Dawn of the Dragon-Chapter 13

Story by dr54ui on SoFurry

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#13 of Dawn of the Dragon

After Mike gives Luna a new title and actually sleeps close to her for the first time, and after Scott, Damon, Emily and Rick show up at The Temple of Prophecies and decide to spend the night there, what's next for all of them? Find out!

Ten year old Mike Sumner barked at seven year old Scott Sumner as he thrusted his bow at his brother's chest, "Come on, you spaz, just pull one arrow and shoot it." He gestured towards the archery target with his head that's right behind him about several feet away, "It's not hard."

Scott halfheartedly pushed the bow away, "But I'm tired."

Mike rolled his eyes, "You're not tired. You just don't want to do it. Seriously, you're such a spaz."

Scott shot a glare at him, "I'm not a spaz!"

He shoved the bow in Scott's chest again, "Then prove it. Shoot an arrow for once! It's not gonna kill you."

That was when Scott's face turned pale at the idea of him doing archery, "I don't want to do it."

Mike sighed and pulled the bow away from him, "What's the problem?"

"What if I use it wrong and take my own eye out?"

Mike groaned, "You're not going to take your eye out!"

"Yes, I will! I don't want to be one eyed Willy!"

Mike just laughed at that, "You're not gonna be the dead pirate from The Goonies, now quit whining."

Scott shot him a glare, "I'm not whining."

Mike retorted, "Yes you are! You always whine like a fucking spaz."

That's when Scott used an accusing finger to point at his brother, "You swear! Mom says you shouldn't fucking swear!"

Mike's jaw dropped agape at his words, "You just swear too!"

"I didn't swear!"

"Bullshit, you little liar!"

"You swear again!"

"Only because I called you out on your crap."

"I'm not the one who swear first!"

"I swear because you're a chicken shit and a spaz. You don't even want to do archery." Mike proudly thumbed himself in the chest, "I can shoot better than anybody here! I'm like Robin Hood!"

Scott rolled his eyes, "Actually, uncle Joshua can shoot better than you."

Mike replied, "Then I'll challenge him to a match. That'll show you who'd be Robin Hood!"

Scott held a smile, "I'll bet that he'll beat you."

Mike was holding a grin on his face, "Alright, you wanna bet? Then lets bet." Then he changed his expression to a accusing one, "How about give me my allowance that YOU stole the other day? Cause I bet you did that."

Scott rolled up his eyes and sighed, "I didn't walk into your room and take it."

Mike waved his hand at him, "You freakin liar, you took my allowance." He crossed his arms and demanded, "You better NOT have spend it. You better give it back, or I'm telling mom when she gets home." That was when he showed a grin, "Not only you're a spaz, you're a thief too."

Scott glared, "I'm not a spaz and I'm not a thief!"

Mike washed that grin away and pointed to the back door of their house behind Scott, "Then go into your room and get it, or I'll smash your Xbox."

Scott gasped, "No! You wouldn't dare! I thought that you were gonna tell mom."

Mike responded, "I change my mind. You better give me back my money, or I'll break it. Or in fact, I'll just break your legs."

Scott shot back, "Then you'll have to pay for the operation."

Mike thought for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders, "On second thought, I'll just break your Xbox."

Scott's face got pale with panic, "Then...I'll make you pay for a new one!"

Mike said, "How can I pay a new one if you already stole all my money? It's YOU who'll pay for it and it's already my allowance anyways." He dismissively waved his hand, "I don't care if I have to pay for it. That's your fault for stealing my money."

Scott got up from his seat on the steps to the back door, "I'll tell mom if you do!"

"Go get it and I won't."

Scott groaned and ran into the house, "Augh, fine." He opened it up and slammed it behind him. Leaving Mike alone outside. He chuckled to himself, "That's what you get for stealing my money." He continued to chuckle quietly and then casually walked over to a bench and picked up an arrow. Ready to shoot it. He raised both the bow and arrow, aiming at the circular target ahead and fired, the arrow hit dead center. He muttered proudly to himself, "I'm Robin Hood."

Mike heard a voice behind him, "I'm home, Michael."

He whirled around and saw his mother standing out at the back door. Mike smiled at her and greeted, "Hey mom. How was work?"

Gretchen answered, "It went good. Been a busy day, but it was alright." She tilted her head, "Scott almost ran into me by accident. Did I miss something?"

Mike apparently wanted to tell his mom that Scott took his money, but he'd let it slide, knowing that his little brother's getting that allowance now. He shook his head, "Nope never missed a thing."

She grinned at that, "I hope not. Knowing you two."

Mike rolled up his eyes, "Mom, we haven't gotten into a fight."

Her look went hard at where she stood, "Better not. Or I won't take you two to Disney World in Orlando this year. You'll both be grounded."

Mike just shrugged his shoulders, "I don't want to see Disney World anyways. It's Scott who wants to go there. Actually, I just want to go to SeaWorld."

Gretchen sternly started to say, "Miiike."

He groaned a bit and nodded, "Ok, ok, I get it." He raised a finger, "But trust me, we haven't got into a fight."

His mom walked down the small steps, until she stepped on the grass, "Believe me, after your little fight with your brother the other day, I was thinking about not taking you both to Orlando at all."

Mike defended when he spread out his arms, "I didn't start the fight. I told you before. Scott ate all of my favorite snacks behind my back!"

She crossed her arms as she walked and stood in front of her son, "It's EVERYBODY'S snacks, Michael. That means you were supposed to share."

"He can have everything else, just not the Recess peanut buttercups!"

"Well after that incident, I was also thinking about not buying you anymore of them."

Mike's mouth opened agape, "Aw, mom, come on."

She held up her head, shook it a bit, "I'm not gonna come on, sonny!" She raised a demanding finger, "Tell you what. One more incident like that and you won't get anymore of them and also YOU will be the only one not going to Orlando and stay with your uncle. Understood?"

Mike let out a calm sigh after pausing at that, "Oh, bless you."

She rose both her brows, "No more fights, or no Recess and Orlando for you."

He raised his hands in defense, "Alright, I won't make another fight, I promise."

She nodded at him, softening her look, "Ok. Now that's settled." Then a smile appeared on Gretchen's face and mentioned when she turned her gaze to the archery target, "I just saw you make a nice shot. You're getting quite good at this."

Mike chuckled deeply and placed his bow on the bench, "And you thought that I was gonna take my eye off with one of them."

Her eyes drew back to him and exclaimed, "Well I thought you were!"

He waved her off, "That was like a couple years ago when I started doing this and...I haven't hurt myself."

She uncrossed her arms with a little smirk, "I'm still kinda apprehensive that my child of your age is doing that."

Mike rolled his eyes, "I'm ten now, mom."

She giggled nervously at she remembered when her son started doing archery, "NOT back then."

Mike laughed, "But NOT anymore." He rose a brow, "Mom, are you still nervous about me acting like Robin Hood? I do love archery you know."

Her nervous look went away and she laughed, rubbing his hair roughly with her hand, "Oh I know, you little Robin Hood."

Mike was swiping her hand away with his, not liking his hair being ruffled, "Mom! Watch the hair."

She continued to laugh, "I'm your mother. I can mess up your hair whenever I want." She winked at him with another giggle, "You need a haircut anyway."

He rolled his eyes in a bit of annoyance, "Oh, mom." He picked up his bow and another arrow, drew it back to aim at the target and fired. Hitting the target dead center again. Gretchen was giggling at that and Mike turned to her with a quirked brow and a teasing smile, "What? Are you laughing at me? I didn't make a bad shot."

Gretchen replied with her waving a hand, "I know. I'm...Just proud that you aren't hurting yourself. I would've skinned your uncle for this, you know."

Mike chuckled and gestured towards his body with one hand, "Can't take it out on him if I'm not hurt. Heck, I'm not exactly hurt. I'm great."

She remarked with a pleasant sigh, "And that's a big relief."

He replied, "Hey, lets put at it this way....Scott doesn't want to do it. He's scared of trying it."

Gretchen made a giggle, "I don't blame him. I'm afraid to try it as well!"

Mike put the bow back on the bench once again, before saying, "Still don't know why you should be afraid. It's fun!"

His mother rose a brow, "To you and Joshua, but to me...No thank you, Mikey!"

The young boy let out an embarrassed sigh, "Mooom, don't call me Mikey. I don't like that."

She waved him off and shook her head in apology, "Sorry."

He gave her a big toothy grin, accepting her apology, "You're forgiven."

That was when she giggled, "I honestly still can't believe that I have two Robin Hoods in my family."

Mike joked, "Yep, uncle Joshua's big Robin Hood, and mwah is little Robin Hood." He giggled at his own joke, as he turned to walk to the target to pull out the arrows he shot with, "Make a good name for a TV show." His mom laughed behind him and he roughly pulled the arrows out of the target, turning around to walk back after he did so. When he laid those arrows on the bench along with the bow. Mike seemed to have had a thought on his mind and he turned to Gretchen and asked, "Hey mom? Instead of going to Orlando, can we go sailing on your boat? Maybe you have the time to do that this year. Huh? Can we?"

Gretchen showed a bit of worry in her eyes and softly shook her head, "I'm sorry, but you can't."

He groaned at that, "Arrg, but we hardly ever get to do that with you. And...You don't do it a lot."

She nodded, "Exactly, only once in a while I sail, and the answer's no, you and Scott are not going. You know why I don't take you guys with me when I'm sailing, we've been over this."

He hung his head and sighed, "I know, but...I still want to go over the ocean. I never had."

She paced up to him and wrapped her arms around his body to hug him, "I know, and you will." She kissed his forehead, "When you're older, you will."

Mike made a grin as he's being held by her, "And to be exact, WHEN will I be old enough to do that?"

His mother laughed at that and she rubbed his back with a hand, "When you're a teenager."

"Ok, what? Thirteen? Fifteen? Sixteen-"

She was laughing hard at that, clutching him tighter, "Geez, you never give up." She went down to giggling deeply in her throat now, "When I think you're ready, I'll take you with me. Also Scott."

He asked, "Promise?"

Gretchen removed her embrace and replied, "I promise." Then she gave him another kiss on the forehead, staring fondly at his eyes, "Michael?"

"Yeah, mom?"

She smiled brightly at him, "I love you."

He did the same, "I love you too."

Luna shot her eyes open, shock and surprise within them. She breathed in deeply, rose her head above the ground, looking up to the stars seeing that it's still night. Turning her neck she saw Mike still laying close to her side, stirring a bit on the ground, sleeping good against her. After her eyes looked around herself and seeing him, she realized that she and him are still camping and sleeping in the rolling plains, and she'd woken up from a dream. Her eyes showed confusion. But she didn't understand what she'd saw. She didn't believe her eyes.

That dream she had...It didn't feel like her own.

And it even felt real too.

Luna shut her eyes, putting her thoughts into that mysterious dream. The dream was clear to her. She saw Mike when he's....Little, and saw his little brother, Scott, whom she'd never met. And...She even saw his...Mother.

Then her mind clicked as she realized what she'd saw in her slumber....She must've saw his past. What happened to him back then before they'd met.

The confused black dragoness shook her head, with her tail thumped on the earth floor. It didn't make sense....Why did she have that dream? Or HOW could she have that dream? She'd felt like she was there, but she wasn't really there at all. She didn't have any idea why she had that weird dream. Or where it came from to her.

Despite how confused and weird it was...She'd thought it was cute.

She even thought that little Mike was cute...Especially with his mother.

Luna turned her neck seeing Mike still laying on his side against her. She could hear him moaning a bit with his mouth closed. She smirked down at the human with her. He even looked cute sleeping by her. Nothing like that really happened to her a lot ever since she left her home years ago.

She has her companion laying closer to her.

Luna was cocking her head, when she felt something within her chest. The odd feeling she had been getting every time she lays her eyes on him. It was warm and buzzing around in her. Her confused eyes came back to her as she rose her paw to her chest. She doesn't understand it. She doesn't understand why is she having this weird feeling. The feeling felt really foreign to her.

But for some reason...It makes her feel happy. The feeling made her feel happy from the inside.

And it was that kind of happiness she hasn't had for a long time.

It was weird, but it was giving her happiness. And she began to have that sort of feeling on the night when she was still chained up at the cheetah village. When Mike showed up and was being nice to her after knowing some of the truth about her. His kindness and company, for some reason, was bringing that odd, fuzzy feeling bubbling around in her chest. She was confused but happy as well.

Luna, despite her confusion, was smiling at this, as she was still staring at Mike. Blinking fondly at the little guy. Then Mike began to mumble in his sleep, "M-....Mom?"

She perked up her ears and head. That was the first time she'd heard him mutter 'mom' in his sleep. The first time ever. The human was saying it again, "Mom?" Then he was groaning and wrinkling his face. He must've been having a dream.

The image of his mother came to Luna's mind. How beautiful she'd looked. This was the first female human she'd seen and...His mother looked beautiful.

Now there were questions that were bothering her. Was his mother waiting for him to come home? What happened to her? He hasn't mentioned anything about her yet. The only family he has mentioned was his brother Scott.

And now another question came to her, when some kind of realization washed upon her scales and body...Did she somehow have that dream from Mike? Mike was probably dreaming of his past. Did she somehow share that dream with him? That's what she believes now. There was no way she could ever have that kind of dream, never even think it. Mike was probably dreaming of it from this moment and had shared it...Magically with her in slumber.

But how did it happen? She did not know. It's a mystery to her.

Mike muttered again, "Mom? ....Mom?" He curled himself tightly along the grass.

For some reason, she can hear there was some pain behind his voice. Like he was calling out to her. Like his mother was gone or something. Luna was feeling some pity for him. Well she'll fix that. Slowly, she lowered her wing to cover him up with and he wasn't awoken by it. Only moaned again, "Mom?"

Luna snaked her head to his, nuzzling his forehead. It wasn't enough to wake him up, much to her relief. She wanted to let the little guy sleep away after nuzzling him. Bringing her head away from him, she said in a hushed whisper, "Goodnight, Mike." Her companion seemed to have calmed down in his sleep and he was just snoring lightly under her wing. Perhaps the warmth from the wing membrane calmed him. Perhaps the wing felt like someone was hugging him. For whatever the case, he seems to be fine now and that was alright with her.

Luna sighed a bit, looking at the moon and stars. She couldn't sleep right now, so she was passing some time before she could feel tired again. The dream really woke her up.

It may have been a mystery to have that dream with him magically, she really did think that it was one of the sweetest dreams she ever saw. Even though it's not hers, she loved it so much.

Her face darkened up, as her eyes were showing sorrow in them, and she dipped her snout. It was better than this other dream she had...Every once in a while. It maybe a dream, but she can never forget it. Its like it was mentally planted in her brain.

And what happened to her in that dream....Really happened. It was something from her past. While she was under Abyss's influence. It wasn't one of the dreams that she can remember that she'd killed someone or something, showing how evil she looked. No, this dream was something else entirely. There wasn't any blood, or screams in it. This dream she's thinking about is the worst of all the nightmares about the past she had.

And when she dreams of that particular experience and remembers it....It has shaken her to the very core, making her feel cold and ashamed at herself.

She may not have been in control over her body that very night...She can never forget it. Her body made a shudder and she let out a trembling sigh, a single tear falling down her cheek. Luna turned her head to Mike once more, feeling content under her wing. Luna hasn't told him about it....She has told him many other things, including she felt that Dark Storm's alive inside her. But she NEVER told him anything about THAT. She feels like she doesn't want to tell him...Doesn't even want to think about it.

Her smile came back on her snout. She hasn't had that dream for quite some time and hasn't had that dream ever since Mike's been with her. Perhaps she doesn't have to tell him. Perhaps she won't dream about it ever again.

Which she can only hope.

Luna held up her snout to let out a yawn, clamping and opening her jaws twice, before she lowered her head to the ground. The feeling of sleep coming back to her now. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to try to sleep. Internally hoping she won't have that horrible nightmare again.


I let out a huff of breath and slowly opening up my eyelids, hearing the birds outside. With my back still pressed against the pillar, I rubbed my eyes with both hands, looking to my right to see afterward the sunlight was shining through the entrance of the temple. Morning's here. I yawned, head turning now to the left and saw that Emily's not sleeping by me. I frowned. Huh? Where'd she go? I looked around to see if anyone else is missing. I do see Rick still asleep at his own pillar, but Damon's gone too.

I began to get up from the floor and walked forwards from that pillar, my mind filled with curious thoughts as to where they are. My eyes were traced around in the temple, but I don't see either of them.

Then I could hear some distant giggling outside. Emily's giggling to be precise. She sounds like she's outside at the entrance. I smiled in relief. Ok, she hasn't gone far and I believe Damon's with her. With the thought, I started to take soft quiet steps across the stone floor, walking out in the warm sunshine when I stepped outside. About a foot from me, I found Emily was indeed with Damon. He was sitting on his haunches, chuckling a bit about something. The two of them seem to be in a conversation. I smiled at them. Those two must've got up early and are sharing a chat.

Well, I'm gonna join them. I made my way up to my girlfriend and the green dragon, waving as I did, "Morning guys." They both saw me, their warm smiles greeting me. When I stood beside Emily, I asked them, "Did I interrupt anything?"

Damon shook his scaled head, "Nope, not at all." He gestured his snout to the girl beside me, "Emily and I were just chatting. Preferably about...Uh....Makeup, Emily?"

She giggled at his expression, "Yep. We were talking about makeup."

I just furrowed my brow, "Why?" Then I only frowned at Damon, "Why were you two talking about makeup? That's girl stuff."

Emily gave a playful glare and nudged her elbow sharply into my side, "Shut up, you jerk."

I grinned in a defensive matter, "What? It's true. Makeup is just a bunch of girl stuff."

My girlfriend replied with her hands to her hips, "Just because it's a bunch of 'girl stuff' doesn't mean you have to like it. And I'M a girl, so take that." She stuck her tongue out at me.

I chuckled, "So why were you guys talking about it?"

She smirked, "If you must know, Damon here caught me using some makeup out here. To my surprise, he actually kinda smelled it."

Damon giggled deeply, shifted his weight on his paws on the stone ground, "The scent did feel pretty foreign to me and it stirred me awake. And then we started talking about it."

Emily turned to the dragon, looking up at his face, "Here I was applying some mascara to my eyes and there you were, sniffing the air. I was pretty far away and you caught it by scent. I gotta say, that's a strong nose you have."

Damon shot up his head with a smug grin, "Why thank you. We dragons do have a strong sense of smell." He cocked his head, "I'd take it that your kind don't have strong noses?"

Me and Emily shook our heads, "Nope."

The dragon nodded slowly, "Ah...I see. Now Emily back to this...Mascara of yours." He pointed a talon towards the small bottle of mascara on the ground, along with the portable circular mirror on the ground beside Emily. I think that she must've packed it up from the cruise ship in her bag and decided to use some of it this morning. Damon asked, "You're saying that your kind's females use it for...Beauty?"

Emily smiled at him with a nod, "Basically, yeah. To make themselves look good and all. Make them look more beautiful. Cause mostly without it....You don't look pretty beautiful." She giggled deeply, "I haven't used makeup ever since the attack on the ship. But I was glad that we came back to the ship anyways and packed it up."

I rolled up my eyes, "Seriously, Em. What's the point in using it out here? It's not like there are any other people out here, you know."

She narrowed her eyes at me, "You wouldn't understand it. I'm a girl, remember?"

I made a worried look for her, "I honestly hope you don't have to use it a lot. If Damon can smell it, who knows what else can smell it. Perhaps Dark Dragons?"

Emily waved me off, shaking her head, "I know what you're getting at, so I'm not going to use it a lot. Just every once in a while. Want to look special, you know."

Damon snaked his head to her, making her look at him, "I know you look more beautiful now, but you did look beautiful before you'd put that on."

Emily kinda blushed at that, didn't expect to hear the compliment from someone like a dragon, "Thank you." Then she brushed the blush away and said, "But I'm still going to use it once in a while. It's a...Human female thing."

He giggled and rose his head away from her, resettling his wings on his back, "Doesn't matter what you do. I wouldn't mind it."

I made a crack, "Just don't make her use it on you. You'll look like a weirdo. Makeup's usually made for girls."

Emily shot back with a crack of her own, "Right, and for you giving me a hard time about using it, I'm gonna apply it on you."

My eyes went wide, "No! Don't put that on me!"

Damon said with a giggle, "Hmm...I know it's made for females, but maybe you'd look beautiful wearing it, Scott." He shrugged his shoulders, "How bad could it be?"

Emily was bursting with laughter, holding her ribs tightly and I shot a glare at him, with my face flushing, "Damon, don't encourage her!" He was laughing at my reaction, making my cheeks turn more redder than before. Good god, me having mascara?! That's not cool!

Emily composed herself when she cleared her throat, showing me a big smirk on her smug face, "Damon could be right, you'd look beautiful in it." She closed her eyes and proclaimed proudly, "Like me!"

I shook my head furiously, "No, I won't!"

She giggled and leaned her head to plant a kiss on my lips, "You'd look ugly without it." She winked.

I rolled my eyes, "Very funny." Then I found myself giggling at her grin and gave her a kiss back.

Damon smiled with his yellow eyes locked on both of us, "I figured that there was something between you two."

Me and Emily glanced at him and she asked, "Wasn't hard, huh?"

The dragon shook his head, "Not at all. Actually, it was pretty easy." The three of us were giggling at this.

I waved to him, "Well at least you don't mind it." I made a glum look, "Comparing to somebody else in the group."

Then Damon hummed and nodded when he said, "Does Rick mind it?"

Emily let out a small sigh, "Wasn't THAT hard to figure out?"

Damon made a narrowed look a bit, "Knowing Rick's attitude, I figured as much. And also apparently he doesn't get along with Scott." He got up on all fours, his yellow eyes on me, "I didn't know what the deal was with you two, but now I know why."

I sighed and nodded, "Basically, yeah. He doesn't like me being with his daughter."

He only cocked his head, "Why?"

And speak of the devil, there was Rick who came bounding out of the temple to see us, "Well morning everyone." He made a narrowed glance up at Damon, "And hello, Dayton."

Emily huffed, "His name's Damon, dad!"

Rick just rolled his eyes, "Errr...Whatever." He went on after taking a breath, "I was wondering where all of you ran off. I was just sleeping all alone in there."

I said, "Sorry about that. I just didn't want to wake you, so I came outside with them."

He shrugged his shoulders, "Oh I guess that's fine. As long as my daughter was close by, I'm good."

Emily just narrowed her eyes at him, "I suppose it's because you're worried that Damon might hurt me behind your back?" My eyes went wide. Never expected her to start something with her dad now. But I figured she'd confront him about his behavior towards Damon sooner or later. Course, wonder if he'll even listen to her?

I'd say....Nope.

Rick's face actually went wide and then he growled a bit through his teeth at Damon, "I suppose that you told her about our...'Serious conversation'?"

Damon answered with a snort, "I PROBABLY did."

Rick just nodded twice, "That's what I thought."

Emily strutted up to her father and said with a fierce gaze, "Dad, I know you're just an overprotective asshole and all, but why the hell did you have to accuse him of doing something that's not even true?"

Rick softened his look and just looked innocent, rubbing the back of his neck, "Look, Emily. I was-"

She shoved a finger into his chest, "If I were YOU, I'd treat Damon with a lot of respect. He saved our lives for gods sake."

Rick tried to defend, "Emily, I-"

"I don't want to hear it. Damon's trying to help get us home. And here you are accusing him of something that he's not. That's stupid. He's not planning to get us killed. Well if you don't believe that, then you'll probably be proven wrong. Seeing how well he can fight against that so called monster that tried to kill me a few nights ago, YOUR DAUGHTER, I'm sure he'll prove you wrong when he fights something else. Like MAYBE kill one of the Dark Dragons that tried to kill me. Damon's not evil, and until you get that, UNTIL YOU REALLY GET THAT, quit giving him crap. Got it?"

I think Rick wanted to argue with her, by the look in his eyes, "Emily-"

She waved both hands dismissively in front of his face, "I'm not in the mood for a 'serious conversation'. I'm going to get something to eat and then afterwards, we'll leave this place and go to his home. I'm not in the mood. I'm a bit angry right now, just...Don't say a word to me. I just want to eat in peace."

Emily strode in fast strides past her father. Rick tried to grab her hand, not wanting to end the conversation, but she immediately jerked it out of his grasp, not wanting to look back and talk to him. She disappeared in the temple before a second ended.

I took a deep breath and let it out. Well, that told him off. Doubt that he'd listened to every word his daughter said. Since I saw that look in his eyes. I looked back at Damon, who stood up on all fours. He's probably thinking the same thing as I am. My eyes looked down beside me, and saw that Emily left behind her makeup. I giggled when I bent down to pick it up, along with the small mirror.

Damon strode up to Rick, lowering his head to his level, "Your daughter trusts me pretty well. Does that seem enough for you to be more nicer to me?"

Rick shot a narrowed glance at the dragon's yellow eyes, Damon narrowing them back. My eyes went wide at this. Rick seriously has balls glaring at him. Rick huffed and just shoved Damon's nose away with one hand, "Just leave me alone." He trotted away from the both of us, heading into the temple to get something to eat from his bag too, I believe.

I held an apologetic look toward him, "Sorry about that, pal."

Damon turned his snout and brought a smile on it, "Don't worry about it. What matters to me is your safety. I'm not gonna be bothered by him." He trailed his eyes back to the entrance of the temple, "I'm sure when we find danger, I'll prove I'm not his enemy." I nodded a bit in agreement to that.

Well lets just hope that the danger we find won't be too much of a problem for us...Well mostly to you.


My vision was dark, as I was trying to use the sight to find Scott. But so far there was nothing. There was no Scott or any animal in the area nearby that I can see through their eyes. All I saw was black.

Then I found Luna's viewpoint, who was just strolling right beside me and even had her eyes drawn to me. I can see myself, closing my eyes as I actually kept my pace with her. I wasn't bound to do this for very long, I was only closing my eyes for only a moment to find Scott, but I only found her. I heard Luna's voice talking to me, "Mike?"

I shot my eyes open, seeing through my own vision. I turned and looked up at Luna's form, still walking alongside with her, "Yeah?"

Luna giggled with her silver eyes still down at me, "You're using the sight while you're walking, are you?"

I admitted with a giggle and a nod, "Yeah." I gestured towards the landscape of the rolling fields around us, "Since there wasn't anything for me to bump into, except for you, I decided to just use the sight while I'm walking. Good thing I was keeping pace with a big girl like you."

She replied, her tail swinging back and forth with each step she took, "I'm surprised with your eyes closed and still walking you haven't wandered off blindly away from me." She gave me a wink, "Usually I just STAND around to use it instead of WALKING. That's the best advice I could give you, little guy."

I shrugged my shoulders, both of us walking up a hill that's a bit tall, "Don't worry. If I even wandered blindly away I'll use the sight to find you."

She shot up her head proudly, "That's the spirit, my student!"

I waved at her, my hand almost hitting her black scales, "And I have the best teacher to thank for!" We both shared a laugh together, both of us turning our heads ahead to see where we're going after reaching the top of the hill. We do see a forest at a very far away distance. Well guess we're going to head through there.

I let out a sigh to myself. It's been about four hours ago since I woke up with Luna still cuddled with me. She didn't wake up at all to watch over me like the last two days before, she just still laid close to the ground sleeping by me. And even her wing was over me too and it felt pretty warm. No wonder things felt pretty warm when I was asleep. I even found the gesture pretty nice.

So after me and her woke up, me and her continued on through the vast landscape. And that was when I used the sight to find my brother. But no Scott.

Me and the female dragon strolled down the hill, both of us thinking about going to that forest. Luna gazed down beside me again and asked with a concerned tone, "You ok?"

I looked at her curiously, "Yeah, why?"

The two of us made it to the bottom of the hill as she went on, "Well I was thinking that you were using your sight to look for...Your brother and haven't found him." She used her one of her wingtips to point down at me, "I was just thinking you'd feel disappointed and I wanted to know if you were alright."

I nodded at her, "I'm alright. And...I'll admit, I was a bit disappointed, but I'll be fine. Not give up that hope, right?"

She beamed and nodded about three times, "That's right, Mike. Don't give it up."

I giggled a bit at her optimism and at mine, as my thoughts were still thinking about Scott when me and her had our eyes ahead again. Scott....Could you use the sight like your me? Maybe Emily along with Rick, if they're both with you? Could all three of you do that? I chuckled deeply at my own thought.

Luna heard me and said with a big smirk, "What's so funny?"

I shook my head, "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about-"

"Your brother?"

I laughed a bit at her guess, "Yep." I took a deep breath, calming myself, "I was kinda thinking about him. Well mostly about if he could use the sight as well, you know. I mean, I'm sure he wouldn't believe it until he uses it."

She hummed in thought, curiosity filled her eyes, "Now you got me thinking. What if another human could use it? Or perhaps another different creature? I really don't know, but I can tell you after what you did yesterday, that was WAY beyond my expectation."

"So has mine, big girl, so has mine. I know I didn't want to give up, but...I kinda thought I couldn't do it."

"Heh, I really didn't think you could do it either. You know, since you're another creature."

I playfully narrowed at her, "Oh really? Thanks for believing in me."

She tossed up her head and laughed, wings folding against her back, "Oh give me a break. I thought only dragons could do it. And not a lot of us can!"

I smugly held up my chin, "Yeah, well, proved you wrong."

Luna was playfully narrowing at me now, "You don't have to rub it in, you little smart ass."

I laughed at that, "Yeah, the little smart ass who proved your big ass wrong about what I cannot do. I certainly can do it."

The dragoness rolled her eyes, "Great, my student's developing an ego."

I shrugged my arms, also shifting the stuff I'm carrying on my back, "Well why wouldn't I? I'm the first human to use the sight. This is awesome!"

"Yep, you developed an ego." I slugged her side and she laughed hard at that.

I let out a breath, "Well since I'm showing off my accomplishment, I'll show it off to Scott when we find him." I giggled deviously, "The humiliation will eat him alive."

"That is if he believes you."

I exclaimed, "Yeah, IF he believes me. But I'm sure with everything that's going on in this world, he'll HAVE to believe it."

Luna made a devious grin, "Perhaps I'll teach him how to use it, so he'll show it off like you."

I said, "Well with a good teacher like you, I'm sure he might succeed. And as for him showing off, I won't care if he does or not." I thumbed at my chest, proclaimed proudly, "I'M the FIRST human to use the freakin sight. So can't humiliate me if I did it first."

She had a defeated expression, wings drooped over her sides and let out a snort, "Drat." I laughed at her expression. Then she only had that look for another second, until only curiosity replaced it, "Would it really work for another human, or another creature? That's the big question right now."

I waved my hand at her with a shrug, "Who knows? As long as I'm the first human to do it, I won't care."

She rolled her eyes at that, stating, "A little human with an ego. Well that's perfect."

I giggled and remarked, "You're stuck with me get used to it."

Then she let out a whine, "Ohhh, drat again!"

I was giggling at her, "Oh, but you like being with me."

Luna smiled at me as we continued to stroll across the field, "Yes, I do."

I turned to see that the forest is still far and I let out a tired sigh, "You kidding me? After walking for a bit, we're still far away from that damn forest? I want to find some more apples in there. I'm almost out again!"

Luna began to slow down her pace and she was now right behind me, "Well...There is one way to get there faster."

I held suspicion in my eyes, as I stopped walking to turn my head and body a bit, "What are you doing?"

She stopped in her tracks too, giving me a devious smirk, and rolling her eyes slowly, acting innocent, "Mmmm....Nothing."

I knew what she was about to do in that big head of hers, "You gonna warn me?"

Then without ANY warning at all, she snatched me off the ground with her forepaws, yelping in surprise. Then she took off the ground with a mighty flap of her wings, making us fly about several feet off the ground and me letting out a terrified scream, "YOU SCALY BIIIIITCH!!!" She pounded her wings over the long landscape, taking us further in the air. She was laughing hysterically at my scream, like she played a practical joke on me. Only I'm not laughing!

I looked down as I was still held in her grasp and my legs dangled beneath me. My fear of flying got to me as we're flying over the field. Heading towards the forest ahead. My heart pounded repeatedly in my chest, even the fear was showed in my eyes. Crap, don't let me fall! I looked up at her head, when she made another loud flap against the wind. One thought repeated in my brain. She won't drop me...She won't drop me.

Very soon, the ground beneath was now replaced by the trees of the woods and only about a minute later, coming with another giggle from Luna's muzzle, she started to glide down to a clearing in the trees, found a spot to land in there. When she gotten closer to the ground after flying through that opening in the canopy she backwinged only twice, slowing herself down. She landed on her hind feet, planted me firmly on the ground, my feet touching the grass, and Luna was now on all fours on the grass afterward, her wings settled onto her back with a loud sigh, "Woo, that was fun."

I held a fierce glare at the dragon before me, making me growl with my teeth clenched tight. Her snout grinned at my expression, "I see you loved it."

I shouted, "Loved it?! You didn't freakin warn me!" She tossed back her head and laughed at my outburst. I walked up and slapped her scaled chest, "I'm not gonna slap your nose again, now I am gonna punch it! You bitch!"

She was reduced to mere giggles when I slapped her chest about three more times, and it didn't faze her, "Oh quit whining, Mike. It was fun."

I backed away and shook a fist at her smug, giggling face, "I'll give ya fun, you scheming dragon you."

Luna was just back to laughing at my idle threat, clutching her own rib with one paw, "Ancestors, you're too funny!"

I lowered my fist to the side, that glare slowly going away, "Not gonna be funny for too long, if you do it again."

She waved me off with a paw, small chuckle out of her snout, "Oh, you won't punch me."

I showed her a grin now, "Hey, I slapped your nose, don't think I'm not gonna literally punch it."

Luna shot up her head, "You're the one who whined about the forest still being far away." Her wings stretched out behind her, "I just got us here faster."

I gave her a glare but I somewhat chuckled knowing that she made a point about me, "Warn me....You were supposed to fucking warn me!"

Luna was chuckling deeply away, wings were now folded behind her, and she flicked her tail, "Oh, I didn't have to and I got us here. And I never will...Once you love flying."

I shook my finger, "Careful, big girl. You'll know what happens when you don't warn me."

Luna strutted away from me, heading off onto a trail in the woods, "I'll try to remember NEXT time." She twisted her neck to at me at where I'm still standing, "Then again, MAYBE I won't." She winked mischievously and giggled.

I groaned at her mischievousness and bounded my way up to her, making a playful glare at her, "You'll get it. You'll freakin get it." She laughed at my threat and we both started to walk off together. Well at least we're in the damn forest now.


I strode alongside Emily on my left, as Damon asked her this with a wrinkled face, "So I'm just getting this straight...You can make your lips turn red with...Lipstick?"

I was giggling at his naïve, curious attitude, while Emily responded with a nod, "Bout it, yeah. I mean, male humans really do love it when females of my kind have red lips. They find it sexy." Then she sighed, "But too bad I don't have any lipstick."

I playfully rolled my eyes, "You don't need it anyway." She shot daggers from her eyes at me, making me chuckle.

Damon said, "Well I wish you did have it, I'm kinda curious as to what you'd look like with it."

Emily giggled, thumbing at the dragon, "Well at least SOMEONE wants to see me use the lipstick."

I laughed, "I do too. Its just that there's not much of a point to using it when there aren't a lot of humans in Avarilan."

She exclaimed, "I'm walking with you and dad back there!" She thumbed to her father behind her

I shrugged my hands, "Still not a lot of humans, girlfriend."

Damon added, "He actually does have a point there." Emily growled through her teeth and then Damon's eyes went wide and he showed a grin, showing off his teeth, "But whatever works for you."

Rick murmured behind me and Emily, "Oh brother." I only giggled at that.

After what happened this morning at the temple, we all left the place and went on. Only after eating of course, and after Damon went off to hunt for his food. Course, me and Emily were going to share some of the snacks we had, but Damon declined the offer, saying that he'll have one later and we deserve it more. He did say however that he'll have one later. So he flapped and took off to hunt. Dang it, Damon's really missing out on a chocolate bar! He doesn't know what he's missing.

I wonder if he'll even like chocolate? Perhaps, since he's a meat eater but can also eat other things too. He might find it delicious.

After we all ate, and after a few hours passed, we're still in the woods on a trail. Rick hadn't said much, since Emily said a lot of very stern words to him this morning about Damon. Guess he's internally pissed off right now. What else is new? That's Rick for ya. The sternest member of the group, that's what Damon would say. I wish he'd just loosen up. Part of me thinks he won't loosen up throughout the whole journey. This is not gonna be a very enjoyable trip.

So as you may see, Damon wanted to know more about the subject of cosmetics, since he and Emily were talking about mascara earlier. And gee, she has talked to him about everything. From mascara, to finger nail polish, to eye shadow, and now they're onto lipstick. I know Damon's very curious about my kind, what we do and what we have. But boy he's interested about a bunch of girl stuff. Well female humans are a lot different than female dragons, so I can think that dragons don't use cosmetics. Now that I think about it, why would they? Female dragons would look beautiful and majestic without any kind of cosmetic.

Course, I haven't met a female dragon quite yet, but I can imagine they wouldn't need to use it.

Then I mentally pictured a girl dragon using lipstick across her lips and I internally giggled at the image. Gosh...A dragon using lipstick. That's something you don't see everyday. Something that Damon wouldn't see everyday also.

Rick remarked behind us, breaking through my thoughts, "Honestly, Emily, I can't believe you're using makeup now."

She looked over her shoulder, with a narrowed look, "Why not? I'm old enough to use it."

He nodded, "That part I get. Don't really care honestly. At least you...Don't look like uh..."

"Are you going to say...Slut?" I chuckled. Oh boy. Rick's probably gonna get it....Again.

Rick's eyes widened up and he raised his hands in defense, "Don't get mad. I'm not gonna say it. You can do whatever you want with it." He lowered his hands with a bit of a grin, "It's just that you haven't really used it back then when we were close."

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders, "Things do change in time, dad."

He nodded a bit, "...Yeah." Then he gestured towards the dragon walking with us, "Also too, you certainly gotten a dragon interested in it. And he's a guy dragon."

Damon laughed, wings laid against his back, and he corrected, "To be exact, I'm a drake."

Rick only replied, "Whatever."

The dragon went on, "And I know that I'm NOT a female, but that doesn't mean that I'm not at least bit curious about how females of your kind can make themselves quite beautiful."

Emily just blushed and then with a pause she laughed at the statement, "Thanks for the compliment for the females of my kind."

He shot up his head, big grin plastered on his snout, "You're welcome."

Emily giggled, brushing away a strand of blonde hair off her shoulder, "Quite the compliment, I'd say."

Damon brought up when he gazed at me then at her, "And I believe it was that kind of beauty that brought you Scott to her?"

I smiled and wrapped an arm around my girlfriend, "Sounds about it, big dude."

She muttered to me, loving the compliment from me, "Aw." Then she laid her head against my shoulder.

Rick then ruined the moment with a heated glare, and we can feel it, "Which by the way, I don't approve of this."

That was when Emily barked over her shoulder, "Screw off, dad." My eyes went wide at her comment. Boy, if she was living with that guy, he'd ground her for that. Rick just rolled his eyes and groaned, making her giggle in a small victory over this.

Damon asked Rick with a small tilt of his head, "Hey Rick, how come you don't like your daughter with him? Or more exact, why do you not like Scott? I still don't have any idea."

Rick just said with an annoyed look, "Not now, lizard." He waved to him, "Go back to talking about cosmetics with Em, I'm not in the mood."

Damon paused, until he hummed and nodded, "Alright." He drew his eyes on Emily, "Any other things you want to tell me about...Cosmetics?"

Emily chuckled and responded, "Well...There is hair dye."

Damon reared back his head in shock, "Hair die? You mean you kill your own hair? The fur on top of your head?"

She laughed, "Not hair 'die', hair 'dye'. It's dye with a y. Hair dye."

Damon now had a calmed expression, "Ohhh....What does it do?"

I answered for Emily, "Well lets just say that hair dye can make your hair color change. Like into any color you want. Like blue, red-"

The green scaled dragon exclaimed with a excitement in his eyes, "Green?!"

I laughed and nodded, "Exactly. Us humans can change our hair color into any color, including green, and...It doesn't last forever. It only lasts awhile. But it is pretty cool."

Damon just grinned away, "Green, eh? If your kind has ever had green hair, then nice choice. It'd look great on you. Maybe even on Emily here."

Emily laughed when she imagined it, "Wow, me with green hair. I'd never thought of that."

I was smirking at her reaction. Honestly, neither have I. Now when I picture it....She kinda doesn't look too bad with green hair. Course, I don't think it suits her either. Although I'm sure Damon would think it'd be great on her. After all, he has green scales, so why wouldn't have a human with long green hair standing beside you? That'd make Damon's day.

Then all four of us froze when we heard someone scream from a distance. I gasped when it sounded like...A girl. Is...Someone in trouble?

I looked at Damon who had his ears perked up, "There's someone in trouble."

Damon started to pad to the direction of the scream, "It came from this way, come on."

Me and Emily were about to follow the dragon as he treaded through the tree branches and bushes, before Rick grabbed Emily's shoulder, stopping her from moving anymore, "Emily, you better wait here."

Emily looked back to shoot a glare, "I'm not gonna stand around and wait, I'm checking it out." She angrily brushed his hand off of her and ran after Damon's form through the bushes. Rick sighed, running after her and so have I.

After Damon led us through the bushes and low tree branches, we all saw a round clearing ahead.

And what we all saw, was a battle that's probably gonna happen.

We watched when we were at the edge of the clearing and we can see about fifty Lost Souls in the area, along with two Dark Dragons nearby. And there was something being held beneath one of the Dark Dragons by the forepaw pressing against the creature's back.

It was another dragon, but it wasn't big like Damon and the Dark Dragons, it was a little one. Judging by the size, it's about the size of a donkey. It let out a scream of terror and pain when being pressed down by the monster dragon, "Help!" It turns out to be the voice in the forest. The girl voice. So she's a girl dragon apparently. And it's scale color is bright red. She had tears of pain falling down her cheeks, her tail wiggled behind her when she couldn't get up and run away from the monsters. My face went wide at this. Oh no...She's in trouble! I laid down the stuff I was carrying for the journey, rummaging through it so I can find the flare gun to use against one of the monsters. I remembered I don't have a lot of flares to use, so I'm just going to carry about two of them.

Rick did the same thing, only grabbing his gun out of the bag too. I saw Damon baring his teeth in anger at the monsters hurting the innocent creature. The girl dragon tried to take a deep breath to use her breath to fire out of her mouth against her enemy. But with the evil dragon pressed so hard onto her, she couldn't take a breath at all. There was nothing much she could do. She shouted angrily at her captors, "Let me go!!!" The Dark Dragon pressed down harder in her back, making her cry out in howling pain. It was crushing her back!

Rick made a quiet remark, didn't take his eyes off the girl dragon, "Well dragon." Damon looked down at him in question and Rick went on with a sigh, "Guess you were telling the truth about yourself all along. No way Dark Dragons would do this to their allies."

Damon snorted, "Told you so."

Emily whispered to them, after she pulled her small knife out of her pocket, "Yeah, I hate to interrupt the conversation, but there's someone in danger here."

I nodded in agreement, "She's right, we have to help her."

Rick whispered, "Ok, us three will go out there and attack." He looked past Damon's form to say to his daughter, "YOU, young lady, you're staying here. Don't be the hero, just let us handle it."

Emily was gonna argue, "Fuck you, dad. I'm not-"

I turned to her with a pleading look, "I think you should listen to your dad right now, alright? There's a lot of them, including two evil dragons and I think you better stay right there. Ok? Please."

Emily only looked at me for a second, until she just gave in and nodded, "Please...Be careful."

I walked up and planted a kiss on her lips, "I'll be back, I promise."

Damon looked down to me, then to Rick, "You sure you're up for this?"

Rick cocked the gun, fierce glare on his face when we heard the girl dragon cry out again, "Lets get these assholes. Time for some payback." He held the pistol in two hands, aiming it at one of the Dark Dragons. Aiming it at the one who's not holding down the innocent dragon.

One Lost Soul came up to the dragoness who thrashed beneath the Dark Dragon and smacked her hard across the snout, knocking her unconscious, "Shut up!" The red girl dragon was just slumped under the Dark Dragon, every one of the monsters giggling evilly.

Another Lost Soul hollered, "Well, what do we do with her?" Then he gasped and let out a glee, "Are we gonna mate her unconscious? I call first!"

The one beside him shook his head and proclaimed, "No way, I'm going to mate her!"

I frowned in disgust at them at what they're saying. They're gonna rape her when she's unconscious?! They're sick and they're not even dragons.

One of the Dark Dragons announced with a lustful growl, "No! I'm going to mount her!"

I shrugged my shoulders at that. Well ok, he's the same species as her anyways. But oh god, he's twice as big than her and he's gonna rape her too! He's no better than the evil cheetahs!

That was when another Lost Soul started growing his long claws out of his fingers, red eyes glowing brightly from his face, "No! Lets kill her first, THEN we can mate her!" They all cheered at their sick intent.

I shuddered in fright at that. Alright, we have to help her now. Before I could run out of the woods to help her, Rick fired about two shots at the Dark Dragon he aimed at. Both shots went through the black scaled monster's skull and he slumped to the ground with a thud. I loaded the flare into my flare gun and aimed right at the Dark Dragon on top of the unconscious small dragon and pressed the trigger. The flare spurt out of the barrel, went bright red, flying across the grass and it hit squarely in the chest of the Dark Dragon. It bounced off it's chest scales, making the evil creature cry out in a bit of pain, also stumbling back off the girl dragon now. The bright red light even blinded it, shutting it's eyes tightly. The flare fell to the ground and it was still flashing.

The Lost Souls and the only living Dark Dragon alive all had growls and snarls on their faces. Even The Lost Souls red eyes glowed fiercely in total anger. One of them snarled out, "Who goes there?!"

One Lost Soul who was close to the dead Dark Dragon, exclaimed with his red eyes going wide, "He's dead!"

That was our cue to come out. Me, Damon and Rick ran out of the woods, leaving Emily alone to duck in the bushes. I loaded another flare into the gun, pointing it at the Dark Dragon who's still standing. Damon was baring his teeth, growling loudly with his tail flicked behind him. He crouched low too. Rick was pointing his gun at several Lost Souls, shouting this, "Hi, assholes!"

In response, our enemies growled, flashing their anger from their eyes. My eyes caught all the Lost Souls growing their long claws, ready to fight us. One Lost Soul sneered at us, "You think you three can kill us all?"

That was when Rick said bluntly, "Yes." He fired at three of them, all three Lost Souls were dropping dead. Damon roared and blew out electricity from his snout at several of the monsters in front of him. One bolt of lightning went through one and it went into another, and another, and another, making a chain of lightning that made several of them being shocked to death as electricity coursed through their bodies. When Damon was done using his power on them, he closed his maw, letting all their bodies slump to the ground, never getting back up again. With that attack, he took down almost half the group of Lost Souls. There were probably about twenty five of them still standing.

The remaining Dark Dragon was about to charge at Damon, but I fired the last flare at it, only that time I hit it in the shoulder, making it snarl out in pain, blinding it momentarily by the bright red light again as well. Damon took this as his chance to attack the Dark Dragon and roared when he charged at it, using his horns to ram the evil dragon right in the chest, knocking it off it's all fours and fell in a loud crash close to the edge of the clearing.

As Damon shot five more dead with the gun, one of the Lost Souls screamed, "Attack!" They let out a war cry and charged at me and Rick. I gasped, tossing the flare gun away and raised my fists ready to fight them. Rick fired at two more of the evil cheetahs, falling over dead, and another one that wasn't dead, and still charging at him, raised his claws to make a downward swipe. Rick sidestepped in time to dodge that swipe, making him fall forward to the dirt by accident. Rick recovered with a firm step and fired several more shots at them.

I backed away in time from a thrust of long claws almost piercing through my shirt and into my chest. My heart thudded at that and I threw a punch at the bastard, then another one at his pal near him. Right in the muzzle. I saw in time that Damon and The Dark Dragon, who already got up after being knocked off the ground by him, were fighting and biting with talons and jaws. I turned my attention to the evil cheetahs in front of me. I was about to be decapitated by another monster cheetah, but I ducked low, falling down on my butt with a little grunt. Before one of them would stab me while on the ground, I kicked one of them in the stomach, eliciting a loud groan of pain from him. Another one was just gonna stab me too, but I rolled sideways away, the claws only went through the grass and dirt after that. The Lost Soul gasped in shock as his claws were stuck to the ground at the moment.

I recovered off the grass, standing on two feet. Lost Souls still onto me, several shots were being made by Rick nearby. I found a rock on the ground and swiftly picked it up, throwing it at one of their faces. He held his hands to his face, bellowing out in harrowing pain. I breathed in deeply, before I was about to take a swipe from another Lost Soul. The big claws just missed me by an inch when I moved away in time, then the front of my leg hit him in the ribs. Falling onto his back with a groan. I must've knocked the air out of his lungs.

My eyes caught Damon and he was pinned down by the Dark Dragon now. But Damon used one of his hind feet to kick it in the stomach and thereby kicking it off of him. The evil dragon roared out in surprise and pain, and fell onto it's back. I sucked in a breath when a evil cheetah charged with his claws outstretched to stab me in the gut. But he was shot in the head by Rick before he reached me, also shooting down a couple more. I think I heard the gun was out of ammo, when Rick tried to pull the trigger. I turned to him and saw Rick throwing the empty gun at one of them. Taking the hit in the shoulder. Then Rick tackled him to the ground, Rick being on top was now throwing punch after punch into the cheetah's face.

I heard Damon hissing at his enemy and my eyes turned to see in time that Damon got off the ground, and seeing the evil dragon was momentarily on the ground, took a deep breath and used his fire breath to finish that evil monster off. Making it roar out in agony as Damon's flames consumed the dragon, burning it to death. Damon held onto his flames, until he was left gasping for air. The Dark Dragon was now laid dead in the orange flames. The grass around it was charred and black as well.

I saw that there weren't a lot of enemies left standing, a few more Lost Souls were still standing and one charged at me. The other two were charging at Damon, who was trying to get air in his lungs. I glared at the charging enemy and backed away in time before he made a horizontal swing with his claws. I brought my hand back and hit the side of the monster's skull. When he fell to the grass, he didn't get up. Damon let out an earth shaking roar at the two enemies coming at him, and made a swift strike at the fools coming at him. Both were knocked into the trees, hard enough to probably kill them. Damon hissed at the bodies and snorted in disgust, his tail hitting the ground with a loud thud.

I was taking short deep breaths, looking around to see that it was over. There were none of them still standing. I walked over to find the flare gun still on the ground. I knew that I still had some flares left, so I picked it up and held it on my hand, better keep this with me. I heard Emily crying out, "Scott!" I turned my body, seeing Emily running out of the woods since the battle was over. She ran into my chest for a hug. I giggled at that and returned it.

Rick walked up to us with a huff and chuckled, "Don't I get a hug from my daughter?" Emily laughed and let go of me to stroll to him, giving him a hug too. Rick held his daughter real tight, muttering this, "Glad you're ok."

Emily exclaimed, "Me?!" She laughed again in relief, pulling out of Rick's embrace, "You should be worrying yourself! I could've helped out you know!"

I remarked with a shrug, "Still could have been dangerous."

She only shrugged her shoulders and shot her head to her left, "Still would've helped." I chuckled at that. Goodness, Em. Eager to fight now. She seems to have grown a bit of a backbone.

Damon padded towards us, chest expanding as he was catching his breath, "Everyone alright?" He lowered his head to us, "Anything broken?"

Emily replied with sarcasm, "You know I haven't gotten involved in the fight, so yeah I'm good."

I nodded a bit at the dragon's gaze, "Just a bit shaken, but I'm alright."

Then all of us saw some big bite marks, along with a few claw ones on his chest, neck and body. Emily gasped loudly, "Damon! You're hurt!"

He knew what we were staring at and waved us off with a paw, "Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry."

I shook my head, "Like hell, dude. We need to patch those wounds up. They'll get infected."

Damon sighed and rose his head above our levels, "Look, I'm fine." He turned his snout to the still unconscious red girl dragon on the grass, "I'm more concerned about her now." We all turned our eyes to the dragon, walking slowly up to her, shoving my empty flare gun in my pocket while at it.

I bent down to examine her closely, noticing that her horns are short a bit and the color of them are black, lifting her head by the chin with my fingers. Damon's shadow loomed over her smaller form, snaking his head closer to me and asked, "She seems to be alright. I think she's unconscious."

I let out a worried sigh, "I'm wondering how her back's feeling. That guy was crushing her."

Damon rose his paw and rubbed it tenderly along her back, right between her wings, "Guess we'll find out how she feels when she wakes up." He growled in his throat and rose his head to look off at the distance, "That's about all of them, but who knows if there are many more nearby. We better get out of here." He looked down at the red dragoness, "We'll take her with us." He turned his body away from us, to the bodies of the Lost Souls on the ground, "You knocked out most of them, they're not even dead. So I'm gonna burn all of their bodies. No need to take chances."

I nodded at that, "Good idea." I walked up beside the dragoness's form, turning her body to roll on her back, exposing her underbelly that's colored red like the rest of her body. I can see that her chest is moving up and down, she was still breathing. That's a good sign. Bending down to grab one of her shoulders, I hollered at Rick, "Rick, help me drag her away." He got the idea and made his way up to her other shoulder, doing the same thing I'm doing. Lifting her up a bit off the ground by the shoulder. We both groaned a bit, since she was a bit heavy. We began to drag her slowly along the grass. Her scaly butt being dragged across the ground. Emily was following and watching over us, making sure that we needed any help at all. My eye caught glance at Damon doing his work of burning the bodies with his fire breath. Burning them all up.

Me, Rick and Emily dragged the red girl dragon back in the woods, near our stuff that we carried and left near the bushes. Me and Rick picked them up and swung them over our shoulders and then went back to dragging the innocent dragon by the shoulders again, groaning and grunting while at it. We see Damon was done with his handy work and was padding his way through the edge of that clearing back to us. Eyes on the dragon we're dragging.

I gave a loud grunt, feeling a bit of sweat forming on my forehead. She's a bit heavy, but we better get her to a safe place.

Now I was wondering about the new dragon we came across. Who is she? I hope she's not too hurt.