Emerald Secrets Chapter 14: Emerald Party

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#9 of Old SaH

-The group returns to Emerald lady and celebrates the days successful attack. The group then spends the night partying with one another, and having good cheer. Lyndis gets a special present.

Scales and honor: Emerald Secrets

Chapter 14: Emerald Party

From the back of the dragon, even the fire far below looked beautiful as Arcturus gazed out to the landscape below. He breathed in the fresh air, letting it pool in his lungs before exhaling with a sigh. He could make out patches of water from the sky, sparkling in the sun. They were like little blue gems in the sea of green plains. The back of his mind reminded him that they had the stone to teleport, and that this grand exit was only for show. However with the wind rushing passed his face, the sunlight bathing them in it's rays, and the steady wing-beats of his dragon. He could not tear himself away.

His dragon...Well that is surprising,

That was actually the first time he thought of Veledar as his. They had been through so much, this stupid dragon and himself. He patted Veledar's red scales on his neck. From this angle Veledar was magnificent,and beautiful. Well he was that from any angle.

However if you told him that you would never hear the end of it.

"Did you see the looks on their faces?!" Veledar shouted over the wind. Snapping Arcturus out of his thoughts.

"Yes, you put on the whole intimidating dragon thing really well!"

"Who was acting Arcturus? I AM intimidating!" Veledar did a turn by tilting his wing membranes, and Arcturus leaned with him. He noticed he knew Veledar was going to do that, right before he did it. He took pride in that Veledar's flight training in the morning had paid off.

"You did well, giving them a chance to surrender. That was really knightly of you." Arcturus said with a smile.

"Is that an insult?" Veledar replied, looking back at the human with one eye.

"No, I meant it in the best way possible!"

"Well good then. Do you think we have flown far enough away to get my regal-ness across to those pitiful soldiers?"

"They did not seem so pitiful when they had you pinned against the wall. Your not invincible you know."

'Please, you had me in more of a tight spot then they did. You did that with even less men then they did......Even if I went easy on you." the dragon turned back to give him a sly grin.

"Don't make me have to show you again." Arcturus replied, returning the grin. "Or will it hurt your draconic pride?"

"hah!" Veledar laughed deeply in his throat, "It will be you that is pinned to the ground beneath me...where you belong."

Veledar and Arcturus laughed together as the dragon descended towards the ground. He swooped over the patch of earth he was going to land on and softly touched the ground. Arcturus took note that there was a hardly a bump as the dragon's paws touched the grass. He heard the sound of Merlia and Lyndis cheering as the two other dragons and gryphon landed beside them.

"Never gets old!" Lyndis shouted, pumping her fist. "I think you actually fly better than Veledar Cordy!"

"Well naturally Lyndis, Veledar has too much hot air in him." Cordenth replied with a smile. Then turned to stick his tongue out at Veledar, as the half-elf dismounted the green dragon. Veledar just wrinkled his snout and glared at the dragon.

"You two did a great job at the fort, even if I hate to admit it." Veledar said calmly, his snout returning to normal. "I could have sworn I saw two full grown dragons out there."

"Your barely older than us!" Lyyreth protested without a hint of a sneeze. He crouched to allow Merlia to jump swiftly off onto the ground.

"Yeh did fine lads, the lot of ya!" Merlia cheered, "shoulda seen da fear I put into dem wit me arrows!"

"When they were not running from us dear Merlia." Veledar stretched out his wings and gave the dwarf a cocky grin.

"Ya well who saved yer scaly arse when dose gits had ya pinned?" the dwarf laughed.

Arcturus coughed, and Lyndis just chuckled.

"Alright we can all share then." Veledar grumbled, rolling his eyes.

Lyndis pulled out the stone from her pouch with the cloth from before. She raised it out for all of them once again.

"So what is this?" Azurisz asked, backing up and flaring her wings slightly.

"Apologies Azurisz" Arcturus said, this is called a rune of travel. We are going to use it to return to the forest of despair. When we are there we have to talk with the Emerald Lady that resides there. He than explained how to activate the stone slowly.

"So she does exist." the gryphon said softly, looking uneasy as she fidgeted in place. "I have heard unpleasant things about what she does to trespassers."

"Dun worry yer purdy wings off!" Merlia exclaimed, "She wanted that place gone and got us dere. We wont let her hurt ya lass."

Arcturus nodded in agreement. Azurisz folded her wings up, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. "I think I will take my chances and fly as far away from this place as I can go. I want nothing to do with that Emerald Lady."

"Well dats understandable lass, we've had out fill as well." Merlia replied, touching the stone. "Speakin o which, I wanta get dis ova with... Take care of yerself lass" Merlia gave a quick salute before caressing the stone in a circular pattern, "Send me"

Merlia had the purple magic envelop her, and she disappeared with a pop soon after. Azurisz leaped backwards with her wings spread wide. "I take it this is good bye then?" she asked, her chest rising and falling quickly.

"Appears so." Lyndis replied, as Cordenth and Lyyreth touched the stone themselves.

"Thank you all for freeing all those people from that horrid place."

"Its what we do." Lyndis smiled.

"What are your names? So that I may speak of them?"

"Lyndis Kuxion!" Lyndis gave a quick salute.

"Crimson Sky" Veledar held a paw to his chest as his it swelled, and held his snout high.

"Arcturus Lund Paladin of Bahamut" Arcturus gave a slight bow towards the gryphon.

"Radiant Star" Cordenth dipped his head slightly.

"Radiant Star?" Veledar turned his snout to the green dragon. "You chose Radiant Star?"

"Well its better than Crimson Sky, you put your damn color in there!" Cordenth snarled.

"Well at least it paints my image in your mind. Radiant star makes me think of you as a yellow dragon, white, anything other than green!"

"And your name?" Azurisz turned to Lyyreth as the two dragons continued to bicker. Arcturus swore they were talking about who was prettiest now. He held two fingers to the bridge of his nose.

_This is your life now._He thought, smirking and laughing to himself.

"Its um.... the Benevolent Scholar" Lyyreth coughed, almost embarrassed it seemed to say his title. The dragon of course ended it with a sneeze.

"Well thank you Benevolent Scholar" the gryphon replied with a smile on her beak. "At least your not bickering on who is prettiest."

"We're arguing about who is more radiant!" Veledar turned his snout to the gryphon, "Not who is prettiest. THAT would be ridiculous." Veledar grabbed the stone with his claw.

"Well Azurisz, we must be off. May your wings carry you safely from here." Arcturus gave another quick bow, and a slight wave goodbye.

"May yours as well." Azurisz spread her wings, and in a graceful flap of them she was in the air.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news Arcturus, but you don't have any wings." hissed Veledar.

"Its just an expression gryphon say." Arcturus laughed, grabbing the stone as well. Arcturus turned to give the plains one last look, and to the large rising column of smoke in the distance. He turned back to the dragons, who now were starting to talk about who was the better flier.

"send me." Arcturus said calmly , after preforming the circular pattern with his finger. He felt the sensation that he was being pulled into the stone. His entire body shivered, as as though it was covered from head to toe in ice. Than his body suddenly heated up in a flash, as his vision danced with stars. He could hear screams all around him, they sounded as though they were in pain. He tried to clutch his ears to shield them, but found he could not move his limbs. Than he made out the sound of his son Geoffrey repeating over and over,

"Shes so pretty"

Than in the next moment he was standing within the lair of the Emerald Lady. He knew this by the ever present mist clinging to the floor, and the purple cauldron feet in front of him. However the biggest clue was the dragoness lounging on her side, talking to Gerald it seemed. Arcturus stumbled forward as it felt like he had just fallen from the sky to his body.

"That was the focken worst!" Lyndis gasped, collapsing onto all fours. She banged her fist against the stone floor , as it looked like she struggled to keep herself from vomiting.

"I think I am done with fairy magic." Veledar wheezed, than coughing loudly right next to Arcturus' ear. Arcturus would have covered his ears but found his limbs felt as though they were being held down by weights.

" Your back it would seem....Excellent." the Emerald Lady cooed, looking towards them with her glowing eyes and a smile. " Since I received the prisoners, I suspect the mission was a success?"

"Didn't ya know dat by seein the future?" Merlia chuckled weakly. Arcturus saw her lurch and cover her mouth.

" Sometimes the future can be......fickle." the Emerald Lady looked up as if she was staring at something very far away that no one else could see. " Sometimes you can change the outcome, sometimes you cannot." she twitched her tail, than licked her nose. "thankfully the fates were kind to me this day."

"To you? We were da ones out dere, fightin the fight!"

" Yes but I was your general. The victory goes to me, no matter the part you played in it."

Merlia turned red, but with a glance from the Emerald Lady she held her tongue.

" So I assume my offspring, that you will be leaving first thing tomorrow?" she changed topics and shifted her gaze to her children. Arcturus saw a look of fondness appear in her purple eyes.

So she actually does care about them.

"Y-yes," Lyyreth replied, holding his snout up, and looking to her. "I assume the reason why you wanted us in the forest has come to an end?"

" Yes little ones, you were here to meet them." she gestured to Arcturus and the others. " Now you are ready to leave." she than moved in and nuzzled Lyyreth with her neck. The green dragon returned the affection, closing his eyes. When she finished with Lyyreth she moved on to Cordenth and he received the same treatment. Arcturus and the others just watched in stunned silence as she bid the two to leave.

The two dragons said a quick good bye as a bright white door , large enough for the dragons appeared out of thin air. They turned towards the door and started their way to leave. Cordenth however turned his neck back towards the group before stepping through the door frame. "Don't take to long, we should do something before tomorrow. Something small perhaps after all the excitement." the dragon smiled.

"Don't worry Cordenth, we'll come see you afterwords." Lyndis replied giving the green dragon a wave. Cordenth nodded and walked out the door, it closed behind him and vanished.

" That brings me to the gifts I wish to bestow. You were my pawns, but oh so excellent pawns." The Emerald lady smiled, as she twirled her right front claw. " I will look to each of your futures and pluck a possibility ,and I shall tell it to you. These things of course can be the kind that are almost certain to happen. Well unless anything really unpredictable happens." The Emerald Lady spread her wings wide as she turned her gaze to Merlia first.

"I duno know... if I wantto know me future from ya!" Merlia laughed nervously as the Emerald Lady neared her. "Ruins da whole surprise if ya ask me!"

" I'm not asking." The dragoness held up her paws and spread them wide. High above ,it seemed as though stars sprang into existence. Her lair's ceiling looked as if it were a night sky, painted in the bright glow of the stars above. One such star started to move towards the dragoness' outstretched paws. It started out slowly, hardly a sliver of movement. Than it suddenly shot across the sky to orbit around her claw. Around and round it spun as the Emerald Lady stared at her with those piercing glowing eyes of hers.

" You will die alone Merlia. Far from here, waiting on friends to come that never will."

"Well ifn that a load!" Merlia shot the dragoness an amused laugh. "Well of course I die alone! Can't take anyone with me to Valhalla can I?" Merlia took a swig from her water skin, "Ifn I wanted me fortune told, I'd go visit one of dem gnome ladies!"

The Emerald Lady seemed to not hear the dwarf as she ignored her. The dragoness swiveled her head towards Lyndis without a word. Arcturus saw the half-elf gulp. He fought the urge to draw his sword, he imagined the dragoness would not take too kindly to that.

" Lyndis, princess of Drenedar. Your kingdom will be ruled by dragons, and you will welcome them with loving arms." the emerald lady continued.

"Yeah right, like we'd welcome dragon conquers into our lands with welcome arms." Lyndis blew her hair out of her eyes. "I think the dragoness may be broken here."

Once again the Emerald Lady ignored the comment as if she could not even heard anything they were saying. Than another star from the ceiling flew down to orbit another one of the dragoness' claws.

She seems to be in some sort of trance.Perhaps she really couldn't hear them.

The Emerald Lady than focused on Veledar. " Veledar the red dragon, you will have your claws on the greatest treasure you have ever known. One that puts even that great horde of yours to shame, but it will be torn from your grasp."

"Greatest treasure?" Veledar asked, stretching his neck into the shape of an "S". "It can't be two hordes the same size of mine." the dragon put a claw to his snout as he sat on his haunches , and seemed to start talking to himself. Most likely about what it could mean by the greatest treasure. That's when the Emerald Lady turned towards Arcturus. Her eyes that had been purple before suddenly turned gold. Arcturus felt a shiver go down his spine as dread soon filled him. The urge to draw his sword was almost unbearable at this point. However it only lasted a moment as her eyes returned to purple, and the dread in the air dissipated.

" Arcturus, there will be a moment where your entire world is gold. To resist will mean your utter destruction. Let yourself go and you might find salvation."

What could that even mean? He thought as the dragoness shook her head. She held a claw to her snout and looked distraught for a moment, before regaining her composure.

" Well that certainly is odd. Typically when I see the future I remember everything about it. This time it seemed.......hidden from my sight." the dragoness narrowed he eyes as she said the last part.

"Your eyes turned gold when you looked at me." Arcturus pointed to himself.

" They did what now?" she said softly in surprise.

The Emerald Lady stopped moving as her eyes widened. It almost looked like there might be fear growing in her eyes.

"Your eyes turned gold." he repeated to the dragoness.

" That's........nothing." The Emerald Lady shook her head. "It is something I must think on......Much to prepare........so much to do." she waved her paw dismissively at them, "Now begone, all of you."

Arcturus turned to see that the door her offspring had left through was once again before them. The door opened wide for them, leading to the area outside with the stone people. With a brief look to check on the dragoness, Arcturus exited the doorway with his friends. The door quickly shut behind them with a thud.

Arcturus made his way back to the inn like before. The townsfolk were in a more somber tone that had the previous times. Apparently with little questioning involved they had missed a funeral for those killed by Garroth's men. Arcturus gave his condolences before returning to his room, and throwing his armor onto the bed. He sighed at the loss of the extra weight, even it wasn't that heavy. He breathed another sigh of relief, it certainly felt better to have it off. With that done he turned and climbed down the stairs to the tavern area. He looked out at the tables and chairs they had eaten at for the last few days. It had started to feel good to have a routine once again. Wake up, chat it up with his friends, and than head out for some crazy task for the dragoness.

He strolled passed the table that Lyndis and Gerald were currently sitting at. He could not help overhear their conversation as he took a seat at the bar.

"Just some water thanks." he said, turning to the barkeep.

"What do you mean you agreed to be hers?" Lyndis suddenly shouted, "You agreed to this?" she gestured to the bar, but Arcturus knew she meant the whole town.

"Yes, yes I did." Gerald gave a shrug, "Made sense at the time."

"How could it make sense Gerald? Now you're part of her treasure! How will you defend Drenedar now you dolt?" Lyndis said ,starting to turn a bright shade of red. Arcturus looked around waiting for Veledar to comment on it, but the dragon was no were to be found.

He must have gone for a walk...or a fly.

'That's it though Lyndis, there is not really a Drenedar to defend anymore. Your parents sighed a treaty of non-aggression. They are not going to take place in the war between Lumara and Rothdell." Gerald took a sip of a brown liquid currently in his glass, most likely ale.

"Now why would my mother do that? She and my father we always going on about standing up for what was right!"

Gerald sighed, "I don't know princess, the last time I talked to the queen she seemed frightened. It was right before they signed the treaty, she told me to go north and find you. Told me to make sure you never went home, she said things had grown too dangerous for you there." Gerald took another sip from his ale, "And she only wanted to see that you were safe. Than my team and I headed north to find you, and we stumbled across a few of their bases. We could not resist hitting them." Gerald than dipped his head, "than we got captured."

Lyndis sat in silence for a moment, seeming to take the information in. "That's all good Gerald but that doesn't explain why you agreed to be Emerald Ladies treasure!" Lyndis banged her fist on the table loudly, shaking her own glass.

"Because she promised to get me a team again Lyndis. She promised me the chance to strike back at Lumara, something your mother denied us." Gerald's eyes than lit up as he held his head back up, "We're going to make a difference, with each fort we liberate we will grow in number. Hell Lyndis, we might even turn the tide of this damn war."

Lyndis just held her head and shook it back and forth as she let out a loud sigh. "Ever the patriot Gerald. You always were trying to be the hero."

"So enough of my life choices to serve a dragoness." Gerald laughed, "So were are you off to with your friends? More crazy adventure stories?"

"Just going to help that red dragon of ours, Crimson Sky. We get his book back from Lumara's king....Than I guess I go on adventuring again." Arcturus caught Lyndis look to him, but she did not see he was eavesdropping. "Going to miss them, even the bloody dragon."

Arcturus called over the barkeep for some food. That's when the others walked into the inn. Lyyreth was giving Veledar an angry glare with his yellow eyes. The dragons strolledover and sat down on their haunches near one of the larger tables.

"How do you knock over every bookcase!?" Lyyreth finally shouted after a moment of silence. 'I had them all alphabetized and you messed them up in five minutes!"

"Well perhaps you should not have placed your bookcases so close together." Veledar stuck his tongue out and looked away from the green dragon. Cordenth just laughed and took a sat beside Lyndis.

"So whose ready for a night of fun, jus the lot of us?" Merlia clasped her hands together as she took a seat at the table. "I figure we have one last night of fun before we head out."

"What did you have in mind?" Arcturus laughed, as he stood up from the bar and took a seat at the table with his friends. After of course he ordered whatever they had cooking in the kitchen.

"Glad ya asked Lad!" Merlia pulled a manila scroll out from her pack. It landed on the table with a smack, and started to unroll. Arcturus could tell even from across the table this list was covered in writing. He guessed she had been working on this for days.

"That certainly is a lot of things to do on one scroll." Veledar stated, than turned to the waitress who brought over Arcturus' meal of lamb, potatoes, and broccoli.

"and now I hunger." Veledar moved his snout to the waitress, "Can you get me some of whatever that meat is?"

"Lamb" Arcturus said, stuffing his face.

"Yes lamb....but more.......please" Veledar gave the waitress a large tooth filled grin, causing the waitress to giggle at him.

"See Arcturus she laughs when I ask please!" Veledar turned his attention towards him. The dragon looked slightly annoyed.

"Its probably because she did not expect you to be so polite."

"Well tirdly we have to have anoter drinkin contest before we go. I gotta put ya dragons in yer place, den we got ta tankard toss, and lastly dis game called poker." Merlia finished, setting the scroll down onto the table.

"Your going to spend the night having fun?" came the stern voice of Asterion as the minotaur strolled over to were they were sitting. Arcturus saw that the collar that had been around his neck was gone, and the minotaur carried a small leather pack on his back. He had a pair of leather bracers on his forearms with small amounts of fur.

"Aye we are bullman, ya should join us... considerin your part of da group now." Merlia turned to Asterion with a grin.

"I suppose that is correct, at least until I get the diamonds I require anyway." Asterion's tail swished behind him lightly.

"What do you even need the diamonds for anyway?" Veledar tilted his head to the side as he looked to the minotaur.

"That is for me to know dragon. It is a personal matter." snorted Asterion.

'You can call me Crimson Sky" Veledar tapped his tail, which caught a chair by accident. It fell over and clattered to the floor loudly.

"Sorry about that" Arcturus said, turning to some of the startled staff.

"I think dragon will suffice." Asterion crossed his arms, his eyes full of defiance. Arcturus figured his attitude might have been from being The Emerald Ladies pet. He saw Veledar narrow his eyes at the bull.

"Than I shall just call you minotaur"

"That's fine by me dragon." Asterion waved his hand and than turned his attention to Merlia," Now about that drinking contest of yours, I bet I can drink you under the table."

"Dat sounds like a challenge!" Merlia chuckled loudly, "You'll get yer chance later. Den I'll show ya who da dwarf really is."

They discussed briefly what tankard toss was. It apparently involved two teams standing opposite one another with a tankard in front of them. Than there was one placed in the center that was refereed to as the king. Teams took turns tossing a block of wood, metal tankard, or anything heavy enough to try and knock down tankards of the opposing team. Than once a team's tankards were all knocked over your team would try and knock over the king. If your team knocked over the king before knocking over the other teams tankards, your team lost.

Merlia got up to get supplies for it, and Lyndis pulled out a scroll of his own. He had been apparently holding it in his left claw the entire time. "So look what I found in my library!" the dragon smiled than frowned, "Before Veledar knocked over all my bookcases."

"Not my fault" Veledar shot back than went back to chatting to the waitress. It was something about wine.

"So what do you got in that scroll than?" Lyndis asked.

"I am so glad you asked Lyndis, its a scroll that details ways for a dragon to change his or her breath to some different element." Lyyreth started to unroll the scroll quickly. His eyes were scanning the scroll from left to right. "See right here!" the dragon pointed to a part of the scroll written in draconic lettering.

"So how long does the spell last then?" Lyndis held up a hand and twirled her fingers, "and does it only work for a dragon's breath?"

"uh....Yea I am afraid so." Lyyreth's wings fidgeted slightly, as he read the words in draconic. He than held up a paw, and twirled each digit of his claw clockwise. He finished by twitching his tail, thankfully not knocking over any furniture. There was a small burst of sparkles surrounding Lyyreth's head, causing the dragon's eyes to go wide. He than sneezed.....fire...Setting the table and everything on it ablaze.

"Sorry,sorry,sorry!" Lyyreth shouted, trying to fight off more sneeze fits. Cordenth quickly acted and grabbed his brother's snout and covered his nostrils.

Asterion held up his hand and flicked his hand in a downward motion. "Aqua" he muttered, as a small cloud formed over the table. From the small cloud came torrents of rain that quickly extinguished the flames, and left the table drenched in water.

"I'm so sorry!" Lyyreth continued to say, his nose still covered by Cordenth.

"Well at least you didn't sneeze in anyone's faces." Lyndis laughed, followed by the others as well. 'I know, we should practice spells! We can set up targets and everything!" Lyndis clasped her hands together. "Even if I might be better at it anyway." she crossed her arms.

"Well now your starting to sound like a dragon." said Cordenth.

"I certainly spend enough time with them now." Lyndis shrugged, "So who is down for some spell practice?" Everyone raised their hands, claws, or wing talons in response. They waited for Veledar to finish the lamb that was brought over before they went to head outside. That's when Merlia returned to the table with her arms filled with tankards.

"Oh ya got ta be kidden me! Merlia gasped, "We're not doin da tankard toss now?"

"We're doing target practice with spells now." Arcturus clasped a hand to the dwarf's shoulder.

"Well fine den, we'll do dat! I whoop your butts, than back to tankard tossin!"Merlia laughed, walking out the door with them.

The group walked down to the training area, the entire way each one of them bragged at least once.

"Yer spells got nuttin on me arrows!" Merlia laughed, "I'll shoot circles around all of ya!"

"Nonsense!" snorted Veledar, "I can hit things better with my fire bolts."

"Oh yea? Well my ray of frost accuracy is better than your fire bolts!" Lyyreth playfully shoved Veledar.

"None of you can hold a candle to my eldritch blasts!" Arcturus added, nudging Veledar with his elbow.

'Well you guys can brag all you want. It will all end up with ya kissing my focken boots!" Lyndis proclaimed, punching her right hand into the air.

'Because your a princess." Veledar rolled his eyes, "And because Cordenth has a crush on you" the dragon teased, only to have his snout wiped by Cordenth's tail as the green dragon shot daggers at him with his eyes.

"It will be neither one of those things! It will be because I am simply the best!" Lyndis shouted, putting her hands on her waist.

"All of your boats are silly." Asterion said last. " I will of course be the best here."

"Well that certainly sounded like prideful boast Asterion." Arcturus laughed,.

"It was merely stating a fact. I have yet to miss with my sacred flame spell. I do not boast Arcturus."

"Well it certainly sounds like a boast." Lyndis flicked her wrist to summon several red and white striped circles. They hovered several feet in the air not moving. "So whose first?"

"Hittin sittin targets?" Merlia laughed, "dat just seems like child's play! We aint little babbies....well perhaps da red one over here" Merlia gestured to Veledar with her left thumb.

"You watch what you say Merlia" Veledar narrowed his eyes as everyone else chuckled. "You are not going to be so proud when I utterly defeat you." Veledar held his snout high as Lyndis snapped her fingers once. The once motionless target started to move in circular patterns.

"Now dats more like it!" Merlia cracked her knuckles as she pulled out her bow. She grabbed a green feather tipped arrow, knocked it, than threw her red hair behind her. "Well I best start an show ya how its done!" She pulled the arrow back and held it slightly, before letting it go. The arrow flew through the air at the moving target. The arrow passed right through the dead center of it, causing the target to shatter. The pieces that hit the ground exploded into tiny purple clouds of smoke.

"Dere! Try and beat that, but I bet ya cant!" Merlia held up a thumb to the others as she gave them a wink with a grin. "its no problem if ye give up now. Now shame in admittin that I MERLIA GALLOWGLAR am the best around!"

Veledar moved her aside with his left wing, slowing dragging the dwarf away as she pretended to bow to an invisible crowd. "Now I will show you what a dragon can do..dwarf!" Veledar held up his claw, "Pyra" he uttered in a snarl. Flames collected around his claw before he tossed it towards a target. It sailed through the air towards the target. The bolt of pure fire hit the target, but it barely hit the targets edge. The target exploded in a puff of purple smoke.

"That was supposed ta beat me? Ya jus bloody hit it!" laughed Merlia, as Veledar moved aside grumbling.

"You distracted me, I demand a retry!"

"No retires for you Mr. Whining scales." Lyndis laughed, holding her hand out. 'Prepare to have that smug smile wiped off of your face Merlia!" Lyndis muttered the same spell phrase as Veledar had done, summoning fire to her hands. She let loose a fire bolt the same as Veledar's towards the floating target. Except were Veledar's had just hit the target, Lyndis' hit the dead center of the thing.

"hah! She sure showed you!" Cordenth shouted in a roar of laughter, slapping the ground with his right paw.

"Lets see how you do than whelp." Veledar snarled playfully, moving his snout close to Cordenth's.

"Gladly!" Cordenth moved passed Lyndis who was doing the same thing Merlia had been doing, making Arcturus laugh to himself.

"did I do the bow right Merlia?" Lyndis asked, as she walked over to join the dwarf and Veledar.

"ya did jus fine lass, gotta show dese dragon's whose the best!"

Cordenth than spread his wings as he stretched his neck into the shape of an S. He held up his paw and preformed the same spell that had been twice before him. Except what he through at the target was a bolt of green fire instead of the usual red. The bolt sailed right passed the target as it moved out of the way. Arcturus was going to count how quickly it would take Veledar would tease the other dragon, but he did it instantly.

"See Cordenth didn't even come close!" Veledar playfully laughed, nudging Lyndis with one of his wings.

Cordenth frowned, and when he walked by Lyndis patted him on his side. The dragon than sat down away from the others. Clearly a place for the "losers" to sit. The green dragon just gave Veledar a glare, as the red dragon continued to snicker to himself.

Lyyreth was next to stand up. He rotated his left claw, and blue magic began to twirl around him like little ribbons. He seemed to lining up his attack as his snout was full of concentration, but he seemed to be stalling. It was not long before his brother teased him.

"Come on little brother, are you trying to stare down the target?'

"Little?" Lyyreth turned back to his brother and thumped his tail on the ground. "We are twins!"

"Mother said I hatched from the egg a few seconds first!" Cordenth shot back with a smug smile. "Thus making me the older one, little green."

Lyyreth growled in his throat as twin beams of blue magical energy sprung forth from his eyes, as he turned back towards the target. The twin beams collided together to form one large beam. The beam itself seemed to extremely cold, as mist followed the beam to the target. The beam struck the targets edge, causing it to shatter into many pieces to the ground. Once they hit the ground they exploded into little plumes of purple smoke.

"See at least I HIT the target" Lyyreth smiled than walked passed his brother towards the "winners". While he passed his brother he let his tail trace along the underside of Cordenth's chin. 'Try to not be too jealous brother."

Cordenth just shut his jaw and stayed quiet. Once again Lyndis walked over and gave him a sympathetic pat from a snickering Lyndis. Arcturus could see the embarrassment on the dragon's snout, an figured it he was not so green he might have been red.

"Now I think it is my turn I think!" Arcturus stepped up, holding out his arm towards the targets. He reached down inside of himself, feeling the magic like Veledar had taught him in the cave. However he changed it slightly by thinking of the dragoness Bahamut. He felt it in his heart, a warming sensation that spread to his outstretched hand. Three glowing strands of magic emerged, spiraling around his arm. They flowed down it until they reached his hand, than soared out towards his intended target. They all combined midway through as they closed in on the floating target.......and missed entirely. He realized as his face started to turn red that he had missed worse than Cordenth.

"Yes, someone did worse than I did!" roared Cordenth in laughter, even Veledar could not contain his laughter as he joined in as well. However when Arcturus turned towards him the dragon stifled himself by placing both his paws over his snout. Arcturus just held two fingers to the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, than taking his place beside Cordenth.

"Looks like were both losers now." he said to Cordenth, causing the dragon to stop laughing and pout like Veledar usually did.

Lastly Asterion stepped up without a word to face the targets. The minotaur bent his knees and seemed to weave the magic around him with both of his hands. The bull eyed the target with such fierceness as he held out a hand, the magic flowing off of him in a bright golden wave towards it. Although despite the show, his magic missed the target as well. Asterion just stood there in silence, for Veledar to burst out in laughter.

"I knew it!" he continued to laugh as his tail thumped against the ground loudly.

Without a word Asterion joined Arcturus, and Cordenth with his arms crossed.

"Next round I think!" Lyndis shouted, clapping her hands together. She held her hand up again and snapped them. From the air sprang four more targets that moved at the same speed they had done before, but they were now smaller. They appeared to be the same size as Lyndis' palm.

"Well your first Merlia, try to hit that!"

"Dun mind if I do!" the dwarf pulled another arrow taught, and with a grin let another one loose at the target. Once again the shaft flew through the air and hit the target dead center, as Merlia gave more cries of joy. "And the crowd goes wild!" Merlia turned the others and gave them a quick bow.

"Okay Merlia, enough of you showing off. I will of course put you back in your place." Veledar grinned showing off his teeth.

"You'll have to better den last time dragon!" she replied, taking her spot once again in the winners area.

Veledar turned to face the targets, and let loose another fire bolt from his claws. This time the dragon did much better, possibly by his determination to out do Merlia. The target exploded as he too hit the center of it. Veledar smiled tapping his tail to the ground. 'There what did I tell you." Veledar turned towards Arcturus and walked over to him. "Arcturus did you see that? Did you see how wonderful I did?"

"Yes Veledar I saw." Arcturus rolled his eyes, causing the dragon to just grin at him.

"Oh don't be so jealous Arcturus, just because you missed your target. I know your much better at a myriad of other things anyway." Veledar walked passed him and sat down next to Merlia.

"Well I guess it's me next." Lyndis stretched and stood before the targets once more.

"Wipe that smug look of Veledar's face!" Cordenth cheered for the half elf, as Lyndis said the activation word.

"Don't worry Cordy, I focken plan to." Lyndis turned to throw her fire bolt at the target, hitting the target and exploding it. 'Piece of Drenedar cake" Lyndis strolled over to stand next to Veledar, and leaning against the red dragon's flank. Lyyreth was once again up as the green dragon mad his way over. The dragon focused on the target, once again taking his time. He shot another beam of frost at the target, however he missed it completely.

"Better luck next time little brother" Cordenth chuckled. Lyyreth just sneezed as he slunk over to the losers area with his head down.

"Oh so dat leaves da princess, and da red baby!" Merlia laughed as Lyndis summoned another set of targets for them to break. These targets were the same size as the ones before, but they were moving much faster.

"Get ready to cheer for me lads!" Merlia knocked another arrow, took aim, and seconds later let it fly. The arrow once again hit dead center of the target. "See what'd I tell ya" Merlia once again strutted to the winners area.

Veledar strutted over again. "Nice job Merlia, it really supports my decision to bring you along on my quest." he grinned.

"Your decision?" Arcturus asked, "I'm pretty sure it was a group decision."

"Ah but Arcturus my decision was more important at the time."

"How is that?" Arcturus laughed as the dragon gave him a playful look. He was of course teasing him.

"I'm a dragon Arcturus, everything I do is more important by default. So everything I do, people I call my friends, and those I love are more important as well." The dragon ran his tail under Arcturus' chin. "So feel honored that I decided to bring you along on this quest of mine."

"Git ta firing, and stop yer stallin ya big baby!" Merlia interrupted, shaking her fist at the dragon.

'Fine, get ready to bask in my magnificent light then." Veledar shot another fire bolt at the target, however this time his fire bolt flew towards the target, and just barely missed it.

"Guess your light must be pretty dim" Arcturus laughed, as Veledar pouted and sat down beside him with a snort. "Don't feel bad Veledar but ya......"

Veledar booped him on the head with his wing. "Shut it" he grumbled.

"Oh did I touch a nerve Veledar? That the dwarf got the better of you?" He teased his friend by poking his scales lightly. He got another boop on the head for his troubles.

"Don't escalate this Arcturus."

"Go ahead red scales, I know your weakness!"

"Oh yea?" Veledar growled playfully.

"Yea and I will tell those two." Arcturus pointed to Lyyreth and Cordenth.

Veledar straitened up, "Well that it just playing dirty." he hissed. "Fine Arcturus have your laugh." Than Veledar moved his snout real close and gave the human a tooth filled grin. "I of course will get my revenge, mark my words."

Arcturus touched the snout with his hand. "Oh yea? I'd like to see you try." he replied back trying to call the dragon's bluff. He got his hand licked by the dragon's pink tongue, covering it in saliva.

"Oh come one!" Arcturus retracted his hand, and shook the drool off of it. Causing the others to laugh at the scene.

"What did I tell you Arcturus?" Veledar chuckled, "and that is just the beginning."

Arcturus did not have time to think about what else Veledar might have in store when Lyndis stood back up to continue the contest. "Well now that that's over with, I will of course upstage Merlia." Lyndis twirled and tossed a fire bolt. She exploded the target as Cordenth gave her another cheer.

"And yet more reason to be happy I have such good adventurers on my quest!" Veledar grinned. 'Only the best get to come with me."

"As much as I love the flattery Veledar, I think it's time we ended this." Lyndis snapped her fingers, summoning two more targets. The targets were moving just as fast as last time but were not even smaller. Arcturus had a hard time keeping track of the targets as they seemed to dance back and forth in mid air.

"Well time ta show ya princess" Merlia loosed one last arrow, and once again it struck her target right in the center. Merlia gave a cheer as she pumped her fist in the air. "Yes!"Merlia walked once again to the winners area with a grin on her face.

Veledar just watched her as she walked by. He still looked unhappy, despite his boast about the best going with him.

Probably an excuse he told himself

"Still jealous Veledar?"

The dragon covered him with his wing, to block him from view. "That's enough out of you I think."

Arcturus grabbed the membrane and pulled it down. The dragon only seemed to put up a token resistance to this, as he soon was able to move it quite easily. He looked out to see that now Lyndis had taken her place. She was holding her hand out once more towards the targets. She let loose a fire bolt fly towards the target. It looked like it was going to be a hit.

How long can these two keep this up?

Than the bolt passed the target. Lyndis just stood there, putting her head into her hands with a smile as she shook it back and forth.

"Dere! Now all of ya know I am da best!" Merlia proudly stuck a finger to her chest before pointing to the others.

"Well you don't have wings" sneezed Lyyreth,

"Or claws," grumbled Cordenth.

"Or a breath attack." finished Veledar.

"An I got all tree dragons jealous!" Now lets move onta the tankard toss ya babies!"

The night found them eventually relaxing in the inn as they fought the urge to fall asleep. Arcturus was sitting down and reclining on Veledar's red scales. The dragon had his head on his lap. Arcturus looked around to find Cordenth and Lyndis off from the others. The dragon seemed to hand her a green bit of clothing. To his amazement he saw Lyndis reply by giving the dragon a kiss on his snout. Than followed up with a hug.

Well that was certainly unexpected.

"So if you were a dragon Arcturus did you ever imagine what color?" Veledar asked.

"White I imagine, with those frill things."he gestured to his neck. "With a breath of pure cold and everything."

"That was pretty quick." Veledar chuckled, "have you been thinking about dragons?"

"Its a common thing among children." laughed Arcturus, "Especially if you spend it learning about your kind."

"So what would your name be?" Veledar's eyes looked up at him,"The once human? The not so annoying?"

"Arcenturious?" he shrugged, that sounds pretty dragonish.

"Ah yes, Arcenturious the champion of dragons!" Veledar said, thumping his tail on the hard wood floor. This caused some of the nearby tables to rattle in response.

"Be careful with that!" Lyyreth hissed, pointing to the red tail.

Lyyreth than spoke of the wonders that would await him in Rothdell as he went on and on about it. His voice filled to the brim with hope and excitement. He had just wrapped up talking about it when Cordenth and Lyndis returned to join in on the conversation. Arcturus saw that she was now wearing a green sash around her. Her eyes looked up to catch him spotting it.

"Whats the matter Arcturus? You know green is my favorite color."

Arcturus just smirked as Merlia started talking about a time she had wrestled bears into submission.