little bit deeper, a single finger pushing between his vulnerable cheeks and penetrating his rear end. Spencer flexed and squeezed his behind, milking the finger naturally, singing the bird's praises all the while. The lizard was, in fact, becoming quite vocal, and every sound he made got the bird a little harder, throbbing a bit more, leaking a few more thick globs of precum which mixed with the steamy, sultry pool. The bird slid his back along the back wall, jutting himself forward and Spencer's body out, giving his finger a better angle to penetrate that cute, little asshole, making the boy just melt into his arms. Spencer felt so splendidly tight, and the way his pucker held on to his finger turned him right on.

Spencer didn't last long when anal penetration was involved. Their heated frotting, his needy, slutty thrusts grew shorter, sharper, and more intense. The boy's balls began to rub and softly slap against the bird's gargantuan orbs, and he gasped. The reptile tried to hold himself in for as long as he could, wringing every millisecond of pleasure that he could from the exchange, before he shot. His sticky, white semen seeped into the water, as he spasmed and cried in absolute bliss. The lizard radiated heat. The bird followed suit quickly, his cock poking above the surface. The bird's groans caught in his throat, and he came with a deep gasp, thick ropes of cum shooting between the dripping pair. The first string shot the farthest, marking the lizard's chin with the stuff. He flailed and heaved and shot a generous load between the two, getting some on his chest, some on the lizard's soft, pale belly, and everywhere in between. The pair shook violently in writhing climax, clinging to each other during the breathtaking ride. The moment lasted an eternity, and the two hung there, heat lingering, sweating, rubbing, holding. The lizard's breath slowly started to catch on again, and the bird's chest rose strongly, lifting the lizard inches as he regained posture. The bird returned to his sitting position and gently, tenderly removing his finger from the delectable lizard's derriere. The lizard cherished the bird's presence, sighing sweetly, deeply thankful for the enlightening experience. The bird tenderly quipped with an affectionate grin,

"It looks like you're going to need to clean me up of all this, doesn't it, lizard?"