Gus's Story: Father's Blessing

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This was a sponsored story from a little while back, paid for by FA: Gaytordragon . It was a rare canonical bit of incest with my characters, with the lion Gus enjoying a bit of fun with his dad in a commune that's way more open about this stuff than most places.

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Gus's Story

Father's Blessing

Sponsored by GaytorDragon

By Draconicon

"Come see me before you go. Yeah, well, I'm back...and I'm already wishing I'd just gone."

Gus shook his head as he looked over the little commune that his dad ran, the many vans and attached trailers on the back making it hard for him to see it as a place he'd really want to come back to. Particularly after playing a few gigs for the uptown people further towards the outskirts of town, and after seeing the sort of stuff that they had. Vans, candles, and 'free love' only went so far to make up for that.

Still, the lion walked past the flower line that the commune had set up, the fumes of pot and a few other drugs hot in the air as he made his way through the lines of rusted vans and old trailers, the various vehicles setting up their own streets in the field. His bare feet crushed several flowers beneath them, and he had to make a few hops to avoid the crap that was left behind by some of the caravan dogs.

Old Lady Breanna waved at him as he passed by her trailer, the wrinkled panther chuckling at him.

"Hehehe, so, where you heading off to, whippersnapper? Ol' Simon says that you're leaving tomorrow."

"Hell yeah. Got a whole new world to see. Me and Greta are chasing after legends."

"Oh, so sweet. Legends, heh? Hehehe. You go right ahead and do that. Do you need anything on the way? I have some fresh brownies."

"You keep those, Bre. I'll be fine."

"Suit yourself."

She chuckled as she went back to her kitchen, cackling away until he was out of earshot. He shook his head, pulling his vest a little tighter as he walked along. The offer was nice enough, but considering his dad was going to want to talk, he wanted to be clear-headed. Might take some off of her later, though, share them with Greta before they hit the road. Or after.

The lion put his hands back in his jeans pockets as he kept walking through the little settlement that the vehicles made, making his way past bad guitar players and worse drummers, and past a meditation session and a whole troop of cats on top of the oldest trailer doing yoga. They were all making trance sounds, occasionally broken up with pure giggling when one of them lost it.

He smiled a bit, despite himself. Some of the goofs were more his people, but the whole place wasn't a bad spot for a kid to grow up.

"Mmmph! Oh! Oh, yeah...give it to me...give it to me good."

And so was that, when you got old enough to get involved. Gus looked around the corner between a couple of the vans, the eighteen-year-old smirking at the sight of a tiger and a housecat getting in on, a pair of barbed cocks popping in and out of view as they had their fun together. The tiger was on bottom, for a change. He rapped the side of the van, and the housecat turned around.

"Hey, Gus! Didn't see you there. You - mmph - looking for a good time?"

"Nah, not right now. Dad's calling me."

"Damn, and I was thinking I'd get those barbs in my ass tonight."

"Maybe you'll get lucky. But better keep Derek there happy, or he's gonna sit on you until you make him cum."

"Better believe I will," the tiger muttered.

Gus chuckled, continuing on his way towards the center of the camp. Other figures from his childhood and old friends from his teens were still hanging around, some fucking about, others getting high. Some were singing, some were arguing, and some were chatting endlessly about the wrongs of the world. Hell, he saw two people with a booklet of the local politicians, and a whole notebook of written up complaints about the stuff that they wanted to see changed. It had all sorts, here.

Finally, he reached the old family trailer. The lion twitched his ears, his tail dancing behind him, and was surprised not to hear some rattling around inside. Usually, the old man was having fun with someone, but maybe he caught him on a break. He shrugged, walking up to the door -

Only for it to pop open just before he could grab it, a young mountain lion stepping out, and he couldn't move fast enough to avoid the boobs in his face. The lion mumbled against them, and a familiar voice filled his ears from above.

"O-oh, Gus?! I...Oh, gods, I'm sorry."

The blind confidence of the TA in the local high school disappeared in a flash as she darted back into the van, shutting the door behind her. Gus rubbed his nose, trying to get the smell of sweaty fur off of him, but it was a losing battle. By the time that she'd opened the door again, this time dressed, Allison was already too embarrassed to speak. She pushed past him, running down the pathway to the edge of the caravan settlement, and didn't say another word. Gus sighed.

"Dad, really?"

"She's a real looker, ain't she?"

His father came to the door, and unlike his classmate, the old lion didn't have a single worry about showing himself off. Silver-rimmed glasses gleamed as he leaned against the doorway, the elder feline watching the mountain lion rush off, and Gus was not unaware of the way that his father's sheath and balls flopped off to the side. He looked up at his dad, shaking his head.

"You know she's probably gonna get pregnant from that."

"Nah, gave her all the herbs that your momma took before she decided she wanted you. No problem there."

"Why was she here, anyway?"

"Oh, she just wanted to see if you were going to be okay. Come on in, son."

Following the waving lion, he stepped into the trailer and shut the door behind them. His dad didn't bother getting dressed, and instead just plopped himself down on a giant pile of pillows a few feet away from the door. The lion's silver-streaked mane bounced as he did, and he sat with his legs spread wide apart.

"Hope you know I'm not cleaning you this time."

"Nah, she did that before she left."

The older lion waved his hand dismissively as Gus pulled one of the two chairs in the small space over. He sat down, sprawling out in the same way that his old man did, and sighed.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Heh, right to the point, huh?"

"So I can get right to my ride, yeah."

"Son, I know you're eager, but give me a little credit. I haven't steered you wrong, yet. I just want a little while with you before you go."

"...You're not gonna talk me out of it?"

"Heh, Gus, nobody could ever talk you out of anything. I'm just making sure that this is the thing that you want, and that you're not going to come home miserable because you went off half-cocked for it."

His dad reached down, adjusting his balls for a moment before leaning back, both hands behind his head. The light coming through the window reflected off of his glasses as he continued.

"I know you've never had the best time in the commune. You loved the travel, hated sticking around. Always looking for people outside it."

"It's more fun out there. They don't just say 'yeah, man' to everything. You gotta earn it out there."

"Heh, that's how you see it, huh?"

"That's how it feels."

His dad nodded a few times, shifting his position again. One large foot crossed over his knee, bouncing as the older lion hummed to himself. Gus knew the song, and hummed along, unable to help himself.

The two of them couldn't quite break rhythm, no matter how much Gus wanted this over with. There was just something about that old song that got into his head, and no matter how he tried to get out it, there it was again when his dad started with the humming. It bounced and glowed in the back of his head, the melody a happy little thing with a dancing rhythm just underneath it.

By the end of it, his father was laughing.

"Well, you still got the family soul, that's for sure."

"Dad, I've been earning money by playing music."

"Nah, you've been earning money by playing songs. That smile you get with that, Gus? That's how you know you're playing music. When it speaks to you, when it's right there in your soul. That's the power of music, not in those songs that everyone else wants to pound into your head until all you can think of is the technical crap."

Gus rubbed the back of his neck.

"You talking about that meeting with Mr. Mephis couple months back?"

"Heh, you mean that meeting where I told him to back down and stop trying to turn you into a violinist?"

"Yeah...that one."

"You would have looked pretty stupid with that, my boy. You were always made for bigger, louder sound than that."

The lion smiled to himself, unable to entirely help it as he imagined what he would have looked like with a guitar in hand. Just thinking about it made his face screw up in disgust, and he winced and shuddered, making his dad laugh.

Ugh, all those technicalities, all those...ugh. Give me a guitar and a few hours, and I'll get you all the sound you need.

Which was part of the reason for the whole trip. He and Greta, a friend of his from school, had heard of something way over on the other side of the world. Old stories and legends that she'd picked up from a history teacher and old musical stories that he'd picked up from Mr. Mephis - before the skunk had turned into an asshole - had combined to give them an idea of something grand. An old adventure, a treasure hunt for a pair of musical instruments that would rock the world to its core. All they had to do was find them.

He'd been about to meet her at the Greyhound station when his dad had called, out of the blue, and asked him to come down. And now, contrary to what Gus had thought, his dad was encouraging him rather than stopping him. Didn't even ask what they were doing, just wanted to make sure it was what he wanted.

Gus slowly shook his head, sighing as he leaned back.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to get so...annoyed."

"Heh, you're used to the world out there. They're gonna argue. I'm gonna accept. I just want to give you something first, son."

"What's that?"

"My blessing."

"Ah, dad..."

"Come on, you know you want it."

The old lion chuckled, pointing downwards, and Gus already knew just what his dad was pointing at. His hard-on had already been coming up since he saw Allison running out of the trailer, and his dad's constant nudity hadn't exactly made it go down. The fact that he was now getting offered the blessing...

He sighed, spreading his legs a little. The older lion chuckled.

"Come on, are you really thinking you're fooling anyone, son? You know how good your old man is at this."

"Yeah, I know, and it's one of the things I'm going to miss the most."

"I know, son. Believe it or not, me too."

His dad leaned in, and quick fingers undid the zipper of his pants, and then the button. His cock was already pushing past the y-fold of his briefs, and his dad pulled it out the rest of the way. The silver metal of the prince albert piercing in his tip made the old lion smirk.

"Heh, you just had to go and get it altered, huh?"

"Hey, it looks cool."

"It looks fine, boy. Just seems a little silly to change something that was so naturally nice."

Gus was going to say something, but his father swallowed the head of his cock first, and he moaned, leaning back and curling his toes against the bottom of the chair. The soft mouth working its way down his cock, the rough tongue flicking along the underside as more and more of his shaft disappeared into his father's mouth, the big hands fondling his balls: it was all wonderful.

He continued to grunt and gasp as his father took him all the way down to the base, sucking and nuzzling as he went. The older lion's lips locked at the base of his shaft, swallowing slowly, the metal-tipped head of his cock sliding into his dad's throat. The soft sucks, the gentle tugs of each swallow not just rubbed and squeezed at his cock, but pulled on the piercing, adding its own type of pleasure.


The older lion chuckled, helping Gus out of his pants while never quite pulling back from his cock. Every little suck was just as good as Gus remembered, the rough tongue working back up his shaft as the old man slid back, making him pant when his dad popped free.


"Gotta get you out of that underwear, Gus. Otherwise, I can't do the rest. And neither can you."

"Nnngh. That was good, though."

"You know it's going to get better, son."

"Yeah, yeah. Doesn't mean I can't grouch a little."

"Grouch away, as long as you do what I tell you this time."

Chuckling, the older lion pulled his underwear down, and Gus let him, standing up and stepping out of it before it was thrown somewhere into the chaos of the trailer. When his dad stood up again, the older lion stood at least half a foot taller than him, and that wider, thicker mane dwarfed his. Despite that, he didn't feel overshadowed or threatened; if anything, he felt rather proud that he would measure up to that.

His father nudged him over to the wall, and gently pressed him against it. Gus blushed, knowing what was coming, yet at the same time he didn't try and hide his pleasure. His cock was throbbing, dripping, oozing onto the floor as he reached back, parting his ass cheeks and exposing his hole. He heard his dad going to his knees, and blushed worse than ever as he felt the hot, puffing breath against his hole.

"Just as good as it looked the last time we slept together, son."

"You should know. You jam your tongue in there every morning."

"A father can't bless his son for the day ahead?"

"Nah, but - mmm, ohhhhh, yeah."

The lion groaned as he leaned against the wall in front of him, panting softly as his fingers clenched into his own ass cheeks, pulling them further and further apart to make sure that his dad had a clear line of access to his hole. The feeling of that tongue working over his rim, teasing it, tugging it with the raspy feeling of a feline tongue, was working him up like crazy. His cock swelled, throbbing harder as it dripped more, and the whole trailer started to stink of lion musk.

His father pushed his hands away, gripping his ass a little tighter and pushing the cheeks further apart. Gus was grateful, as it meant he could grab onto something as that tongue kept teasing him, pushing at his hole, licking over it again and again. Each lick sent a strange, throbbing pleasure right up through his stomach and then back down into his dick, making it bounce and slap against his stomach. Several times, the metal piercing smacked against the metal wall in front of him, making a ting sound that sent little vibrations through his cock.

Growling in pleasure, Gus playfully pushed his ass back, feeling the cheeks swallow his father's face for a moment before the older lion chuckled, rubbing him right at the base of his tail. The soft affection was...nice. It wasn't pleasurable, it wasn't forceful, and it wasn't that sexual, but it was nice, comforting.

The sudden tongue up his ass, though. That was pleasurable.

Gus arched his back at the penetration of his hole, feeling it spread wide for the raspy tongue that wanted in. He bit his lips, panting through his nose as his father tongued him harder, faster, thrusting it in and out and opening up his hole. He panted for breath, his tongue starting to hang out a little bit, and he lowered his head as he went up on tiptoes.

The tongue pulled back, but only so his dad could talk. And chuckle.

"Hehehe, enjoying yourself, son?"

"You know I am. Holy hell, how are you so good with your tongue?"

"Decades of practice, Gus. You'll get it, someday."

His response was muffled into a moan as his dad gave him another lick, another tease back there, and then the older lion was standing up. Gus felt the throbbing length of his dad's cock against his ass, and he groaned. It wasn't the first time that he'd taken his dad's cock, nor was it going to be the last, but there was just one problem.

Getting fucked meant that he was going to be having trouble walking for at least a few hours, and with his dad doing it, he was going to be limp as a noodle from the waist down for at least half a day. He knew it from experience, as it always happened with his father. If he was going to leave tonight -

He reached around, grabbing his dad by the dick just as it was getting lined up for his hole. Gus looked over his shoulder, seeing his dad's gentle smile, and hesitated.

"Uh...I got a favor to ask."

"What's that, son?"

"Could I blow you instead?"

"That important to head out tonight?"

"Yeah...kinda wish it wasn't, but we already got tickets."

"I understand. Here."

His dad guided him down to the pillows, and the eighteen-year-old lion found himself underneath the fifty-year-old. Big old balls hovered above his head as his old man got in position, and he felt his dad's mouth only a few inches from his cock.

"Alright, son, whenever you're ready."

"Not sure I can last long with you tonight, dad."

"That's fine. Just do what you can."

Gus nodded, leaning his head up and using his tongue to guide his father's shaft towards his mouth. It took a little teasing - the old silver-man was definitely stiffer than he looked - but he managed it after a second. His father lowered himself slowly, the scent of the older lion's potent musk pulling him closer, until finally he was smothered under his dad's balls. They were heavy, thick, and seemed no worse the wear for having pumped a load in Allison just a little while ago. He swore he could smell her on them, for a moment.

Then his dad started sucking again, and all his attention was back on his own needs. He moaned around the cock in his mouth, starting to swallow, pulling the tip into his throat and leaving in there. His arms were pinned down in the pillow pile, but his dad took care of all the thrusting, lifting and lowering his hips in gentle strokes, gradually thrusting down his throat.

Gus could feel every barb on his dad's cock, the soft, grinding thrusts dragging them over his tongue again and again. He groaned a bit as the feline saltiness of his dad's pre-seed was dragged over his tongue, as well, but he didn't complain. In fact, he rather enjoyed it, particularly as his father started to pick up the pace.

He forced himself to suck faster, bobbing his head to match the thrusts coming down and the feeling of his father's teeth lightly dragging along his shaft. The rough play made him groan, oozing pre faster, but it was hardest to resist when he felt those teeth pulling on his piercing. Gus gasped around the mature cock in his mouth, moaning deep in his throat, and his father teased him by pulling it back and forth, teasing and tugging it with a playful growl.

The vibrations and tugging were enough to set him off, the younger lion moaning as he arched his back, thrusting up and spurting his load. He felt some of it fly free before that warm mouth was around his cock again, and as his father sucked, that big dick and heavy balls were pressed down on his face again, grinding into his nose and his mouth, saturating him with the musk and making it hard to think.

In and out, in and out, that cock went into his throat, slow, minute thrusts as he blew his load down his father's throat. He groaned, panting, throbbing, moaning, unable to help himself as he swallowed and came, swallowed and came.

Finally, he stopped spurting, and his dad pulled out. There was no cum from the older male, but the lion chuckled, licking his lips. Gus saw that some of his cum had landed in the silver-streaked mane, and as his old man adjusted his glasses, he leaned up and helped groom it out, licking up some and pulling away the rest. His dad chuckled.


"You, too. But you didn't cum."

"Heh, not yet. I'm close, though. Mind if I leave you a reminder of your dad?"


"Alright, hold still."

Pushed back into the pillow pile, Gus held as still as he could as his dad stood up, groping himself and aiming down at his cock. Within a few seconds, hot, creamy lion seed was splattering all over his retreating dick, as well as over his balls. The musk of his father would linger, he knew.

"Heh....just something to remember me by."

"And something to tempt Greta with?"

"Hey, your old man's allowed some fun, heh."

He got up, and hugged his dad, and got a hug back. They held it for a minute, until he forced himself to let go. Much more of that, and he'd be wondering about whether he should go at all. Patting his dad on the arm, he walked over to the pile of clothes and dragged his stuff back on.

"I'll see you when it's done."

"I'll be here."


Gus looked up. The caravan always moved on after six months or so, a year at the longest. They'd already been here almost eleven months, and he was sure that they'd have moved on by the time he got back. Yet, his dad just nodded.


"...I'll be back."

"I'll see you then, son."

The End