The Gift: Introducing the Spirits, part 3 of 3

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#11 of The Gift

Having been tantalized and teased when it comes to possible spirit characters involved in the story I figure it's time readers finally get a wiki-equivalent source of useful information about the numerous spirits who can take an active role in the story. While these 3 posts will cover all of the spirits to which the protagonists may be closely linked not all of them will find a place in the storylines and there are several other spirits who might make a showing, for better or for worse.

Make sure you take note of the spirits available for the offering as an upcoming vote will let readers decide on which spirits are involved with which humans, and which storylines. No votes yet, but they are coming!

The Gift Spirit Details part 3 of 3 Presented Alphabetically (by animal race) copyright 2018 comidacomida

Anapa The Jackal Spirit Old Egyptian Spirit Guide

Anapa was the name given to one of two great Egyptian Jackal Gods. While the Jackal Spirit makes no claim to be a divine entity there are numerous parallels in his existence, which may suggest that he once drew sustenance from the prayers of mortals-- a truly powerful form of energy for spirits. Anapa came into being millennia ago in Egypt, where pharaohs and common man alike paid homage to spirits of death and the departed. At the high point of his existence, Anapa had numerous sources of energy and numerous other spirits suspect that this may even have included human sacrifice, which has long been seen as a workaround method to devouring human life force without being stained by the taint of such a despicable act-- after all, if he didn't actually kill the human then he would not be marked.

In the common age, Anapa has lost a huge amount of his power as he is all but forgotten as an entity, cloaked and buried under the myth of the more commonly spoken-of Anubis, embalmer, and weigher of souls. In an ironic twist of fate, Anubis himself was ultimately unseated as "Lord of the Underworld" during the era of the Middle Kingdom by Osiris so that Anapa wouldn't even share an animal affiliation with the position. He has managed to remain awake and aware throughout the ages because of his incredible talent at scavenging spiritual energy. The great interest in Egyptian artifacts and the archaeology craze in the 1800s and 1900s provided him a small but stable amount of sustenance and he supplemented that with taking latent life force from freshly dead bodies of humans, especially those treated for embalming or life-like presentation.

Anapa will generally present himself in very simple clothing consisting of knee-length, kilt-like flax waist-wrapping known as a shendyt along with necklaces, bracelets, anklets, and arm bands made up of semi-precious stones. Alternately, the Jackal spirit sometimes prefers a roman toga, likewise spun from flax. On rare occasions he has been known to present himself in a western-style business suit, though when he does his black tie is secured firmly with an ankh tie clip. Regardless of his clothing, Anapa is never without a nemes, though during casual moments he may settle on a simple headband with gem-studded golden lappets. He also tends to favor adorning himself with a leopard pelt, usually work to accentuate whatever other clothes he wears. Although clothing worn by Anapa may be any color based on fashion and style, he himself is jet black from ears to toes, including his tongue, claws, and teeth. Even the whites of his eyes are like coal, with the only exception being his irises, which are so deeply amethyst that they seem to blow in his otherwise obsidian face.

As an ancient entity, Anapa has had plenty of time to make friends and enemies of other spirits, but has not. Tending more towards being a loner, the Jackal has widely eschewed his fellow beings and chooses instead to attempt to make his way in the world alone. He once had the love, attention, fear, and adoration of entire cultures but those days are done and gone; he is content to subsist on what energies he can find in solitude. That, however, may have changed with the awakening of a new spirit-sensitive mortal, and his hunger for something more may have very well awakened. Aside from general indifference toward other spirits, Anapa has a singular exception, and that is Balam, the Jaguar spirit; the two, for whatever reason, are incredibly hostile to one another.

Kyle The Raven Spirit Young Opportunistic Trickster Spirit

Many cultures pay homage to Raven. The Greeks associated the raven with Apollo, god of prophecy. The Norse revere Hrafn and it was said that mortal ravens were associates of Odin, the All Father. The Welsh also associated ravens with one of their gods, Bran the Blessed. Even the Christians integrated ravens into their mythos, where they were said to have protected the body of St. Vincent from scavenging animals after his execution. Native Americans venerated Raven in their mythology as the Creator of the world. It was said that the British Empire would fall if the ravens left the Tower of London-- oddly enough, when that happened during World War II the Empire was dismantled shortly thereafter. The Hindu goddess' Shani's mount-- heralds of the death of heroes in Serbian Epic poetry-- the list goes on and on.

Kyle is something of a rebel among his kind; the common convention with spirits is that names other than those identifying features (a spirit's animal race or its spirit type) can only be given to them by humans. In opposition to this outlook, Kyle has elected to identify himself and wears his name with all of the self-satisfaction and self-importance as a title. When pressed as to a reason why he would limit himself with a name not given as a gift by humans (one who has a name cannot receive a new one in the same way as that which is unnamed), Kyle simply explains that Raven spirits had so many names over the millennia that there should be no problem with taking on one more. This devil-may-care attitude is a perfect example of Kyle's outlook on life and he lives among the human's of today's society with casual indifference over that which other spirits covet greatly: human attention.

Although Kyle, like other animal spirits maintains a form strongly reminiscent of human, he is slightly more animalistic than many others. He is just shy of five and a half feet tall, but his slightly hunched posture puts him at just over five feet unless he is going out of his way to stand erect. His entire body is covered by black feathers and his arms are actually wings. Rather than having hands, his primary feathers have a surreal amount of dexterity and strength, allowing him to use them in a way almost akin to fingers. While he can use them for simple activities with some reasonable skill (his favorite past time, for example, includes playing video games), anything requiring either fine motor movement or strength must be done with his feet. To this end, Kyle usually wears gloves on his feet and favors jackets and vests for his torso that are armless, providing him extra range of motion with his wings. While Kyle takes great pride in his sparkling amethyst eyes, he has recently (within the past 30 years or so) taken to wearing aviator sunglasses.

Despite his seemingly self-obsessed nature, Kyle is truly gregarious at heart. He loves talking about himself, and involving himself in the affairs of others, but also knows that, at some point he needs to give others a chance to talk and during those times he gains as much information as he can for later use (in aiding friends, or crafting the downfall of enemies). Those who truly get to know Kyle can see that he truly does have a kind heart but he has never really had a chance to use it. He is often described as a kindly trickster who tests the mettle of those around him, but those who are the victims of his more unpleasant pranks often see him as a horrid little monster. This may have some bearing on the animosity Talapus has for him, as the only name Coyote uses when referring to the Raven is "Demon".

Tom The Rhino Spirit Old Jewish Behemoth Spirit

Referenced in Job 40:15-24, King James Version, the Behemoth is said to be a magnificent, unequalled land beast who was unable to be tamed by anyone except God Himself, undefeatable by anyone by his Creator. Animals were said to turn wild and feral at the sound of Behemoth's roar. At the end of time, Behemoth, beast of the land will do battle with Leviathan, the best of the sea. God would slay them both and feed his chosen with the meat from both and shelter his people with Behemoth's great skin. Other translations and interpretations include the thought that Behemoth would be tamed by God, and in this interpretation he will have a ring through his nose. Tom the Rhino has such a ring, and has served for millennia as a protector of the Jewish people. Despite the supposed divine connection, Tom claims to have never met God, or any being resembling the description, having chosen the task of his own volition in return for the adoration and spiritual energy provided to him by his people.

After the further development of monotheism and the fracturing hostilities between Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Tom's strength began to wane. Although he has remained the faithful protector of his people, the Rhino became all but forgotten; long-standing traditions were left by the wayside and old rituals honoring him were no longer practiced. Tom went into a deep sleep for a long time, all but leaving the world of man. He awoke briefly in the 17th century during a resurgence of biblical scholars and some older spirits wonder if perhaps Tom had something to do with the stories involving the naming of the French town Tarascon. Tom, having suffered for centuries from depression arising from his past, does not comment on such conjecture. His recent awakening, in the middle of World War II has scarred in him ways that have made him almost obsessive in his desire to reestablish a connection to the world of man and, by extension, the human protagonist.

Despite having had over sixty years to become used to the modern world, Tom often rebels against change, choosing instead to represent the ways he knew in ages past. While he is neither stupid nor ignorant, he feels far more comfortable seeing the world in a more basic way. As such, much of Tom's manifested aesthetic draws from fashion and clothing of ages past. In general, the nearly eight foot tall, golden-eyed Rhino wears an ezor and a kethoneth, essentially a loincloth and an under-tunic. Over that, he wears a simlah (a heavy shawl) and over that a me'il (a cloak-like over garment). While the combination could often be mistaken by modern observers as Arabic in appearance, Tom would not be pleased at the confusion, but that's not something of any real concern as humans in this day and age are not commonly able to interact with spirits. Despite the thick hide on his body, the Rhino still wears na'alayim (leather sandals) on his feet, but never inside the home.

Tom's frustration with the modern world also extends to younger spirits, who he considers to be belligerent children who don't understand the workings of the world. Strangely, this view does not extend to humans, who the Rhino apparently just expects to be ignorant. To further separate his outlook, Tom is willing to educate humans, but has little-to-no interest in 'fixing' the stupidity of fellow spirits. He feels a camaraderie of fellow older spirits and, whether he knows of them personally or through reputation, Tom provides them a degree of respect even if he doesn't agree with them or their methodologies. It should not be surprising that, based on this outlook, Tom is often at great odds with Aiden the Bat Spirit. To make matters worse, Aiden often riles him up by making fun of the Hebrew spelling of his Aramaic name, alternating between "Din" and "Nid" (Hebrew is written backwards) as the Hebrew characters loosely resemble a lower case 'n', a capital "i", and a capital "d".

"The Ancient One" The Serpent (Dragon/Snake) Spirit Ancient Primal Glamour Spirit

While Glamour spirits are often considered to be the embodiment of chaos and the wild none can compare to one who could very possibly predate man. How it would have been able to obtain the kind of spiritual energy required for its survival without the immense power created by humanity is anyone's guest, and The Ancient One is not offering any insight into the situation. Its alien mindset is all the less comprehensible due to the fact that it is, in truth, three entities combined into one. A combination of a Western Dragon, an Eastern Dragon, and a Meso American feathered serpent, The Ancient One is a fractured being as at odds with itself as it is with the modern world.

At some point in the distant past, the Ancient One was three separate beings. These spirits, meeting under whatever auspices brought them together, were all closing in on the ultimate destiny that awaits any spirit who falls so far from grace as to expend all of their energy without the capacity to gain more. In that moment, either in trying to cannibalize one another or in seeking whatever was required for survival together, the Ancient One's three separate entities combined into one. Since that time the Ancient One has consisted of a trio of constituent parts combined into a single whole. As Serpent spirits are naturally independent creatures it is safe to assume that they have not fared well in the centuries since.

The Ancient One manifests in a variety of forms depending on which of its three essences is 'in control' in a given moment. The gruffest and most aggressive of the personalities takes the form of a great Western Dragon with deep green plates on most of his body, interrupted only along his chest and abdomen, which were banded in yellow-gold scales. The wizened, peaceful second identity is that of a red-furred Eastern Dragon with a vibrant orange mane. The final entity caught up in the mix is an enormous anaconda with multi-colored parrot wings and a feathery cowl. As the Western Dragon is the only of the three with a human-like form he is also the only one of their number who ever wears clothing, and that is limited to a black leather loincloth and a black leather belt... and nothing else.

Due to the fractured nature of The Ancient One most spirits give him a wide berth. While the second and third personalities rarely strive to start trouble the first can be quite aggressive around other spirits, especially when they are near a human he has claimed as his... such as the protagonist. All three aspects of The Ancient One are incredibly protective of the protagonist as they have all experienced what 'the end' is like and have no interest in giving up their second chance for renewed existence. Despite the fact that all three personalities of The Ancient One have different viewpoints, personalities, and outlooks, all agree that the Fox Yokai is no good and will stop at nothing to get it away from their chosen human. The Fox, in return, is so scared of them that it has decided not to copy/paste its profile onto this intro like it did with Intro 1. (You are welcome to go back and check-- it really did happen!).

Sabhàna The Wolf Spirit Old Irish Gaelic Tribal Spirit

Wolves, since before recorded time have been companion to man but, at the same time, a villain in many of his stories and legends. This is true among the Irish, whose mythology and folklore holds many places where wolves feature prominently. The Irish word for wolf is "Mac Tire", literally meaning "son of the countryside" as there are numerous stories of humans taking animal shape. It is from this land that Sabhàna the Wolf Spirit hails, and she maintains a strong connection to it to this day. The height of her power was before the 1600s and, due to the legislation starting in 1584 that all but declared war against wolves in Ireland, her strength has waned ever since. By the mid 1650s, she was unable to abide the attacks on her mortal kin and went into a deep spiritual sleep of depression and hopelessness.

No one could say for sure when it was Sabhàna emerged from her slumber but the following decades were spent coming to terms with a changing world that was caught in the throes of the industrial revolution. The land had become busy, and loud, and blackened, and she wanted nothing to do with it. Instead, she journeyed to the Americas and spent time reconnecting with the wilds of the frontier. As time passed, she has become acclimatized with the new way of things and, though she still maintains ties to the old world and the old ways, she has made it a point to understand the new ones. Sabahàna has only recently come to the West Coast, taking great interest in the ecological activities and conservation efforts for the gray wolf.

Sabhàna, despite having been through the hell of witnessing humanity's capacity for genocide, still maintains a positive view of what humans can accomplish for the better. Perhaps it is due to this optimism, or maybe just luck, but she has managed to maintain a near-constant influx of spiritual sustenance, meaning that she does not appear as downtrodden as some of the other old spirits. Her cream-colored fur remains full and lustrous, and her astute, attentive eyes gleam majestically with an inner verdant light even as soft motes of yellow speck dance within her gaze. She is of a height comparable to a female human and when manifest she dresses in an Irish leine, a lose-fitting, long-sleeved tunic made of linen that flows down to her ankles and a silver wolf-head-shaped dealg (brooch) attached at her right breast. Her flowing mane is of incredible length, braided down to the small of her back with golden balls woven into it; they jingle or remain silent seemingly on her whim. When she speaks she does so softly and her voice rises and falls like the sea, her Irish accent dancing from her muzzle with pleasant conversation.

Having taken on something of a maternal guide role in recent decades, Sabhàna is willful but patient, kind but direct. She has been a warrior at times, and a priestess, and is capable of taking any role required of her. Due to this, the Wolf Spirit seems to have little difficulty getting along with other spirits and, may, on occasion, take one into her care as surely as she attempts to do with the human protagonist. Sabhàna's acceptance and patience is available to all so long as they continue to prove themselves worth of it-- the exception to this, however, are the two cats, Phillip and Sabrina; for whatever reason, she cannot abide their presence and will do all she can within reasonable action to be rid of them.

Treboada The Wolf Spirit Old Scottish Gaelic Tribal Spirit

Treboada is a Wolf Spirit of old legends, appearing in a variety of regions, though he claims to have awakened first in what is now Scotland. Old Scottish legends and folklore of wolves and wolf-like people are often claimed by him to be both inaccurate in their description of him, but also relevant to his past deeds. The Wulver of the coast and the numerous sightings of the Coin Sith of the Highlands were supposedly related to Treboada's presence during the ages when humans were more aware of spirits. Likewise, as his roaming spread, the Cwn Annwn of Wales and even Black Shuck in East Anglia were all possible sightings of the reclusive wolf. As Treboada drew sustenance from the superstition and fear of humans the uncertainty of claims only further served to strengthen him.

As the modern world began to encroach on his lands Treboada eventually fell into a slumber, conserving his energy as the chaos of the world overtook him and drove him to distraction. He awoke during the bombing of England in World War II and spent some time among the carnage, doing what he could to rebuild his strength after so long asleep. He ultimately caught the scent of another surviving Wolf spirit and followed Sabhàna over to the United States. He spent the following years reveling in the wide spaces of the Midwest before ultimately continuing to track his fellow lupine immigrant. He ultimately settled in the Pacific Northwest where some presume he may continue to remind humanity of the mystery of nature by perpetuating the rumor of the Sasquatch (which he denies, pointing out that humans have identified Big Foot as having brown fur, and his is most obviously very, very black).

Treboada is a shaggy wolf with dark black fur. As a wolf man, he stands close to seven foot tall and is possessed of a very broad build with thick, corded muscle. He has a thick mane, which is wild and unkempt except for two firm braids mixed into the chaos which sprouts around his head in an almost lion-like way to an extent that almost gives him the impression of a pictish beard. The only clothing Treboada wears is a pair of loose-fitting cloth britches and his bare chest is adorned with a variety of spiraling blue tattoos which are identifiable thanks to the cerulean paint he uses over them on his fur. He also has a wavy tattoo line that follows the underside of his clavicle on either side of his upper chest and a variety of angular lines on his forehead and either side of his muzzle. He claims to have more beneath his pants, but only exposes those in times of war or intimacy. Treboada will occasionally pull his mane back into a ponytail with a simple leather strap, but this is an irregular event and, if it happens, his braids are left unbound.

Treboada has survived the past many decades on his strength and will. Even though there is not really a call for a warrior in this day and age he was a warrior centuries ago and remains so today. Although there are many legends supposedly depicting Treboada as benevolent and kind being he is cold and distant, likely as a result of the intervening years that have brought about countless changes in the world, and in the spirit himself. The black Wolf Spirit seems more interested in holding his own council and, whether with human or fellow spirit, he rarely speaks before spoken to and seems far more reactive than proactive socially. He angers easily and is quick to act on signs of threat, especially if it is directed at his human. The number one source of ire for him involves the two Cat Familiars, who he seems to despise with all his being. Why that is, however, is anyone's guess.