Why am I here chapter 2

Story by FeatherFang1699 on SoFurry

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#3 of Why am I here?

The next day, Sam wakes up and grumbles out of bed, not ready to go to school. It's the last week of November before December starts, yet Sam feels like it'll be a long time before Christmas. All Sam wants to do is sleep in for Christmas break, but this Christmas will be different as he soon finds out.

Sam: *stands in the shower, lost in his train of thought*

Jake: *is heard moving around outside the bathroom*

Sam: *turns on the shower water and begins to wash himself*

After Sam's shower, Sam dries him self off, gets dressed, brushes his teeth and leaves to bathroom to have breakfast. He makes a cup of coffee and gets a bowl of cereal. Jake watches Sam and snickers.

Jake: Is that your breakfast for this morning?

Sam: *sits at the table* Yes. Is there a problem with me having a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee?

Jake: No, I just think it's weird. Don't you think so too?

Sam: I guess. *takes a bite of the cereal and takes a drink of his coffee* Do you have work today? *looks up from his breakfast and looks at Jake*

Jake: Yes I do. Why?

Sam: *shrugs* I don't know. I'm just curious.

Jake: well, you know how the saying goes...

Sam: *interrupts* I know how the saying goes.

Their dad comes out of the bedroom dressed up ready for work.

Jeff: Alright, I'm going to work. You two better be nice to your mother and each other. *leaves for work*

Sam: *finishes his coffee and cereal and gets his backpack* I'm heading to school. *leaves the house and heads to the bus stop*

Jake: *gets dressed for work*

To be continued in chapter 3