Upper Egypt - Chapter Two

Story by Sharamore on SoFurry

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All characters belong to Shara, hands off :3

A story about a Tribal Chief and the "Officer of Upper Affairs"of Egypt. I'm not spoiling a damn thing...

HEADS UP! Don't be confused! Historically speaking, and not geographically, Upper Egypt is the southern region, while Lower Egypt is the northern one. Chapter Two! This Chapter focuses on Akiiki and Khenti Madu -- "Are you insane, Khenti Madu? He'll kill us all!"

The council of elders grew silent as the rambling half-breed rose from his seat, pounding on the table with a hardened, frustrated fist. "I'm not one to break my composure...but what were you thinking? "

"My decision is not to be contested, Elder Akiiki. I am chief. As your creative offspring are accepted by all, I expect humility, and that very same respect. I've invited him here, and that is that"

With a careful bang of his aged staff, every elder albeit the crossbreed left the hut in single file. "Meeting adjourned"

Aged and wise, Khenti slowly stood from his chair, his staff supporting his small frame. He stood with a slight hunch, his right paw clenching his staff, as the left hung free. Akiiki slowly paced past his elder brother, giving him a shoulder shove, a grin, and a slight growl, "You better start making better choices..."

Khenti quickly avoided the shove, patting his younger brother on the head with his own grin, "Relax, Aki, relax"

The crossbred jackal-wolf only gave a deeper growl, before thundering off.

The eldest Desert wolf gave a sigh, slowly limping out of the hut, into the bright, ever so bright village born in rain. As he slowly made his way through the village, he was greeted by many. Soon to be fathers would approach him in an pinch, asking for a next move, young cubs would run crying to him if they had fallen, and his fellow elders would always beg of his advice, passing it down and around to keep all enlightened through the rough days.

Khenti was approached by a chubby jackal, the courier dropped to knee, holding out a scroll, as he did before with Bakari.

"Chief Khenti Madu, your mes-"

The chieftain grasped the young one's paw, pulling it up with a smile, "My child, you have no need to bow to me. I am no king or higher power. I am only Khenti" The young courier's maw went agape, slightly shocked by the humble act. He dropped the scroll into the wolves' left paw, briefly bowing.

"Kenai, your courier, sir!"

Khenti untied the scroll, quickly scanning over it. --

"Dear Chief Khenti Madu, of the village born in rain. If you are receiving this message, I have left the palace, and am most likely either currently at an outpost, or en-route. The courier delivering the message is to stay, as he will be my assistant. When I arrive, I'll make this quick"



After he was finished, he tied it to his staff. Gripping the younger's paw with a grin, he shook it up and down. "The message says you'll be staying here with the Noble Bakari, I'll have your sleeping arrangements arranged, young one"

"...not him! He tried to kill me-"

"Oh, did I? Chubby one..."