Living Suit

Story by Milan171 on SoFurry

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Note: This story is in part prequel to the story werewolf. It takes place approx fifteen years before the original story.

On one remote and deserted place in America to border the Canadian, deep in the Rocky Mountains, there is an old military research facility. The complex has a already largely abandoned, operates in it already only one laboratory, which takes care of a huge warehouse. In the warehouse they are stored hazardous biological agents to which the army would most like to forget but can not. For if in the wrong hands get, even three hundredths ounces of the substance of what is stored in the warehouse, so it could happen ordinary disaster. Operation of laboratories and storage costs the state coffers, several tens of millions of dollars a year, which barely covers the basic upkeep of the entire complex equipment. The government is despite large disapproval of the military, decided to close the research equipment and all the equipment sent to scrap.

Meanwhile, unaware can that the government put an end to financing facilities continued in laboratory secret research for the use of dangerous biological agents from the warehouse. The scientists done with laboratory equipment that already had its best years long past. Equipment is either at any moment gone wrong or did not work, so researchers have been forced to become the plumber. Scientists took an incredible discovery, have found that when you mix certain substances from the warehouse, among which are highly effective mixture of mutagenic, animal and human stem cells from living donors, give them a basis for the production of living suits. Shortly after they produced a prototype suit, in the form of a humanoid wolf before it could test a sharp test, they came the announcement from the government, on the conclusion of research equipment and its liquidation.

With the silent consent of the army, the scientists, along with prototype and chemicals of on production living suits, moved to ultra-modern private top secret research facility in Nevada. But before they got there, they were ambushed while moving. They attacked them two of the attackers. The first group has focused on disposal of scientists and soldiers the protecting convoy, meanwhile, second group stole the prototype suit most chemicals and records of research.

Ambush convoy survived just a small group of scientists. Among them was 43-year-old the project leader doctoress Emma Graystone and her 32-year-old second assistant doctor Benjamin White, who was in charge records of research, because the doctor did not believe his five years younger first assistant doctor Joshua Smits. Doctor Smits, was in the opinion of doctoress Graystone almost too ambitious and reckless when he focused on something, so he did not hesitate to go over the corpses. Literally!!!

The official investigation of assault, the army has dragged so slowly that even after six months, after a ambush convoy, the doctoress Graystone and her assistant doctor White they did not know who behind overflow was. Until two months later from to unofficial sources, they learned who for overflow stood. Their contacts in the highest army circles, they are anecdotal reports confirmed that the slump did happen corporation NEO-Tech. On the convoy ambush, the corporation hired renegade elements of the army, especially the special tasks and also bribed doktoress former first assistant of Dr. Smits to give them information which way will lead route transport.

Meanwhile, doctoress Graystone put together a new team, which is the former second assistant now only doctor White. To the team was joined by the known of Boston, Massachusetts. Former Head and Dean of the Biology Department at Boston University, 65-year-old doctor Alexei Romanov. A doctor Romanov is in the scientific community enough well-known personality, his works are well known in particular that they are pursuing research unnatural and artificial mutation in nature.

Two months after the raid on transportation, south of South Lake Tahoe, toward Yosemite, deep in a secret subterranean complex corporations NEO-Tech, it echoes the cry. This doctor Smits angry shouts, his immediate superior, while Supervision had not fled to the project as a character in somewhere else, Dr. Temperance Blaik „Smits immediately explain to me why it can not destroy a lousy thing!" The doctor shyly responds, because it does not want to enrage of more than it, because he knew very well he might fare even worse. „I do not know Dr. Blaik, literature, nothing is mentioned about self-recovery suit. When I better looked documentation of project ‚Living suit', which we acquired in its assault on transport, it stopped in particular me one thing." „And what about you to the documentation that taken aback?" She asked sarcastically doctor Blaik. „That the information in the dossier are austere and sketchy." Told her doctor Smits. „Well, that's all...?!" he countered him the doctor Blaik. „It would be worrying if I she didn't know has long since! And I also know that the information in the dossier also imprecise that almost can not be used."

After evaluating the situation and seeking the records of research which acquired that are not even worth the paper on which they are printed, the doctor Smits and the doctor Bailk as representative corporations NEO-Tech, have decided to make a completely new research. New research project called it simply „wolf".