No J-Turns (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#59 of Short Stories

A kobold arrives home, with a pleasant surprise and calm realization

~ The cold bite of Winter followed the kobold in as she slunk along through the front door of her apartment. Even with the door closed, whisps of chill danced their way about the room and off towards the beds. Content to let such things wind themselves down, she doffed the damp portions of coat and scarves and pants onto the loveseat that no one ever really sat in anymore since a piece somewhere in the frame gave way during that party that no one really enjoyed but didn't feel bad about.

~ With her minor boost to mobility, the kobold staunchly danced over to the kitchen with beat of a poorly hummed tune. She grinned widely at her discovery, while pulling a bowl and spoon out of the cabinets.

~ "Huh, Chuck really did do the dishes last night. Good on him.", rummaging through a drawer for the can opener with the smaller handle. Once the proper equipment had been acquired, it was with minimal delay that a volume of soup formerly canned simmered softly in the microwave. The kobold gingerly sniffed a portion of pulled up shirt. "Huh, I should really have done laundry last night. Shame on me."