Jason and Speedy - chapter seven - Discipline

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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#7 of Jason and Speedy

Jason and Speedy - chapter seven - Discipline

Vicki told them,"I have a spanking to administer!"

Jason's head snapped up and he looked at her for about three seconds. Jumping up, he grabbed Speedy's arm and pulled him up. Moving quickly, he said,"Yes mistress! Come on Speedy, or she will give me more smacks for not doing as she says!"

Vicki crowed her laughter loudly after the retreating males. After they disappeared indoors, she opened another bottle of wine and stood up. The vixen sauntered along leisurely inside, walking upstairs to the bedroom. There were candles casting a soft warm glow upon the two cheetahs, kneeling on the foot of the bed. They were silently waiting for her, Jason with his head down and Speedy looking at her curiously. Vicki leaned against the door frame, her tail lightly swaying as she surveyed the scene and grinned at them. Taking a drink from the bottle of wine, she swayed sexily over to the bed. Handing the bottle to Speedy, she said,"I want you to take a drink and drink until the wine level is at the top of the label. After you are done, hand it to Jason."

Speedy looked at the bottle and took three swallows before checking the level. He took another swallow and checked again, then handed the bottle over to his uncle. It was still 2/3rds full and after taking it, Jason looked up at Vicki for instructions on what to do next.

Vicki sat on the end of the bed and said,"Drink the rest of it, slave. It will help to dull the pain of what is to come. If you drink it all down without pausing, I will have a reward for you. . . If you stop, I will have to think up another punishment. Now, DRINK!"

Jason took a deep breath an put the bottle to his lips. Tilting it up, he began swallowing large gulps of the wine. Speedy looked on with interest, grinning as Jason hit the end, lowered the bottle and emitted a deep burp from his closed mouth. Speedy sent,'Yay! You did it! Is she really going to spank you, uncle Jason?'

Jason sent back,'Oh yes! She most certainly is going to. This is a game that Vicki and I often play. Whatever you do, don't interrupt her or draw attention to yourself while she is, or she might include you.'

Vicki took the empty bottle and looked at it, then set it aside and said,"Good! You will receive your reward, after your spanking. Now, you know what to do."

Jason nodded, got up and turned around. Laying down on the bed, his legs over the end as if he was kneeling on the floor, he raised his tail up over his back. Vicki stepped forward and placed a hand on his butt, rubbing the fur covered, muscled cheek as she said,"How shall I spank you tonight, slave?"

Jason responded softly,"How ever you want to, mistress, thank you. I was very naughty, mistress."

Vicki smiled tenderly at him and said,"Yes . . . you were weren't you? Is it in the usual place?" Jason answered,"yes mistress." She turned to the closet and walked over, opened the door and reached inside. Bringing out a collar and leash, she tossed them to Speedy and said,"Put these on him. Then I want you to hold the leash and wait for me to give you further instructions."

Speedy caught them and looked between her and his uncle, uncertainly. Getting to his knees, Speedy moved over to Jason's neck. Holding up the collar, he looked at it first. It was black leather, three inches wide with two smaller straps and buckles to receive them. He placed it around Jason's neck and fastened the first strap when Vicki interrupted him. She said,"That is too loose! Make it tighter . . . there!" Speedy sent as he redid the strap,'Is it too tight, Jason?' His uncle sent back,'It's ok Speedy. It is supposed to be tight.' Picking up the end of the leash, he held it and looked up to Vicki, his ears dropping slightly.

Vicki smiled at him, then cracked the doubled up belt against her hand, making his jump. Vicki moved to the side of Jason's rear and said,"Come up and sit on the opposite side of the slave, trainee. You have something very important to do. I want you to put you hand between his legs and cover his balls, to protect them. I don't want to hit them and injure them, or he will not be able to perform his duties later."

Speedy did as he was told, then looked up with eyes wide and ears dropping further. Vicki swung the belt back and forth, studying it as she said,"You agree that it is my right to discipline you, slave?"

Jason dropped his head submissively and answered,"Yes, mistress. I have transgressed the proper boundaries of behavior and deserve whatever you choose to do to me."

Vicki smiled as tho she were pleased by the answer and relaxed her stance. Suddenly, she drew back her arm and let fly with the belt. It cracked as it met Jason's rear and Jason jerked slightly.

Speedy jerked at the sound and because Jason jerked, the force being transmitted to the hand over Jason' balls, Before Speedy could process his shock, another hit Jason and another, until five strokes had been delivered.

Vicki stopped and said,"Trainee! Rub his butt and soothe it until I signal you. Then you are to protect his balls again." Speedy was stunned by the force she had used on Jason! He used his left hand to rub Jason's butt, feeling the warmth and the muscles slowly relax as he did so. Vicki waved her hand at him and he pulled his out of the way. She delivered five more lashes, then had Speedy rub his uncle's bunns again. Speedy was becoming frightened and couldn't concentrate to send to Jason in such a state. As the third set of lashes began, Speedy's eyes began to tear up and when Vicki saw them, she had Speedy rub Jason's butt as she said,"Slave? The trainee does not understand what is happening. I want you to explain it to him."

Jason lifted his head and said with a bit of tenseness to his voice,"Yess mistress, thank you. Speedy? Come around front, nephew. . . there. Now, \ **lick* Tell me what is wrong? *lick* We told you that I was getting a spanking for scaring Vicki so badly before. I haven't yelled out, *lick* or asked her to stop, *lick* so why the tears?"*

** Speedy had been kneeling in front of Jason, who was licking the tears away. He put his arms around his uncle's neck and hugged his as he softly cried out,"B-but uncle Jason! I th-thought you were only p-playing! *Sniff* Sh-she was hitting you h-hard! It hurts just to hear it! Sniff* Uncle? W-why?"**

** Unhappy he had upset his nephew so much, Jason told him,"Speedy? It will take too long right now to explain this all to you so you can understand it. I will take the time tomorrow to tell you everything about this but for now, you need to trust me. I chose to let Vicki do this too me. We have played this game, yes, I said game, for a long time now and this is not unusual in the game. If I want her to stop, I have a word I can say and Vicki will stop immediately. The excitement to the game is to see if I can keep from saying that word. Trust me Speedy. It is and will be alright. Vicki won't do anything that I really don't want her to do. Alright?"**

** Speedy listened but did not understand most of what Jason was telling him. The parts he did understand were that Jason said he wanted to do this, and that he was the one in control because he could stop it whenever he wanted to. The pain and other things, he did not understand but would wait until morning for Jason to explain it further. He trusted Jason and so he released his uncle and sat back down beside him. Speedy was still not happy with it but would wait until tomorrow to ask about it all. He said quietly," I guess so uncle Jason."**

** Jason smiled reassuringly and said,"Good, Speedy. It is a game. Only a game. Now, rub my butt a little more, please?" Speedy looked and saw that his uncle wanted him to take part in this. He nodded and rubbed Jason's butt as asked. Normally, this would have him getting erect but not this time.**

** Vicki said,"Good, slave. The problem to, is that your little time out has let your bunns cool down now. I will need to warm them up again, hmm?**

** Jason gulped and said weakly,"Yes mistress, thank you." Vicki waved Speedy to stop rubbing, then began swinging the belt again. /at each crack of the belt against Jason's butt, Speedy winced, imagining how much it must hurt. His father had never spanked him half so hard and he sure as hell tried to avoid getting spanked.**

** After ten more hits, Vicki stopped and put her hand on his butt. She said to Speedy,"See how warm it is? We are almost done." Waving his hand out of the way, she delivered five more blows and told Speedy to rub it once more. Vicki set the belt down and held her hand out as she said,"I will take the leash now, trainee. . . good. Well slave?"**

** Jason lifted his head and panted as he replied,"Thank you mistress, for being so merciful to this unworthy one."**

** Vicki smiled and gave a tug to the leash. Jason got on his hands and knees, turned to face her and waited. She put her foot up on the bed and didn't need to say anything to Jason. He knew what to do. Jason bent down and began to lick her foot. He licked the foot pad and each toe carefully and Speedy felt a little ill. He had never thought to lick someone's foot like that. It confused him as to why they were doing this but he filed it away to ask about later. Vicki gave the leash a jerk and Jason brought his head up to look at her. She smiled and stroked the top of Jason's head as she told him,"That was well done my pet. You are forgiven and now your mistress has your reward chosen for you. Turn and suck your trainee to hardness for me. When he is ready, you will lay down on the bed, so he can give your Tail hole a good, hard, fucking."**

** Jason answered,"Yes, mistress. Thank you mistress!" He turned and brought his head down to Speedy's lap. Licking his nephew's sheath to coax the penis within to come out, he sent,'I know you don't understand this Speedy. I hadn't intended to show you this yet but Vicki wanted to discipline me in front of you. That is another part of the master and slave game. She is testing my obedience to her. You don't know it but you played a very important part tonight and both Vicki and I are very pleased with you. Mmm, you smell and taste so good, nephew. That's it! Get nice and hard for me, lover. I would like it if you would act as if I was tied down on the lounge, like you imagined me the first day. Think of how you wanted to screw my tail hole. . . with me helpless to stop you. There you are! All hard and ready to ride your uncle hard!' With a loud, lewd slurp, Jason pulled off of Speedy's prick. He then crawled forward and laid down on the center of his bed, arms out straight to the side and legs together. Lifting his tail, he curled it to the side, baring his anus, ready for Speedy to mount him.**

** Vicki smiled at Jason and said,"Are you ready for your treat?"**

** Jason swallowed and whispered huskily,"Yes mistress, thank you very much. Please?"**

** She grinned and said,"Very well . . . Trainee? Will you mount my pet and give him a long, hard, ass screwing?" Speedy looked at her a little fearful and said in a subdued tone,"Yes me-, er, mistress." He got to his hands and knees, watching Vicki as he crawled up to, then over Jason.**

Vicki reached out and stroked along his back soothingly as she told him,"You are only a trainee Speedy and so you are in no danger here. I won't hurt you, even if you asked me to. Jason and I have been playing this game a long time now. It didn't start like this but grew as he asked me to be more severe with him. Go ahead and fuck Jason's ass.

Reassured that she wasn't going to pick up the belt and use it on him, Speedy said,"Yes mistress, thank you." She smiled and patted his head, then moved back to kneel down beside the bed and watch. Speedy looked down at Jason's bared tail hole, reminded that Jason had told him to pretend they were laying down by the beach, after a swim. Speedy spit on his finger and wiped it over the head of his cock as he sent,'Tsk-tsk. Didn't anyone ever teach you not to fall asleep in the sun, uncle Jason?'

Jason shifted as if coming awake and finding himself tied to the lounger. He sent back as if confused and uncomprehending,'Huh? What the-? Speedy? This is not amusing, nephew! Untie me now! . . . Please?'

Speedy laughed and sent as he guided his cock down to rub it's wetness over Jason's tail pucker,'On the contrary, uncle. I find this, ahh, very amusing.' He began to press in slowly and Jason's tail hole clenched tightly as if resisting it. Suddenly, it gave way and Speedy drove it all the way inside!

Vicki was only inches away from it, watching intently as Speedy penetrated his uncle's Tail hole. Jason gasped as if it hurt and both Speedy and Vicki thought he was just acting for their benefit. She watched as Speedy began moving in and out, Using his cock to screw Jason good, as he had been told to by both Vicki and his uncle. Slow at first, it quickly got faster and soon Speedy was pounding against Jason's butt as he rode his uncle hard. The sight and scent of two males coupling before her, at her command, was very exciting to her. She was unaware of the mental sex play that was also going on at the same time.

As Speedy's saliva moistened penis had rubbed over his under tail pucker, Jason sent,'Hey! Stop this! Nephew, this isn't funny! Uhh, s-stop! Speedy, no-o-o-o!' When Speedy felt the anus giving way, he had sent,'Uhhh! Ahhh, hot and tight, like I knew it would be, uncle. Yeah, squeeze my cock with your tail hole! Oh! What a hot, sexy fuck you are.'

Acting stunned and shocked, as well as a little frightened now, Jason sent,'Uhhn! S-Speedy! \ **Gasp** Uhhh! Stop! Pull it, ohh, pull it out, uhh, please!'

Speedy laid down on Jason's back, gripped the ribs under Jason's arms and pulled back as far as he could without pulling out. He drove it back in hard as he sent back,'Oh no, uncle. It stays in until I am done with you. You should know that this isn't going to end until I pump my cum, deep up inside you.'

Jason shifted, as tho pulling on unseen bonds that would not give, seeking escape as he sent back,'Uhhh, uhhh, ahh, \ **gasp* , pant-pant* uhhh! Why, Speedy? Uhhh, \ **gasp** W-why? Ohhh!'

Speedy chuckled nastily and sent,'That should be obvious, dear uncle. Gods! Your bunns are so hot! Ahhh, so nice. . . Daddy always said you were a good fuck, if he could get you to hold still long enough. Uhh! Oh yeah! He won't let me do this to him, like he constantly does to me. You are his twin, so having your sweet ass is almost like getting to screw Daddy for once!'

Jason panted, heart pounding as Speedy rode him, listening to the words of his nephew's story. His slowly swelling penis beneath him, made him have to shift hip hips around and Speedy sent,'Ahh, that's more like it, uncle. Feel my cock ream you out. . . Fuck your hot ass back into my thrusts! Uhh, You sexy, sweet, fuck!'

Jason, panting sent back,' Uhh! You little fucker! I'm, uhhh *gasp* ohhh, oh goddess! Cum already! You have screwed me long enough. *gasp* Ohh, s-so deep! Pant-pant, ohh, How can you keep fucking, uhh me and not, hiss cu- uhh c-cum? Ahh, ohh gods, ohhh, S-Speedy!'

Speedy sped up, shortening his stroke a bit and chuckled in a cruel sounding way as he sent,'Ahhh . . . This is much better, uncle. Daddy also said you would start to enjoy it, if I fucked you hard, long enough. Oh yes! Suck my cock with your ass, uncle-daddy! Ohh, ahh, incest IS best! Take my cock! Take it all, uhh, up your hot ass! Ahh, I'm gonna cum soon, uncle . . . Cum in hot, heavy spurts, ahh, d-deep in your guts!'

Jason was really getting in to the sex and the hot act Speedy was putting on for him. Even tho it was private on their own special channel. Besides giving him a good long fucking, Speedy was slapping against Jason's bunns. Jason kept hidden that they were sore and it was setting fresh pangs of pain off each time he drove in. Speedy also, almost reached Jason's prostate, so each deep thrust triggered pleasure in Jason's cock and ass.

The role playing was getting fuzzy as his pleasure built in small increments, Jason sent,'Uhh, pant, ohh Speedy! Pant-pant Your father oooohh-hissss, uhh, t-taught you well. Ohh, oh gods, pant-pant cum in me! P-please! You, ooo ohh, gasp, you have to cum! Ohh, h-hurry!'

Speedy went into overdrive and Vicki watched wide eyed in amazement as Speedy pounded Jason's ass furiously! She heard the grunts and panting, so the lack of either of them talking didn't seem too strange to her, When Speedy went into overdrive, he lightly bit Jason's left shoulder and hugged his uncle tightly.

Jason no longer could remain silent under Speedy, He yelled out,"Oh god no! Not overdrive! Arrrrghhh, gasp! Y\you are setting my ass on fire! Cum, Speedy! Cum for me-e-e! Ahh, ahh, ahh, yess oh h yesss, flood my guts, Speedy! Ahhhhh."

Speedy was too busy to talk until the last few thrusts, when in a rising tone he growled out,"rrrrrRRRAHHHH! Ahh, ahh, gasp ohhh gods, ahh, ahh, gasp, ohhh gods, ahhhh, ahh, pant, ahhhh."

Vicki's jaw dropped when she saw overdrive begin. She would not have been surprised to see steam rise from between them! When Speedy started to yell, the bed was bouncing from the effort he was putting into driving his cock into Jason's ass. Speedy held it deep and ground against Jason's butt as he pumped his cum into the adult's bowels. Relaxing again as his orgasm ended, Speedy let his bite go as he panted. Licking the spot, he relaxed and recovered, drained from all the energy he had used on his beloved uncle.

Jason was also relaxing and recovering from the intense fucking and pounding his sore butt had taken. He was panting softly and licking dry lips. Vicki jumped over them, to the other side of the bed. She bubbled with enthusiasm about the hot fucking she had just witnessed, Vicki licked their heads and faces as she gushed,"Oh! My beautiful, sexy, wonderful, obedient and playful males! Thank you both, so much! Watching Speedy fuck you was so exciting! It was such a privilege to watch two males, who love each other, enjoy their bodies like that. I'm soaking wet after watching you fuck the shit out of Jason that way! Is your tail hole alright, Jason dear? He was only using his spit as lubrication."

Speedy was almost asleep after all the energy he had used, the wine and the special brownies, not to mention all the orgasms. He was comfortable and at peace, atop his warm, loving uncle. His cock slipped out of Jason and made the adult wince slightly. Jason called out softly,"Speedy? . . . Hey stud? Roll off please? I gotta go pee!"

Speedy stirred reluctantly and began to move as he said sleepily,"Okay uncle. Should I go to my room now?"

Jason turned toward Speedy and pulled him into a hug. He licked, then kissed his nephew before saying,"You are always welcome in my bed, Speedy. You have had a full day so we will skip our run tonight. Vicki and I still have some thing to do so you will find it easier to sleep in your own bed tonight, Sleep well, nephew and I will see you in the morning."

Speedy smiled sleepily and said back,"Night, Jason. Night, Vicki and thank you for everything." He got to his hands and knees, preparing to get up and off the bed.

Vicki leaned over and smiled , then kissed him as she responded," Night, Speedy. I enjoyed this night too. It was very special to be your first female and to watch you and Jason together. I will be here in the morning too and maybe we can have a little more fun before I go. Get some rest, dear. You need it after your performance tonight."

Speedy shuffled out of the room, heading for bed and sleep as both Jason and Vicki watched him go. Vicki turned to Jason and smiled at her lover as she said,"This was above and beyond anything I could have expected when I called you this morning, Jason. I was only hoping for a pleasant afternoon of sex and the easing of my heat. Getting to share it with two hot males was great but this was really special."

Jason laughed at her enthusiasm and handed her his leash as he asked,"Will you take your pet for walkies, mistress? I really need to go and I want to avoid an unfortunate accident."

It was Vicki's turn to laugh and she accepted the leash as she said,"Alright, Jason. I can't let it be said I don't take proper care of my pet. Come with me and we will go outside." She led him thru the house, stopping in the bathroom to get a washcloth, a brush and a tube of Vaseline as she said," I think we will want these too. You have earned a little tender loving care for your mistress for tonight's fun." As she led him outside, she continued,"Other than that mean trick you pulled pretending to rape Speedy, You were a perfect pet. I loved seeing how you took care of Speedy, dear. You were the loving, caring male I know you to be." She took him around the side of the house and pointed to a tree as she said,"Pee first, then shit if you need to. I will clean you up afterwards and brush your coat. Can't have my pet looking all scruffy, can I?" Jason peed, the scent drifting up and Vicki sniffed, then remarked,"Ahh, so strong! You and Speedy have been having a lot of sex, haven't you? I can smell how it has hiked up your hormones, dear"

Standing as his hot yellow stream of urine hit the tree, Jason answered,"Yes mistress. I began sharing with Speedy last Sunday. He had gotten into my bed during a thunderstorm and I woke to find him humping my leg in his sleep. *s nicker* After I talked to him about it, I let him know I was interested but he had to make the choice and let me know. You see how he decided and we have been enjoying sex every day since."

** Vicki laughed and stepped back as Jason squatted, tail raised to relieve himself the other way. She said,"You kept the secret very well. I didn't have a clue before you told me that you and Speedy had been having sex. That is why I really thought you were raping Speedy. I guess I should have known you wouldn't do that, especially with a willing female so near."**

** Jason stood up and opened his arms. Vicki stepped forward into his embraced Jason continued," Thats right. . . especially one as pretty as you. Goddess, Vicki! Are you insatiable,** female?"

Vicki had returned his hug and she turned her head up to kiss him. Her kiss started hot and went up from there. She rubbed herself against him and murred as her tongue wrestled with his. She growled playfully and pushed her breasts against his chest as she reached down and fondled his balls. She pulled back and said with a smile and a twinkle in her eye,"Next time, arrange to have ten male cheetahs available and we will see if I can be worn out. Now, come along pet. We will go lay on the picnic blanket from earlier, where I will see about taking care of you a little more. After that, we will see if I can't coax one more time from my well used pet, before I take you to bed for sleep."

Jason smiled and followed as he said,"I am sure you can, you sexy vixen. . . I am sure you can."

As usual, I hope you have enjoyed the latest chapter of Jason and Speedy. If you did, please let me know. I get my reward from knowing that others find these little tales as fun to read as they are to write. Next time, there will be a revelation and an important lesson learned.