Crashing Down

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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Crashing Down

copyright 2010 comidacomida

(This is an off-shoot story line from the More Than Friends story, explaining the relationship between a high school friend of Tanner's named J.D. and his human lover, Jason. This is one of my rare first-person narratives, but it was necessary in order to correctly convey J.D.'s attitude and outlook. This is the final chapter of this spin-off, and provides a conclusion to JD's narrative. I will say with finality that this is the end of this story, but that doesn't mean the characters won't show up in the future. ;). Now, without further ado, ENJOY!)

I graduated from college-- now there's something I never expected to hear comin' outta my muzzle. It was community college, but still... I have my associates degree packed away somewhere. It was a fuckin' miracle, really, and I had Jason to thank for it. Kinda funny, really-- we both graduated around the same time. Took me about five years to finish up the credits for my 2 year degree and that's what it took him to get his four year one.

Me? I took a few credits a quarter because that's what I could get from my 'anti-scum' campus patrol job. Jason ended up having to work towards the end of his time at college because the scholarship couldn't handle full classes at the 4 year college level by itself. I gotta give it to my human; once he put his mind to something there was no changing it. Hell... maybe that's why I still managed to stay in his life after all that time.

Anyway, the last two years or so of school were really hard on us-- mostly because he was almost never home. He did the whole school thing, and then did the whole work thing. It wasn't any real glamorous job or nothing; he spent nights waiting tables and doing dishes at a local cafe. It wasn't a bad job really, since it also allowed him to bring home food for him and his Guard Dog once his shift was up-- it even helped him save up some cash.

But... whatever... that was the past, and I was talkin' about graduation. The whole ceremony was pretty much a bunch of the usual. I didn't bother walkin'... not really into that stuff. Jason, though... god damn... no matter how much he was beat down by everyone out there, he really managed to shine in the spotlight. 4.0 with honors, and he even had a chance to give a speech.

His parents were there, of course-- they couldn't NOT be seeing as they still were into that whole 'perfect family' show for anyone not in-the-know. His mom and dad didn't exchange any words with me, which was probably a good thing, cuz I still didn't really like his dad, and as far as I know, his mom was probably still pissed that her good ol' hubby couldn't 'plunge her happy hole' without the use of the fingers he was missin'. Eh... I could have cared less-- neither of em were any good for my Jason.

They were on their way once they had a chance to make a showing of being there for their kid... which was fine enough for both of us. I guess maybe Jason had the whole 'mom and dad' thing going so, yea... maybe they bothered me more than they bothered him, but I could tell he was happy they were gone, and I'm sure he knew I was glad. We didn't really worry about it anymore than that though, because there was one HELL of a party that night for everyone who got their degrees. It wasn't one of the 'official' college parties either, so I sure as hell wanted to go, and Jason-- well... he spoiled me now and again, and that was one of those times.

The party was one of those really chaotic kind-- you know... where everyone is getting all sorts of fucked up crazy. There were probably like forty different kinds of alcohol, which I didn't mind one bit, and, if the air's smell was any clue, probably plenty of other drugs too. I never was much for anything heavier than booze, cigarettes, and enough caffeine to kill a small horse, but when it came to the other things-- well, that wasn't my kind of good time.

See... it's not that I don't know how to have fun... it's just that those kind of heavy things'll really fuck with your head, and a Guard Dog needs to be a little more with-it. Anything that'll take down your guard, or slow you up or make you pay less attention-- all that stuff is pretty much poison for a Guard Dog. After that night I realized that alcohol was really kinda on the no-go list too... but it was a pretty serious lesson.

I'd really gotten fucked up. And I don't mean the 'oh no, I can't walk straight and I slur my speech' kind-a teen comedy, humorous-style fucked-up... I mean the 'vomiting three times until there's nothing left in your stomach', 'can't open your eyes because every bit a light hurts them', 'hole in your stomach that feels like it's bleeding all over the place' kind-a fucked-up. Yea... it was THAT good of a party.

Jason, my wonderful, wonderful human, didn't drink a thing. I guess it was one of those wounds from back in his younger years that had to do with him mom and dad. It was his car, and he was driving, and he hadn't even so much as had a drop to drink-- hell... he didn't even let me kiss him. Couldn't blame him now, looking back on it, seeing as I probably smelled like shit with all the alcohol and puke on my breath. I remember saying some really fucking dumb-assed something-or-other when he refused to plant one on my muzzle-- if I hadn't been drunk, and DEFINITELY if I knew what was going to happen on the way home, I wouldn't have said such stupid shit.

It wasn't a good night for driving. Thunder storms happen in Southern California. Yea, I know it's supposed to be desert and all, but even deserts get rain. From what I've experienced, deserts don't do a very good job of soaking it up either... and paved cities do an even worse job. If you don't believe me, just look back at all those Hollywood movies that take place in Los Angeles. YOu ever recall seeing that HUGE concrete ditch with all those roads going over it? Well that is exhibit-fucking-A. When rain gets bad enough that thing fills up and it's just as bad as any river out there... maybe even worse.

Well, a lot of towns in 'SoCal' have smaller versions of the Los Angeles River (No, I shit you not... that's what it's called!) all over the place... I guess they meet up with storm drains and all that kinda thing-- I'm not a civil engineer, so don't expect me to have all the answers. Anyway... that's my whole point: lotsa cities down there have their own little concrete rivers... and when it rains, those things fill up fast.

Jason's a good driver, but between driving at night time on wet roads and having a stupid fucking drunk bull terrier doing dumb shit in the car next to him... well... put two and two together. Yea... we ended up in one of those concrete tributaries (also known as a fuckin' deathtrap)... upside down. There's nothing more sobering in the world than your whole world spinning around and finding your ears dangling in really god damn cold water.

It took me a minute to figure out what happened. See... even though it was a pretty big shock and my adrenaline was going and everything, I was still pretty boozed up. We went off the road when the car slid, and we hit a low barrier or something, which sent us up into the air. I think we kinda balanced on the rail for a second or two, then rolled right down maybe four or five feet into the concrete ditch. At that point, there was maybe an inch of water to help cushion our fall-- which means, yea... not a fuckin'-lot.

Jason let out a yell of some kind when he felt the car go out of control, and I heard him shout when we hit the railing... I think I mighta even yelped when we landed in the drainage run, but at that point Jason had gone quiet. That was the first thing I noticed besides the water lapping at the tips of my ears. "You okay, Jay?" I remembered saying, but he didn't respond at all. I also remembered smelling blood.

I barely got any give out of my seatbelt... the impact locked it into position, which was probably a good thing at the time since I was hanging upside down by it. When I looked at Jason, I saw that he was too. It was also hard to miss the dark colored droplets falling from his forehead. At first I thought that he'd been splashed by the water we'd landed in, but then I noticed the large gash just below his hairline... blood had come out and completely soaked his hair, and was dropping off of it into the water below him. Yea... I kinda panicked at that point.

"Jay... come on, Jay... wake up." I tried reaching for him, but my right arm was pretty restricted by the damn seat belt. I reached with my left, feeling at his face, trying to see if I felt a breath-- I'm not exactly all that great on the pulse-thing with humans... they got weird necks. I was still drunk, and I knew it, so I wasn't sure if I could feel a breath or not, but I wasn't about to give up on my human.

The water was rising, which meant that I felt it rushing by more than the tips of my ears... they were completely underwater at that point and I felt it flowing through the fur at the top of my head. It was one of those moments when you realize that the clock is ticking and you need to act. Everyone has one of those great regrets in their life... looking back, I know things would have gone better if I just wouldn't have touched that fucking booze.

With one paw, I tried to free Jason. His seatbelt clasp wouldn't come undone, so I tried pulling him to me. That didn't work; he was in too tight. Stretching as much as I could, I tried to open his door, but I couldn't reach far enough being trapped by my own belt. By that time, the water was a good half-inch down my head-- or would it be up my head since we were upside down? I don't know... but I knew it was going to reach my eyes. I was taller than Jason, so his hair wasn't even getting wet. If he wasn't already dead, I knew he would be if he went under water, and I wasn't about to let that happen.

There were people on the outside of the car at that point. The one thing about cities (whether you like it or not), there are people all around you and sometimes, if you're really lucky, they're the rare ones that want to help. The big problem was, of course, that they couldn't exactly get to us since the doors were pinned shut in their frames... the top of the car kinda fused to em. Shouts from outside the car were calling for us to hold on, that help was coming. As the cold water touched my eyes, I realized that we didn't have time.

When my eyes readjusted to the water, I could see a faint flow of it licking at the tips of Jason's hair; he still wasn't moving. I lowered my head to my chest as much as I could; I was still pinned to my seat, but it raised my nose as far above the water level as it could go. My options were running out, and I knew I had to get Jason out of the car. "Come on, Jay... please... help me out here." I huffed, taking my last breath through my mouth before I was forced to shut it as the water lapped around my muzzle. I hoped to god that they weren't the last words I'd say to him.

Adrenaline (and booze) can do weird things to your body, and dulling pain is just one of em. Without many other options, I gripped Jason's seatbelt with my paw, and dug my claws into the material. Dog claws are NOT made for cutting... or even slashing, or piercing, or whatever the hell you can do to get through seatbelt... but I wasn't about to let that stop me. It hurt like a motherfucker, but each time I thought I wasn't able to continue, I felt the seatbelt give way... just a little.

The water was getting cloudier as Jason's blood from his head wound and my blood from my paw began to darken it. The people on the outside of the car were beating on it by that point, and I heard could hear the dull echoing of the impacts through the water that had pretty much covered my head. I took one last, huge breath through my nose before I committed myself completely to the task of freeing my human. I knew I wasn't going to survive, but if I was going to go, then at least I'd make it worthwhile.

I held my breath through the breaking of three claws; if I had yelped, then I'd have lost my breath. I could have screamed for joy when I saw hands appear within view, grabbing hold of Jason's still unmoving body as they tried to tug him free, but the damned seatbelt was still unwilling to budge. I didn't have any more options... my human HAD to get free. Forcing my foot against the side of the car I pushed with all my might, and felt my entire body burn with pain as my shoulder was pulled further and further from the direction it should have moved but, in one split second, I heard a resounding, fleshy pop, and I got the extra reach I needed. My teeth closed around the damaged seatbelt.

I chewed, and bit, and thrashed as the pain became unbearable. I knew I might have lost a tooth or two, and I could taste so much blood in my muzzle. My lungs were aching, and my heart was beating out a cry for air inside my chest. Somewhere in the back of my mind I could register hands touching my arm, reaching through my window, newly broken, trying to pull me to safety. ~No!~ I remember thinking, ~Save him! Save HIM!~ and, as blackness finally invaded the edges of my vision and I could see bubbles escaping through my clenched teeth, the seatbelt holding Jason from safety finally gave way.

The last thing I remember seeing was Jason being pulled out the window of the car even as the people on my side fought with freeing me from my seatbelt. I didn't mind by then... I was feeling warm, and my hot, aching lungs were finally being soothed by the cool rush of water. My job was done... I had been a Guard Dog to the last. It's almost funny how your mind works... I remembered me and Jay back in high school... how I had planned on making his life a living hell. Wow... how far I had come.

I was kinda confused when I woke up. Well... more than kinda... I really had no fuckin' idea what happened. See, I woke up in a hospital bed stuck with a needle in my arm, pain all over, and eyes so bleary I may as well have rubbed Vaseline all over em. I heard talking and, though I could tell it was almost next to me, it sounded really really far away.

My eyesight took longer to clear up than my hearing, and I could hear whoever it was calling to me, "Mr. Daniels? Mr. Daniels, can you hear me?"

"My name's JD." I answered. A lot more not-so-nice greetings came to mind, but I really didn't have the energy to pick a fight. As it was, my voice didn't even sound like my own, and my jaw hurt when it moved.

"Ah... well that explains a lot." the man noted, finally coming in a little clearer as I eyed him, "It's like the whiskey."

"Yea... fantastic. I can see why they gave you a white coat and name badge." I managed, but it made my jaw hurt even more. Though my vision still wasn't very clear, he looked about Jason's age... maybe a few years older. A little young to be a doctor, I thought. At the time I wondered if I was just bad at guessing humans' ages, but looking back now, I came to realize pretty quick he was an intern. That wasn't the thing on my mind at that moment, of course.

"Jason?" I asked.

"No... my name is Jared." he noted, tapping his name tag with the tip of his pen like a little condescending fucktard, "YOur vision will probably be blurry for a little while yet."

"Not you... Jason." I repeated, "Is..." my heard hurt real bad, and I felt a little dizzy. It was probably from my increasing urge to throttle him-- not a good urge to have when you're laid up in the hospital, "Is he here?"

"Oh... the driver..." the human said, making a few notes on his clipboard, "I'm sorry, but he's gone." The words came out of the little shit's mouth if they were the simplest thing in the world for him to say. Just like that, my human's death was summed up with a casual comment and an unfeeling scribble on his note pad.

I didn't know how to react at first. Images of him in the car hanging upside down. Had he already been dead? Was everything I had been trying to do been completely worthless? After I tried so hard to help, did he die on the way to the hospital? Why him? He was worth so much more than me... he should have been the one to survive... I was willing to die for him... fuck... I TRIED to die for him. And, that little fucking pencil-wagging prick standing next to my bed passing off the whole event as if Jason was just one more mass of meat moving through on its way to the morgue.

The rapid beeping from some monitoring-thingy was really all the warning he got before my paws closed around his neck, "YOU FUCKING LITTLE PINK SACK OF SHIT!" I think that's what I said, anyway... you kind of lose track of things when the urge to kill overpowers your more civil brain-parts. I guess that's kinda easy in my case... don't think I have many of them.

Jared-the-pen-and-clipboard-shit-for-brains pretty much screeched and gargled, shouting out something I didn't catch. What I DO know is that it took about six guys in green uniforms to hold me down while Jared-the-worthless-intern stuck a needle into the tube going into my wrist. After that, everything kinda went hazy again, but I did feel pretty impressed with myself; was six guys in green uniforms worth more or less points than two bouncers?

Whatever Jared-the-target-of-my-rage stuck into my wrist-needle-thingy pretty much had me drugged way worse than anything I'd ever had to deal with in my life. I didn't go unconscious... no... I was almost kinda conscious, but not really. It was kind of like being half asleep, but still realizing that things are going on around you.

That was the point when the REAL doctor came in, and there was some big to-do about my condition and the alarms that had gone off and all the orderlies all over me. I found out later that Jared-the-worthless-probably-eating-out-of-a-trashcan-now-ex-intern was let go over the whole issue. Apparently it's either considered 'bad form' or 'too fucking dangerous' to load up a recovering car accident victim on whatever-it-was he gave me.

The real doctor was a pretty cool guy named Dr... um... well... I never learned how to pronounce his name. He had a german accent, which I always thought was pretty cool, and he gave me back my collar once everything had quieted down. Dr. German (hey, it's less rude than calling him 'Dr Whatever') told me that he had a 'pup' of his own at home who he and his wife loved very much, and that it's pretty obvious that I was shaken up over everything that happened. There was something about him that kinda struck me as the opposite of Jared-lucky-to-be-alive-and-wheezes-like-a-girl. When he went to put my collar back on me I stopped him.

"No point anymore." I told him. There really didn't seem to be much of a point to anything after that; with Jason gone, I wasn't much of a Guard Dog.

"Vat do you mean?" he asked, "Your human, Yason, yes? He telephoned, saying he bas coming in to see you."

Nothing really made sense at that point. I glanced past him to Jared-clearing-out-his-desk, then back to Dr German, "That little piss-ant said that Jason was dead."

The little weasel from the side shouted something to object, but two orderlies helped him out of the room. Dr. German continued, "Sadly, de resident intern vill not have a chance to vork on his bedside manner. Vat he should have said vas 'Your human vas in our care until mid day yesterday, but vas released because he vas in good health.'."

Everything came crashing back down in a surge of emotions. I felt like I wanted to cry, scream, howl, shout. A reason for living was returned to me. My heart rate began speeding up enough that the doctor reached past me and turned off the machine, mentioning that he believed that I was certainly well enough to be transferred to a lower care level, and he walked beside my bed as the rolled it down the hall. When we were together again, we talked more. Once I had calmed down, we discussed my condition a little: I had a broken finger, and had lost four claws... all but one of em would regrow. I'm still missing that one... see? hahahaha... that's so great... I get to flip people off every time I tell this story!

Anyway, I had two cracked ribs, my shoulder had been dislocated, I lost two teeth, had lacerated gums, and, to top it off, I had drowned and had to be resuscitated. According to the doctor, I probably ended up with some brain cell death. I passed it off without much of an issue, and I told him that even if I lost three, I still had two good ones left. He laughed at that. Then, things got more relaxed. We discussed my human, and his Dog, and pretty much everything else, right up until Jason arrived.

Everything was a whirlwind there on out. He hugged me, and I hugged him, and I hurt all over but it felt so good. He cried and I... well... teared a little. Everything felt alright... well... except for the ribs, and the shoulder, and the claws, and the jaw, and the teeth... but apart from THOSE things, everything felt alright... and even those would heal in time. Dr German stayed with us, waiting until things had quieted down, and told us that he thought I should stay in the hospital for one more night.

Jason caught word of Jared-wouldn't-want-to-be-in-his-shoes-after-that, and I didn't see him for most of the rest of the day. Dr German, however, came back often to check on me. He was really a great guy as far as doctors went-- pretty open minded too. We sat and chatted about the kind of relationship Jason and I had. He explained a few different things about dog and human anatomy. He discussed what he referred to as 'safe mounting practices'... he had a hella good sense of humor. Dr German also made it a point to keep an eye out for any medical issues that could result from different kinds of interaction between us. God... nothing like a physician that really 'gets you', right?

Anyway, Jason stayed in the room with me that night, sleeping on one of those really uncomfortable hospital chairs. True to Dr German's word, the hospital released me the following day. They made me go outside in a wheelchair-- how fucking embarrassing... but at least it wasn't one of the ones that four legged dogs have... I'd have shot myself. As we left, a guy who introduced himself as the hosiptal's retained lawyer stopped us and gave Jason a form.

Apparently, while Dr German and I were going over the best dos and don'ts of Dog/human interaction, Jason had given the hospital staff both-barrels. I found out later just how bad they'd fucked up with my transportation, care, and administration of health care. From what I heard later, apparently Jason makes just as good a Guard Dog as I do... I've got the build for it, and he has the bark. heh heh.

Jason didn't let me dwell in it though. We got into a strange car I didn't recognize, and I did a double-take, mentally hitting my forehead with the palm of my paw. My human mentioned the car was a loaner from the insurance company, apparently having known me enough to have read my thoughts. I didn't have to say anything on the matter; my tail thwapping against the seat pretty much gave my feelings away.

When we got home, I refused Jason's help getting out of the car and managed to get into the apartment all on my own. My legs weren't really all that hurt, I explained, and I did just fine making it to the couch. Between my shoulders and ribs, though, it wasn't exactly easy to sit. Jason guided me to his recliner; he never let me sit in his recliner-- the one thing he called off limits. Yea... I spoil my human and give him his little 'off limit' request. Something felt strange about being in it... his smell all around me... the softness of it... and when my human pulled the lever on the side and the leg rest came out... well... that's the lap of luxury right there.

Jason stood at my side, resting one of his hands against the side of my muzzle and stroked it softly, "I was worried I was gonna lose you, JD." he said.

"Heh... well I thought I lost you twice." I countered. I've always been big on one-upsmanship, after all.

Jason chuckled in response, and knelt down next to the chair, "People from the accident told me what happened and how you helped get me out of my seatbelt."

"I'm your Dog, Jay... that's what I do." I said, reaching up to give him a friendly punch on the shoulder. I winced; it had probably hurt me more than it hurt him.

"Well... I hope you realize it was pretty stupid." Jason stated, smacking the side of my muzzle softly. I went to playfully bite him to avoid smiling, "It's like they always say during the safety instruction on the airplanes: fit your own mask first, and then help the person next to you."

"Two things wrong with that, thought." I answered back.

"And they are?" he asked.

"First, I've never been on a plane and I never heard em say that."

Jason laughed in response, "And two?"

"You're more than just 'the person next to me'."

Jason said something about me knowing just the right thing to say. I laughed inwardly at that, considering that he was the ONLY person in the entire world who seemed to think so, but who was I to argue with my human? I guess I spoil him more than just a little.

It took several tries and a bit of pain before he could join me in the armchair without me hurting somewhere. We were lucky that it was a huge piece of furniture; the recliner could probably hold two pretty good sized humans, so it was only a little bit of a tight squeeze for one heavy duty bull terrier and the best human in the world. I'll tell you one thing for sure: there's nothing better for your nose than to be surrounded by the scent of your favorite human, and to have him right there laying against you.

Jason asked if I was okay, and I told him I was better than okay, and I asked him if he wanted me to prove it. I think my grin pretty much got the idea across. He just rolled his eyes, saying something about me being a horn dog, and that I had broken bones. Without missing a beat, I gladly informed him that the IMPORTANT bone was perfectly fine. As I slowly undressed him, wincing with almost every move, I told him a little about the talks that Dr German and I had. He seemed to catch the good humor of it, as well as the little hints about experimenting.

I pretty much had him out of his clothes, and was just getting to mine, but it was about a dozen winces and a few groans (of the wrong variety) later that I realized that Jason might have been right about the whole waiting to heal thing. My human, the most wonderful human in the world, had absolutely no problem with that. He just laid with me, gently stroking here, patting there, and doing a good job of avoiding the sore spots. The little damp spot on my fur where his groin had been made me realize that he had been plenty excited about a little 'afternoon-time ride-the-bull-terrier', but he was looking out for me... heh... damn little shit... I was supposed to be looking out for HIM.

Although I was still in pain, it was hard for me NOT to be excited a little too, and, while I was laying on my back with my humans hands all over me, well...yea... like you'd expect, a certain something poked out wondering if it was time to play. Jason laughed a little at that and I joined in, "Hey... it doesn't listen to commands-- don't blame me." I admitted.

I was wrong at that point... with a wave of his hand, Jason taught it how to 'sit up'. I clenched my jaws at that point, his touch on me so amazing that I had to fight from moving. My body still hurt, but it was replaced by an ache... one for my human. I tried to reach for him, but was forced to pull back as my shoulder smarted. I went to grip his wrist, but couldn't hold him as he slowly pushed my paw back to my side.

"Not tonight, Dog... tonight, you just relax." his smile was the most beautfiul thing, and the most devious that I had ever seen. He took me into his mouth that afternoon, and kept me on edge for almost an hour. His hands drew through my fur, spreading out across my body in ways that made me want to say 'damn the pain' and take him for all I was worth... but I didn't. I realized at that point, that I was at his mercy and, god help me, I loved it.

I think I was probably frothing at the muzzle by the time his knees slipped around my waist and I felt the first touch of his member against mine. He rubbed against me, and only then did I realize how much he was enjoying torturing me... my dirty little human. He didn't keep it up though, just long enough to slicken me with our combined dribbling fluids before he moved further up my body, and slowly sat back into my lap, flawlessly taking me into himself.

I moaned just as he did, and I closed my eyes when I felt my body respond to his in a way that made the pain seem to disappear... right until I tried to thrust up into him, and, shuddering, I was forced back to the chair, "Shh..." Jason murmured, leaning over me so that his lips were next to my muzzle, "It'll be okay."

"You're here." I said, feeling everything that was him warm all that was me, "Everything already is." I gave Jason full control, and I was not disappointed. It didn't take long, and, just as his human flesh began jumping between our two bodies, spraying jet after jet of his musky-smelling human seed into my fur, my body loosed itself within him. As we laid there together, enjoying the moment of release, he kissed me on the nose, and, his voice quivering within the throes of his orgasm, spoke softly, "You finally learned it."

It's something that Jason had been trying to teach me all along, but it wasn't something he could just tell me-- he had to let me figure it out on my own. Control isn't deciding what happens to the world and people around you-- control is choosing how you respond to em. I remained still, but my shaft obediently obeyed his commands, and twitched within him, granting me the kind of bond that a Guard Dog would only share with his human... and, though Jason lead me there, I finally really felt that I was in control.

The End