
Story by Dark Alpha Wolf on SoFurry

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This is a little poem I did a few years back. Hope you guys like it!

(btw, I should note that Fenris and Tor are two fictional god names that I took from a book, though Fenris I assume was inspired by the actual god Fenrir in Norse mythology (Google that, he's freakin' sweet!!!))


I feel a shiver down my spine,

I feel waves of pain within collide.

I feel my deadly claws emerge,

the bloodlust drives me to the verge.

My skin is pierced from inside out,

the pain courses through, I release a shout.

My voice, I find, has left me now;

all I can do is snarl and growl.

My tongue tastes blood as fangs extend,

the nearest human will meet their end.

My face pushes out into a muzzle,

the full moon's glow completes the puzzle.

Fenris and Tor must be smiling,

for I sit her and laugh, humans'

God I am defying.

The bloodlust climaxes, I must hunt now;

and as I lope off, I let go my long-awaited howl...