Emerald Secrets Chapter 11: Preparation

Story by Unscforces on SoFurry

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#6 of Old SaH

The group readies for the quest to head out to the fort. They eventually take a way there that Veledar does not like.

-This is part of my way to condense chapters down and make them easier reads.-

Scales and Honor: Emerald Secrets

Chapter 11: Preparation

Veledar was having a nice dream, well one for a dragon anyway. He was circling high in the sky, the wind flowing beneath his wings. Down below he saw hundreds of soldiers of various races that were trying to hit him with their tiny little crossbows. Veledar laughed as he was too high for them to even hit him reliably. He swooped in and strafed some of his fire. His orange inferno spread forth to incinerate the little soldiers before him, with a chorus of screams. He spied among all the soldiers was Arcturus, surrounded and fighting off some of the other pathetic soldiers.

How dare they even try to kill HIS human.

Veledar roared in anger, as he swept down catching a soldier in the head with his tail. The man fell to the ground with a thud, and did not move from that spot. He sliced others with his claws, easily ripping into their flesh and spilling their blood onto the field. He made it to Arcturus and stood beside HIS human, and let out a roar of warning to the others. He bared his teeth, and prepared to slaughter anyone foolish enough to continue with their attempt to murder either one of them. The soldiers hesitated for a moment, bringing satisfaction to the dragon. He saw them give each other looks of confusion, and grip their weapons tightly in their hands. Than to the dragons delight they foolishly charged once again with a battle cry filled with false Courage.

Well I did warn them, time to show them why you don't mess with Veledar, or HIS human!

Veledar pounced on the first man, ripping his head clean off his shoulders with a slice of his claws. He opened his maw to incinerate two others, as they collapsed to the ground screaming. He held up a claw, and gave his tail a twitch to the left. "sken Qo" he snarled, as white bolts of lighting danced around his blood stained claws. He eyed the ones foolish enough to strike at his crimson scales with their little blades. He felt them hit his scales, but not hard enough to even hurt him. The lighting from his claw struck one man, making him twitch violently in place. The bolt then flew out to strike three others to have the same effect, it looked like they were doing a silly dance in front of the dragon. Soon however the lighting faded, and each man fell to the ground smoking and did not rise again.

The others were quickly dispatched by Arcturus or himself, as the human was pretty good with that blade of his. With it's shining light it seemed to slice through the other human's weak armor with ease, and when he wanted to it would explode in an even large light. This attack would radiate around those next to the target and send them flying back onto the ground. Veledar felt his chest fill with pride at HIS human.

Wait am I blushing?

Veledar shook his snout and focused on finishing off the remaining soldiers. When they were finished both of them were standing there with looks of satisfaction on their faces, breathing heavily. Veledar looked at his scales to see some scratches and places were the humans had drawn a little blood, but were hardly a concern to him. He swiveled his snout to Arcturus to see that his armor was dented and beaten in several places. Veledar got closer to him and they embraced one another in a hug. Veledar even draped his wings over the human, forming like a little tent that he and Arcturus were in. Veledar closed his eyes, not imagining anything else in this earth would make him as content. That's when he saw a bright light suddenly fill his vision.

Oh Manticores bottom, of course its a dream.

Veledar yawned as the dream melted away before him, only to be replaced by the waking realm. Veledar opened his eyes, focusing on the lit room that he was currently in. Everything seemed to be like it was when he had gone to bed, that is when he felt something currently within his arms.

Well that certainly is a new development.

Arcturus was still held firmly within his grasp. The human was snuggled against his raising chest, his eyes closed and still clearly asleep. Veledar just looked to him, and focused on how adorable the human looked right now. To think only a time ago they might have killed one another. He looked out the rooms window, the sun rays were just starting to fill the room with their golden glow._He closed his eyes and enjoyed the moment, glad the human hadn't_snuck out this morning on him.

Its not like I'm in a rush anyway.

Veledar sighed as he felt Arcturus heart beat in his smaller chest. It felt right to have the human here with him right next to him. Not as stuffed animal replacement, or even as a way to keep him safe. He wondered what the human would think on the matter.

Well I certainly care about him than most of the mortals I met.

Veledar cuddled with the human for untold minutes. He truthfully did not keep a track of time. However when Arcturus started to squirm slightly Veledar gave a little groan of disappointment.

Well I guess it's time to get up now.

Veledar let go of Arcturus, and got up with another yawn from his maw. He stretched as much as the room would allow him to, he would have to stretch his wings,tail, and neck outside. He turned back towards Arcturus, who was still half asleep on the bed. Veledar pushed the human lightly to get up.

"I don't want to get up." groaned Arcturus as he lightly pushed against the unrelenting form of Veledar.

Veledar rolled his eyes and gave the human another push to get up. "Well I did not either, and if I get up your not sleeping the day away!" he hissed as Arcturus sat up and stretched his arms high.

"Well this is a first. Your up first" Arcturus groggily stood up, giving out a yawn.

Well we certainly think the same

Veledar chuckled to himself, "I was just saying the same thing, and yet it was not the first odd realization I made this morning."

"What was the first?" Arcturus cracked his back slowly, from the base to the top.

"Oh nothing important" Veledar lied as he scratched his head with his left wing tip, "don't let it trouble you. Now I don't know about you, but sleeping works up my appetite"

"Well look at you, by the time your adventure is through you will have forgotten to hunt. You will be too used to be being pampered." laughed Arcturus, as he crossed his arms with a grin.

Veledar scrunched up his snout at the mere thought of that.

That couldn't happen could it? No.

Veledar shook his head, that was ridiculous. He turned to head out the door, leading the human downstairs.

"Watch the tail please!" he heard Arcturus say from behind him, as he felt human hands grasp his tail.

Veledar looked back to realize he had almost whipped Arcturus with his tail when he had turned. The human thankfully did not look too upset, but merely amused.

"Well perhaps you should have taken initiative and led the way instead of I?" Veledar held his claw to his chest.

He led Arcturus out the door into the hallway, and down the stairs to the smells of meals getting cooked. Veledar sniffed in deeply, it smelled like potatoes, and some bread called wallaces.

Or were they called waffles?

Another sniff brought with it the smell of cooked deer. Veledar felt his mouth begin to water, at the mere thought of sinking his teeth into the meat. The innkeeper greeted him with a smile. Veledar just nodded towards him, trying to focus on not knocking anything over with his tail. He sat down near the others. Lyndis and Merlia were already digging into their food.

"I would like my meat raw" he said to the barkeep.

"Why in bonnie blazes would ya want it like dat?!" Merlia shouted, putting down his fork and turning towards him. "When dey go slavin away ova a hot meal!"

"Ask Arcturus, he can tell you why." Veledar said calmly. He watched Merlia turn to the paladin with a look of confusion on her face.

"I may have suggested he was too pampered and get too used to cooked food." Arcturus sat down in a chair next to Veledar, and ordering a plate of the food being cooked.

"So why in blazes did you do dat den? Now I gotta put up wit him eatin raw meet at da table!" Merlia than took a sip from her coffee.

"If you don't like it, you can of course leave." Veledar grinned, as he turned to the dwarf and stared at her.

"Leave he says," she pointed her thumb to him and laughed to the others, "Ya and pass up on da adventure of a life time? No tanks Veledar." she than sighed, "Guess I'll haf ta just manage while ya scoff dat down."

"I guess you will." he internally praised himself for that small victory while he waited for his food.

It did not take long for his food to arrive. Thankfully although Merlia looked disgusted she offered no complaint. So to reward the dwarves silence he ate it swiftly. He however did not it too swiftly that he could enjoy the flavor of the meat. Talk soon broke out between his companions over what spells to prepare for the mission of the day, what gear to bring, all boring things to him. He mentally chuckled to himself as he needed none of that to summon magic from his claws.

Yet another things dragons excel at over mortals.

He did follow them out to the training area so they could go about preparing their spells. Each of his companions sat down and meditated on the spells they were going to be using. Arcturus has a different way of course, doing his morning poses with his sword. Veledar slightly fidgeted as he felt the boredom growing in his limbs. He decided to inspect the book that he had gave to Arcturus so he could use the spells. Veledar leafed through it reading the spells briefly. Magic Circle, Cure wounds, detect magic, all pretty dull stuff to him. Although something caught his eyes. There was a picture of a sword on fire under the spell titled elemental weapon.

Now wouldn't that be something amazing for a dragon

He pictured himself with his claws wrapped in flames, or possibly enchanted with ice magic. He grinned at the idea. He set the book back down, and looked to Arcturus who was still doing his poses.

Well if everyone is busy I will entertain myself.

He spread his wings and bolted into the sky passed the trees. He looked down to the figures of his friends growing smaller and smaller. He looked out to the countryside to see what could be the large city of Entis, a small speck on the horizon. He flapped his wings and did some turns, banks, dives, climbs, and barrel rolls before heading back to his friends. He let his paws touch softly on the ground, he mentally praised himself at how careful he was.

"Are you not done yet!?" he exclaimed as the girls were still kneeling down and meditating.

"Well I am done if you want to do some more flying." said Arcturus, stowing his sword within it's scabbard.

Of course it was Arcturus who would cheer him up, of course he wanted to go back to flying

"I thought you would never ask Arcturus, and I will never get tired of flying." Veledar smiled as he led Arcturus back to the inn to retrieve his harness. In a few minutes with the human's help he had it secure on his body. He stood proudly outside the inn after Arcturus had mounted up.

"We going up there, or are you going to stand around looking pretty all day?" Arcturus teased, but Veledar of course knew how to give it back to him.

"So you think I'm pretty now?" He spread his wings, briefly glimpsing the small redness on Arcturus' cheeks. His wings with a mighty flap carried them above the canopy in a matter of moments. Arcturus let out a cheer, that Veledar joined with a mighty roar.

"I don't think I will ever get tired of this!" Arcturus shouted, as Veledar began doing maneuvers once again. He opened his maw in a smile as he felt the human's joy, it was quite infectious. He found it hard to believe it was possible that he might like flying more than he did, but with Arcturus with him, cheering, and shouting, he did."

"Don't you dare tire of it Arcturus! We will make a dragon out of you yet!" Veledar shouted, his voice dripping with happiness. He did some turns next, than ascents, descents, and lastly a barrel roll. The entire time he was asking Arcturus what he was going to do next. He was hoping that the human would learn to predict his flight path simply by his muscles. Arcturus did a fine job at it, only getting the answer wrong three times. However after that he got everyone of them right, to Veledar's amusement. They flew over the forest for half an hour, with Veledar once again turning back towards the training area.

Surely the girls will be done preparing their spells by now

He touched the ground softly once more. Crouching low with his paws, allowing Arcturus to dismount him easily. He faintly hoped they were not done however, so he could get in more flying. He looked over and to his disappointment the girls were done with their spells.

"Finally, ya two makin us wait da whole day!" Merlia chuckled, "Mighty rude of ya dragon!"

"Well if you did not take your sweet time preparing spells, I would not have taken so long." he stuck his pink tongue out at the dwarf. He than turned to Lyndis, "How about you Lyndis? Are you going to chastise us as well?"

"Not really" the half elf replied calmly. "I am just here waiting for our other two dragons to show up."

"Wut makes ya tink they be comin ta join us lass?" Merlia asks with a grin.

"Call it a hunch" Lyndis looks to the trees, as if expecting something to emerge.

As if on cue to her words Lyyreth and Cordenth landed on the training ground stone with the sound of their wings filling the air with their flaps. Dust and dirt was scattered in every direction that was not already done so by Veledar. Veledar looked to them and took pride in that he landed much softer than those two green dragons, although he tried to hide the smile on his snout.

"Morning boys!" Lyndis waved while walking over to the dragon twins. "Took your time didn't ya!" she laughed.

"Well someone here wanted to go spending their morning engrossed in their scrolls." Cordenth rolled his eyes and pointed to Lyyreth with his tail.

"Well sorry for preparing for this mission of theirs." Lyyreth snarled, "You'd think after taking a harpoon to the chest you would be more careful!"

"Wait your coming with us?" Veledar tilted his head to the side. "Why would you want to do something crazy like this, with us? I mean besides getting the chance to follow me around." Veledar watched Cordenth's yellow eyes quickly turn to Lyndis, than back towards him.

Oh that's why he was going.

"We figured you needed the help, and since yesterday you stuck your necks out for us. We thought we might as well return the favor." Lyyreth raised his snout a little higher. Heck he did not even sneeze.

Was he actually being more dragon like?

"Well your welcome to come, but all the treasure we find is ours." he said sternly. He did not need any more of the treasure getting split up anymore than it was. "So did that mother of your say when she wanted to meet us for this mission of hers?" Veledar looked to the sky, and unfolded his wings, "Because I would very much like to get out of her forest and be on my way!"

" Patience young dragon" came the voice of an older woman from behind them.

Veledar turned towards the voice, to find the old woman from drakenburg standing there. He could not remember her name, but he knew it started with an L he was sure of it.

"Lida, what brings you out here to this forest of all places?" Lyndis asked, recovering from her gasp and Arcturus'.

" You may call me the Emerald Lady now." Lida said, her eyes starting to glow purple. " I take this form so I am not swarmed by my possessions when I decide to go for a walk."

"Your sons are not swarmed if I recall." Veledar put a paw to his chest, "They however could not get enough of me."

" Well they are certainly not me. Arcturus, and you too Lyndis should know better than anyone. When a queen walks among her subjects she draws every head." she gave a large grin. She than turned towards her two sons, who were standing slightly further away from her than everyone else. " So your heading with them yet again. To attack this fort against my wishes.......again." Veledar heard the irritation in her voice as she glared at the two green dragons.

"Yes mother!" Lyyreth replied first, puffing out his chest. "On top of that we will be leaving this place soon after."

" To follow them on Veledar's quest?" she pointed to Veledar with one of her fingers.

"No" Cordenth butted it, stepping in front of his brother. "We will be heading to Rothdell"

Veledar watched the Emerald Lady look to them in silence for a moment. She seemed to be mulling the idea over within her purple eye glowing head.

" Do as you wish my offspring. I was curious when you would finally leave on your own. To be honest I always figured Cordenth would be the one to suggest leaving." she said, gesturing to him.

"But you said we had to stay until our purpose was fulfilled!" Cordenth shot out with a snarl.

"and you stayed! You did not take what you wanted like a dragon! You acted like one my possessions, so I let you!" Lida waved a hand dismissively as Cordenth.

"Well, good." Lyyreth mumbled, Veledar figured he was shocked at her answer.

" Now to get to why I am here right now." The Emerald Lady pulled from her brown cloak a palm sized stone. She held it out for Veledar to clearly see several runes engraved onto its dark grey surface. They were the draconis runes spelling out the world travel.

"A rock? He big plan is a wee rock?" Merlia whispered behind him. "If I hadn't heard da craziest ting."

" It is not just a mere rock" The Emerald Lady boomed with her voice, ' It is a rune of travel. It will take you to the other one located near the fort in which I wish you to get rid of."

"So like a teleport spell?" Lyndis asked.

" Nothing like it, that spell is too dangerous to use. This rune allows the user to quickly travel through the fairy realm..."

"Not doing it" Veledar interrupted the old woman. The Emerald Lady shot him a look of anger with her purple eyes. "I went to the fairy realm once it was a horrible experience, not doing it again."

The Emerald Lady just gave an amused look as she caressed the rune within her hands. " Oh but Veledar, this is one of my own design" She held up her hand and waved it around in a circle, " I made this rune in such a way that you will travel instantaneously to the other side. There will be no walking or anything like you and Arcturus experienced in that place."

Well now she was talking.

"Fine" Veledar snorted, "That is really handy than."

" Indeed" she replied, walking over to Lyndis and thrusting the stone into her hands.

"Woah! Its focking freezing!" Lyndis shouted in astonishment, as she nearly dropped the stone. "Warn me next time!" Lyndis pulled a cloth from her pack to wrap the stone within.

" Was it? I could notice. Now to activate the rune is quite simple, this will also work for the other one you will find. You simply stroke the rune in a circular pattern and say the words, "Send me". She turned back towards the others, " Now do not take too long. For my gamble to work you must remember two things that must happen."

"What would those be?" Veledar cocked his head to the side.

" One, act swiftly and strike terror into the soldiers stationed there, leave someone alive to relay a message to their king, and two, I would like you to suggest you will be hitting more of these forts." she held up a two fingers as she spoke.

So that's what she was after. She wanted to lure Arcturus' buddy and the fleet of airships away from the capital.

Veledar thought it would be funny, to see the vast amount of airships head out to stop these fake attacks when in reality they would heading straight for Entis.

" I of course wish you luck, although I doubt you will need it. Three dragons and your adventurers?" she cackled slightly, "I don't think they stand a chance."

Well it looks like whatever the Emerald Lady is playing at will help us to.

Veledar made a mental note to be that calculated in the future. He had to admit even if he did not like her methods, he respected she was a great dragon. Than however he remembered what she had done to Arcturus. He wrinkled his snout and narrowed his eyes.

Scratch that, I hate her again

"Well what are we waiting for, lets get this over with." he growled at everyone just standing their talking among themselves, "Lets get this over with."

"Well we should get some supplies first." Arcturus replied, holding up a hand with his pointer extended upward. "It always pays to be prepared for these sort of things." The paladin than looked into his pouches, and he saw his face sour for a moment.

"Cordenth, Lyyreth? Could I ask you a favor perchance?" Arcturus said, rubbing the back of his neck, "Can you use your pull around here to help us get items? I may be short on coin."

Asking a dragon for favors Arcturus? That is not going to work.

Veledar just looked amused at his friend, who thought this was going to work. To his surprise however both green dragons nodded quickly.

Oh come on!

Arcturus quickly wrote up a list of all the things they could use on this little incursion. Veledar peaked at the parchment Arcturus had used, he spied medical kits, smoke bombs, and Veledar's eyes widened at the mention of grappling hook.

How silly

Veledar rolled his eyes, he did have wings after all. There were a myriad of other things on the list, but Veledar paid them little mind. Thankfully the two green dragons managed to get most of the things for free from the village. Veledar of course stopped to say hello to anyone that would give him attention, which was of course most people.

"Oh thank you great dragon!" one person had said, followed by a "Crimson Sky is our Hero!" Veledar grinned with his white teeth, swelling his chest.

He only stopped when Merlia started fussing to him,

"Stop bein a lazy red fire spittin lizard!" she had shouted, turning a tad red herself. Veledar after that decided to return to the inn and grab his flying harness.

Despite it all they finished their task within the next hour. Arcturus seemed mighty pleased with them as he looked to the items they had gathered. Lyndis was swinging the grappling hook slightly with a smirk on her face.

"You know we don't need that Lyndis" Veledar grinned

"Well perhaps you don't Veledar, but some of us don't have your wings!" the half elf shot back, stowing the hook and rope in her pack.

"Perhaps you could convince Cordenth to let you ride him into battle?" Veledar raised one of his eyebrows, as he gestured to the green dragon with his head.

"You think?" Lyndis threw the pack onto her back. "I'll give him a talk about it when I get the chance."

"Well it seems we got everything we need." Arcturus spoke up, clasping his gloves together, "I've been thinking of a plan to attack this fort."

"Go in dragon's blazing, rush in, roar our arrival, and send them cowering." Veledar grinned, as Arcturus gave him a look that seemed to say "really?"

"No, I was going to have Merlia and Lyndis pose as my guards while I do a surprise inspection of the fort, using my status as a paladin."

"Arcturus you have three dragons, and you go for the subtle approach?" Veledar wrinkled his muzzle.

"Yes, sometimes you cant go in" Arcturus held up his fingers and gave quotations "Dragon's blazing,"

"Wait, doesn't your king believe you've been captured by me? The others among your people believe you to be dead?" Veledar cocked his head to the side as he swished his tail back and forth.

"Yes, but my death must not be as wide spread as we think. People in drakenburg for instance did not seem to know about it." Arcturus stashed a few smoke bombs in his pouch, than buckling it shut.

"Ok lad, say we be gittin in da front. Den we just keep our eyes open for da prisoners?" Merlia asked, counting her arrows.

"Naturally.. I think we than go about disabling whatever defenses they have. Than we offer them a chance to surrender. If they refuse or things go south, Lyndis here can cast dancing lights into the sky. Calling in out dragon support." Arcturus gestured to Veledar, than the other two dragons present.

"Support? I am reduced to support?" Veledar moaned.

"Well unless you want to go in disguised as a guard. Do you think you can keep your concentration while in the fort?"

"Well considering I need the practice, we can call it a trial run."

'Well what if yer trial run sends tings tits up faster den a speedin gryphon!" Merlia asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Then dear Merlia you have three dragons to get you out of trouble."

"Love your optimism Veledar, but if these places are in cramped quarters you won't be able to take your true form. You will be stuck being a normal human, unless you can handle a sword?"

"Well I have seen you do it, how hard could it possibly be?" Veledar stuck his tongue at Arcturus. He did not want to sit by and wait, however what Arcturus was saying did make sense,

"Fine" Veledar groaned, "I will wait for your signal to arrive, I however won't like it" Veledar held his head up and looked away from the human.

"Oh come now, you will have Cordenth and Lyyreth for company" Lyndis said, patting Veledar on his left flank.

"Don't remind me" Veledar groaned as the two green dragons wore big smirks on their snouts. Veledar narrowed his eyes at the two.,

"I think he is starting to like us" Cordenth said, stretching his neck into an S, "before that would have been a snarl."

"I don't have to take this indignity." Veledar snorted.

"Hey enough poking fun at Veledar's dignity" Arcturus said clasping his hands together.

Good he would stick up me!

"There will be plenty of time for that later!"

Veledar held his maw gape in surprise for a moment. Oh he would have to think of a way to get him back. He tried to think of a joke or a witty comeback, but had none at the moment. Veledar simply pouted and paid attention.

"After we done we can use the stone to transport the prisoners out of there." Arcturus continued, "However I will be damned if she forces them to be her possessions."

"Agreed" Lyndis nodded, followed by an "Aye" from Merlia

"Well she does seem to have enough people, It does not seem right for her to keep getting more." Veledar turned towards the two green dragons, "What about you two?"

They remained silent for a moment, however thankfully for just a moment. Lyyreth was the first one to reply, "She has enough people here I think. She will not force them to be hers. You can count on me." Veledar saw the green dragon gulp.

"How about you Cordenth? You are oddly silent on the matter." Lyndis asked loudly to the squirming dragon.

"Hey I have sided with you at every turn." he shot back. "You do not have to question my resolve now." Cordenth wrinkled his snout.

"Well ya don't have to get focken defensive." chuckled Lyndis, patting Cordenth on his side. "Just wanted to be sure is all."

"Good" Veledar snarled, "Now lets go get this plan of hers over with."

"Everyone ready?" Lyndis asked, pulling out the cloth wrapped stone and holding out before all of them.

Veledar felt himself hesitate before reaching out for the stone. His mind going back to his trip in the fairy realm with Arcturus. He closed his eyes briefly, hoping that what the Emerald Lady said was true. He reached out with one of his claws and placed it carefully on the small stone. Thankfully he could not feel the coldness that Lyndis had complained about through his claw. Lyyreth and Cordenth followed his lead and placed their black single claws next to him, as stood close together. Veledar had the thought they could have shrank down to save room as Arcturus and Merlia touched the stone as well.

"Blazes dat is cold!" Merlia gasped, as her finger caressed the stone. She turned to Arcturus, who did not have the same reaction. The human just looked at the stone with a look of curiosity. Veledar figured his gloves probably shielded him from the cold, or at least made it less shocking. In unison they all started moving their claws/fingers in small circular motions.

"Stone send us" Lyndis said, right before a blue light seemed to spring forth from the stone. Veledar could feel the powerful magic as it washed over his scales. It seemed to hang around him, and get around his usual ability to resist some magics. Than he felt like something was yanking him forward, it reminded him of gravity pulling him towards the earth. This however was toward the stone. It started out only small, like a small tug, that suddenly and violently became a great suction. There was another flash of blinding light, before Veledar suddenly felt like his body was compressed like when he changed sizes. Although their was the added sensation of a great pressure doing this, as if there were two large stone slabs squeezing the dragon together. It was over in a moment however as all the colors from the rainbow flashed before his eyes. It not for the pressure being exerted on him, he might call this a pleasant experience. He suddenly let out a groan as his entire body felt sick, it reminded him of when he had eaten the dragon bane berries Lyyreth had tricked him into eating. Veledar tried to move his head to see how the others were doing with this, but however he turned his head, the ever changing colors did not vanish. That too however passed quickly, as he felt a cooling sensation gather around his paws. His vision returned to normal, as the colors faded away. He looked down to see that his paws were standing in a field of grass, wet with the morning dew. He breathed a sigh of relief, as the pressure sensation stopped. He looked up to find that everyone else was wearing the same expression of relief he was. Cordenth, and Lyyreth both wrinkled their muzzle in disgust soon after, complete with Lyyreth starting to sneeze. Merlia fell to the ground clutching her chest, like she was about to wretch all over the green grass.

"Well wasn't dat da worst!" she gasped out, "blazes it feels like my stomach is gonna leap outta my chest!" The dwarf coughed.

Lyndis was currently waving her hand in front of her eyes. "I think I may be blind" the elf said with some nervousness. Than she quickly sighed "Oh wait never mind, I guess it just took awhile."

Cordenth stood there not moving, constantly blinking his eyes, "Well I can't seem to get some spots out of my eyes. Hopefully they go away like your temporary blindness." the dragon closed his eyes, and held a claw between them.

Arcturus looked to be sweating as he stood there. His eyes wide open and looking around at the others. However besides that he appeared to be unaffected by the transportation.

"So how was the travel?" Veledar cocked his head to the side as he took his place beside the human. "Was it anything like before? I just felt sick and saw colors." Veledar rubbed his tan scales.

Arcturus just nodded in silence. His eyes were still wide, as if he had seen something horrific. "It was bad in a lot of other ways." Arcturus pressed fingers on the bridge of his nose and closed them, before he put a hand to Veledar's snout. "Thanks for the concern, I can tell you about it later. I can manage."

Veledar nodded, he of course wanted to press further to find out what was troubling the paladin, although he decided to hold back. Veledar turned back towards the others.

Besides we have more pressing matters to concern ourselves with.

From his view of the others he shifted his neck so that it was held high. He looked around to find that there were near the edge forest. Although it did not look like the forest of despair, nor could he see the tiny speck of Entis. Veledar figured they must have traveled quite far. Although how far still remained to be seen.

"Hey found another stone!" Lyndis exclaimed, drawing the dragon's attention. The half-elf had picked up a stone similar to the one they had held back within the village with her cloth. It looked exactly like the last one.

"Are ya trying to cover for droppin it?" Merlia laughed

"No, I felt it vanish when we were pulled through that realm. It must have been left behind. The Emerald Lady did mention there was a second stone for us." Lyndis pocketed the stone in one of her pouches.

"Any idea were we are Arcturus?" Veledar turned his neck to the human, who was busy scanning the horizon himself. The human had cupped his hands around his eyes. If this helped him he did not know. "This is your country after all."

"No idea" shrugged the paladin, "I have never been to this part of Lumara before. Course there isn't exactly any landmarks for me to identify either." the human than pointed to a small speck on the horizon. Veledar stared at it and focused. It was clearly the fort they were sent here to attack. Although from this distance Veledar was unsure of just how big the thing was. Course it did not matter to him, it just made more things available to burn.

"Well we best get to walking" grumbled Lyndis, "Unless you dragons can of course turn into horses or something."

"We can do that" mumbled Cordenth quietly, "Although we just don't like to."

"We should probably do that than." Lyndis gave Cordenth a reassuring smile. "Will be probably hard to see the lights from out here. We may need to change our plans. We might just have to ride you right up to their gates, otherwise they will wonder how even got out here."

"I cannot change into a horse creature." Veledar announced, "what will you be having me do? Hopefully you do not suggest I stay here."

"I don't think I could get you to stay here even if I have you an order Veledar." Lyndis laughed, he eyes looking to Arcturus. "I suggest you shrink down and ride with us. Perhaps small enough to ride on Arcturus' shoulders."

"Fine" Veledar grumbled, he always hated being smaller than his companions. Although he did internally laugh at the thought of riding Arcturus. How the dragon became the rider. He held a claw to his head and focused on becoming smaller. Thankfully he had mastered this and did not need to maintain concentration to hold this form like he did with his human one. He hoped with enough practice he would no longer need to concentrate on that form as well. He opened his eyes as he began to shrink, first his head came up to Arcturus' own, than it was at the humans waist, than it was below the humans knees. Veledar moaned as he was now the size of a small cat. He heard Lyyreth and Cordenth give a chuckle from behind.

"You look cute like that Veledar, like a cute little toy!" Cordenth laughed in his throat.

"Laugh it up you two. You have to become smelly horses" Veledar hissed, than stuck his tongue out at the two.

Lyyreth and Cordenth stopped their laughing, than their eyes narrowed in realization as if in unison. They than grumbled a few words under their breath as they preformed the same claw movement that Veledar had done. He watched with a smile on his snout as the two started to change shape into horses. Lyyreth's green scales faded until they were tan, his claws turning into black hooves. His yellow eyes changed to dark brown ones, Veledar chuckled as the dragon's snout became a pink nose.

Cordenth's scales however turned black, all over his body. In fact every part of the dragon had turned black as he became a horse. Veledar watched in interest as the wings folded in, and than melted into the once dragon's back. Cordenth let out a snort of his now horse nose, and looked at Veledar with those now brown eyes of his.

"See you two look better already! Perhaps you should stay like that!" he teased, causing both horses to stare at him, probably in anger.

"Come on Veledar" Arcturus laughed, gesturing to his shoulders. "Don't want them to trample you."

"They would have to catch me of course Arcturus, besides..." Veledar took flight and flew around the human once before landing on his armored shoulders. "I can fly and they cannot!" He curled around the human's neck, that was only covered by the gambeson. We even though he did not like being smaller than the human he was now curled around he figured it could be worse.

I could be a horse after all.

"So are all of ya dense? Wut dey goin ta tink wen dey see da red dragon round your neck?" Merlia pointed to Veledar, raising an eyebrow. "Seems ya plan has a hole."

"He can be a familiar or something." Lyndis mentioned waving her hand.

"Yea I cannot lie like that Lyndis." Arcturus replied, "My words speak only truth" he said, quoting one of the lines of his oath.

"Well just say you bested him, and now he is your companion. You don't have to reveal he grows any bigger." Lyndis shot back without skipping a beat. She turned to the horse Cordenth and mounted up. "Been awhile since I rode a horse bareback. I used to be quite good at it." she smiled. Veledar thought he saw Cordenth smile as well, but that was silly of course, horses could not smile.

Ugh Veledar smelled the horse smell coming from the two previous dragons, and he hacked into Arcturus' neck loudly. Oh how the smell was so invasive, how awful. He tried to dig his nose into Arcturus' gambeson, maybe the smell of human would overpower that of the horse.

"oh come on" Arcturus moaned, as Veledar started hacking once more into the gambeson.

"Sorry!' Veledar gasped between hacks, "Its the smell of the damn horse dragons." he dug his snout further into the gambeson. "At least I can take comfort in riding you."

Merlia burst out laughing as Arcturus helped the dwarf get onto Lyyreth's back.

"Ridin you he says! O tats rich!" she let out another deep laugh.

"I don''t get why you are laughing Merlia, it's not that funny." Veledar wrinkled his snout.

"She is implying your riding me." Arcturus stated, as Lyyreth started galloping towards the fort in earnest.

"Well yes I am riding you right now. Its much more pleasurable than being right on top of the horse!" Veledar shouted down towards Lyyreth.

Merlia let out another shrill laugh, "Ridin you is pleasurable he says! Yer killin me dragon!"

Veledar turned around and hissed at the red haired laughing dwarf. "What is so damn funny you dwarven harpy?" He narrowed his eyes as he heard even Lyyreth give a snort. Which Veledar of course figured was laughter.

"Ride can mean something sexual Veledar" replied Arcturus, his voice stifling a chuckle.

"Oh!" Veledar's eyes widen in realization. Than he held his head away from the dwarf and Arcturus, "That's not funny at all."

"Oh but it is!" roared Merlia, hitting her left leg with her fist.

"Hey Lyndis yer never guess what Veledar said!"

"Hush you!" Veledar hissed as Lyyreth continued across the plains. Veledar soon went quiet as they traveled. Focusing instead on the breathing of Arcturus as he noticed with each gallop he gave a little pained gasp. He figured riding bareback on a horse was something that he did not enjoy, and felt a tad bit of guilt that he could not be the one giving him a lift to the fort. Not as a horse of course, but flying high as a dragon.

But nooooo. They have cannons to shoot us out of the sky.

Veledar narrowed his eyes as he pictured ripping each one of these cannon things apart piece by piece, for dare challenging him to go into the sky. Thankfully Merlia had reduced her chuckling to small little snickers as they went. Veledar rolled his eyes as he figured she would never let him live down that little comment.

"So have you ever been to a fort like this?" He asked as he stretched his neck up to talk into Arcturus' ear.

"It looks like the ones we used to have on the front lines in Rothdell actually." the paladin said in a grim tone. "Looks to be of medium size too." The human held up a hand to point to two large towers overlooking the walls of the fort that grew closer with each trample of Lyyreth's hooves. "There are most likely two more of those towers, each one contains an energy cannon. Just like the ones we have on our air ships, very powerful."

"Why would they need those? You did say a place like this was for learning." Veledar asked, watching the paladin's face turn a little pale. He turned his snout back towards the fort as Arcturus grew silent, except for the little pained grunts he gave with each gallop. In the dead center of the fort was an even larger towers than the others Arcturus had pointed out. It however did not seem be a tower that would be filled with energy cannons like the human had said. Veledar focused his eyes to see what could certainly be a loft for gryphons to roost upon. "Is it typical for your forts to have roosts for the gryphons?"

"Yes, since they like to have everything below them like cats. It's also ordeal for them to be up there to use their eyes to spot things for us." Arcturus sighed, as the color had yet to return to his face. Almost on cue, Veledar could make out the form of three gryphons swooping high above towards them.

"Should we be worried about the little kitty birds?" Veledar raised his snout to watch the gryphons fly around. It almost looked like they were playing, oh how Veledar felt his jealousy grow.

"Doubt it, they are just checking us out. Acting as scouts." Arcturus pointed as the gryphons started to circle back towards the fort. "See they are letting them know we are coming."
