The Cobalt Mage

Story by Apachy on SoFurry

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#4 of The Age of Ash

One of my more popular uploads that I managed to forget to upload onto SoFurry. With the upload here, the story got a quick cleaning up since I noticed several errors that needed correcting. Feel free to PM me suggestions, questions, or comments on the story or the world its set in.

This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story.

Planning. Oh so many years of planning, of searching and learning all he could of the world and its bloody history. Kelat had spent both a fortune and what felt like a lifetime in his search, for he was a Torchbearer, one of the few of mortals who'd refused to betray their draconic gods.

Aboard a vessel destined for his first of many leads, Kelat was well on his way to where he believed he would find what he desired most: A dragon to serve. Perhaps he couldn't rekindle another Age of Fire, but he was determined to help any of dragon-kind that still remained, should they accept him into their fold.

Kelat, having been at sea for several weeks, slept silently in his hammock despite the loud hollering on the deck above. Even still, the scraping of wood and the pounding of feet stirred him from the dark recesses of sleep, a low groan leaving his lips as he sat up.

Now that he was awake, the rocking of the ship was noticeable calmer, the scraping of wood ,pounding of feet, and the barrage of voices all around him making it clear as to why: They had finally landed. Kelat grabbed the lip of the wooden wall beside his bed, steadying his hammock enough that he could hop off.

The kobold landed with a small thump, the blanket that had kept him in warm company through the night flopping to a heap beside him, revealing his nude form to anyone in the room, which there wasn't. His years of travel had kept his body rather lean, along with his focus on the arcane, but the toned muscles beneath his olive scales were hard to miss.

Sitting below his hammock was a thatch bed, one he had refused to sleep in during their long journey to the icy cold continent of Dureula. The continent certainly lived up to its reputation, the cabin air felt crisp against Kelat's scales, like icy needles poking into his flesh. His hands and feet felt chilled to the bone, which he quickly rectified with a simple fireball spell he kept aloft in his paws.

With his hands warmed, Kelat reached beneath his bed for his bag where he kept his belongings, plucking it out from underneath by a thin white string that wrapping around the sacks lip. Pulling the string open, he took out a neatly folded pair of leather pants and a cloth undershirt.

Neither piece of attire was of any interest, although he had been forced to modify the pants to better accommodate his wide tail with his shoddy tailoring thanks to the escapade he had before boarding.

A knock came at his door, the gruff voice of one of the sailors following short "We've arrived at Selin's Bay, lizard. Get moving." he said, spitting the word lizard out with malice.

Kelat's kind were well-hated for their loyalty during the dragon's god-like rule, especially from the Wolfmen race, which all but a few of the ship's crew was. Kelat paid no mind to the foul words spat at him for being himself, instead focusing on getting his tail through the hole in his pants.

The crew had left him alone for the most part, although a few wordy jabs had sealed their fate during the long journey. Dotted around his room, markings were carved with remarkable detail, a circle with three lines curling into one another, each etching giving off a faint glimmer whenever Kelat stared too long.

Leaning against the door to his room was a sparkling blue and purple staff, fashioned by himself from crystal during the journey. The head of the staff was carved into the mouth of a dragon, its jaws wide with fangs jutting from its mouth menacingly.

Draped overtop the staff was another of his prized possessions, a cobalt colored hooded cloak he had worn almost as a trademark piece of attire throughout his life. The edges were lined with a cloud-like pattern that swirled the rim of his hood, same with the hem that ran along the base.

He grabbed the cloak by its hood, tossing it into the air above him. The cloak flapped open, fluttering back down over him to cover him in its blue cloth. He gave himself a quiet "Yes", having spent a good chunk of time in utter boredom trying to master the flashy move. Feeling victorious, Kelat grabbed his staff and his bag, slinging both over his shoulder as he reached for the doorknob.

Oh, he had almost forgot. Kelat tapped the bottom of his staff against one of the etchings on the wall, the carving lighting up with an orangish glow.

Five minutes.

With his business concluded, Kelat opened his cabin door, and stepped out into the guts of the ship. Wolfmen sailors were picking up and carried large wooden crates to and from the many sections of the ship, ignoring the somewhat small kobold as they shuffled cargo around the ship.

With most of the crew moving about, it wasn't hard for Kelat to find himself climbing a set of stairs up to the top deck. He shielded his eyes as the sun came into view, casting its bright yellowish-white light down upon him. Once his eyes adjusted, Kelat could see several other ships moored nearby, wide barnacle-crusted docks fashioned from wood stretching out to meet them. The loud bustle had also reached its apex , a constant drone of feet pounding and the chit-chatting made it hard to even think.

Three minutes.

Kelat turned his head to look at the city, his eyes meeting with one of the strangest sights he had seen. The city was set beside a cliff face, or so he had thought. Huge plateaus stretched up to the island, climbing their way up the towering cliff side like a staircase. Buildings lined the edge of the plateaus, each of the landings easily as large as a small kingdom alone.

Pearly white waterways crisscrossed up the rocky crags, creating a thin web of white that descended each of the towering walls of rock. Kelat tore his gaze from the otherworldly sight, time was short, and he wouldn't dare get caught up in what would come soon. A wooden plank bridged the gap between the boat and the dock, which Kelat rushed over before a Wolf carrying a crate 'accidentally' knocked him off into the water.

The dock itself was dominated with large wooden crates and boxes of supplies, the rest of the space taken up by a large crowd of furred sailors, mostly Wolfmen and Serulians, that ambled between the docks and their boats.

One minute.

The kobold merged with the crowd, disappearing from sight of the boat he had embarked on nearly a month ago. His cloak, despite the sun's best efforts, concealed most of his face in a dark shadow, hiding the toothy grin that stretched across his face.

Three seconds.

With a earth-shattering boom, the ship Kelat had disembarked from became a rolling cloud of fire, smoke, and splinters of wood. Screams echoed from the ball of flames as burning sailors were sent flying in every direction, some landing on other's ships, other's splashing into the icy ocean further out.

The flames turned from orange to a sinister purple as their cargo was set aflame, the ball of magenta flames seemed to curl inward for a brief second before another blast shot it upwards, shooting its sickly purple smoke towards the sky in a mushroom cloud. Screams and yelling followed as ash began to drift down like snow. The crowd was in a frenzy, some running wildly away from the scene incase other ships joined the same fate, and others standing in awe of the rolling flames as they began to sprinkle down.

Perhaps he had overdone it. But Kelat knew what cargo they were truly ferrying, he FELT what lurked in the containers around the ship. The scum that would willingly move that cargo deserved their fate. They would not be missed. Ships all around the dock were already halfway out to sea by the time any guards came rushing to the scene, not even one of them noticing the diminutive kobold who walked past, his staff clicking on the wet wood of the dock cheerfully.

Free from the crowd of onlookers, Kelat sat himself down on a small crate to begin formulating a plan. He was here on a lead, but this continent was far too massive to just begin searching randomly. He needed a map and intel, fast. Luckily, Kelat glanced up to see that he wouldn't have to walk far.

Stationed on the inner side of a crosswalk on the dock was a run-down looking stall. "Newcomer's Necessities!" was scrawled in worn white paint, a yellow-furred Serulian behind the stall with his head lying on the stalls countertop, sound asleep.

Serulians were known to be pretty deep sleepers, but sleeping through an explosion of that magnitude? The feline's ears twitched once, his head lifting for a second before laying back down onto the counter.

Bewilderment aside, if the cat was selling a map of at least the city, finding some lodging for the night would do the kobold wonders. Kelat hopped off his crate and approached the snoozing Serulian. He rapped his knuckles against the counter as hard as he could, making sure he woke the heavy sleeper.

"H-...Huh?" the cat muttered, lazily lifting his head to look at the kobold before him. His eyes shot open as he noticed the kobold's existence. The cat sat up straight, nearly jumping out of his seat as he gave a wide smile.

"Welcome to Newcomers Necessities!" He exclaimed, giving an exaggerated bow. "How can I help you today?"

The feline was eager to sell, that was for sure. And Kelat could use that eagerness. "Well good sir. I'd love to purchase a map of this city, and of Dureula if you have them in stock" He said heartily, giving a friendly smile.

"One moment, good sir!" The merchant replied, ducking beneath the counter. Papers ruffling together and metal clanging together resounded beneath the stall as the merchant rummaged through his items. A loud thump shook the wood stand, the Serulian standing back up rubbing the back of his head. In his hand was a roll of paper about as long as Kelat's staff.

"Ow... Sorry my friend, but I'm sorely lacking maps of our great land Dureula. I DO have a map of the city though! And it's all yours for just 50 copper!" He said, stretching out his free hand towards Kelat, pretending he hadn't just bashed his head standing up.

Kelat smile widened for a moment, before fading entirely. He reached for his bag, opening it and pretending to rummage through it. He mocked not finding anything, and closed the bag, looking up at the feline.

"Geez. 50 copper? That seems a little steep, don'tcha think?" The kobold said, watching the smile on the merchant's face quiver for a moment.

"Well worry not my scaly friend, for this map-" The merchant stopped in his boastful chatter, looking from the kobold to the map in his hands. He sighed, slouching back into his seat heavily. "Fuck it, I'm not gonna waste both of our time." The cat looked as if he had been hit in the chest with a bag of bricks, giving a sigh.

"Listen little guy. In case you couldn't tell, business ain't been great." He muttered, gesturing with his arm at the crowd around them, who finally dispersed from the obliterated boat. None of them even glanced at the stand the merchant was running, perfectly emphasizing his point.

"I can't drop the price by much, I gotta pay off some debts to a few people I'd rather not owe money to." The Serulian continued.

God. Damnit. Kelat was hoping the merchant was just another slimeball he could use. Kelat hated people who had just plain bad luck, they were always too easy to empathize with.

"The best that I can do is 40. That's the bare minimum I can sell for." the merchant said, rubbing his temple with a clawed hand.

Kelat double checked his story with a quick truth spell, nothing seeming out of the ordinary. This time it was Kelat's turn to sigh, rummaging in his bag once more until he found what he was looking for. He clenched his hand around the coin, keeping it well out of sight as he closed his bag again.

The merchant's ears twitched as he eyed the scaly fist curiously.

"I am sorry to hear that, merchant. Although I can't readily give this away to you, I believe we can strike a... deal, if you can give me what I need." Kelat said, resting his fist on the counter. The merchant sat up at his offer, leaning forward onto his stand.

Kelat loosened his grip on the coin, flexing two fingers to reveal the shining silver to the cat for just a moment. Now he had the Serulians complete attention.

"Now. I'd like to know of any rumors you might have heard on the whereabouts of a.... dragon in this area. Give me something I can work with and, well. I'll let you keep the change." The merchant's eyes grew as wide as saucers in surprise. Silver was worth nearly twenty of his maps, a small fortune for the likes of him.

"W-Well. There's been talk of a feral dragon somewhere near the mountain range at the center of Dureula. There's...." The merchant glanced around at the crowd around them for listeners, covering his mouth with a paw. "There's even word of a hunting party forming in town to, well, slay it. Pretty hefty bounty to anyone who does kill the beast."

Slaying a dragon? Just the thought elicited a chuckle from Kelat. Anyone who joined up with the party stood no chance against a dragon. Still, some of the cat's words were concerning. A feral dragon would more likely to kill Kelat rather than let him serve beneath it. But it was still a once in a lifetime opportunity. But taking down the hunting party could prove his worth to the dragon. It could also be false rumors, peasants were often rather dull when talking about their rightful gods of the realm. But defeating a dragon hunting party wouldn't be easy, he needed to find a magicks shop, and th-

"Hey, you there?" The merchant said, snapping his fingers in Kelat's face. The kobold jolted back to reality, lost in his train of thought

"Here you go." He dropped the coin onto the wooden counter, the silver clanging against the hollow wood as the merchant greedily snatched the coin up. Kelat grabbed the city map from the feline, tapping the counter to steal the merchant's attention from the coin gingerly held in his paws.

"A Word of advice. Don't join that hunting party, no matter how desperate you are." Kelat flashed a menacing smile, his toothy grin shining in the afternoon sun. "And as far as you're concerned, I don't exist and that coin was found, not given. Understand?" He emphasized each word with an almost guttural growl, his claws raking against the counter. The cat nodded frantically, clutching the coin as if his life depended on it, which it more than likely did.

"Good, then our business is concluded." With that, Kelat turned away from the scared merchant and disappeared into the dock crowd. He pushed and shoved his way through the crowd, a challenge in of itself due to his far smaller height.

He managed to make it to the street without too much effort, and more importantly, Kelat finally had enough open space to unfold his newly acquired map of the city without getting bumped or pushed. He unfurled the map, holding it up with his arms outstretched as far as he could to view the bottom.

Drudaela, as it was named, covered most of the plateaus that climbed the cliff face, although right now he didn't care to examine the map's finer details just yet. His first destination was the market, thankfully located right in front of him. He folded and stored his map away, walking along the cobbled road perusing the stalls and shops. Most of the stalls sold materials for reselling or shipping, with a few selling weapons and potions Kelat didn't dare touch, let alone drink.

Instead of continuing in his rather boring walking amongst the stalls, Kelat lifted a hand from the depths of his cloak, pressing it to his eyes. With a flare of magick, the color of the world around him seemed to drain like water, a dull grey taking its place.

Thin wispy trails of pink shimmered in the air, washing through the crowds of people and stalls. Of the many magicks, pink was the most natural, always shifting through the world like air. It was also by far the weakest of them all, and more importantly, ment the peddlers that boasted to the shambling passersby that they held enchanted or magick items were nothing more than frauds.

At least, so he thought. The faint glimmer of blue caught his eye, barely noticeable amongst the abundant pink mist. On the other side of the stalls, wreaths of far greater magick practically seeped from the doorway of one of the more concrete shops.

Color began to fade back into existence as his enchantment wore off, the fluttering trails of magick disappearing into nothingness before him. With the world's color restored to him, Kelat got a much better look at the source of the magick.

The storefront was devoid of any decorations, aside from a metal sign that swung in the chilly breeze, reading "The Enchanters Gauntlet" in worn purple and yellow cursive. Had it not been for the trace of magick, he wouldn't have noticed the shop at all.

As he reached the shop's doorstep it was nearly impossible for him not to feel the abundance of magick that teemed within. He reached for the handle, noticing that up close the door had some intricate carvings etched into its wooden surface as he pulled the door open. Magical runes perhaps? Kelat couldn't feel any magic if there was.

A rush of warm air greeted him as he entered, a welcome feeling from the chilled winds outside. Counters lined the walls from floor to ceiling, stocked with a spectrum of knick-knacks and equipment. Opposite from the entrance was a dark oak counter, unmanned at the moment, and with similar swirling etchings as the entrance.

No torches or lanterns were hung from the walls or ceiling, instead motes of yellow and white orbs of light casted bright rays over the entire shop. He gently shut the door behind him closed, cocking a brow at the seemingly desolate shop.

"Hello?" He hollered, glancing at the stores wares. The store was sectioned in two sections by the looks of things: the rightmost wing was stocked with a variety of weaponry and tools, and the other lined with clothing and jewelry. both sides looked both clean and masterfully sorted, a quick glance showing neat rows of blades and mauls, or neatly folded and mounted clothing and armor..

A thump came from the floor above, along with the frantic scratching of claws on wood as what Kelat presumed to be the owner scrambled their way down to the storefront. While the likely owner made their way down, Kelat perused the aisle of weaponry, impressed with the variety of choices available to him.

Bows, daggers, even some of the rarer firearms sat on the shelving, a folded card with their individual prices sitting in front of each item. The prices were more than what the peddlers outside sold, but quality was far more valuable to him than price.

He considered buying a curved short sword that glowed with light, having lost his before the voyage, but decided against it. His staff served as a decent enough club if his magick failed him, which it never would. Still, he grabbed a decent looking dagger, noting that even the handle pulsed with magick.

The frantic scuffling of feet slowed to the clicking of talons as the shopkeep descended a staircase somewhere out of sight. Curious, Kelat shifted magick into his hand, gently prodding at the dagger's magical properties.

As if on cue the edges of the blade began to glow, a frosty mist beginning to form around the pointed tip. A frost enchantment, and a well infused one at that. Over by the counter, two female kobolds popped up from beneath seemingly out of nowhere.

"Welcome to the Enchanters Gauntlet!" both shouted, making Kelat jumping as the silence was abruptly broken. He dropped the dagger in his frightened hop, the bladed edge dipping down to embed itself in the wood between two of his toes.

Kelat kept his mouth shut in a grimace, a spark of anger pulling at his lips. He bent down and yanked the dagger from the wooden floor, having dug itself halfway to the hilt. The glow and mist were gone, but the handle still emanated its power. Sharp AND well-made, two of Kelat's favorite qualities in a blade.

"Aw, did they leave already?" one of the kobolds said sadly.

"No. I am very must still here" Kelat replied, moving into view of the kobolds with the dagger's blade in his hand. Both gave a warm smile as he came into view, glancing at one another for a moment. One was considerably taller than the other, one of their many differences

The taller one was dressed in a golden yellow garb with a heart shaped hole in the chest, providing a generous glimpse at her cleavage. Her shield-like scales were a rich, bright crimson, a contrast to the smaller kobold beside her.

The other kobold's scales were an ocean-like teal, wearing a flowery pink dress that draped over her shoulders loosely, with the rest of her figure hidden behind the counter.

"Looks like you already found yourself a keeper. Feel free to browse the rest of the shop!" the taller shopkeep exclaimed. The look the two shared had Kelat concerned, but waved them away for now, walking into another aisle out of sight. For once he was actually excited to visit a shop, a rare luxury he wouldn't spoil if he didn't need to.

With Kelat no longer in their view, the two kobolds ducked under their counter. The taller of the kobolds, Meridia, covered the side of her mouth with a paw, a beat red blush already spread across her cheeks.

"He's a cutie Kiaer. Maybe we...." Her whisper trailing off.

"Oh absolutely! " Kiaer said a little too loudly, wincing as she realised her mistake. Meridia peeked over the counter, giving a sigh of relief when Kelat didn't reappear. She jabbed a claw a the sheepish Kiaer angrily.

"Keep it down Kia. We don't want to mess this chance up." she scolded, huffing angrily. They needed a plan before Kelat left their shop. While they were forming said plan, Kelat had disrobed to try on a set of leather armor.

He heard every word they whispered beneath the counter, having enchanted his hearing after their first little surprise. But he would confront them when he was finished. Perhaps there was something more to gain from the shop than he had seen so far.

The leather pants were a little loose for his liking, but there was a pre-made hole for his tail, which was a definite improvement. The rest of the armor felt almost tailor-made for him, another well-made enchantment no doubt. Thankfully the chest piece lacked sleeves, leaving his arms unhindered to cast his magick.

The shop proved to be a bit less impressive than he had expected. Either he had missed whatever powerful magic that rested here, or they weren't selling it. He kept the leather armor on, slinging his cloak over his shoulder.

Both shopkeepers were standing at attention as he rounded the corner into view. Without his cloak, his green scales were in full view to them along with his well-toned arms. Kiaer bit the corner of her lip, eyeing every inch of him like a predator would its prey. Meridia gave her a kick in the shin, bringing her back to reality when Kelat shot her a quizzical look.

"S-sorry. Just tired" She said, giving a pretend yawn under Meridia's scrutinizing gaze.

"Right..." He replied, giving a thin smile and setting the dagger he had picked onto the counter. Meridia leaned against the counter, her breasts pushed up towards Kelat. So that was their game. Kelat's smile widened, wondering how they would manage to entice him into THAT.

"Oh, sir. Did you not want that? I thought a skilled magician such as yourself would be going mad over it." Meridia said, pointing behind him as a belt appeared from thin air, dangling off the corner of a shelf. He turned around, leaving the counter to grab the belt. Other than a few occupied pouches that glowed with light, the belt was standard issue, and his pants weren't loose enough to warrant one.

Still, the glowing pouches held his attention enough for him not to set the belt back down. Gingerly, he undid the string around the pouch flaps, opening it with a flick of his claw. Sitting in the pouch was a thin vial, a cascade of colors swirling inside. Could it...

It was. Kelat eyes went wide, recognizing some of the most powerful magick he knew. Stirring within the glass vial was a drop of pure magick, potent, powerful, and deadly, all wrapped up in one glass vial. Meridia and Kiaer couldn't help but smirk, knowing their bait had been taken.

With his surprise, Kelat's composure was lost. In a flash he pooled magick into his fingers, pressing them to his eyes to verify what he was seeing. Swirling around the vial was magick, pearly white in color. How?

His hands shook as he ever so gently placed the vial back into the pouch, tying the string back to secure the flap. White magick. A myth, a legend, just sitting in a glass vial no bigger than his claws.

He collected himself, gripping the belt in both paws like it were his own child. He carefully set the belt beside his dagger. Before he could even ask the price, Meridia began the talking:

"We don't want your gold, Mr....?"

"Kelat. Call me Kelat." He answered, still shaken by the unfathomably rare find he had stumbled upon. Dammit, he had used his real name!

"Right. Well Mr. Kelat, you may or may not have noticed. Our kind are few and far between in Dureula." She circled a finger on the counter. Kelat already knew where this was ending up, but let her continue.

"And let's just say me and Kiaer here do get awfully lonely"

"Hi" Kiaer commented, giving Kelat a rather adorable smile.

"Without such a strapping man such as yourself to... keep us company" Meridia continued, her voice grew more sultry as she spoke, perhaps trying a little too hard for Kelat's taste.

"The offer is perfectly simple. You give us just one night with us, and you get to walk out of her with that dagger, that armor, and th-"

"Deal." He cut her off. Meridia looked back at Kiaer, having gone giddy with joy that Kelat had taken their offer so easily.

"Perfect. Doubt you'd want to walk back out in that anyhow." She pointed out one of the shop windows, where heavy snow had already begun falling to pile up on the windowsill. She knocked on the counter twice, a seam forming as a portion of the counter sank into the floor.

"Come on, let's head upstairs." Meridia beckoned. "Oh. I'm Meridia by the way. It'll be a real pleasure, I'm sure."

Without the counter blocking his view, Kelat took in both kobolds smooth forms. Meridia was completely nude from the chest down, the outline of her dripping slit all too noticeable, leaving a small puddle of juices where she walked. Although her dress blocked the lower half of body, he assumed Kiaer had a similar lack of clothing.

The two kobolds turned away from him and walked into the depths of the shop, their hips swaying in tandem with their tails. For a moment, Kiaer's dress was lifted by her tail, flashing her tailhole and round rump for him to see.

Kelat couldn't help but lick his chops, following close behind the pair as they lead him up to their bedchamber. As they walked, Kiaer and Meridian stopped by a wall-mounted cabinet at the foot of a staircase, grabbing a few bottles from within.

Their journey ended at a dark oak door up a set of stairs, which opened on its own as they approached, giving a glimpse into their room. Inside, a square mattress laid indented in a raised platform easily half the size of the room itself, a regal purple colored blanket stretched across the top with an array of pillows lining the headrest. Candles sat on end-tables on both sides of the bed, casting faint flickers of light to brighten the dark room. Kelat stepped into the room, getting a better look around as the two kobolds behind him shut the door as they entered.

His examination of the room was cut short as they grabbed him by either arm, hoisting him up with inhuman strength. With a combined wind up, Kelat was flung like a ball towards the bed, flailing frantically as he tumbled end over end towards the mattress.


He landed on his back, bouncing to the center of the bed with his tossers in close pursuit. Somewhere along Kelat's short-lived flight, the two had managed to shuk their clothing, lips dripping with anticipation as they neared their disoriented prey.

In a moment they had their claws wrapped around him, undoing his armor in record time until every one of his olive scales were on display for them. As they not-so-gently removed his pants, Kelat's half-erect tapered penis slipped into view, catching the two females' eyes as the bright red tip slumped out of his slit slowly.

Kiaer proved the fastest as they both lunged for his growing member, her over eager mouth sucking the rest of his member out of his slit and down her throat in an instant, making Kelat gasp in shock.

Kiaer's throat muscles caressed Kelat's shaft with passion, his cock hardening as she began to suck on his meaty shaft, her tongue flicking over to taste every inch it could. Meridia, frowning at her faster competitor, jabbed a claw into the cork of one of the bottles she had picked up, a pop sounding as she wrenched it out.

"Drink" She commanded, tilting the bottle towards Kelat's snout. He begrudgingly complied, letting the contents pour down into his mouth and down his throat. The taste was horrendously bitter, enough that Kelat nearly gagged from the taste as the last drips trickled down his tongue.

Meridia tossed the empty bottle aside, pulling his head towards her by his chin. She leaned in, locking her snouth against his in a kiss. The contents of the bottle spoiled the taste of his mouth as their tongues met, but Meridia didn't mind, pressing her mouth against him.

Kiaer worked harder on Kelat's shaft, feeling it swell in her throat as she sucked against it, wrapping her tongue around the thick base. Had Meridia not given her one of their 'special' potions well in advance, she would have been struggling to breath around the thick hunk of meat she was sucking down.

Kelat moaned against Meridia's jaws, his hands gripping the blanket under him in tightly-balled fists. Meridia wrapped her tongue around his, pushing her snout further against his. As soon as it began, Meridia drew back from the kiss, a silver bridge of spit connecting their lips for a moment.

Kelat's breath came back both hot and heavy, unprepared for Kiaer as she slid her head back from him, leaving the head of his shaft at the edge of her lips. A few dollops of pre dribbled into her mouth, which she happily lapped up with her tongue.

Meridia licked her lips, standing up on the bed for a moment to stand above Kelat, her pussy dripping a few drops of juices on his chest. She stepped forward, planting her feet on either side of his head, bending down into a squat to bring her needy lips directly onto his snout.

Not wanting to disappoint, Kelat pushed his snout against her, licking between her lips to lap up the juices dripping free. Meridia cooed with satisfaction, his hands reaching up to squeeze her plump cheeks between his clawed fingers.

Kiaer on the other end had picked a slow rhythm of bobbing her head along his shaft, content to draw out one of what he didn't know would be multiple orgasms. The effects of the potion Meridia had given to Kelat was finally noticeable to her, although Kelat seemed oblivious to his new addition. Bobbing beside the cock Kiaer had been caressing and pleasing, a near identical copy of the one she was working on now twitched freely in the crisp air.

Kelat was too busy slaving over Meridia's pussy, his mouth clamped over her muff, his tongue a blur against her lips, frantically lapping up every drop greedily. Her juices were sweet, washing away the foul taste of that potion she made him drink. What had that potion done to him anyway?

Kelat, ever wary even now, had put up a magical defense just incase, but otherwise he was ignorant to the changes. Kiaer gave him a surprise as she reached up with her hand to grab at his newly added cock, stroking the tip with her fingers as she felt his other cock, still firmly wedged in her mouth, give a sudden jolt.

With the not-so-secret cat out of the bag, Kiaer doubled her efforts on his one cock, pulling away from his shaft to bring it quickly back down into her gullet. Without warning, Kelat gave a cry of ecstasy as his twin cocks began firing their loads, coating Kiaer's mouth and hand in thick strings of white jizz.

His howling brought Meridia over the edge as well, a rush of juices spraying down into Kelat's wide open jaws. Kiaer hilted his spraying shaft as far as she could, not wanting to lose even a drop as it dispensed a seemingly endless stream of cum from his tip.

His climax was longer than he was expecting by the time his cocks had slowed to a halt, letting him catch his breath. Meridia, however, wasn't content to end their session their, dropping her rear back on Kelat's muzzle. Kiaer had also taken up a new stance, lying atop him with her own needy lips rubbing against one of his twin shafts.

Whatever other effects the potion had on Kelat were clearly working, his twin shafts already standing at attention and a little bigger than before. Meridia was the first to act, smothering Kelat between her legs as she sat down on his face. Tired, Kelat began working his tongue through her nethers, spurred on by Kiaer as she lowered herself on one of his members.

Kiaer's pussy squeezed against him, far tighter than he was ready for, a few faint thrusts plunging his massive shaft further into her. When had his...? Another effect of the potion, no doubt. Kelat kept pace with the two of them, thrusting with each move Kiaer made whilst flaunting his tongue over Meridia's soaked pussy. He was getting bored with the same position however, especially Meridia's.

His hands left her squishy cheeks to grab higher along her thickset waist. With a push, Meridia fell forward onto Kelts chest, her head landing in front of Kiaer's stuffed pussy. Kelat locked his arms around her waist, giving her needy folds a final lick before admiring her round rear.

Nestled between her plump cheeks sat her puckered pink tailhole, shamefully unattended. Something he would gladly rectify, given an ample reward. Kelat made his request clear as one of his thrusts inside Kiaer sent his other unattended dong to smack Meridia's muzzle with a wet slap.

She took the hint, grabbing hold of his flailing slab of meat in her fingers, bringing it into a kiss against her mouth. Satisfied, Kelat released his grip on her waist, bringing his fingers to spread her tailhole wide, revealing its brighter, fleshier pink inside.

Kiaer squealed with delight as she rode Kelat's meaty shaft, spreading her wide as it touched and pressed against every nook and cranny within her. Her warm walls caressed his cock in return, eaking out a drop of pre to mix with her juices that lubed her passage.

A muffled moan came from Meridia as Kelat's tongue snaked its way up her rear, flicking at her clit once before rising to meet her puckered hole. Kelat savored her taste as she circled her tailhole slowly, her mixed moans of pleasure and annoyance music to his ears. Meridia retaliated by giving his dick a rather hard suck, squeezing its rounded tip with her tongue until he sped up his licking.

Kiaer on the other hand, gave a cry of ecstasy, a wave of juices spraying from her soaked cunt as she came. Kelat's own was not too far off, given the double service he was being given. Moving a hand down to rub Meridia's nether lips, Kelat picked up the pace with his tongue, prodding against the center of her tailhole before his own climax caught up with him.

Her puckered vent finally yielded to his prodding, slowly spreading to accommodate his tongue as it wormed its way into her depths. Her moans reverberated through his dick, slowing him for a moment in his efforts to bring the needy kobold to her orgasm. Even still, his own climax came before hers, a rush of warm spreading across his groin up to his chest as he peaked out inside Kiaer's silky folds..

Giving an exhausted moan, Kelat's cocks began shooting their second batch of loads, the one still firmly planted in Kiaer's pussy filling what little space in her with his seed, spilling into her womb. Meridia swallowed most of his load as it streamed into her maw, letting his cock slip free to paint her face and head in his essence. Despite being his second orgasm, his cock seemed to fire off more and more jizz than he had the first time, Kiaer's overfilled cunt spewing like a fountain as she was filled to her maximum capacity.

This time his orgasm had taken the energy out of Kelat, energy sapped from his body with every glob that flung itself from his spasming dicks. His head slumped onto the bed, tongue slipping free from Meridia's tailhole with a pop as it retreated into his mouth.

Drained of his stamina, Kelat could do nothing but give weak moans as his orgasm slowed to a halt, leaving him basked in his own afterglow. Kiaer followed shortly after, lying back as his cock pulled free of her cum-filled pussy, splattering the blanket underneath in a mix of juices and cum.

One of the three was still very active however, and very unsatisfied. Meridia, feeling awfully left out, grabbed both of Kelats flaccid dongs in her hands. Still sensitive, Kelat yipped in mock pain as she stroked his shafts, bringing them back to full mast.

"Come now. You're not done already are you?" she cooed, her words sending a frightful shiver down his spine. Was she mad? Kelat was utterly spent, and yet she was still determined to continue! Meridia crawled overtop his members, angling theirs heads towards her dripping snatch as she positioned herself over them, squeezing his tips together in her hand.

Kelat, too tired to fight back, had no other choice than to watch as she slowly descended on his shafts, somehow managing to spear herself on both of his engorged cocks. Both moaned in pleasure as Meridia descended another inch onto his dicks.

He tried to protest against Meridia, a garbled mess of mumbling escaping his lips as she managed to wedge another inch into her. That seemed to trigger a burst of energy from Kelat, an angry huff leaving his nostrils as he thrusted his hips. Meridia cried in joy as he sank his bulging rods halfway into her, losing his brief moment of control as her pussy contracted against his cocks, his tail wiggling underneath the collapsed Kiaer wildly.

Meridia regained her control, dropping more of her weight down on his massive shafts, stretched to her limit as she futilely tried to stuff more of him into her. Unable to cram more of his pillars of meat inside her stretched cunt, Meridia lifted herself up, bringing Kelat up with her as his dicks refused to budge out of her.

His own weight helped release his dicks from her gaping vagina, a wet sucking sound followed by a rush of juices splashing over his groin as his shafts moved most of the way out. But she was far from done, letting herself drop back down onto his shafts. He howled as she repeated the motion, creating a rough yet steady pace.

The motion was too much for the tired Kelat, howling into the air as his orgasm finally arrived, strings of cum flowing into Meridia's overpacked cunt into her awaiting womb. The already prominent bulge in her belly began to expand like a balloon as Kelat's orgasm fed her insatiable lust, sending a rush of her juices to coat his groin as she finally reached climaxed.

Meridia slumped backwards as she practically collapsed from her own long-fought orgasm, Kelat's spent dicks popping free with a spray of cum. Kiaer stopped Meridia from falling overtop her, struggling to keep the kobold from crushing her.

She managed to set Meridia down somewhat gently, ready to ask her what she was doing when she noticed the blissful smile plastered across her face.

Meridia laughed joyously, huffing for breath as she looked up to Kiaer. "Guess we won't be needing the other one, huh?" she whispered softly, lifting a finger towards Kelat. Caked in his own semen, Kelat's cum-stained chest rose and fell steadily, a barely audible snoring leaving his lips with every breath.

Kiaer chuckled silently at the passed-out kobold. Perhaps they had been too hasty in their endeavors, but Kiaer knew they had gotten what they wanted, rubbing a paw over her stomach tenderly. Their potion had been handcrafted for this exact moment, and the two females were more than confident that his seed had taken, or at least would take. There was plenty they could collect and save. They would have a family thanks to him, even if it did cost their prized possessions.

Being the only one with any energy to move, Kiaer grabbed Meridia by the arm and began to slowly pull her towards the head of the bed, a slimy trail of cum smeared itself onto their blanket, which she tucked the exhausted kobold under. She did the same with Kelat, struggling to bring him next Meridia in his unconscious state.

Once he was secured underneath their thick blanket beside Meridia, Kiaer slid underneath the covers on the other side of Kelat. Meridia was out like a light, much like Kelat. With a little magick, Kiaer plunged the room into darkness as the candles around the bed went out all at once.

She snuggled up against Kelat's arm, resting her head against a clean-ish portion of his chest, listening to his heartbeat. His scales were warm, and she squished herself closer to him, slipping into sleep with them.

End of Chapter 1