In Need of a Change

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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At a very unique party, Sigma finds themselves serving as the star attraction, to their simultaneous humiliation and delight. :3

This flash fiction was written for Sigma as part of their patreon reward for April. It contains TF/TG content involving a consenting adult, and diaper related watersports.

In Need of a Change

Sigma whimpered and shuddered on the spot, shuffling from foot to foot with his thighs clamped together tightly. He tugged helplessly at the silk strands binding his hands behind his back, and gurgled desperately through the thick ball gag stuffed into his muzzle. The cheetah's toes curled as he let loose wail after muffled wail of shame while more than a dozen people wandered through the hallway in which he was bound. Past the stairwell and the thick carved oak bannister to which he was tied.

Occasionally one of the figures milling through the large house would break away from their group, or if alone divert themselves towards him. They'd approach, smiling and blushing, and stroke his cheeks. Run a hand down his chest, over his fluffy white furred belly, and sometimes even squeeze at his crotch. Sigma writhed and groaned as he listened to the sound of the diaper in which he was locked rustling beneath the contact of the invading paw. He bucked his hips helplessly as they squeezed at the hard cock beneath, uncontrollably erect despite or perhaps in part due to the embarrassment which he was currently enduring.

The current figure standing before him, a kangaroo dressed in nothing more than an open fronted bathrobe which showed off his own twitching erection, grinned at Sigma's moans of simultaneous dismay and delight. He leaned in close, still stroking the cheetah's arousal through his diaper, and murmured playfully into Sigma's ear.

"Don't you just want to let go?"

A louder though still muffled cry escaped the cheetah's gagged maw, and several trickles of saliva began to dribble out around the thick pink sphere of the ball-gag itself.

"All those drinks we saw you have. Six... no, seven glasses of soda, right? You must be desperate. Ready to burst. It's lucky we planned for that. Lucky we had something on hand to ensure you didn't do something... embarrassing."

He rubbed at the front of Sigma's diapered crotch once more, grinning as he felt the cheetah's obvious arousal straining through the padded, currently dry material. After a few seconds it even felt as though Sigma was beginning to buck his hips against the kangaroo's touch. To hump and grind against the stimulating digits caressing him through the diaper's surface. And of course it was then, with a grin spreading more and more broadly across his face, that the hand withdrew.

"Well, have a good evening!"

And just like that, the kangaroo departed. Leaving Sigma thrashing, wailing in frustrated desire and embarrassment for having gotten so into the moment, only to be denied for what wasn't the first time that night. Worse yet, as the pleasure of the kangaroo's stimulation faded, the need for release of a different kind returned with a vengeance. It had always been there. At the stage Sigma found himself now it was ever present, but when his cock was being stroked he could at least have it pushed to the back of his mind. Now however there was no denying it, no avoiding it once more. Sigma was desperate, frantic in his need to use the restroom, and while he knew that there was a dry and ready adult diaper wrapped around his throbbing midriff that didn't make the idea of letting go and simply using it any easier.

Thus he waited. He fought the pleading urges of his body, and as he clamped his thighs together and wriggled and writhed in desperate denial of his bladder's needs, the sheer desperation of his situation only made his cock throb and ache even harder.

There came a moment of course, almost an hour later, when Sigma simply couldn't hold back any more. It was no longer a matter of willpower or arousal or even sanity. It was simply a physiological impossibility. And of course, it happened as a fresh crowd of semi-naked, laughing, chatting party-goers were wandering past. A rabbit. An impala. A skunk and several others, all pausing in the corridor beside the stairwell to talk and joke and of course admire the living artwork bound to the bannister.

They fell quiet in their chatter, turning their full attention towards Sigma as his whimpers and mewling muffled cries trailed off, and he grew oddly silent for a few moments. So quiet that it was obvious all his attention was focused elsewhere, his body suddenly tense and his eyes bulging wide. He was fighting with every last scrap of determination at his disposal to hold back. To resist the urge. But it was a hopeless struggle. He had held off the inevitable for hours already, but nature was finally taking its course regardless of the cheetah's most desperate attempts to resist for even just a few more minutes, till he could perhaps find himself alone again.

Sigma shuddered. His eyes rolled back into his head with simultaneous humiliation and relief, and with his cock still rock hard and visibly pushing out the front of his puffy dry diaper, the cheetah began to let go. To wet himself, and flood the diaper's padded interior with an audible rush of intense, abundant urine.

The crowd whispered and murmured to each other, and more than one of them found themselves rubbing at their own crotches as the cheetah sagged where he stood. He might have been wetting himself, but the relief, the bliss of finally letting go was almost enough to entirely outweigh his embarrassment. He gurgled audibly around his gag. He panted and whimpered as his bladder emptied itself out into the diaper's swelling embrace. And it was then, while he surrendered all control of his bodily functions, that amidst the relief of his bladder's release the cheetah felt other sensations begin to swell.

Sigma gasped and shuddered as he felt his cock, still oddly rock hard even as he wet himself, beginning to shrink. Not to soften, but suddenly overcome by an intense, extremely pleasant tingling as it began to reduce in size within the now increasingly sodden and swollen diaper. He whined through the gag, biting down on it as he felt other parts of his body seeming to swell. His hips. His chest. They began to broaden, to swell and curve outward, and as he looked down amidst his shuddering and panting to try and quantify these feelings he saw his nipples protruding prominently out through the rising mounds upon his upper torso. His hair began to grow, cascading down his shoulders longer and longer as he continued to let loose his bladder, and as his body quaked under the combined thrall of his release and these sudden, dramatic changes, all the while he could hear the whispers and moans of the onlookers over his own gagged grunting and gasping.

"It's happening... o-oh god..."

"Look. Oh wow. It's coming on so fast."

"He's so pretty like that. I mean... she's so pretty."

Sigma wailed through the gag as they felt an intense, almost rippling wave of pleasure crash over their crotch as the protruding bulge of their once proud erection vanished entirely from view, the diaper still swollen but now only with the cheetah's own wetness as they felt their crotch re-ordering itself. Twisting. Changing more dramatically than any of the other changes overcoming their physical form. They watched as beneath their breasts their belly swelled just a little, not to even plumpness but taking on a pleasant curve that was mirrored in their hips. They felt their thighs swelling slightly, their buttocks pushing back a little more prominently against the bannister rail to which they were tied. Hair continued to cascade down their shoulders, now making its way down their back with rich silvery curls.

The pleasant feeling of the changes themselves aside though, the most intriguing and perhaps stimulating sensation of the whole transformation was within the cheetah's crotch. Feeling herself still letting go, still uncontrollably relieving their overfilled and now over-flowed bladder, but letting loose not through a swollen cock, but a urinary tract which felt like an entity unto itself. Feeling her release streaming out through outer lips that were flushed and slightly spread by her own lingering, still intense sexual excitement, and all the while accompanied by a dull, aching throb that was familiar and yet so very new, focused on one small point at the front of her newly formed nether regions.


Groaning through their gag, Sigma's whole body shivered as she ceased wetting herself, the transformation ending at precisely the same moment. She half stood, half hung, leaning forward with much of her weight rested on the silk ties between her hands wrapped around the bannister, and panted through her ball-gag. She could feel her drool dripping down her chin. Her urine seeping out of the over-flowing diaper and trickling down her legs. She was exhausted, and yet in that moment she felt more alive, more excited and stimulated than she could possibly have imagined. Her pussy ached. Her clit pulsed and throbbed hungrily, begging for attention and release just as her cock had mere minutes before. And as she heard footsteps approaching, raising her head with a moan of effort and pleading desire, she was so very glad to see and feel what came next.

"Looks like someone's in need of a change..."

As the rabbit and skunk began to untie Sigma from the bannister rail, the impala stood before her, grinning and leaning in so close it was almost as if he was going to kiss her upon her gagged muzzle. Sigma writhed and squirmed, whimpering in longing. She would have welcomed a kiss, or indeed anything else in that moment. And sure enough, she didn't have long to wait.

"Although. You've already changed quite a bit. Perhaps the diaper could wait just a few seconds more."

Sigma's eyes bulged as one of the antelope's delicate hand slid up against her belly, then pressed downward with fingers outstretched. Reaching beneath the waistband of that swollen and leaking diaper, into the warmth, the wetness that lay within. Curling its fingers around to touch, to explore the new and intimate flesh that lay inside.

The impala's fingers grazed Sigma's flushed and engorged clit as the silk ties came loose behind her, and the rabbit unfastened the gag from her maw. Thus, Sigma was free to do as she wished at long last.

And what she did, for the first free moments she spent in her new form, with urine trickling down her thighs and a hot, wet diaper clinging to her broad hips, was wrap her arms tightly around the impala before her. She clutched at Teake. She shrieked in pleasure, and within her sodden diaper the cheetah began to cum.

By Jeeves

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