Meeting Bob (Kreet 24)

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#26 of Kreet

Image from

It'll do for Bob. I do detect a feminine quality in the image though. Bobette? Roberta?

To say I'm terrible at names is obvious by now. Might as well turn that liability into an asset. I'm still cringing at Ka'Plo.

I almost hated to devolve into the standard "beat the giant monster" trope. But I hope you'll appreciate my take on it in the next post.

"Thanks Kreet," Mekelson said, taking the skin from the little kobold. "Stupid of us to come unprepared."

Kreet laughed, "Hey, I'm the one still dressed like this! Think I can seduce the demon?"

"I wouldn't count on it," Quint said, taking the water from Mekelson. "Say, do you want a weapon? I've got an extra dagger here if you'd like."

"No thank you, Master," she responded. "I use my claws and teeth. I never drop them."

"Fair enough. Well, let's move on."

Hours later they found themselves deep in the caverns. They'd long since left the upper chambers that Kreet recognized behind and were relying on Ka'Plo's maps now.

Finally they topped a rise in the ever-narrowing path and saw a flickering glow coming from ahead.

"Shhh!" Karl said when he saw it, but Mekelson shook his head.

"They know we're here Karl. They couldn't possibly not."

"He's right, Karl," Quint said, putting his helm back on. "This will be no surprise attack. Watch for traps or hiding places where they might get around behind us. Mekelson, are you ready?"

Mekelson nodded behind his own helmet.

"Okay. Kreet, you and Karl have been trained. Mekelson and I will be the Tanks. You help us as you can. If you can't, try and get a ranged attack in on any of them you see. If they have archers, ignore them unless they target you. We're proof against most all arrows. Mekelson, the demon first, right?"

"Of course. Kill it and the rest should scatter."

"What about Brand," Karl asked.

"He's one of them now, Kreet. You know what to do. But be wary of Paulie. They may use him as a shield."

A voice came out of the space ahead, it's mouth unseen but the voice was unmistakable.

"Don't be stupid, Master Quint. The child is behind you. Behind that stalagmite formation. Go ahead, Karl. Go get him. He's fine."

Karl looked at the others. Quint nodded towards the formation and he headed off. Though he took the glowing mace with him, the light ahead was sufficient to make out the shadow that emerged around the corner. It was Brand.

Karl screamed from behind the stalagmites.

"Oh be quiet Karl. He's not dead. He's just been Held and then the spell bound. It will be released in, oh, about another 6 hours I expect. What he'll open his eyes up to then is up to you."

Karl came out from behind the formation holding his boy, apparently sleeping.

"Brand, why did you do this? What's happened to you?!" Kreet yelled, stepping out from behind the Paladin.

The figure stopped, it's face would have been in total shadow to the others, but Kreet saw his face just fine. It was twisted somehow. It howled.

"Kreet!!!? You found her?!" he shouted, backing off the way he had come.

"Brand, she was right in town all the time. If you'd have just stayed around..."

"Kreet!" Brand screamed, and turned back, running out of their sight.

Before she could react, a sound that wasn't a sound came to their minds.

"The one you know as Brand is with me now. Some of you will be with me soon too. Some of you are good devotees, but your allegiance is misplaced. We will rectify that this day. Some, however, will not."

Behind them came a deafening roar and all turned to see what was happening. The ceiling was collapsing, and the collapse was spreading rapidly towards them.

"RUN!" Mekelson shouted and led the way, heading towards the flickering light ahead. As they rounded the corner, the collapse behind them stopped and they found themselves inside a huge chamber. The walls fell away to both sides and the ceiling was lost to view. The source of the fire that burned in a huge brazier that hung from the ceiling was unknown, but it did light the cavern as well a huge shape beyond. Brand was no where in sight.

"Now," said the voice inside their heads, "you must pass my Behemoth. I call him Bob."