Our New Queen

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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It's a rags to riches story, a lowly peasant human becomes a lovely insect queen.

...okay maybe it's not rags to riches, but hey- human to lovely insect queen still applies.

This was available early on my Patreon. Join now to view stories early, vote on future stories of the month, and support my writing.https://www.patreon.com/mysterywolf

Will opened the door to his apartment and tossed his orange jacket aside- included with a name tag. He took off his reflective hat and showed off his short brown hair with strands that waved in the air. Underneath that jacket was a simple blue shirt, and blue jeans. He had a long day at work, and he was tired. It wasn't that he downright hated his job- it was...well, there were good sides and bad sides to it. He helped take care of animals for a living down at a shelter. The shelter was for-profit, and it was very run down- Will came to work and often had to put duct tape over large cracks in the wall, and would often find bugs- mostly roaches, but occasionally odd white worms with black heads.

His apartment was much cleaner than that. He had no animals of his own, so his job was his way to help care for animals. Often he would use his money to help his job- including help pay to patch walls, heaters for winter, and fans for summer. In fact, when it came to bugs, he didn't kill them- he set up bait traps using a custom sticky texture. They worked like roach motels where bugs would go in, and get stuck, but all Will had to do was just take the box out, and the stickiness in the box that trapped the bugs eventually dissolved and let them go free.

Will's place was the opposite of his work- it wasn't the biggest apartment, a single one bedroom, but he kept everything in plastic containers and kept everything sealed so no bugs would invade. It was working pretty well. That was, it worked well until Will felt something on his shoulder. He turned and saw a roach- a large brown one right on his shoulder, with those large antennae moving about. Rather than freak out, Will took a deep breath. He turned back around and opened his apartment door. He leaned down to the purple carpeted hallway, and brushed the roach off of him. "There. You should be able to crawl underneath the doorways back outside I hope. Better get going- I don't know ANYONE that wants to see a roach alive." He spoke down to the little bug before he closed his door. Only then did he pull off that shirt of his, as well as his pants. "I'll have to wash that shirt really good later." He mumbled before he went into the bathroom and took a shower.

The roach sat in place right outside Will's door for a moment. The antennae wriggled, and after about a minute, it went not for the exit, but over to a ventilation shaft. The roach crawled inside the shaft upside down, side to side, as if it were looking for something. It managed to find just what it was looking for- a crack in the shaft that let it freely roam the innards of the apartment. It actually looked like it knew right where it was going. It felt its way around inside the apartment until it found the water pipes, and it followed it to where it linked to Will's apartment. Once it was close enough, it found another tiny crack, this time in the pipes right near Will's place, and it then went to work.

Will showered, unknowingly what the roach is doing, and even if he did know, he wouldn't know how it would have ever been possible to do. He let the water hit his frame- it was about average, a little stronger on the arms since he had to do some lifting at work, but otherwise a normal man that didn't shave below the neck.

Just as Will finished rinsing his hair of shampoo, the water stopped flowing from the shower head. Will leaned upward and tapped that head a few times. "As clean as I try to keep the place, and pay my bills, I swear my boss and landlord have it in for making things crappier." He muttered. After a loud rattling, the shower restarted. It didn't quite spray clean water though- instead it sprayed what looked like a black bile right onto his face. Will grabbed onto the clear shower curtains and pulled himself out. The curtains ripped and cause him to fall right outside the shower- just as the black bile water turned back into a clear color. Will fell right onto his face on a green rug, and groaned. His feet were raised, and thankfully his entire body was out of the shower. He slowly stood up, and glanced back at the shower. With a grimace, he turned it off, and dried himself off. At least the black bile on his skin came off easily, but it didn't make it any less annoying that he got sprayed with it in the first place. "I'll have to call the landlord in the morning about THAT." He grumbled.

As Will dried off the rest of his body, he looked down at his chest, and he noticed a bit of a brown fleck. He reached down and tried to flick it off, but it didn't just come right off. It looked so strange too, it reminded him of a roach shell, yet it was so firmly stuck to him. He reached down and tried to pull it off, but instead it felt like he pulled his own skin. Will winced and let it go- but his skin didn't quite bounce back in place- the part around the brown fleck looked loose and wrinkled. "Maybe it's infected..." he muttered- even though he could make out no blood or cuts, it was definitely something a person wouldn't normally have. Will reached into the medicine cabinet behind the mirror above the sink, and pulled out some hydrogen peroxide, and poured just a bit on that spot. The spot didn't seem to react- but his skin did. It was incredibly strange- it looked like the hydrogen peroxide went underneath his skin.

Will grabbed the loose skin next to that brown spot on his chest. He pulled that part- and the skin gently ripped off. Underneath the part of the skin he ripped, he noticed more brown shell underneath. His eyes widened at that- he couldn't have...he just didn't... "My skin...just peeled off...?" he pulled out a large Band-Aid, and covered the spot. "I'll have to go see the clinic in the morning about that." Skin just didn't peel off like that, and there definitely wasn't a brown shell underneath the skin, at least for most people. Will dried himself off and put on some pajamas. It was already quite late, so Will went right to his bed once his shower was done.

It was a pretty simple bedroom- a single large bed right next to a window, a bookshelf on one end, and a closet on another, with a small television placed on the side. Will laid down in bed, and he wondered- not so much about the black bile the sprayed on him, but that spot on him after. His skin looked so weird- he had fair skin, but the shell underneath that skin looked so...it kept reminding him of that roach he freed, and he wasn't entirely sure why- he didn't think roaches had a shell on the bottom part of their body, but he'd have to look into that later. With a sigh, he slowly fell asleep.

Will opened his eyes during the middle of the night. He turned his head and saw that the time read 4 A.M. He felt some crawling sensations on his body, and as he sat up, he spotted a roach- that brown bug sat right on his blanket. Will shook his head at that bug- and threw the sheets off of him. Unfortunately, the sight below the blankets was much worse. Will saw a good ten roaches- if not more, all crawled around on top of him, and on his bed. He wanted to scream- but he didn't want to open his mouth in fear that a roach might get inside of it. He quickly got out of bed and brushed all of the roaches that were on him, right off of him onto the floor. He rushed out of his bedroom, and slammed the door behind him shut. "Where did all of those roaches come from?!" Will asked himself. His apartment was ant free, and it was roach free too- wasn't it? He swore if roaches even did come in the house, they would have come through his pipes or something. He didn't live in the basement, or even on the first floor, and he was almost certain there wasn't an infestation on the floors below him.

Will took a few deep breaths before he looked around the rest of his apartment. He didn't find a single roach, or any other evidence that an insect had gotten anywhere else, except on his bed. "They normally want food, and I'm not food..." he mumbled. Will wondered what he should do about such an infestation- he could have called an exterminator, but he disliked the idea of harming bugs, that's why he let the one roach go. "Reminds me of that cartoon- guy releases one bug, all of his bug buddies end up coming over and staying at his place." He muttered. He took off his clothes, just in case any bugs snuck underneath his skin, and he noticed his bandaid on his chest was gone- and there was far more of that brown shell underneath his skin exposed. It looked like it made a tiny hole in his chest with loose skin that surrounded the inside. "It almost looks like..." he reached down to the skin- it looked like the skin had outright ripped, and revealed a shell interior. Will reached underneath his skin, and found no pain- just more of a shell interior inside of it. It felt like it should have been impossible, he knew his own body- there wasn't a shell underneath skin, at least, there shouldn't have been, yet he saw it, he even felt it- it reminded him of a bug shell, but he wasn't a bug. "This is...this is unreal." He took a seat on his couch, and let out a frustrated sigh. He could try his capture boxes he used at work, but in the case of his own home, he still had to figure out where the insects came from. It didn't help that he was tired, and that it was the middle of the night.

"Maybe I just need to get going to the hospital now with this weird thing, get it checked out...and get away from the roaches." Will walked over to the front door and placed his hand on the door handle. He found that, no matter how much he tried to flex his fingers, his fingers just wouldn't flex, they just sort of went limp on him and refused to grab, much less turn, anything. "W-wha..." He could move the palms of his hands fine, but not his fingers- it just felt so...wrong. He rubbed the palm of his left hand over the fingers of his right, and he found that his fingers bent all the way back to his hand- something that should not have been possible with a normal human hand. "That's...what's..." Will was at a loss for words. He couldn't work a door- his fingers didn't respond to his whim, and in fact he swore must have been broken in some manner, and he had an infestation of roaches. "I'll call an ambulance then." He told himself.

Before he could get a chance, there was the sound of a light 'rip' that sounded like a paper shredded in the palms of his hands. Will took a quick look, and he noticed two sharp brown things stuck out of his palm. The appearance reminded him that of a mantis hand, except brown in color, and right out of the palm of his hand. What was even worse for him was that he didn't feel any sort of pain- in fact, it felt like he had a lot more control over the sharp brown mantis 'hand' that stuck out of the human hand, than his fingers.

"This is unreal." Will said quietly. He couldn't even dial a phone like this. "How could this get any worse?" He tried poking those sharp new claws of his together, and he heard an unhuman click when they touched- and he could very much feel the claws touch, yet when a claw touched a finger, he didn't feel anything. Will did see something in his left index finger, though. The finger wiggled in ways a finger normally shouldn't have been able to before it burst open. There wasn't any blood however- rather there was a roach, a simple roach in his finger, one that was actually larger than the finger itself when it came out which made for virtually impossible physics- how was the roach bigger than his finger? The rest of his fingers wiggled too, and Will knew what was going to happen, as much as he thought it should have been otherwise impossible. One by one, his fingers burst open to reveal, not blood or bone, but a single large roach. By the time each finger burst, he was left with no hands- just two large claws where his hands SHOULD be, with skin that surrounded it that looked little more than ripped cloth.

Will was at a total loss for words- it looked like his skin was getting more and more fake with every roach that came out. His arms also felt so weird- as if he were cramped inside his own skin. He moved his arms, but his joints just felt so off. "It just feels...this pressure..." it was a feeling he couldn't explain- it felt like he could stretch one arm both upward, AND downward, and that's what he did. With a loud rip noise- the skin on his arms ripped like paper, and revealed two arms underneath it. They were not quite normal human arms, but large insect arms with a brown shell and one joint each for the elbow. Will had just gained two more arms- four insect arms, each with a large claw at the end. Will bit his lip as the claw split apart though into three smaller claws- claws he could click together easily, but they weren't so much fit for holding things.

It took him a moment to regain his composure and stare at himself- four brown shell arms, each with three clawed fingers- the arms were a little thinner than the arms he had before, but not by a whole lot. It was just that they looked so much like a bug's arm- and that the skin ended now on his shoulders, the shoulder skin flapped around when he moved his arms around. "W-what is happening to me?!" Will shouted. He couldn't call for an ambulance now- he resembled less of a human than he did moments ago. What was worse, he felt his legs tremble too. "No...no no no...not down there." Will fell down onto his butt, and watched as his leg skin bulged and pulsed before it ripped open like his arms. Underneath his legs, were an additional two legs- giving him four. The new legs that ripped from underneath his skin looked much like his arms- they were covered in a thick brown shell that almost looked like human legs, but were a bit thinner- and at the very end of the feet were two huge claws in the front, and one in the back. Not quite insect legs, but they looked enough like it to have very much have been called them.

Will moved those four legs around as he sat on his rear. The legs responded to him quite well- although they flailed around in the air while he tried to figure out how to move four legs at once. His four arms helped supported him as he watched. "This can't be happening- I'm becoming some kind of weird bug!"

Will then felt his stomach twitch and rumble. He raised his head and noticed there was actually movement inside, and not normal movement, it looked like bugs were under the rug- but in this case, it was his own skin. "W-what's happening down there?" Will reached forward carefully with one of those new 'hands' of his, and tried to poke at his belly, but he found that it just caused more movement. There was also something else, something stranger that Will found so hard to explain. It felt as if his own insides were shifting- and there were crawling sensations, not just on the outside of him, but INSIDE too. What was so worse, was how pleasurable it all felt.

Will felt no pain when his arms and legs burst- and there was no pain when there was all of that crawling inside, and outside of him, just pleasure. And yet, he couldn't feel his cock twitch- in fact, he couldn't feel it at all. His pants and shirt were largely shredded, thanks to his arms and legs changing, so he was able to get a glance down between his legs at a bare human cock that just sat there, dormant. He was so aroused, yet...why did that not move?

Will didn't have to wait long- that cock did move and twitch, but not quite the way he wanted. "No...don't tell me." Will muttered. Sure enough- from the very tip of his cock, a roach emerged. Will both groaned, and moaned. It felt so pleasurable when that bug came out of him, and when he was able to focus and look back at the cock, the hole had been widened and stretched out. He also noticed his testicles moved and wriggled about as well before two more roaches came out of his cock- and left his balls. It looked like he didn't even have any testicles anymore, just loose flesh. "This is impossible! I can't be- someone, anyone- help me!"

As Will sat there and watched more roaches crawl out from his body, he noticed some other roaches crawl to him. They carried what looked like pellets of light brown food. They set the food down within reach of Will's claws before they crawled away in a line, while more roaches continued to place more food next to him.

Will couldn't believe his eyes. He reached down with that claw of his, and picked up a piece of that food. It wasn't that big in size- about the size of a gumball, and it looked like it could crumble in his claws if he squeezed it too hard. It reminded him almost of a clump of sugar, and when he smelled it, it smelled like sugar too. His stomach grumbled as things crawled inside of him, and with a frustrated sigh, Will opened his mouth, and took a bite of that thing the roach brought him. Surprisingly, it tasted good- it looked like, smelled like, and tasted like brown sugar. "I don't know what's going on, but...um...thanks...I think?" he asked, unsure what to say. "But...what about an ambulance or SOMETHING to help me out here? Can I get my cell phone at least?" he recalled that he left his cell phone not to far from his bed.

It might have sounded like a crazy idea at first to talk to the roaches, but when he asked for his cell phone, a few roaches left, and then quite a few returned from his bedroom- ones that were previously on his bed. A total of six roaches, with his cell phone on their back- they brought his phone right to him. They set it down not that far from the food, before they crawled away.

Will still couldn't believe his eyes. The roaches obeyed his order just like that. He picked up the cell phone carefully with one clawed hand, but he found that, no matter how lightly he tapped on the phone screen, the buttons just wouldn't respond to him. With a frustrated grunt, Will tapped the screen a bit harder with a single claw- and still no response. With a grimace, Will tapped as hard as he could- he tapped so hard that it proved just how sharp his claw was- and it broke the screen. His claw didn't go right through the screen, but it did shatter it. "Augh!" he tossed the cell phone aside, and glanced down at all of those roaches. "I don't know what's going on, but stop it! Change me back! I want to be human, not a bug!"

Many of the roaches around Will froze in place, and wiggled their antennae, before they continued. Many brought him more and more food that began to grow into a small pile, while others came from his bedroom and seemed to more or less crawl around Will.

"Y-you're what?" Will shuddered down at the roaches. He swore he heard the roaches actually speak to him mentally, but that was just downright crazy. Roaches couldn't speak to people like that. Will's train of thought was cut off when he felt a sudden immense pleasure in that cock of his. He wanted to reach down to feel it, but with those claws he had, he knew it would just be too dangerous. He saw his cock shaft twitch and shudder, and it felt like he was ready to orgasm. He knew such a thing should have been impossible though- he had no more testicles to speak of- they were completely deflated!

Will moaned softly as that cock twitch and turn in ways it normally shouldn't have. He felt himself cum, but when he did cum, it wasn't exactly cum that came out of his cock, but roaches- roach after roach. They first came one at a time, and then two, and then three. The roaches began to pour out, and it felt like Will just orgasm them out, again and again, until he stopped. By the time the roaches were done coming out, there was a good fifty plus crawling around him, and Will leaned back and panted heavily. His claw arms and legs rested on the ground. It felt like he had just cum more than just seed, but something else. He glanced down at his body and noticed his chest was thinner and flatter, the skin around it looked more like some kind of tent. Below his chest was his belly, and his belly looked quite swollen. It almost looked as if Will was pregnant, but he noticed it wasn't quite completely round, it had short segments too, and the skin around his belly felt so tight as well. "What...what..." he was too afraid to poke that belly, but he couldn't deny that he begun to develop a strange feeling, a feeling of power.

Will felt so strange underneath his skin. His skin felt more like a suit he might wear rather than his actual skin. The only thing that felt like it was still part of him was his head, as well as those new arms and legs. "Am I even...human underneath anymore...?" he asked himself. He was too afraid to move, he didn't want to see what was underneath his skin, if what he even had could have been called skin, he knew he was sweating with fear, but his skin didn't show any sweat, it just stretched with whatever was underneath it.

Will heard more voices in his head, voices from the roaches when they wiggled their antennae. It was a large amount of voices that spoke in perfect unison to him, but Will was still in such disbelief at what those voices even said. It wasn't his mind that thought these things, how could it have been? "Queen? I'm not a queen. I'm male...I'm...uhnn." He leaned back when a sudden surge of pleasure hit him.

Will gasped and moaned. His back arched, and he felt more roaches burst from his cock in a steady flow. The pleasure of birthing so many became more and more intense for him. "I can't...I can't..." he panted heavily. He couldn't feel his cock at this point- it just felt like the roaches came out of him and into a tiny bag attached to him before they were freed. He soon heard a rip as his the skin ripped on his crotch- a vertical split that traveled up his belly, and down his back. Will felt a huge rush of air as it felt like he freed himself from clothes, when in reality, he knew he was free from a lot of his skin.

Will couldn't see his crotch- there was a large belly in the way, but when he looked at the part of the skin that ripped and exposed what was underneath the belly, it didn't look normal at all. It was a sort of ovipositor- a giant largely white ovipositor that stretched downward, farther down than he swore his waist was- perhaps it grew when his skin shed. "Mirror...mirror." Will said quietly. He could only hope the roaches, not only understood, but also were able to bring such a thing to him. It was only after he said that, that he realized that he was a bit more accustomed to asking the roaches to do such things, and that he heard a response in his head- a response that said the roaches were more than happy to obey him.

Will watched as the roaches moved around his house- more than he had seen before. He had lost count on how many he had actually birthed. He knew he should have been disgusted, he should have wanted anything else EXCEPT what was going on, but at the same time, the changes were pleasurable. The roaches brought him food that tasted decent, and they flat out obeyed what he wanted. They even brought that mirror- a hand mirror granted, but it would work. "Between my legs...I want to see what's down there." He knew it wasn't a cock anymore- he could feel whatever was down there pulse and throb, but it was anything but a male sex organ- it just felt too big. When the roaches complied, he was able to get a better view of that ovipositor between his legs- and where his crotch once was. His ass was gone- it was taken up by that huge white...he wasn't even sure if it was a womb, an egg sac, an ovipositor, or WHAT it was, it just took up the lower half of his body. He could make out a brown shell behind it that connected to his legs, but the white ovipositor took up most of his lower body. There was a black spot that pulsed and throbbed more than the rest of his ovipositor though. A closer look and he noticed it had an opening- and opening where a single roach crawled out of. Will then knew that it must have been that thing attached to him birthing the roaches. He truly wasn't male anymore, but at the same time, he wasn't sure if female was a proper term either. "I'm...I'm a..." he quietly said to himself, as one of his claws gently touched his face.

"A...queen?" Will asked, the mental voices of the roaches that crawled around him drowned out his thoughts briefly. He still had the chest of a human- and mostly the back of a human, but it just looked so small compared to the rest of his body. He reached down with a claw, and gently pinched one of those human nipples he had, and he felt nothing. It felt like it wasn't even his skin anymore- but he still had the head of a human, didn't he? He was still male, he was still human. "No...I'm still...I'm still human..."

Will felt more crawling sensations- but this time it wasn't underneath his skin, it was ON him. He noticed the roaches started to crawl up onto his body, and he bit his lower lip down at them. "No. Get off. Off. Your queen wants you off." Will paused for a moment at his statement, before he just shook his head and tried to brush the roaches off with his four arms. Each arm swung in its own way and brushed the roaches off of him, but for every one he brushed off, two crawled up in their place. "Why aren't you obeying me now?" he wiggled those four legs of his, but the legs felt so scrawny compared to that ovipositor he had grown- there was no way he could stand up like that.

Will heard more voices in his head, collective voices that spoke in unison- voices that spoke louder than his mind spoke to him. "Helping me? I don't need help. I don't want to..ugh." Will closed his eyes and put those four arms on the floor as he felt a surge of pleasure rush through that ovipositor of his. He felt the black tip pulse back and fourth as more roaches crawled out of it- much like the rest of the roaches that came out of him, these ones were large and brown, already they looked like they reached adulthood, and already they knew what to do- they crawled up onto the ovipositor to Will's skin, at which point when those roaches got to his skin, they slowly peeled it away.

Will watched with wide eyes. He reached his claws upwards, but those claws paused in the air, and he shivered at the sensations of them exposing more and more underneath his skin. He noticed a brown exoskeleton that revealed itself the more the roaches pulled away. The exoskeleton looked almost like his chest, except it was a bit longer- and the more the roaches pushed the skin away, the taller Will got- a good two feet taller. His chest looked like a muscular version of what he previously had; just brown with an exoskeleton- and when Will tapped it with a claw, he noticed it was as hard as a rock.

The roaches also revealed more of Will's back. His exoskeleton travelled down his back, right behind the ovipositor and revealed a long thin shell- almost like a roach back. His head and shoulders were really the only thing left that looked human- from below, the rest of him looked like some sort of giant insect, with an ovipositor that was larger than most house pets.

Will couldn't believe how much of a weird bug he looked- and as his shoulders peeled away and revealed two large shoulder blades, he realized the only thing that was even remotely human was his head. His mind didn't feel that human, either. "S-stop...please..." he said meekly, as roaches crawled near him, and on him. He could feel those multiple tiny legs all over his ovipositor, and when he looked to the side, he saw a large pile of food they continued to serve him. "I'm not...I'm..." he leaned back, and moaned quietly as another surge of roaches left his ovipositor.

The roaches formed what looked like a small collar around Wills neck. Bit by bit they pushed upwards, they pulled back his skin as if it were little more than a costume. His neck was much thinner than it was before, but the more they revealed about his head, the larger his head looked.

Will noticed as his human head was pulled away, he noticed four large mandibles where his chin once was. He opened his mouth to speak, but the lips on his human head didn't move. Rather, the four mandibles opened and closed, and a hiss sound came from him- he couldn't even speak properly any more. He could still think, but his mind was becoming hazy...what was he again? He didn't look human, perhaps he wasn't human after all...that left one thing he was- a queen. A queen made to birth roaches, and for those roaches to care for him in return. Something still felt off though, but Will had a feeling the roaches were fixing that.

As the roaches pulled up towards Will's once human lips, there was nothing but a shell where those lips once were- a bug shell, behind those lips on the back of his head was much of the same, at least until two small golden spheres were revealed where Will's nose once was- two small spheres, with two small black dots that moved around.

Will blinked his human eyes once, and he then noticed he had more vision than before- eyes, those roaches revealed insect eyes Will had, and the roaches pulled back Will's once human nose to reveal a total of four eyes where his nose once was. Four eyes that shot around wildly with fear. Even his human eyes felt so weird- it felt like his human eyes looked through a mask now- he could see blackness around those eyes, while the other four eyes were free to roll up and watch the roaches continue to do their work.

The more the roaches revealed, the larger Will's head became Both in width and length, it was twice as large- but as they got to Wills eyes, they revealed two larger golden spheres- ones that now measured three times the size of his previous eyes, and as they got up to Wills hair, they revealed a lot of jagged and sharp edges at the top of his head. It looked uniform though, as if Will had a crown fused to him.

Will wanted to blink rapidly, but those new eyes of his could not. His thoughts were barely human the more the roaches pulled back and revealed more of his bug body, but the more of him that was revealed, the more comfortable he got. As that human part of Will fell off like a mask, and revealed him to be a bug himself underneath, Will actually felt at ease. He didn't recall having a name, he knew he was also a she, and she was a queen. A queen who birthed roaches who cared for her every whim, and she knew where she lived now, there was plenty of food to obtain for both her, and her young. "My pretties...my children...it's time to serve your queen." She thought in an insect language, with a light hiss from her mandibles. As she glanced at those various roaches that crawled on her, and around her, she heard the collective 'Yes my queen' from each and every one of those roaches.