Dr. Fox's Games

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Commissioned by FA: Sanmer , this story is another of those things set in the superhero world with a certain arctic fox always getting one-up on the various heroes and villains around him, turning them into his toys.

Parallel story here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1287555

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Dr. Fox's Games

For Sanmer

By Draconicon

Hideouts were good for many things. They made for secure bases, and worked well for a last line of defense against plucky heroes or determined police officers. They were the perfect place for hiding inventions, or for storing loot until it was a good time to move it. Most of all, however, they were good for monologuing, and that was precisely what the white fox in front of the video screen was doing.

He stood there, his hands clasped behind his back, a white lab coat that barely stood out against his fur draped over him like an imitation of a cape as he watched the unicorn and dragon duke it out over the top of the city. The unicorn, named Paladin, and the dragon, named Rage, were both slugging it out. The former caught the latter's stronger blows on barriers that he created, while the latter just shrugged off the former's blows.

They had already wrecked one building, and seemed intent on doing more to the city before they were done.

The white fox smiled to himself, reaching down to a remote in his pocket. With it held in his hand, he watched the back and forth battle for a few more minutes before finally pressing the button with his thumb.

"Just as planned..."


Paladin leaped from one barrier to another, using the temporary footholds to leap into the air and get a better vantage point for his punches and kicks. The unicorn was normally not bothered by the various villains that he fought, as many of them were more of a weak gadgeteer class, useful against normal people, but against those with the ability to create barriers against them.

Rage, on the other hand...

He leaped over another punch, the heavily muscled arm thicker than his thigh, and he didn't want to think about how much damage it could do to him, barriers or not. The unicorn grunted as he flung himself over another punch, barely avoiding a third before he backflipped over the dragon's head, sliding down his back and onto the ground again.

Unfortunately, his counterstrike of a kick didn't do anything but slide him through the debris that the pair of them had left behind. Paladin groaned, coming to a halt a few feet away before getting back to his feet.

This is not good.

He'd fought Rage before, but something had changed. Someone must have set the dragon off, because the dragon he was dealing with now didn't have any of the restraint the villain he'd faced before had shown. Something had gotten under his scales, and his strength was on a whole different level. The destruction of that apartment building was bad enough; this was...this was something else.

The dragon reared on him, bringing a fist up and then slamming it down. The whole street shook from the blow, and he almost fell over from the shaking.

It was the perfect opening for the dragon, and he knew it. He threw up his barriers, but the hard-light barely took the edge off of Rage's punch, and the blow broke through and hit him in the chest. Paladin's armor crunched under him, and he went flying backwards even further. His hooves skittered across the pavement, digging into it at places and leaving his legs feeling like they were going to rip themselves apart.

He came to a halt just in front of a cornerstore, panting softly as he looked up at the dragon. Rage was still panting, as well, heaving breath like a bull that was about to charge. Paladin shook his head, the unicorn pulling himself back out into the middle of the street.

"What's going on, Rage? This isn't like you."


"Talk with me. You can still talk, right?"


"Guess not..."

Another set of barriers slowed down the dragon in his charge, just enough for him to get over the dragon again. He'd hoped to wear Rage down over time, but that wasn't working. He was getting tired faster than the dragon was, and he knew that it was only a matter of time until his opponent landed a lucky hit on him.

Gotta end this fast...

But how? Rage was built like a tank at the best of times, and when he was this angry, all that muscle might as well have been armor. Every punch he'd thrown had been shrugged off like a mild breeze, and his fists still hurt from the last attempt. There was no way to physically stop the bigger dragon, and his barriers weren't strong enough to hold him still until help arrived.

He leaped over a kick, and realized his mistake a moment too late. A fist was coming down -





When he opened his eyes again, he felt like he was half-blind. Considering the light of the explosion that had lifted him off the streets, he supposed that was only fair. He had been staring right into it, after all, and he would have been surprised if there hadn't been some light damage to his eyes.

Groaning, he turned his head, trying to lift himself up, only to find that it was impossible. His arms refused to move, and he could feel that they were stuck to something that spread them out to the sides, and over his head. It was...a little more familiar of a position than he wanted to admit.

Blinking his eyes to clear them of the light-blindness as much as he could, Paladin turned his head to follow the line of his arm. He eventually managed to make out that it was tied down via metal and something else to a metal frame, and his neck was likewise pinned down, though as he turned his head to examine it, the unicorn thought that it felt a bit strange.

Shaking his head, he reached out for his barriers...and found that they didn't come.

Wait, wait...try again. You made a mistake, that's all.

He reached out with his power again, intending to create a small barrier between his hand and his wrist restraint, thinking that it would be a good start in getting out of the trap that he'd found himself in. He felt the core of his power inside of him, guided it to his hand...

And nothing happened.

Okay, you're not doing it wrong...someone's just blocked your power.


The growling sound made him whip his head around, half-fearing that he'd find Rage at the side of some new criminal in town, but instead, he only saw the far side of the room. That, and a vent that stood out slightly from the top of the wall, just under the ceiling. Some sort of air vent, he supposed, something that connected this room with another. Rage might very well be in another room, awaiting his own sort of torture or interrogation.

At least we're both here...it means that Rage wasn't working for someone else. That's something.

Whoever had them must have been the one to have placed the bomb under the streets that had knocked them both unconscious. Whoever they were, they'd maneuvered him and the dragon into position, blown them up, kidnapped them, and now...

He flexed his hand again, trying to summon his powers. Still nothing.

Must be something like the power cancellation collars we have for the super-villains.

Which meant that the villain that had captured them was not just smart, but well-connected, either having stolen the collars or having had the resources to build them himself. Which meant that escape just got a lot more complicated. Paladin shook his head, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm himself down, but it was a futile effort at best. His heart hammered away in his chest, and he could feel panic right on the verge of taking over.

When the door to his room suddenly whooshed open, he was almost grateful for the distraction.

He turned his head to see who it was, and immediately had to drop his eyes a few inches to look down at the short man that walked in. It was a fox, and a white fox, at that, one that looked more smug than he liked to see in people. The vulpine scientist walked over, pulling over a step stool to stand on so that they were of height, and chuckled.

"Well, well, well, the great Paladin. It's good to finally have you in my base."

"I don't think I know you."

"That's fine. We'll get better acquainted in a minute."

The way the fox smiled, Paladin knew that it wouldn't be a good 'getting acquainted,' at least, not for him. The unicorn struggled against his bonds again, hoping against hope that the previous struggles would have at least loosened something. If it had, he couldn't tell any difference.

As he squirmed, the fox turned away, walking over to a seemingly identical patch of wall to any other part of the room, but when he touched it with a finger, it opened for him, revealing a cabinet of steel and various other devices. The white fox hummed to himself, tapping a finger against his chin as he chose several things seemingly at random.

Despite not knowing what any of the devices did, he shuddered. Something was going to go bad for him in the near future, and he didn't like that. He didn't like that, at all.

"You might not realize it, but you heroes are probably more of a problem for the city than the villains are."

"That is utterly impossible."


The fox turned around, his coat flaring around him just enough to show that his clothes weren't exactly...modest...underneath. Paladin determinedly looked up and away, even as the fox carried armfuls of the gadgets in the little container over to him.

"You think that it's any better than you super goodies do things than the super baddies?"

"At least we're doing things to help people."

"Ah, but the super baddies only do their thing a couple of times, and then stop. There's almost none that actually try and take over the world."

"They're still criminals."

"And there's the police out there, too, that try and help with that. Heh, but that's not why I kidnapped you. I'm not here for a debate. After all, by the end of this, more than likely you're going to work yourself around to my way of thinking, anyway."

"You have to know that is highly unlikely...whoever you are."

"Oh, you think so?"

The fox dropped the various machines he carried, spilling pumps and gears and monitors and who knew what else along the floor. He leaped up onto the step stool again, and the unicorn resisted the urge to swing his head back and forward again, knowing that headbutting this man would likely get him into even more trouble.

Small paws grabbed him by the side of the face, giving him a gentle, if condescending, squeeze. He grunted as his head was shaken from side to side, the fox chuckling all the while.

"You supers, you're all alike. You know, I have heard the same thing a hundred times from one of you or another. Oh, we're not going to bow to you. Oh, we're not going to listen to what you have to say. Oh, you can't convince us to be sex slaves for your nefarious plans."

Wait, what?

His eyes went wide, but the fox was still going on.

"Meatheads, all of you. But then again, that's what I like about you. You're so much better...built...for the purposes I like."

One hand went down, and Paladin realized something else. He was naked.

The unicorn bit his lips, trying to ignore the sudden burst of pleasure that came from the small paw working his balls up and down, tugging on them and rolling them between the fox's fingers as he kept talking. The equine groaned under his breath, fighting the building excitement, and had to force himself to keep listening rather than just enjoy the stimulation.

"After all, why alter the whole body when you can just alter a few little things...like this. This cock of yours, it's almost the right size, but it would be so much nicer if it was just a little...bigger."

"You're insane."

"Hardly. I know just what I want, and you're going to give it to me, just like that dragon in the other room already has."

"What did you do with him?"

"Oh, the same thing that I'm about to do to you. Don't worry, you'll see each other again soon enough, but for now, I'd hold still. After all, you don't want to lose your equipment. There's quite a risk of that if you struggle too much."

Paladin didn't know what to say as the fox dismounted the stool, somehow getting a large tube in his hand without bending down to find it. The unicorn shook his head, trying to swing his hips out of the way, but the bindings that held him down were too firm, too strong for him to resist. He groaned as the tip of the glass tube pressed down at the top of his sheath, almost catching his cock twice before it finally slipped down enough to trap the head.


The hero grunted, his body instinctively thrusting towards the opening before he could stop it. The bindings around him only allowed a few inches of clearance, barely allowing him to push at all, but it settled the edges of the tube inside of his sheath and allowed the thing a good grip around the sides of his shaft.

As he cursed under his breath, the fox stepped away. The tube sucked like some sort of possessed machine, gradually dragging his cock out of his sheath and making it harder and harder, the suction surprisingly powerful for the small device. Paladin grunted and gritted his teeth, trying to resist the steadily mounting pleasure, but it was beyond anything that he expected.

Forced to watch as his shaft rose without his consent, the equine shook his head from side to side, trying to deny the reality of the situation. It was impossible that he'd been captured this easily. He...he was Paladin, a proper and experienced hero. This shouldn't have happened.

As his cock rose up, bit by bit, the fox brought other equipment to the mix. He pulled out a gag, thick and heavy and in the shape of another shaft, and rested it against Paladin's lips. The unicorn grunted, shaking his head, squeezing his lips together -


Only to receive a sharp shock for his trouble. He huffed and puffed, his teeth gritted together from the discomfort, and the cock-shaped gag pressed against his lips all the more firmly.

"I'd open your mouth. You can keep fighting if you like, but it's not going to get any easier for you."

Paladin glared down at the fox, trying to keep his calm as the shaft-shaped gag rubbed against his lips again and again. The sensation wasn't unfamiliar, somehow, but he didn't focus on that. Instead, he put all of his attention towards resisting the next shock, knowing that it was coming soon.

And it hit hard when it did. The equine arched his back, the unicorn's cock sliding further into the milking tube as he did, and he hissed as he felt it throbbing, twitching inside of the glass container. Every pulse, every sucking moment of having his cock milked, only added to the intense pleasure that was coursing through his body. His cock was growing, getting harder, getting heavier in front of him, and even the shocks to his balls - and they hurt, hurt bad - weren't enough to make him go soft.

"Feeling so stubborn, Paladin? Why hold out so long? You know that this will happen, eventually. It's just a matter of time until you open your mouth, and then -"

Another shock, another, and he groaned. His lips twisted, and it provided just enough of a gap for the phallic gag to slip inside. He groaned and grunted as it was slotted into place inside of his mouth, and he shivered as he felt it pushing all the way to the back of his throat, rubbing against his tonsils, and then into his neck and down towards his stomach. It wasn't pleasant, and it wasn't good, it was just embarrassing.

He shivered as it was locked in place around his throat, feeling his cock throb and ooze down into the tube. Something else oozed into his mouth, and he blinked as he swore that he recognized the taste. Something salty, slippery, and -


"Yes, you're sipping at someone else's pre-cum at the moment. Calm down. It's hardly something that you can't stand."

He glared down at the fox, hardly believing this indignity, but it was worse than that. The fact that he was slowly slurping on pre-cum, something that he couldn't get away from with the gag so far back in his throat, was one thing. The fact that it was almost familiar was something else. He didn't want it to be what he thought it was, but there seemed to be no other possibility.

It was Rage's pre, something that he remembered from an encounter with the dragon a long time ago, when the villain had been newer to the scene. It had been as humiliating as it had been quick, getting pinned down and face-fucked by the dragon way back when, but even then the dragon hadn't had much in the way of awareness. Rage had been pulled off of him before he could cum, but that didn't mean the taste hadn't lingered in his memory.

He shivered, shaking his head a few times as much as his bindings would let him. The fox stood up beside him again, putting some sort of goggles over his face. He grunted questioningly, and the fox just chuckled.

"Don't worry. You'll see."

The white fox disappeared from view, and the goggles cut off everything else. He could only see the black lenses from inside.

Then they lit up, and his eyes went wide.

As if the dragon was right in front of him, he could see Rage, stripped down and naked before him. The dragon was bound the same as he was, but there was something different. He was...he was huge.

Bigger than Paladin remembered him being, for sure, and probably bigger than he'd ever been at any point of his life. The equine stared at the shaft in the milking tube, seeing something that eclipsed his own cock by a number of inches. Perhaps even a foot longer than normal. The dragon thrust forward a few times, occasionally shuddering as a powerful jet of pre oozed out of his cock, landing somewhere in the depths of the tube and getting pulled away -


He grunted as he felt the spurt down his throat, shivering as he had confirmation of just what he was tasting. The pleasure of the milking tube around his own cock didn't help, particularly as he felt the flared head at the tip of his shaft pressing against the end of the glass and getting cooled, flattened, splayed out against the solid, smooth surface.

He's got us both milked, and both of us are getting...bigger.

Paladin grunted, his hips twitching against the bindings that held him down, and he felt his cock throb, surging with need. His balls felt like they were twitching, churning, getting heavier between his legs, and he wondered just how much the fox had done to the pair of them.

It had to have been done while they were unconscious...he thought. He might have been bigger than before while he was soft, considering that his cockhead had been poking out more than it had before. Maybe he'd been a bit bigger then? But there was something in the milking machine, too, something that was making him harder, hornier, and bigger than he'd ever been. Some chemical that was on the sides that was soaking into his cock, making him larger, more hung, and so, so, so much hornier than he had ever been.

But why?

"I've always wanted to see just how much control heroes and villains have over their bodies. Now, I have the perfect chance to test just what you guys can do."

The fox's glee didn't help the situation at all, and Paladin wished that he could have lashed out with the barriers that formed his powers. He wanted to teach the fox a lesson, but there was no chance of that happening. He growled, trying to think of something, but the pleasure that came from between his legs, the constant suction and the slow pumping of the tube along his dick only made it harder to think.

The sight of Rage didn't help, either, particularly as the dragon flexed his cock, making it rise. He knew that the dragon usually had a good handle on his powers and his body. He'd remembered the briefings about him, knew that he had to have a good bit of control to keep from Hulking out completely all the time, but it was still something else to see him pulling his dick up, pointing it towards the ceiling, even without the use of his hands and with a tube on it. It was an amazing example of muscle control and power.

The fox tapped him on the shoulder, and then on the head. The goggles shifted, showing a split down the middle as he and Rage were compared, side to side. They were both muscular, both stripped down, both hard and dripping. The only difference between the two halves, besides species, was the fact that his dick was pulled down by the heavy tube, while Rage's cock was pointing right up despite it.

"Hehehe, looks like you're making a good start, anyway. Your opponent is definitely showing his superiority, though."

The dragon looked like he growled and smirked on the goggle view, even throwing his head back and looking like he was rather proud of himself. It was...strange. Paladin didn't have a chance to question it before the fox continued.

"But that's not the end of it. We're going to play a little game, see just how good the pair of you are. I have a great many toys at my disposal, and I want to try them out on such big, powerful supers. It's a pretty simple game, though. Do you want to hear the rules?"

He slowly nodded, much as the bindings would let him, and so did Rage. The goggles must have carried the words between the pair of them as much as the visuals, he realized, and he wondered just what the dragon was thinking. The fox, however, was already continuing.

"The pair of you are going to be kept in this little milking game. You have to hold back for as long as you can, until I put you in The Zone. When you're in The Zone, you have permission to cum. If you do, then you get a point. If you cum any other time, you lose a point. Simple enough, right?"

Paladin had to admit that it was.

"But there's a catch. If you are in the positive, at the end of the game, then I take you in for a pet-training program, because you're so very obedient already. If you're in the negative, then I take you somewhere else, and turn you into a cum-slut for the other pets. After all, you're just wanting to cum, so there's no reason for you to think or do anything else."

Paladin glared through the goggles, even though he had no idea if he was looking at the fox or not. The idea of either of those outcomes was reprehensible to him. There was no way that he could see himself as either a pet for this mad scientist or as a cum slut for anybody.

There had to be a way to bend the rules to get out, he realized. There was a third outcome that the fox hadn't mentioned. If he could keep the score at 0, if he could make sure that either he didn't cum, or if he did it in a way that kept the score from going up or down...

"Heh, I can see what you're thinking, Paladin, and you're right. If you can keep your score at exactly zero, then I'll let you go. Because then, it's obvious that you aren't going to be able to be trained, and you have too good of a control over your body for me to break. But...nobody has gotten that far, yet. Not anybody that I have kidnapped. And I don't think either of you can fit that bill."

The fox chuckled, and then his voice faded away. He shivered, realizing that they were left alone save for the image in the goggles, and despite the situation, he didn't want to be looking at Rage's junk if he didn't have to.

What do I do? Can I even hold out?

He didn't know. The slow suction on his cock was pleasant, and perhaps too pleasant, at that. It was a long way from making him cum, but the steady milking was keeping his cock-head slick with pre, and he doubted that it was going to get easier as time went on. The equine shifted in his bonds, taking a few deep breaths through his nose, trying to ignore the dribbling pre down his throat.

His balls churned as the seconds ticked by, and he groaned several times as he felt his balls suddenly drop with extra weight. Every time they did, he knew that they'd grown bigger. He could see it in the camera, and more to the point, he could feel the weight...and the need behind it.


The equine was barely holding himself back, his breath coming faster and faster as he imagined himself rutting something, fucking his cock into some tight, eager hole. His libido was being boosted as much as his cock was, he realized, but it was no easier to resist for that. He shivered, his eyes rolling back in their sockets several times, and he groaned into the gag.

This...this is going to be a lot - what's that?

A whirring filled his ears, and he tried to look around. The bindings tightened, keeping his head right where it was. The same happened to Rage on the other side, and he was forced to watch, wondering what was going to -

Oh, no.

His eyes widened as he saw a large rod pushing out from the ground beneath him. It was attached to a mechanical arm, and the tip was shaped like a heavy, long cock. It...for that matter, it looked like it was modeled after Rage's cock. Rage's much enlarged, much bigger cock. And the one on the other half of the goggle screen was modeled after his own, moving towards the dragon's ass.

Despite his arousal, his hole tightened hard, not wanting to feel something so large pressing inside, but it was already between his legs. He was pushed up from some sort of mechanism behind him, his ass put into position. The dildo spurted some sort of lube over his hole, and then pushed the rod upwards, the shaft working against his pucker and slowly pushing inside. He gasped, his eyes going wide at the hellish penetration, feeling his hole spread wider and wider as the thin-tipped shaft slowly worked down into something heavier, thicker.

The only bit of revenge he got for that was the sight of Rage having to take his thicker head, the dragon snarling around his gag as he was forced open. The bit of revenge faded, though, as he could see that the dragon's body was taking it easier than he was taking the dragon shaft. The fact that his opponent was a better cock slut didn't do much, when he didn't see discomfort.

Though, in all honesty...

He groaned, his tongue trying to lol out past his lips and the gag at the feeling of being filled. It felt better than he had expected, a lot better than he wanted it to feel, and he shivered as it worked deeper and deeper inside of him. The sensation of being stuffed like this was something that he'd never wanted in the past, but now...now it was amazing. His eyes rolled back in his head, and his hooves clicked against the back of the frame that held him down.

"There we are, you're both stuffed now. Let's see how long the fucking takes to get to the pair of you. Remember, no cumming. We'll start with...Paladin, I think."

The horse groaned, only to arch his back and gasp as the pump and the rod started slamming in hard and fast. The unicorn had known that it was going to get worse, but he didn't think it would start out this rough, this extreme. He arched his back as far as his bindings would allow - not far - and grimaced around the gag as the pump bounced along his shaft. Some plastic bit hugged the base of his cock tightly, while the top of it bounced up and down, sucking and sliding along the head and upper half of his cock. The feeling of a vacuum pulling on his tip only got stronger, and his breath came in harsh pants.

That was nothing compared to the thick toy that was ramming into his ass, though, plundering him and using him and stretching him further with each passing second. The hero moaned around the gag, his body betraying him as whatever the fox had done had rendered him all too sensitive back there. He could feel his rim tightening around the shaft, pulling at it, dragging it further inside of him with each passing second.

"No cumming, remember, boys. I want to make sure that you don't go over the edge until I'm ready for you."

He shivered, knowing that he had to keep it at zero orgasms, or keep the score at a flat zero through going back and forth, but this was impossible. The pleasure he had was rising too fast for him to take.

The goggle show didn't help. The naked dragon shouldn't have turned him on, but that raised cock, that smirking glance through the camera, only made it worse. He was turned on by Rage, no matter the fact that they were opponents and enemies. That heavy cock, formerly such an intimidating thing, was rapidly becoming more and more desirable with the thick shaft in his ass slamming home. If the toy felt this good, some part of him wondered, how good would that thing feel?

The idea was enough to push him over the edge, far too early. Paladin gasped, sucking hard along the gag in his mouth, and came down the tube, shooting his load...barely a minute into the treatment. He huffed and puffed as he felt his need bleeding out down the tube, but only for a moment. Almost as soon as the shots stopped, he felt his libido climbing back up. He whimpered.

So much for letting it drop with an orgasm and then hoping to hold out later...

He didn't have time to think about it. Even as he was trying to come up with another plan, the juices that he'd spurted down the tube came back up. He felt the gag throb in his mouth, and then spurt down his throat. The half-tasted remnants of his orgasm made his eyes go wide, his cheeks burning at the humiliation of being forced to eat his own load.

"Such a pity. That's minus one to you, little unicorn. Not a good start. But let's move on to Rage, shall we?"

The machines slowed, but didn't stop. The pump kept sucking, just enough to keep him hard and oversensitive, and the toy just slid back and forth at the most teasing pace. Paladin tried to push the thoughts about wanting more down, but he doubted that it was very successful, considering how hard and horny he still was, and how much he wanted the machine to start.

He couldn't even distract himself by shutting his eyes and thinking of something else, as Rage was grunting and shaking, and his eyes were held open tight by the weird shape of the goggles. He was forced to stare at the dragon as he was pumped in the same way that he had been, that toy slamming in under the dragon's tail again and again.

Yet, despite the way that his opponent was being treated, Rage didn't show any signs of being broken down. He kept his head still, he took deep breaths, and he kept his hands in tight fists. The only sign of the stress he was under was in the way that his face was all screwed up in total attention. Even with the milker bouncing and bobbing along his shaft, the dragon didn't seem to have any worries, or look like he was even close to going over the edge just yet.

He felt like the dragon was staring at him through the goggles as the milker moved faster and faster, almost like he was smirking around the gag and showing off. That this was how someone was supposed to control themselves. That this was how someone was supposed to act.

Paladin groaned around the gag, waiting for his opponent to lose control, but even as the dildos sped up, even as they were pumping harder and faster, he didn't see anything happen. There was no sudden gasp, no sudden loss of control, no thrusting against his will. Just a constant stillness, slow breathing, and tight muscles as the dragon fought off his own urges.

At least, until there was a little red light in the other room.

Then, and only then, did Rage start thrusting and giving himself to the pleasure. In ten seconds, the dragon was arching his back, groaning against his gag, and spurting his seed. It flowed down the milker quickly, and the unicorn shook his head. At least he would see the dragon have the same -

Suddenly, the feeling of seed pumping down his throat hit him hard, and he gagged around the gag in his mouth. He tried to hold it back, but it was going down too fast to be blocked, too fast to ignore. The heavy taste that he'd dealt with before was hitting him much stronger now, and he could barely swallow fast enough to keep from getting drowned in seed.

Sputtering at the end of it, he was barely able to hear Dr. Fox's words coming through the goggles again.

"And it seems that Rage is able to control himself quite well, at this juncture at least. Paladin, you would do well to learn from your villainous counterpart. And for that, you'll have to drink his seed, as well. Of course, if you can hold out properly, you could make him do the same. Perhaps that should serve as motivation, hmm? Hehehe."

The laughing voice didn't help him in the slightest, and all he wanted to do was murder the doctor. But he was bound, and he had little choice in the matter of what he could do. So...he waited. The milker was humming, and he knew it was his turn again. Hopefully, he could hold -



The 'game' passed back and forth between them, and the doctor shifted between the tools that were used to tease them. The milker was a constant, but the dildos were sometimes changed out for different tools. Sometimes, they had electrical stimulation around their assholes, making them clench around nothing. Sometimes, they had vibrators shoved up their asses. Sometimes, it was expanding dildos, creating knots that pummeled their prostates and made it almost impossible to hold back.

Despite his determination, Paladin could feel his score sinking further and further into the negatives, and he could feel his ability to resist fading. It got to the point where he barely lasted ten seconds into the milking sessions, his cock too eager to blow, too conditioned to cum on the milker's demand, and his thoughts were getting drowned out by the constant beating that his body was taking from the sexual stimulation.

He knew the taste of Rage's cum all too well, by now, as the gag had shortened over time, pulling back somehow so that each cumshot that it spat out covered more and more of his tongue. Paladin hated it, but the unicorn couldn't get away from the taste. It had saturated his tongue, now, and there was no escaping it.

He didn't know how long it had taken for Rage to start losing control, starting to cum too soon, but he knew that the dragon had slipped off of his high horse eventually. The only question was, were they both in the negative...or just him?

The milking stopped, and time slipped for him. He felt himself being moved, knew that something was happening, but couldn't tell what. The unicorn was taken from one room to another, he knew that much, and heard the clicking of different pieces of machinery getting set up.

After the bonds around him were tightened, he felt a hand around his goggle band. A moment later, they were pulled off, and he was almost blinded. He blinked rapidly, turned his head -



The two supers glared at each other, only to be interrupted by a set of clapping hands. They turned around, and saw Dr. Fox standing in front of them. The 'good' doctor's lab coat was open, and his own hefty cock was rock hard, pointing upwards as he reached out and fondled their respective crotches. Both males gasped, arching their backs at the touch to their sensitive bits.

"It seems that you've both grown nicely...though I think it's quite clear who the winner of the competition is. Rage, you did very well, even if you did falter at the end."

Neither of them spoke, and only looked up when Dr. Fox pointed to a metallic panel behind him. It turned into some sort of monitor, and flickered, showing a split down the screen with Paladin's name on one side, and Rage's on the other. Underneath was their score.

Paladin's was -21.

Rage's was 9.

"Congratulations, you two," Dr. Fox said. "Of course, I predicted this, but it will be nice to have a new pet...and a new slut."


Paladin was so drained, he couldn't even think straight. How? How had it come to this? How was he going to get out of this one?

The End