Potion Cat: A Visit With Tears

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#10 of Potion Cat(Reboot)

Our fare potion cat hasn't had the best time in the past with her family. Now, the only member of her family she cares about comes to visit and she finds herself growing nervous, and rightfully so. Old wounds open fresh

Bright sunshine reflected off mounds of snow that covered and surrounded the hill with the potion maker's store on it. Layne herself was standing outside of the store with a big smile as the warmth of the sun washed over her. She wore a dress and a scarf that seemed thin, but the Winter's chill didn't seem to bother her. It was a combination of the sunlight and the fact that she had just been working her tail off. In one paw she held a shovel that was firmly stabbed into the earth while her eyes looked over the path up the hill which she had just cleared of the offending snow. Though she smiled, her digits drummed at the shaft of the shovel impatiently and the smile on her face did not reach her eyes. There was still more work to be done to prepare for a very special guest.

Layne had stepped outside in part to clear the snow from the path, but also to take a deep breath of fresh air to gather her thoughts. The other night, she had received a red bird with a little letter that had said her cousin was going to be visiting today. She wasn't sad or really angry about that, but rather excited in the worst of ways. Nicolas had helped her find a place far away from her home and provided as much support as he could. At the time, he was too young to send too much, but he had sent enough money to help keep her afloat. Partially, he had been the reason why she had been able to afford renovations for her home and store in the first place, though, he might not be happy to learn that she had been using his money from an early age to buy materials rather than food. Really, she should be more happy than nervous since this would be the first time her cousin would see the renovations and the first time he would see her in a financially healthy state, but still, she found herself wondering if what she had to present was good enough for him. Layne didn't just want her cousin to be at ease with her living situation, she wanted him to be proud of what she had accomplished and seen that she was more than just fine, that she was accomplished.

Of course her worries were silly, of course, they weren't warranted and she knew her cousin well enough to know that he would just be thrilled to see her, but still, she couldn't help but feel the way she felt. With a sigh, she set the shovel against the side of her home and moved inside with the desire to take a hot bath. Perhaps the embrace of hot water would take her mind off of her cousin's impending visit, and it would let her clean up before he arrived.

While she had been in the bath, the warm water and steam seemed to make it difficult to think about anything but the feeling of the heat seeping beneath her fur, but her thoughts began again as she dried off and wandered back to her room. Her tail flicked about as she stood in front of the full body mirror in her room. Layne felt and looked as beautiful as ever and to that she could give a genuine smile. The only question was; what could she wear that would make her glow? Should she go for something meant for a fancier occasion? Perhaps something plain?

Actually, she figured that it didn't matter. She was dressing for a reunion, not a date. With a small pout, she pulled out a simple black dress lined with fur on the inside and a mantle to wear over her shoulders to keep her warm. She gave herself a nod in the mirror while placing her crooked pointed hat on her head. Gingerly, she took the black ribbon choker from her dresser set with the blue gem and she placed it around her neck as she looked at herself in the mirror with a smile. Plain was fine and in more ways than one; she was extraordinary all the damn time.

Clothing choice really didn't matter that much. What mattered was that she was seeing the only piece of family that had expressed proper love and respect for her. That, and the fact that she was absolutely radiant. She turned in the mirror and flicked her tail and she focused on that. She focused on the fact that she was an absolute beauty who had come far from being a scrawny stray. With one last turn, she gave herself an assuring nod in the mirror and stepped away from the mirror to head back to the storefront. While on her little trek back, she heard the sound of someone knocking at the front door. She controlled the urge to rush through her home, but she could feel her heart starting to thump faster and faster as she made her way to the door.

Around three knocks she arrived at her storefront and took hold of the front door's knob. She twisted and pulled and standing there was her cousin with a big smile to match her own. Nicolas was a Lunar Feline like herself but with white fur rather than black and the markings around his wrists were a ruby red that matched his bright eyes. Her cousin was also of a more lean build and just a bit taller at that. He wore a heavy cloak and beneath it trousers and a shirt with long sleeves that slipped over his wrists. Before she could say a word he stepped close and brought both of his arms around her waist to bring her into a deep embrace full of warmth and bone-crushing love.

"It is so good to see you Layne! And so exciting too.I mean, this place had once been so small and in such disrepair too, but you really did make something out of it didn't you?" Layne returned the hug with her arms around his shoulders and a purr. The hug might have been a bit tight, but she was just happy to see him here and more than happy to hear his excitement. When he pulled away he took her by the shoulders softly and looked her up and down. His smile never wavered or faded as he continued gushing, "And look at you! You're much more plump than I remember, a regular beautiful peach. Looking like a regular witch too! Tell me, are you going to sign up with the guild?"

Layne huffed, "And become part of a greater association? I'd think not!" She then beamed and gave him a gentle squeeze, "But thank you for complimenting my looks cousin. You look as great as ever, but wouldn't you actually like to come inside?"

Again her body was crushed against his and she swore she heard something pop out of place as he held her tight and answered her, "Of course I'd like to come inside!"

She grimaced as he held her, "W-well! If you're that excited, then come on in. The cottage isn't anything like our family's estate, but I'd like to think it is nice for one cat like me."

When he finally let her breathe, she pushed open the door further and stepped back into her store to let him walk in. Nicolas moved inside of the store and his eyes darted about to look at all the shelves. He started on the left and looked closely at the merchandise occasionally feeling one of the vials or flasks before continuing on his way. Layne watched him with a gut-wrenching anxiety striking her as he just continued looking through her stock while not saying a word. Whether or not he was torturing her on purpose, she had to clear her throat to try and get his attention.

"Hm? Oh! Sorry. I was just shopping for myself."

Layne frowned, "Hold up. You don't get to pay. You're a special guest here and one of the big reasons that my store is up at all."

Nicolas hummed happily with one paw at his back and the other feeling over a flask on the shelves, "I don't think that would be right Layne. I couldn't just take anything for free." His tone then dropped, "Besides, you'll want to charge me once I talk your ear off about the family."

The frown deepened on the potion maker's face and she moved to sit on the front counter while watching him, "Huh...And why exactly would I want to hear about them?"

"Because your mother wishes to make amends one day and your father regrets what he has done."

He didn't turn to her, but Layne could see that the smile on his face was beginning to fade away. Layne resisted the stinging at her eyes before she managed to come up with an answer for that, "Tough I guess. If they want to apologize then they can either come here or send me a letter." She then looked down at the floor before sighing, "Actually, don't take that at face value. Letters only. I don't think I'm ready for a face to face just yet."

Nicolas nodded and said quietly, "Sorry...They just figured out that I was going to see you so they started loading me with this burden. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

A small half-smile tugged at the side of her mouth as she looked at her cousin who couldn't look her in the eyes. She knew that he wouldn't have brought up her family if they hadn't twisted him about it, "It is a damper on the mood and just the mention of my mother especially honestly makes me teary-eyed." His shoulders slumped further at that little mention, but Layne continued on, "But, I'm more than happy just to see you here, so go ahead, say everything you need to say so we can get back to the visitation, right?"

Her cousin sighed and nodded, "Right. Well, I guess I can sort of share a bit of a laugh with you. They wanted me to bring you back at first..." Layne snorted at that one, "And when I told them your likely response they asked at the very least to see you or apologize. I slowly whittled them down to the concept of waiting patiently for an answer from you, and so you've said a letter is fine and so I'll tell them that." He then plucked a glass flask from the shelf full of something bright and pink to look at over with narrowed eyes as he continued on, "Other than that...Everything has been quiet except for the fact that I've been chosen to succeed your father as head of clan."

Layne blinked at that one, "Really? Congratulations, I guess."

She saw a tired smile creeping up the sides of his mouth as he spoke drly, "You have the right of it. Already they've lined me up with several arranged marriages, but without a doubt, I want to find the spouse of my heart rather than that. If I'm going to be a leader, then I'll be the one making decisions not them."

An arranged marriage? She could only giggle at that, "An arranged marriage for you? Nicolas...Do they know how you are? You're a flirty romantic who most likely already has a few kids tucked away in some of the servants."

Nicolas coughed at that one and she could see a bit of pink beneath his fur, "I use protection I'll have you know."

"But still! I could never see you tied down in an official wedding. Perhaps if they gifted you a harem of all the lovers you've had then maybe!"

Her cousin's ears drew back the pink turned red, "Layne, please. Do you really take me for that type of cat?"

Layne nodded, "Most definitely."

"Rude!" He huffed, but he didn't argue or say anything against it.

Layne watched as he fumed and she couldn't help but smile. Though her cousin was a romantic, he was also a gentle soul with a kind heart that could be swayed easily. She assumed that was the only reason that he had listened to her parents in the first place. He was polite to a fault and calling him a deviant had been a hollow thing. Those servants that he slept with he had lasting relationships with, even if he was embarrassed to admit it. She knew just as much about him as he knew about her, and perhaps worst and best of all was the fact that she could pull his strings just as much as he could pull hers. Perhaps neither of them truly meant for it to be this way, but Layne would do anything for her cousin and in-kind so would Nicolas.

The potion maker's smile stayed in place, but her eyes fell and they became half-lidded. She wasn't feeling well and her cousin was right here. She felt like she should have been over this years ago, but still, she found herself here feeling like old wounds were fresh again. When Nicolas took notice he touched her shoulder lightly, "Are you okay Layne?"

Avoiding his gaze, she began, "Maybe...I'm still not okay. Maybe hearing about mom and dad wanting to do anything with me just makes me feel sick." She shivered and her smile began to fade as she closed her eyes and crossed her arms, "Maybe, I just feel terrible after hearing them mentioned and thinking about the way they tried to raise me. And just maybe the wound they dealt is fresh enough that I can't really shake off a mention of them so easily. I thought, that I'd be fine by now. Even seeing you reminds me of them just a bit...And...And I just don't think I can forgive or forget this ever, even if I say the words and even if I mean them."

An uneasy silence hung in the air before she heard his steps and felt his arms coil around her shoulders. She let herself be hugged but didn't return the embrace as she allowed herself to feel what she had been holding back before. The stinging in her eyes didn't stop this time. It felt strange to think that mention of her family could elicit such a reaction after so long, but here she was.

She heard him whisper as he held her gently, "I'm sorry Layne. I should have told them no outright."

It took a bit, but Layne answered him steadily, "You were put up to it. Like I said if they really want some sort of response they can actually put the effort of at least sending me a direct letter themselves. Either way, I should just be sucking it up."

She opened her eyes when she felt his touch at both of her cheeks. Nicolas planted his head against hers and smiled, "Not at all...You're right for the way you feel and because of what you've been through I'm even happier with what you've done with your life Layne. If you never forgive them, if you never come back home; then I would understand. I'm here for you, now more than ever especially since I'm in a higher position in the clan, but you don't need me, do you?" Layne tilted her head and he continued on, "All of this is your doing, through your grit and your determination and I'm so proud."

A throb coursed through her heart as she heard his words. She didn't want to sob like a fool and maybe just letting it out would have been better, but instead, Layne gave her best smile and wrapped her arms around her cousin tightly to squeeze him just as hard as he had when they had first seen each other again. Nothing more needed to be said between them. Layne knew that she had the support of her cousin and Nicolas had given what he could. For the most part, the rest of the day had been spent peacefully. They walked through the village, they came back to the cottage and drank tea together while Layne talked about her home and her life here atop of the hill. She had so many stories to tell, so many things that had gone right for her and all of the strange people she had met and all of the strange things that had happened. After a while, her parents had become a distant dot at the back of her mind.

Almost as quick as he had arrived, her cousin needed to leave. Layne stood outside of her store waving as her cousin walked down the path. It had felt so short, so brief, and yet, here she was seeing her cousin off and the sun was nowhere to be seen. She looked up at the moon and the stars and let the cold of the Winter night touch her. A shiver passed through her body and she felt herself starting to think about her family again now that her cousin wasn't here to distract her, but instead, she took a deep breath and smoothed her dress out. With a sigh, she turned back to her door and smiled. She had seen her cousin who actually cared about her, and that was enough. Tomorrow would be another day and she would face whatever that day or her family had to offer with strength. Maybe she would go down to the bakery and spoil herself. Either way, it was time to sleep.