Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 2

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#2 of ASS Origins Story 3: Oaky's Story

Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story

By Killenor

Arc 1 - Origins

Chapter 2

"No way!" Wasp said, recoiling as if Oaky had suggested something vile. "I've got a chance on the stump next year and I won't be aiming my ribbons at you."

"Feces, Wasp!" Oaky yelled, "It's not like many males would ever bother catching your ribbons anyway. I was trying to do you a favor!"

Oaky stomped off after his latest disaster, the bitter sting of Wasp's words still fresh in his mind. How dare she! She didn't even give him a chance! He had started out smooth enough, trying to use his best croaking voice, but she didn't even LISTEN!

Oaky punched the wall of a nearby hut, the bark that clung to it tore at the soft skin of his knuckles. It hurt.

"Great," he muttered to himself, "not only am I denied by the worst female in the whole settlement, but now my hand is bleeding. I wonder what could happen next? Wolves? Fire? Humans? Maybe I should go find another bees nest, maybe then my bumps will look decent."

He continued ranting to himself all the way into the forest. It wasn't fair! Here he felt the pulse of nature calling him. His lessons with the pond-watcher had taught him this. He could hear the whispers of the trees and rocks, feel the animals moving about him, smell the invisible life borne upon the air itself, and even sense the fungus that wrapped around the root of every plant. Everything nature was about, the cycle of life and death, coursed through him.

It was simply unfortunate that both nature and Oaky had the same thing on their mind... mating.

"Everything does it!" Oaky shouted into the trees, "Everything mates! EVERYTHING! WHY CAN'T I!!!"

He focused his mind, selecting a single germ from the air. That germ had mated. It exchanged it's essence with another and divided into its own daughters!

Now a tree, towering a hundred or more tongue-lengths above him. It had mated, oh how it had mated. The ground beneath it for hundreds of tongue-lengths around was covered with its offspring! Oaky could feel the lineages of each seed around him, pollen borne upon the wind had made them and the memory from them spoke of a poly-symphonic joy as the tree was fertilized.

Now a plant, it had grown from the tatters of another plant which had been eaten, even it had mated! With itself no less! Its incestuous lineage scattered about the underbrush of this whole section of forest. A testament to the eternal fecundity of nature.

Oaky sank to his knees, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. His cloaca ached with his maturity-driven desire. The greatest expression of life belonged to those who did not understand it but was denied to him. He felt as though nothing in the world could soothe him. He would be denied forever.

The ache, how he longed to touch a female. He wasn't even sure what he would do if he had one... certainly he would have the instinct. A fantasy emerged within his mind. A female... no, the female. She was perfect. Her face patterned like clusters of berries, her legs strong and smooth, and her body just wonderfully curvaceous. She would have a voice with perfect pitch and resonance. At least a tongue-length taller than him... and broader too.

Oaky hadn't even realized where his hand had strayed. It was now rubbing over his own cloaca, stroking the tender, swollen lips as he imagined his dream-girl. His instincts guided him in his imaginings of what they would do together, swimming in tandem through the sacred breeding pond, until they were just perfectly aroused. They would play a little, just for fun, and then he would grab her. He would mount her and take her, his cloaca kissing hers, their parts rubbing together vigorously. Such pleasure they would feel, it would erupt within them, and like a buried bubble from beneath a pond it would rise. Pushing between them as their essences intertwined and...

Oaky's first orgasm hit him suddenly. He shuddered as he felt his seed release, shooting away from his body and splashing onto the ground. At this primal release, his instincts fled, leaving him alone in the forest, sitting upon his knees with a very wet and sticky hand. He felt tired... and thirsty... very thirsty, dry skinned. Nothing he had ever experienced came close to this!

Covering himself with his robe, Oaky rose to his feet, hoping to search out some water. His mind aglow with wonder at the sensation he had felt. Was that how it felt to mate? No... it must be better with another! Now he wanted it more than ever!

It was lucky that Oaky knew this forest almost flawlessly. He was not a stone-throw away from his master's home. Grubber, the pond-watcher, lived on the edge of the sacred pond, a pond that was fed by nine streams that came from the high mountains. It was this very pond that the founders had decided to build their settlement around decades before. Their children and every child since had been laid, hatched, and fed there and the children that followed would as well.

Oaky cared nothing for the stories of this pond. Water was such a terrible story-teller. It had almost no care or memory, experiencing existence only for the "now", caring nothing for the future or the past. Everything he could not simply ask of the rocks and trees and reeds and rushes was pure fabrication and feigned importance anyhow. Water was so fickle, knowing it was the essence of life made it believe it made the world.

The pond was warm to his skin, the summer sun had chased the chill from the very heart of the mountain this year. Oaky sighed as he slipped beneath the surface, letting the lapping water remove his own seed from his hands. He let his mind immerse in the moment, feeling the fluid gestalt minds of the pool. Nothing bothered him anymore, he could let it all simply wash away... until...

The water had something in it... the memory... the feeling.

Oaky's mind broke the surface as surely as his body did. He gasped at the air above and climbed ashore. Narrowing his eyes he scanned around the sacred pond.

There! At the northern edge! A score of his peers were making such a commotion! A week after the stump and they were still mating for all they were worth!

How tired the males must be, Oaky thought, remembering his own fatigue. If the desire struck them as often as it had him over the last few days... they must have all been in this water non-stop!

Bitterness rose within him. No matter how tiring it must be, they were still experiencing joys beyond his comprehension!

"Nature is a game of patience and action, Oaky" came a resonant, croaky voice behind him.

"Greetings, Master Grubber." Oaky acknowledged without moving.

"The grubs that are eaten, the young prey of wolves, and the upwind tree. These things are denied an opportunity as well." Grubber continued, "and those who survive must always strive for the moment when they will be successful. You are young, my apprentice, and you are a prodigy. Nature has a balance, robust and delicate in equal measure. Nothing is gained without loss. Nothing is ever truly lost either."

"You have also said that only those who are strong and fit will mate. Only those with true verve continue. How are they superior if things are in balance?" Oaky retorted grumpily his gaze still fixed on his cavorting peers.

"Ah, but the deer with the largest rack may snag it in branches. No, my boy. Superior is not the correct word. You forget the essence of being. The will. An advantage is only an advantage if it is used correctly. I have seen many things in my lives, but nothing leaves me in awe as much as a strong will brought to bare. Focus on the whole and not the trait."

"Why can I not find a mate then? I have the will, I know the whole and the part, the forest speaks to me, the world's power flows all about me... and I'm not that ugly. I have lived this long and it should not be denied me... everything mates eventually." Oaky snapped.

"The rock never mates, it is born of fire and its children are born only as it is sundered." Grubber said evenly.

"The rock is broken until it is taken by the tree and the fungus," Oaky retorted forcefully, "The tree and fungus mate and grow with spores and pollen. The prey becomes the predator as it eats, eventually SOMETHING will mate. The essences of all that came before growing together for that one exultant moment when a new cycle in the chain begins."

Oaky turned now on his master, anger at his isolation brimming within him. It was his teacher's simple smile that halted him.

"You have truly learned to see nature as it is, Oaky. It's completeness and perfection bred of imperfection" Grubber said happily, "You have but one step further."

The epiphany struck Oaky as surely as a stone. His words rushed back into his mind and a realization was reached. He was not separate from nature, he was nature! The only reason he had been so angry, felt so isolated, was because he was isolating himself! Despair had no place!

He had prophesied his future, he knew, no matter what, that he would have that exultant moment too. He would share in it just as surely as all that came before him and his being would never fade. He knew and he was comforted within the sudden embrace of the world. Doubt had fled him.

With a new serene smile, he stepped forward to embrace his teacher. Though his desires still burned within his body, he no longer let them pain him. The time would come.

"Once we stop isolating ourselves, then we can honestly know no boundaries. Now, Oaky," Started Grubber slowly, holding his student at arm's length, "with this realization, you cannot be my student. You must go forth and learn that which only you can. You need to experience real life. I can teach you nothing now that you cannot discover for yourself and I would not cheapen your existence with such second-hand teachings. It will not be easy, but as you conquer yourself you will find that there is nothing you cannot do, nothing you will not become. Your end has ended and your beginning is now forever."

With that, he simply walked away. Oaky did not see where Grubber had gone, he stood, stunned by his revelations and his unceremonious advancement into the ranks of the untamed.