Digimon Defenders FAQ

Story by supersonic250 on SoFurry

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#18 of Digimon Defenders

I've gotten some interesting questions from a few people about Digimon Defenders; and I thought I'd create a FAQ to answer some of 'em! So, if you have any more questions about the Defenders, their world, or anything else relating to the series, ask in the comments! I'll answer 'em!

Q: How old is Gato compared to the other Defenders?

A: Gato is relatively young, at fourteen cycles (the Digital World equivalent of a year) old. She hasn't even entered the Digimon equivalent of puberty yet. For Digimon, age generally stops mattering that much once a Digimon reaches adulthood, since Digimon are virtually immortal unless killed by disease or injury. Agu and Gabu are adults, at least 10 cycles older than Gato. Gazi is a cycle or so older than Gato, as is Pal and Biyo. Pata is several cycles younger than Gato. Guil and Gato are roughly the same age. Leomon is centuries old (in Digital World time). Rena is in her mid-teens herself.

Q: What happens when a Digimon dies?

A: There are two types of "death" for a Digimon. First is deletion, which is the total obliteration of a Digimon's data, which is the closest thing to human death. The second is being returned to a DigiEgg. When a Digimon is mortally injured or is subjected to lethal amounts of stress or strain, they may devolve back to a DigiEgg. When they reemerge, they may only possess scattered and vague memories of their previous life, along with a completely different personality. Thus the Digimon the used to be is considered "dead."

Q: Can Digimon DNA Digivolve?

A: Yes, under specific circumstances and if they are compatible. Agu and Gabu can Digivolve to WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon to become Omnimon. They have done so twice before the series. As Omnimon, Agu and Gabu's minds fuse into one brand new personality. Because Agu and Gabu are lovers and combat partners, they possess a very high rate of synchronization, allowing them to DNA Digivolve fairly easily.

However, in another example, Gato and Hawk cannot DNA Digivolve to become Silphymon. While they are compatible, they do not possess a high enough synchronization rate to be able to Digivolve properly.

Q: Can the Defenders Armor Digivolve?

A: No. The Armor DigiEggs used by the Digidestined are unique and impossible to replicate. Since humans have not been seen in the Digital World for the equivalent of centuries by the time the Defenders series takes place, it's safe to assume that the DigiEggs are still in the possession of the DigiDestined's children or grandchildren in the real world (given that time passes at a different rate between the real and Digital worlds).

Q: Will (insert Digimon from Frontier, Data Squad, or Fusion) appear in your story?

A: No. This series is a sequel to 01 and 02, and as such focuses mostly on those characters. I have compromised by adding Tamers Digimon as well, though I was not a fan of the series.

Q: You included all the 02 Digimon except Wormmon! Why not him?

A: I don't have a job for him to do or a place in the plot for him, to be honest. I also don't find him particularly cute or sexy, so I left him out. Sorry, Wormmon fans.

Q: How is Gato the leader of the Defenders if she's so young?

A: She's only in charge of the File Island HQ, the main Defenders base, not the entire organization. In addition, the Defenders have a very loose hierarchy, so she is only in charge mostly due to the agreement of everyone under her.

Gato protests being in charge at every opportunity she gets. It is mostly an affectionate running joke among the Defenders at this point... But Gato shows great leadership skill and even greater potential when the chips are down. That, and she's more than willing to accept the help of her older and smarter friends when she needs it.

Q: How does Digivolution work?

A: The Defenders Brands are based on the technology of the DigiDestined Digivices. When activated, it allows a Digimon to Digivolve into higher forms. However, unlike Digivices and Crests, which required a human's spirit along with a Digimon's power, the Brands only require the Digimon. This has advantages and drawbacks. The Digimon no longer need humans to Digivolve in combat, but without a human providing additional power, Digivolution places a great strain on a Digimon's body.

Because of this, a Digimon can only Digivolve for short periods. Defenders are trained to use the least amount of force necessary, to avoid overburdening themselves by Digivolving too high. The higher the level, the more strain is placed on the Digimon. From Rookie to Champion may not be too difficult, but from Champion to Ultimate is considerably harder. Going from Ultimate to Mega is something that only high-ranking Defenders can do. Warp-Digivolving (skipping from Rookie to Mega) is considered the ultimate technique of a Defender, and very few can do it on command.

In addition, as a precaution to prevent property damage, injury, and potential rogue Defenders, two high ranking Digimon must authorize the ability to Digivolve.

Q: Hey, Devidramon is only a Champion! How could he defeat Succubimon, who you said was a Mega?

A: A Digimon's level only gives a general idea of their strength. There are extremely powerful Rookies like Arcadimon (who defeated a Champion, six Ultimates and a Mega while as an In-Training) and extremely weak Megas like Parasimon (who could easily be killed by a fly swatter).

Gato is far stronger than most Rookies, but also weaker than many Champions, for example. Succubimon was a particularly weak Mega. And Devidramon is extremely powerful for a Champion. As such, a character's level isn't the final say in their strength, but more of a general estimate.

Q: What's up with Biyomon?

A: Biyo is normally a sweet, gentle, polite, and exceedingly shy girl. Think Fluttershy, but slightly less timid. She's deeply affectionate to her boyfriend, Hawk, as well as her friends Gato, Pal, and Rena.

That said, when Biyo is sexually overstimulated, a bit of a split personality takes hold. Her personality does a complete 180 flip, and she becomes hyper-aggressive, rude, loud, and lewd. This doesn't happen every time she gets sexually aroused (much to Hawk's relief), but only if she builds up too much sexual frustration. She CAN have sex without triggering the personality change.

After she releases the stimulation or frustration, her personality reverts. Biyo is unaware of any change in her behavior, and indeed, seems to think she is acting completely normally. This is of immense annoyance and consternation of Hawk and her friends, who tend to tread lightly around her other half.

Q: Is Pal really into Agu and Gabu?

A: Pal is not particularly romantically attracted to anyone. She views Agu and Gabu as sex buddies more than anything, in addition to being their close friend.

Q: What are the Defenders Brands?

A: The Defenders Brand is the pinnacle of Digimon technology. It is essentially a tattoo made of light that is branded into the back of a Defenders' off-hand. This tattoo adds a large number of new subroutines to a Digimon's program, allowing the Defender a variety of tools and abilities they would not normally possess.

First and most basic, the Brand acts as a symbol of authority, similar to a police badge. Brands are impossible to replicate and highly recognizable, so citizens of the Digital World can instantly recognize a Defender.

By tapping sparks of light within the Brand's pattern, the Defender can access a large number of other functions, usually projected onto holoscreens. These functions range from the mundane (calculators, human internet browsers, communication functions) to the more specialized (scanners, law enforcement databases, transmitting the Defenders' vitals to a base).

The most important function of a Brand is allowing Defenders to Digivolve in emergencies.

If a Defender retires or is discharged from service, the more advanced functions of the Brand can be deactivated. If discharged dishonorably (like Impmon) the Brand can be completely shut down. However, once placed, a Defenders Brand cannot be removed, except by severing the limb upon which it was placed. The Brand will also shine through a Defenders' natural clothing (the clothing they are programmed with), like Gato's gloves.

Q: What's the deal with Sala?

A: Outside of being a traumatized little girl being given a chance at a relatively happy life? Sala is currently Gato's ward. Gatomon went through a legal process to adopt Sala, and is doing her best to be a mother and older sister to the child.

Sala is too young to be a Defender, or even a Defender in training, but Agu and Gabu have begun giving her the same type of basic training that they gave Gato in her cubhood.

Sala turns out to have three gifts, one more useful than the others. Unlike Gato and most of the Defender girls, she is a natural futanari, born with a male penis. She has heterochromia, with one blue and one green eye. And finally, she is gifted with eidetic kinesthesia or photographic reflexes. She can perfectly mimic any movement she sees, allowing her to pick up fighting skills at an accelerated rate.

However, she is a five-year-old child, and a particularly small one at that. Despite her potential, her size, lack of strength, youth, and inexperience means that in combat she is a liability more than an asset.

Someday, she might become a magnificent Defender, but right now, she's a little girl in need of a loving family.

Q: Does Tento ACTUALLY have a thing for Flora?

A: In as much as Tento is actually capable of any sort of recognizable humanoid emotion... Sorta?

Tento doesn't really understand normal Digimon, though he does recognize friendship to some extent. However, he does not experience any sort of physical nor emotional attraction to anyone; as those kinds of emotions and feelings are... somewhat alien to him.

When not possessed by demons, zombified, affected by lust-inducing pheromones, or otherwise hypnotized and/or brainwashed, etc, he normally does not experience any sort of sexual arousal, much less romantic attraction.

To answer more simply: Tento is as attracted to Flora as he can be without actually being sexually attracted or in love. He values her for being able to talk to without dumbing down anything, and as a lab assistant.

Q: What is File Island like?

A: File Island has changed a little from how it was when the DigiDestined visited in Season 01. It is a large island (roughly the size of Great Britain) that exists in the dead center of the Map of the Digital World. The island is a patchwork of varying biomes stuck together in a rather haphazard manner, so that a tundra region might exist directly next to a scorching desert. There are multiple small villages throughout the Island, several large towns (including Primary Village), and a single city roughly the size of Manhattan, File City.

At the base of File Mountain (also known as Infinity Mountain to locals), and at the outskirts of File City, is the main Defenders Headquarters. The Defenders Headquarters has jurisdiction over File Island and hundreds of smaller islands in the region of ocean around it.

File Island boasts the single population in the Digital World in File City. While there are other large populations scattered around the world, most notably Server and Folder Cities, on their respective continents, File City is the largest, with over 1,700,000 Digimon living there.

File City is a modern city, skyscrapers, roads and all. Digimon work there in offices or in stores or factories. Goods both Digimon-made and from the Human Internet are sold in stores everywhere. The two main industries in File City are the entertainment industry (as Digimon tend to love human movies, video games, books, and more just as much as humans do), information services (when one exists in a land made of computer code, that is especially important) and "Net-Diving" services which retrieve files, data, information, or lost Digimon from the human internet.

The Defenders themselves are not usually concerned with policing File City, as it has its own self-contained police force. The Defenders focus on protecting the smaller towns and villages in their region, as well as facing threats that the police cannot handle on their own.

Q: Where is Leomon?

A: Leomon (who is the same one from Digimon Adventure 01 and 02), as one of the founders of the Defenders, is probably one of the most busy people on the planet. As such, he rarely spends any time in one place. He is out setting up Defenders bases in remote regions and having riveting adventures that would certainly be fascinating and breathtaking... if the series was about him and not Gato.

He keeps tabs on Gato, though, as he does care about her and the main Defenders base. Rest assured, he's aware of her adventures with Succubimon, Devidramon, Arcadimon, and even BlackGato...

Q: Why does Biyo use a rifle when she can use her Spiral Twister?

A: Biyo's Spiral Twister attack is far more powerful than any weapon to be sure, but it has a limited range of about thirty feet. As a scout, Biyo needs to be able to see and strike at foes far more distant than her abilities might allow her. Biyo is a gifted sniper, and her foldable rifle allows her to hit targets at extreme distances to support her team and keep an eye on things from afar.

In addition, Defenders train with a variety of weapons including swords, staves, knives, even grenade launchers or more. As some Digivolutions use weaponry, one needs to know how to use it. In addition, Defenders train for any type of combat situation imaginable, and knowing how to use a weapon, improvised or otherwise, is part of that. Though she rarely uses them, Gato is actually quite proficient with knives in combat.

Q: Who is the strongest fighter among the Defenders?

A: The answer is more complicated than you'd think. In terms of sheer, overall power and skill, probably Gato, with Agu and Gabu being a close second. In terms of martial-arts prowess, Rena, followed by Vee, then Gato in third. In terms of special attack power, Agu and Gabu are by far the most powerful, followed by Guil. In terms of over-all combat effectiveness, Agu and Gabu are again probably at the top, due to their teamwork and overall fighting power; with Gato second.

And these rankings are only VERY generalized. This is not Dragon Ball Z, where character's strength levels are clearly defined in respect to one another. It depends on the day, the time, and the situation.