The Story of Love <3 Chapter 3

Story by KinkyPaws on SoFurry

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Climbing out of the car we realised our tails had entangled themselves together. This happened often enough and every time it happened, we laughed. Picking up out things from our visit to the beach we sauntered inside. No-one was home yet so I decided to take another shower. I pulled my jeans off and laid them on the edge of my bed and pawed at the side of my pants to make them sit proper. Blaize entered and saw me standing in my lose wet vest top and my panties and smiled coyly at me. I pulled my top off exposing my tits. I bent over and pulled my panties off and swung them off to the side. I looked at him expectantly with an eyebrow raised. I watched as he looked me up and down and whistled. I smiled and blushed a little. I walked towards him, let my paw run under his jaw and my tail wrap around his waist as I walked past him.

I wanted to turn back around and pounce on him and lick him all over but I resisted my temptation. Feeling his eyes watch my ass as I turned into the bathroom. I left the door open just enough so that I could hear if he moved or not. I didn't hear anything so turned on the shower. I let the water run warm and climbed in. The warmth of the water sent a shiver down my spine and I rubbed my arms, letting my fur get messy and tufted. My ears lay back on my head on instinct; I have never enjoyed having water in my ears. I ran my paws down my body and let me rub myself a little. I groped my right tit under the water and licked my nipple. My other paw rubbing lightly at my clit my breathing got heavier. I could hear Blaize still in my room putting on some Bloc Party again. Letting the up-beat tempo of the music I let it control what my paws were doing to my body. My fur being soaked by the warm water and my body pulsating with pleasure I let myself purr a little.

Suddenly I heard the door open and saw Blaize looking at me. He appeared to be extremely turned on; this was supported by the fact that I could see his bulge in his pants. He leant against the doorway and started rubbing himself a little. I carried on rubbing my clit and playing with my nipples. My purrs letting moans through Blaize undressed himself. He opened the shower door and took a minute to look up and down my wet body. "You are fucking beautiful", he said in his deep voice, seeming not to be able to quite comprehend it. I giggled a little, "And so are you", and with that I grabbed his paws and let him into the shower. I let him stand under the shower, letting my paws run all over his body, down his torso to stroke his cock. I could hear his moans coming through, I bit his neck a little, letting my other paw crawl up his back and scratch its way back down. I could feel his cock prodding just below my belly-button and could feel his longing for me radiating out of his body. I suddenly felt the water get hotter and noticed that he had turned the temperature up. I looked up and my mouth met his, we instantly fell into a deep and passionate kiss. We both knew how much we enjoyed this sort of sex, spontaneous and completely driven on passion and lust. I let my left leg wrap up around his hip and felt the tip of his cock at the lips of my pussy. He pushed himself inside me as we both let out a moan. I wrapped my arms around the back of his arms and bit his neck again. He threw his head back in pleasure, he loved being bitten during sex, being inside me with the added pleasure of a bit of pain always drove him crazy. His paws ran down to my ass and he groped me, thrusting his cock inside me I jumped up onto his body, wrapping both my legs around his hips. His cock thrust against my G-spot I let out a scream. He looked at me when he heard my reaction and smiled; taking a deep breath in through his nose he pushed my back against the wall and began kissing me again. Not being able to help myself my moans were still loud through our kissing.

Feeling his tongue collide with mine and his cock inside me I could feel the sensations building up, his paws groping my ass and his body pushed hard against mine I knew I was going to cum soon. I stopped kissing him and looked him straight in the eyes, "Blaize, I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum", I saw his expression change slightly, just that added bit of excitement in his eyes sent my senses over the edge and I came. I could feel my muscles clenching around his cock, he continued to thrust inside me as I kept cumming, I reached my paws round to his back and started scratching again. Knowing he was close by the look in his eyes I dug my nails in. I felt him cum inside of me, felt the warmth of his load slide inside me. Both of us panting we shared a kiss as he let me down. I looked at him again and he smiled at me, "Kat, there's not one day of these five years we've had together that I regret, not one day that I have ever loved you less than the day before.", he said through a slightly croaky voice, looking at me with his ears down, not in a sad way, but in a I-couldn't-be-more-honest way. I smiled at him and turned my head down to the side and blushed. I looked up again at him and saw his love for me in his eyes, "I know baby, and there's one day I regret either, and I've always loved you, since the first day I saw you I've loved you, that has never change and never will", I replied sincerely. His smile stretched out he wrapped his arms around me and held me up to his body again. I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and we just cuddled under the hot water.

We eventually stopped cuddling and kissing enough to wash each other's fur. Once out of the shower we both walked through to my room planning on letting our furs dry naturally. I let him pick out a pair of pants for me; he always picked frenchies, always. I did agree that my ass looked amazing in them though, to be fair. After we got dressed and I had re-applied some mascara with a touch of green eyeliner we went back out to the car. Blaize had always loved how blue my eyes looked with green near them. "Kat, you know your eyes turn into sapphires when you have green makeup on right?" was one of the first things he ever said to me. Climbing into the car and strapping myself in I let it set in how long we'd been together, how much we'd been through and how we had the rest of our lives to be with each other and make each other happy. Blaize got into the front seat and strapped his seatbelt on; put the key in the ignition, started the car, the vibrations rippling through my fur I could feel him sitting smiling at me as I played with the fur on my tail. I pretended not to notice as he turned his head still smiling and reversed out of the drive way.

On the way into town we spoke about Pokémon and The Cure. He always argued that the best Pokémon was Mewtwo, I always argued Mew. Eventually he always gave in because I would end up making the cute Mew noise and he would melt. And if that failed I had a brilliant sad kitten face that I only used in extreme circumstances; debating the best Pokémon. We listened to The Cure all the way there, our favourite song being "Love Cats", for pretty obvious reasons. We sang out way to town and when we got there the sun had fully come out. We stepped out of the car when I decided to leave my hoody behind; I loved the feeling of the sun on my bear fur. Blaize locked the car and I walked round and took his paw.

We walked into the shopping centre and headed straight for Ben and Jerry's. We bought out usual Chunky Munkys and sat on a two seated table, close enough so that our tails could hook onto each other. Again feeding each other is a bad habit of ours; we "accidently" got it on each other's noses and had to lick it off. "So then Mr Stinky, where do you want to go first then?", I asked in a jokey voice. "Well, we're here for you to get a new restraint for that gorgeous chest of yours", he replied tilting his head towards my cleavage in my low v-neck vest top. I felt my cheeks blush a little, no matter how long we'd been together, he'd always make me blush when he complemented me, any part of me at all. "Yeah okay", I replied smiling at him. We got up and held paws again.

We started walking towards my favourite lingerie store and I saw Luke and Narei just walking into a gamer's store. I pounced excitedly and ran over to them. Virtually tackling both of them and almost falling to the ground I licked up the side of Narei's face then up the said of Luke's face. Narei was another tiger; gorgeously coloured with beautiful blue eyes. Luke was an adorable pup-like dog who also had blue eyes, they were more the colour of the sky than any blue eyes I had seen before. Narei was like a brother to me, and Luke was the male friend you could tell anything to without him trying it on. They both returned licks of affection up each side of my face simultaneously. Grasping them hard in my hug I heard Blaize sigh and laugh a little. I could tell he was thinking I was adorable. He always did. When Narei, Luke and I eventually let go I continued to hold paws with the two of them. "Holy shit you two! I ain't seen either of you in ages! How are yous doing?", I asked in excitement. Narei was the first to reply, "I know, it's been too long Kat. Yeah everything is absolutely brilliant, just brilliant. We've missed you so much. What are you and Blaize up to today?" I turned around and saw that Blaize was coming up behind me and he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my head. "Oh, we're just on a little shopping trip, it's out 5 year anniversary!" I exclaimed a little more excited than I meant it to be. I heard Blaize chuckle a little at my sudden out-burst of excitement. "Oh wow you two! 5 years, that's adorable." Narei exclaimed mirroring my excitement. I look at Luke who just smiled and muttered "Congratulations, I'm happy for you Kat". Luke hated Blaize, well, not sure about hated, but sure didn't have to big a like for him. I heard Blaize make a slight "hmph" in my ear. I knew he had picked up the Luke had mentioned me, specifically me and only me. Narei looked at me a little concerned; we both shook our heads and shrugged.

Blaize's arms slightly tightened around me as I let mine rest on top. "You know Apollo is having a get together tomorrow night. Fancy it?", Luke asked me. "Yeah, definitely. I responded nudging the side of my head into Blaize's. He nodded and I felt his cheek slide against mine and I knew he was smiling. "What have you and Luke got planned then Narei?" I asked. "Um, not much I think, just came for a browse really, not planning on buying anything. Yourselves?" he responded trying to include both Blaize and Luke. "Well, we're here for a new, what do you call it Blaize? Restraint, yeah, restraint for my chest", I replied laughing a little. Luke and Narei both laughed and I felt Blaize chuckling a little. "Well, suppose we'll see yous tomorrow then?" Luke asked, including Blaize this time. "Yeah we'll see yous tomorrow. What time should we be at Apollo's for?" Blaize replied. "Oh, um, I don't know, I'll text him and let yous know yeah?" Luke replied talking directly to Blaize. Narei and I looked at each other slightly confused but let it go on none-the less, they were getting along from what we could see. "Yeah that's fine, see yous tomorrow." Blaize said letting go of me letting me give them both another hug.

We continued into my favourite lingerie shop where I bought a new bright pink bra and pants. "So then, you were actually speaking to Luke today?" I asked looking at him whilst fumbling in my pocket to find my wallet. "Yeah, I was, I don't see the point in us not getting along anymore, he's Narei's boyfriend and your my girlfriend. It just makes sense for us to at least get along, even if we're not friends." He responded slightly mocking me. "Well, I'm glad that you and him can be get along" I replied also mocking him a little. I felt his paw crawl onto my ass and I smiled. I paid for my new lingerie and we sauntered out of the store to go to HMV.

So, chapter 3 is done ^_^. Sorry it's been so long, a relative went into hospital and it's just been a bit hectic and difficult to get time to write. Hope yous can forgive me ^_^.

Again, let me know what you think and hopefully chapter 4 shouldn't be too far away.

