A Wing and a Dare

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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A Wing and a Dare

Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Guderian

Two skaters spend their day in an old industrial building, daring each other further and further, but some dares should never be made, and some places are better left forgotten...

A Wing and a Dare Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Guderian

Gray clouds drifted across the city at a slow, lingering pace that blanketed everything in a dull silver light. The weather had been dry for weeks, but the clouds gave nothing but the dream of rain. Dust was collecting in the gutters and the air was muggy and uncomfortable, though the Industrial District on the old peninsula was particularly hard hit. Between that and the endless palate of gray, copper and brown, the district had been nearly abandoned. It had been a haven for the homeless and the disreputable, but now even they sought shelter in more comfortable areas.

The buildings had been left behind years ago in an economic downturn, and they had passed from derelict to downright dangerous. Metal was rusting, glass was broken, and there had been reports of collapses and sink holes. Of course such dangers meant little supervision, and urban exploration was an exciting past time for Parker and his friend Wyatt.

The rumble of skateboard wheels on acid etched asphalt echoed through the cavernous space and well worn skate shoes pounded the ground, adding speed to the already impressive velocity that the young man had achieved. Parker was five foot ten, his hair a reddish brown kept back beneath a black and green energy drink emblazoned baseball cap. His shirt was tight and his pants a bit baggy, a throw back to a style from bygone days. His green eyes studied the contours of the old warehouse as he took curves and eve caught a few metal bars to slide down.

Across the space, his best friend was practicing flips, the board clattering as it rotated and skidded. Jumping over it, Wyatt was the same age as Parker by an inch taller. His black hair was down to his shoulders, loose but straight. His brown eyes were laid back but his lips were pursed in concentration, heavy, thick earrings dangling from his ears. His forest green shirt and brown cargo pants blended into the warehouse decor quite easily.

As much noise as the boys made, no one came to look and no one investigated. Parker had poked at the security alarm box only to have it collapse in on itself, the plastic barely held together by the memory of what it had once been, now sheltering a family of spiders. There was no water, no power, no police, no authority. It was a land of freedom. The boys had learned how to do about twenty new tricks on their boards in the last few months. Parker picked up the speed, pushing along faster and faster before he popped the board, landed on a metal rail and skidded for almost twelve feet. Wyatt stopped what he was doing and let out an excited whoop, running over.

"Dude, that was sick!" Wyatt said with a grin.

"Well, you know, practice makes perfect... I've been working on it a while." Parker said. Wyatt groaned.

"Ah man, why do you have to ruin a good moment?" Wyatt stuck out his tongue.

"No, I'm serious... That's theory put into practice." Parker replied. Wyatt crossed his arms at that.

"So then, you could do it again without fail?" Wyatt asked. Parker gave a smug grin before he hopped back on his board, circled around and repeated the trick, though this time he slid all the way to the far side of the bar and dropped off to the other end. Wyatt let out another noise, half between disbelief and denial.

"See, that's what separates us men from you boys." Parker grinned. Wyatt grunted.

"Dude, you're tripping." Wyatt chuckled, "If you really want to prove you're just so much more of a man..." Wyatt trailed off and looked around, spotting a metal bar of similar width spanning two parts of the warehouse, though there was a pit between the two sides and several warning signs to the fall risk. Wyatt's grin only grew, "You'll slide across that." he dared. Parker had to follow Wyatt's gaze. He saw the pit, not to mention the other side was that much further across. The boys had crossed the foot bridges on either side of the warehouse without much hesitation, but crossing a beam with no safety on other side? Still, he had been challenged.

"If that's what it takes to show you..." Parker said. He took a breath and circled around again, moving to pick up speed. Wyatt suddenly felt quite guilty. He brushed his long hair back over his shoulder, hoping Parker would chicken out for his own good, not to mention to dial back that ego a bit. Wyatt moved well out of the way though, knowing he couldn't look weak by calling off the bet either.

Parker stopped at the far side of the warehouse, double checked his trajectory and set off. The rumble of the skateboard tires grew louder and louder as he closed the distance. The bar loomed ever closer, the gulf between the sides appearing larger and larger. Wyatt almost couldn't look when Parker pushed off. The board rose through the air just enough to miss the lip of the bar. Parker's momentum shifted as he spun the board sideways, catching it on the flat underside. He sunk down on the board a bit as he impacted, keeping his balance.

The teenager slid out four feet, then six. He saw the other side coming closer and closer and a huge grin crossed his lips, his freckled cheek rising up in triumph - but the victory was short lived. The board slowed to a stop without clearing the entire pit. Parker came to a stop with another six feet to go to the other side, and almost eight to get back to where he started. He hadn't realized how wide the gap was and now he was precariously balancing his board on a beam over the hole. Parker felt a slight sense of vertigo sweeping over him, a dizziness and fatigue. The pit was at least twenty feet down and it was so narrow on the sides that light didn't reach the bottom. He couldn't see much other than rusted metal and a broken ladder that didn't reach all the way down.

"Shit! Parker, hold on! Don't move!" Wyatt said moving over. Parker was trying to stay calm, but his breathing was moving faster and faster with every heartbeat.

"Wasn't planning on it." Parker replied through gritted teeth. Wyatt looked around quickly, trying to spot a rope or a chain or anything he could throw to Parker. Parker, meanwhile, was realizing that the board wasn't exactly centered on the beam. To keep it flat he was having to apply more weight to the front of the board but not so much that he tipped that way. The skateboard was starting to wobble as he adjusted his weight.

"Just hang on, I'll figure something out. I'll go get help." Wyatt replied.

"The nearest help is like twenty minutes away, we have to figure this out ourselves." Parker said. Wyatt took a breath before he nodded.

"Remember the retaining wall at the mall, the one that went past the fountain?" Wyatt asked. Parker flashed back in his memory before nodding.

"Yeah... Yes, I lost the board into the water but kept going without falling." Parker replied. Wyatt nodded.

"Maybe you can just... step off the board onto the metal and walk across." Wyatt said. Parker looked at the metal beam. It was pretty narrow, but he'd have to move eventually. Staying on the board wasn't going to help any, but he couldn't take his time dismounting. The board would flip as soon as he took a foot off of it. He had to be ready to get his balance at once. Parker took several breaths.

"Alright, here goes." Parker said before he took his feet off the board, sliding them sideways to come down on the beam. He let out a deep, lingering grunt as his feet caught the metal and he did everything to balance himself again. The board toppled downward and hit the rusted metal, cutting through it like the thickened skin of a hot pudding. There was a deep gurgle beneath as the board sank into a viscous, blackish purple slime that seemed to be oozing and radiating heat despite the length of time it had been abandoned.

"Fuck..." Wyatt murmured under his breath. He was never going to hear the end of how awesome Parker was after this. Parker cracked a grin before he turned slowly, foot circling through open air to come down. He took a step, then another. His smile grew bigger and bigger, but it faded away in an instant when his foot came down and felt nothing beneath it. The bar had given out, the joints on one side simply sliding out of loose sockets. The bar angled down and Parker fell. Wyatt dove for the edge, but it was too late. The red headed skater hit the rusted metal, cracking a far larger hole into the vat of purple sludge.

"PARKER!" Wyatt shouted down, but there was no response. Parker sank downward into the slime. Wyatt looked down in horror. There was no functional ladder, no way to reach Wyatt safely... and after a fall like that into who knew what, he'd need some serious medical attention. Wyatt turned and ran, sprinting for the door to get someone to come help... but help was too far away.

Far below, Parker sank down in the sludge. It was oddly warm and faintly luminescent, glowing under it's own power. His limbs were sprawled out to the sides almost spread eagle. He felt a light impact of the tank bottom against his shoulders, but he floated back up a few feet, suspended in the thick goo. The shock of the fall was slamming into Parker's fight or flight instinct for survival.

With a powerful kick of his legs, the drowning teen managed to get his head upright. His shoes traced the bottom of the tank, but as Parker tried to get a footing to push off he could feel the shoes come apart beneath him. The stitching dissolved first, causing the rubber and leather to pull apart and fall into pieces. The protection of his socks diminished in seconds as it disintegrated from around Parker's foot. His calloused toes felt the rough grit of the metal tank bottom, all the silt and debris. No doubt the bar that had failed him was somewhere in there too.

Panic flashed through Parker's mind. He could feel the weight of his pants disappearing, the fabric falling from his hips as the panels came apart and were eroded away. The elastic waistband in his boxers actually bubbled as it disappeared, and his t-shirt got bigger and bigger holes before it ebbed from existence entirely. This was how he was going to die, dropped into a vat of acid... But he couldn't let every last trace of himself disappear. He had to leave something behind.

With one more attempt, Parker pushed off of the bottom of the tank. His arms pulled down through the sludge, trying to propel himself upwards. He cupped his hands, but the viscous goo was so thick it clung to him, pressed in on every angle. He could smell the musky, burnt rubber scent throughout his skull. He could taste it, some of it clinging to his throat. Again Parker pushed. He strained and stretched, but as he did there was a most unusual tingling in his fingers themselves. They seemed to elongate and stretch outward, reaching toward Parker's goal with centimeters of new length. His fingernails started to darken and hone to a point, pushing out of his finger and extending into claws. The feeling was so hard to picture, Parker didn't even realize it was happening. For all he knew, he was blacking out from oxygen deprivation.

The young man struggled and pushed, swimming up through the sludge. He edged toward the surface, feeling dizzy and overwhelmed as the tingling took over his entire body. He started to hear strange popping sounds in his head, his lips going numb. His eyes snapped shut, but they couldn't block out the glowing purple light all around him. As Parker's fingers stretched out longer still, they started to look less than human. Rather than dissolving, the flesh between his fingers started to get thicker, knitting together and spreading out in a webbed membrane. The increased surface mass made it easier to swim and Parker rose toward the surface faster.

The bubbling, rippling goo reluctantly parted as Parker breached it's surface, coated entirely in the sticky substance. It clung to his flesh and coated his hair, staining it a vibrant shade of violet. His mouth opened to take in air, but it was covered with a bubble of the stuff. He coughed and sputtered, but the bubble of goo clung to his teeth as it snapped. The calcium got soft and hot before it began stretching outward, growing longer and sharper, becoming fangs. His entire face throbbed as his canine teeth dropped down longer and longer.

Parker's clawed, webbed hands began paddling for the side of the tank, but each stroke brought new throbbing pain to his arms. The bones ached like he was growing again and they began to stretch as well. The skin grew taut over his muscles, showing off every curve and contour. The baby fat from his stomach was disappearing as well, leaving him lean. Parker kept moving, though his panting breaths passed over a lengthening, blackening tongue. His jaw pulsed before it stretched out, making more of a gap between the teeth that were filled as they grew. His jaw extended, his nose slipped further out, his cheeks stretched. Even his skin was taking on darker and darker tones, turning tan, then brown, then almost black.

By the time he reached the edge of the tank, Parker's face had extended outward into a sort of muzzle, tipped by a nose that was blunting and turning black. His eyes opened, no longer green. Instead they were dark obsidian orbs. His ears burned as they took on points and started to slip up the side of his head. Parker was resolute on his goal, thinking nothing of his body. Getting a good grip on the metal rim, Parker tried to pull himself up. He felt his muscles ache and burn, but it wasn't enough. He panted more, kicking his legs in the slime. His toes stretched as well, the toenails turning black, sinking into his flesh before emerging as razor sharp claws.

One more time, Parker tried to pull himself out, pushing his muscles to the limit. Every muscle in his shoulders and arms went tight, pushing against his dark skin... and they started to grow. The cells divided and multiplied in rapid fashion, knitting together in wider and wider networks. His shoulders bloated with muscle before his back started to widen, taking on a defined V shape. His biceps and triceps expanded quickly, and his pectorals pumped larger with every heartbeat. His nipples darkened, becoming hard and tight, sticking out before him... and still Parker pushed.

The teenager clenched and strained, his clawed toes trying to dig into the side of the tank to push himself up. All that effort caused his butt to tighten, the muscles refining and growing and new ones forming. His flesh became taut, rounding outward, firming up like two ingots of hard forged steel. With a growing growl, Parker lifted himself up out of the slop before he collapsed on the edge. His long, clawed fingers tried to scrape the goo off of himself, but as he did he felt a fine layer of downy black fur growing out of his skin. His nose twitched and his pointed ears quirked. His arms were hard to pull from his sides, but as he struggled to do so, the reason became clear. The skin had connected to his ribs, thin at first, but thickening up into tough leathery masses that were folded along ribbed points. Parker had grown wings.

The new muscled behemoth struggled and stumbled away from the tank, stretching and flexing, opening his wings wider with each experiment, feeling the heft of his new muscles. He made it to the far side of the pit, the broken ladder just above him. He knew he wasn't the best at math, but it had been severed at least eight feet off the ground ... Had he really grown that much? He reached up and snatched a hold of the first rung and began to pull. Inch by inch, his feet lifted off the bottom of the pit. Put to such exertion, though, his arm and shoulder started to bulge more. Parker hissed a bit. The feeling of his muscles growing like that was so hot... so sexy. His nipples tightened more and his leathery black sack began to expand, his balls swelling larger.

Fed by the exertion, fear, pride and excitement, blood rushed into his purplish black cock. The shaft began to engorge, growing longer and thicker as it always had before - but in seconds Parker was what he would have considered any other day as fully hard, and it was just the start. The teenager reached for the second rung with his other hand. Grasping was a bit hard with the claws and webbing, but he got a grip and began to pull himself upward again.

Just as before, his muscles grew larger. Parker's right bicep was now as wide as his entire chest had been before the fall. Parker grunted, pulling himself up another rung and another. His cock swayed beneath him like a heavy pendulum, stretching out and growing, pushing past twelve inches, then fourteen, then more. A thick pearly drop of precum with a faint violet sheen dropped out from the tip, landing on the rusted metal below.

With two more rungs, Parker was able to get a foot up to the first. From there it was easy to push off and start climbing. He ascended quickly and pulled himself up over the side, landing on solid ground. Parker collapsed onto his hands and knees, panting hard. His muscled back rose and fell, broad and defined like a statue carved out of obsidian. Purple slime dripped from his body in webs and strings, slicking off to the ground below. Slowly Parker's brain started to turn back on. He coughed up as much of the goo as he could, but the fact remained, he had mutated. He was no longer the little freckled skater. He was something new, something amazing.


The red and blue lights flashed on the old brick and mortar exterior of the building, piercing through the twilight and gleaming off of the bits of metal that hadn't been eroded by rust. The ambulance idled, the engine humming, light spilling out of the back across Wyatt. He sat on the bumper, a thermal blanket wrapped around him. He hadn't gotten cold, though the medics were concerned about the possibility of shock. Wyatt's eyes stared at the building with dull terror. It had been hours since Parker had fallen. He'd gotten help as fast as he could, but as far as he knew his best friend had been dissolved in some long lost chemical pool. It was all his fault, his dare that had cost his friend his life. Wyatt closed his eyes, letting out a long breath.

Despite every coward bone in his body trying to keep him sitting, he forced himself back to his feet. He took a step, then another toward the building. He had to do everything he could to try and find Parker, to try and help him. As he approached, though, there was a heavy creak of the door as the cops came back out. Their radios squawked as they reported back. Wyatt stopped dead. He was so focused on the scene before him that he didn't hear the fluttering in the breeze up above. The wind current changed, a shadow fell across the cement and two pinpricks suddenly lanced through Wyatt's shoulder. In moments his vision clouded, the strength left his wings and he fell back into an oddly strong, warm embrace. The world all around him disappeared into the inky black of unconsciousness.


The first sensation to return to Wyatt was a deep, throbbing pain in his temples. He grunted slightly and tried to reposition. Maybe he'd slept wrong and the pressure on his neck caused the pain. As he tried to move, though, it became clear he was not in bed, or laying down in any fashion he was accustomed to. There was a pressure at his wrists and ankles, holding him in place. He tried to open his eyes, but felt the coarse impact of fabric against his eyes and he closed them again. He struggled to pull free, but the metal slab he was stuck to had strong restraints.

It was easy enough to panic. His heart raced, his breathing was sharp. He tried to focus on his surroundings. He could hear water dripping from somewhere, landing against metal. He could hear the faint rush of liquid in other pipes, maybe steam. They were still in the industrial district somewhere... and then there was a scraping sound, a scuttling sound, something moving across the cement and metal.

"I don't know how I got here, or what you want, but please... let me go." Wyatt called out. There was more motion, the slab he was on shaking softly. A strange smell started to grow closer. It was musky, manly but animal at the same time. Potent and savory. Wyatt's breathing got shallower.

"It's alright Wyatt, it'll all be alright." Parker's voice echoed in the room, though it sounded different, more sinewy.

"P... Parker? Is that really you? Are you okay?" Wyatt paused, "Am I okay? Did I die?"

"Is that what you think happened?" Parker asked.

"You fell into that stuff, I ran to get help but I took too long... They couldn't find you." Wyatt whimpered. There was a light chuckle.

"Maybe I did die, but then how could you be with me?" Parker asked.

"I don't know, maybe I had a heart attack at the ambulance. My head is killing me." Wyatt said softly. Parker shushed his friend.

"It's going to be okay, it'll all be alright. You're here, I'm here, and we can do what we never were brave enough to before." Parker said. Wyatt pulled against the restraints again.

"Why am I blindfolded?" he asked. Wyatt felt the weight on the end of the table shift and turn, three fingers pressing to his chest.

"Because if you were loose, you'd never admit what we shared, what we felt. All those hours together, all those sleepovers, seeing each other without our shirts on, playing games in just our boxers. We were always so close, but we could have been closer." Parker said.

"Parker, what are you saying?" Wyatt asked out in shock. The weight on top of him shifted again, weight against his legs this time.

"We could have been those cool gay skaters, making out under the foot bridge, sneaking away at lunch, humping like mad dogs." Parker said.

"We still can! You're here and I'm here, you didn't have to tie me up..." Wyatt panted.

"Then you'll taste me? My essence?" Parker asked. Wyatt was a bit uncertain, as scared as he was excited. He still didn't know how Parker had gotten him away from the ambulance and tied him up.

"Sure... We're best buds." Wyatt said, his heart racing in his chance.

"Even though I fell?" Parker asked. Wyatt's heart wrenched up again.

"I... I didn't mean to, it was just a prank, a dare..." Wyatt whimpered.

"A simple dare, huh? And when it went south?" Parker asked. Wyatt puffed his chest up even though his extremities were locked in place.

"I went to get help! I brought back medics and police and everything." Wyatt defended himself.

"You brought them all back, but you didn't try to save your friend yourself? You didn't go to the pool?" Parker asked.

"There wasn't any way to get down there... I couldn't see any ladders or ropes or anything." Wyatt replied, his eyes glistening beneath the blindfold.

"So you did try... Good boy." Parker replied, a hand stroking his right ribs. Wyatt shook more.

"Of course I did... You were my friend. I'd never leave you if I had a choice." Wyatt answered back. There was no response from Parker for a moment, leaving Wyatt to listen to the dripping pipes.

"Then I forgive you... It was just a stupid dare, an accident. And it'll all be better now, we're together you and me." Parker replied, his voice far softer and more loving.

"And... I'm ready to taste your essence." Wyatt said. There was a cooing from Parker.

"Perfect. Then we really can be together forever." Parker replied. Wyatt felt the weight shift on the slab again and that strange, amazing, confusing scent grew stronger and stronger until he felt something strange against his cheeks... Something hot, furry, soft, and then something leathery against his lips. It wasn't another mouth... Wyatt gasped as he realized that someone was sitting on his face, but that only filled his lungs with the heady, strange scent that made him a bit dizzy and a bit tingly.

Parker grunted, pressing down, bringing his pucker to Wyatt's lips. Wyatt squirmed and resisted, but his erection grew tall and proud. His nipples were hard, his muscles were primed and at the ready. Wyatt fought his instincts, fought himself, trying not to give in, but the smell was so good. His lips parted, his tongue darted out for just a second and hit the sphincter before him... and the flavor was beyond belief.

Wyatt moaned, his tongue shooting forward again, plunging into the bat's asshole. Parker's clawed wing hands grabbed onto the bed as he squeaked out in pleasure. Wyatt moaned and started sliding his tongue back and forth through the ring. He couldn't believe what he was doing, but it tasted so fucking good! He moaned, starting to hump his hips into the air. Parker brought one clawed hand over and fondled his human friend.

The moans grew louder and lustier as Wyatt's tongue snaked deeper and deeper, bathing in the musky scent of the bat's glands. Parker writhed, hissing, breathing in and out from his short fox like muzzle as his high school best friend rimmed his ass. He pressed down tighter, smothering him with it, his furry cheeks embracing that teenager's head. Wyatt thrust frantically against the hand pummeling his rod, his wrists aching from how much they were tugging against the restraints.

Wyatt started to wonder why he hadn't done this before. Eating Parker's ass was magical. It connected them in a new way, a deeper way. He roared with bliss, panting, slobbering all over the dark ring before him. As his human tongue dove deep, Parker clenched and massaged it, practically tugging it in more. Wyatt moaned, wanting to drive Parker wild. Parker grinned more and more as he was tongue fucked before he hissed out, reaching behind him to grab the blindfold and yank it off.

The human's eyes snapped open, seeing not the pert and perky ass cheeks he expected, but furry ones... and the sphincter he was tongue fucking was way bigger than he expected... and up that, past the crest of the back, were big leathery wings. He wasn't rimming his skater friend; he was rimming a huge bat monster. In equal parts shock and awe, Wyatt came, cumming hard and staining the front of his pants. Parker moaned softly, climbing up off of Wyatt's face, turning to look at his friend.

Wyatt let out a shout of shock as he saw the tremendous, furry winged creature on display before him. His wings were enormous, his hands oversized, his nose sharp and his ears pointed like a fox. He moved with such power and yet a strange casualness, crouching at the foot of the slab, looking at him.

"What, didn't you like the flavor?" Parker asked.

"N...No, it was perfect! I just... Parker, is this what the sludge did to you?" Wyatt whispered. Parker crawled up his friend's body until they were chin to chin.

"It did, and it can do it for you too! Come on Wyatt, be with me. Be my bat brother, my winged lover, we can be together forever." Parker whispered. Wyatt looked up at Parker softly.

"I can't even touch you like this." He said softly. Parker looked confused and hurt for a second until he realized that Wyatt was still restrained. He reached down and unlocked the cuffs on his wrist.

"Is... that better?" Parker asked. Wyatt reached up and stroked Parker's fuzzy cheeks before he leaned up and kissed him. Parker squeaked, turning his head, opening his maw wide to accept the kiss.

"Much better." Wyatt replied. Parker grinned.

"Good, then I have a great idea..." he whispered, looking up at the skylight above them.


The flight through the battered neighborhood had been terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time, Wyatt clinging to Parker's chest as the powerful leathery wings flapped above them, keeping them both aloft. The return to the acid etched building had been hampered by the last of the police detectives covering their bases, but with the sun set well below the horizon, they had eventually departed. Parker found a hole in the roof and dropped down below, setting Wyatt down again.

Wyatt stumbled away from the muscled bat, taking his first moment of freedom from the ambulance. The place looked so different at night, but he saw his own skateboard in the corner where it had rolled when he ran away. The human wandered toward the edge where Parker had fallen, looking over. Far below, the chemical still seethed and frothed like a purple stew, steam rising up as it maintained a constant temperature.

"And you're sure this will turn me into a bat too? I won't become an alligator, or some human fly, or melt?" Wyatt asked. Parker chuckled.

"You have to have faith man." Parker replied, "A leap of faith even."

"How did it feel?" Wyatt asked.

"It felt amazing, like being in the womb again. Warm, loving, embracing. You're going to love it." Parker said.

"I... Maybe I'm not so sure about this anymore. I mean, you're acting different Parker. You never were that confident before, or that forward." Wyatt replied. Parker's eyes darkened and his fangs were soon displayed.

"You can't leave me hanging bro. We're in this together." Parker replied, "You ate my ass out!" he exclaimed.

"And I can still do that! We can do that a lot, it tasted great, but we don't know about this stuff. Can't I just pleasure you?" Wyatt asked.

"This is happening whether you want it or not." Parker said, his wings flaring out and giving a powerful flap. Wyatt was caught off guard and stumbled back. He tried to regain his balance, but his foot slipped and he spun, falling into the pit. Without the congealed surface, he hit the purple goo with a big splash, sinking deep and hitting the bottom of the tank. He coughed from the impact, getting a lung full of the slime.

As Wyatt's entire body started to tingle and throb, he managed to roll himself over and push off the bottom of the tank. Floating upwards, he felt a bubbling across his chest and back, his legs and feet. His clothes were dissolving into pieces, eaten away by the sludge. Soon he felt everything in direct contact from his skin. Wyatt tried to hold his breath, but he failed. Having inhaled some already, he was coughing and sputtering, drawing the fluid in and out of his lungs. It felt so wrong, but it also felt so right.

A strange calm spread through his mind, making him feel relaxed and content. His cock was loose in the slime, growing longer and longer without hardening, stretching inch after inch. Wyatt's attempts to reach the surface slowed as he felt sleepy, happy, complete. The musky, burnt rubber scent filled his sinuses, reminding him of the perfect ass he had eaten out. Wyatt's hands drifted side to side languidly, his fingers stretching and elongating as they drifted through the slime.

Wyatt's perfectly manicured nails changed as well, turning dark and growing outward, honing into claws. One hand idly scraped the side of the tank as he felt a new, strange, wonderful sensation. His back began to swell, growing outward, upward, thickening. The skin grew tight, strained, and then it tore. Blood gushed into the chemical bath, making room for the genesis beneath. The tearing flesh revealed expanding bone, muscle and flesh, then soft downy fur covering parts of it.

The teenager's metamorphosis continued as two large masses spread out behind him, unfolding slowly into magnificent leathery wings. They toughened up, becoming viable in seconds. Wyatt's chest expanded, growing thick as his pectorals hardened, giving him enough muscles to control the wings. His ribs expanded, pushing apart from one another as his legs grew longer and thicker. Even his feet were getting huge.

Somewhere above there was a muffled sound of something impacting the liquid, then sharp claws dug into his shoulders. Wyatt was plucked from the goo, hoisted up and dropped onto the acid etched floor. He rolled to a stop and was motionless for a moment before his body knew what to do. Wyatt coughed up the slime, then he threw up. A gallon of purple goo came rushing out, splattering across the floor before the teenager coughed again. He panted and gasped, trying to fill his lungs with air again.

Parker landed a few feet away, turning to look back at Wyatt. Slowly, Parker wrapped a hand around his dark cock, sliding it back and forth as he watched. Wyatt grunted and moaned, getting onto all fours before he threw his head back and howled. The world around him went silent as his skull throbbed like molten metal poured into his skull. His nose snapped out of place, growing out and then up as the nostrils stretched into a spade like shape.

Wyatt's hands and feet were braced against the cement, fingers spread out. The flesh between his fingers stretched out like a growing tide, knitting together and expanding into a webbed membrane. Each breath passed over his teeth as they grew sharper, longer, taller. His jaw ached so much he wanted to cry out, but at the same time it felt exhilarating as his mouth formed a muzzle.

The changes were amazing, fueling a rush in his head. The fear, the shock, the awe... and now pride, excitement, and something more primal. His incredibly long cock started to get fatter, bloating wider and wider, making up for lost time as it turned from peach to red, then purple and finally black. Wyatt looked up, a newly formed bat. He had to be at least eight feet tall and several hundreds of pounds of muscle. He surged up onto his feet, stumbled a little, and pinned Parker to the wall.

"You fucker!" Wyatt hissed, drool flying from his fangs.

"What?!" Parker winced, chuckling madly.

"You threw me in!" Wyatt replied, though he blushed a bit beneath his fur as their cocks slapped into one another, both of the bat boys rather hard.

"Technically I just knocked you in. It was... an accident?" Parker asked.

"Like fucking hell!" Wyatt replied before he leaned in and bit Parker in the shoulder. Parker howled at the fangs piercing his skin.

"FUCK!" he panted as Wyatt came back up, grinning.

"Thank you though. This is amazing." Wyatt whispered, starting to hump against Parker. Parker moaned, humping back, the two bat boys going at it.

"You know, you make a damn handsome bat my bro." Parker whispered.

"Oh just wait, I'm thinking up a great workout routine. You and I gotta get even bigger man. Give these muscles a real go." Wyatt whispered. Parker moaned at that and grabbed Wyatt's head, tilting his own so their muzzles could interlock for a tender and hot kiss.


It was a beautiful night. The glow from the street lights was perfect, filling the streets of the peninsula with an orange and purple hue. The ocean waves crashed along the beaches in the distance, and sirens echoed from the city. Parker and Wyatt gazed out at the city beyond, all the glittering lights, the streets filled with cars moving like veins and capillaries. Parker's wing stroked Wyatt's back gently. Wyatt smiled at the embrace before turning to his compatriot.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Wyatt asked. Parker considered for a moment.

"Now that I have you, we could do anything." Parker said. Wyatt thought about it, leaning against the embrace.

"We could... find more guys to join us. We could track down who made the stuff, see if they know a way to make our lives even more interesting. We could fly to the beach, find a cave, rut like wild beasts for eternity." Wyatt said. Parker murmured, liking his muzzle with his bat tongue.

"I do like the sounds of all of those, especially the last one." Parker smirked. Wyatt chuckled at that.

"Somehow I knew you would." He replied, looking out across the roof top, "I think I want to find out who made the stuff, why they left it like that. How they haven't gotten in trouble?" Wyatt said. Parker shrugged.

"Well, the building was owned by Genetech. There's a few pieces of paperwork saying that much around." Parker said. Wyatt's eyes widened a bit.

"Aren't those the guys that went in on that crazy man made island project? Trinity or whatever?" Wyatt asked. Parker nodded.

"They have enough money to throw around to make islands, it's pretty clear why they don't care that this was just out there, left all by itself." Parker said. Wyatt grinned gently.

"Maybe they left other sites like this? Secret labs? Lost warehouses? What if we tracked them down?" Wyatt asked.

"Fortune hunters?" Parker asked.

"I dare you to come with me." Wyatt grinned. Parker shook his head.

"You know I could never resist a dare." Parker replied, hugging Wyatt closer in his wing.