The Moon Didn't Lie (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#57 of Short Stories

A dragon agrees, and comes to a conclusion.

~ The cold wind filled the calm night with a mixture of rustling leaves and swaying branches as the groans of the car's engine settling into the ambient temperatures dwindled to faint creaks. The dragon clutched his arms tightly to his chest as he leaned forward to peer out into the glow of the moon and patiently wait to stop shivering. Frost was gradually freezing to the inside of the windows as he looked over into the passenger seat, a shimmering moonlight illuminating the car's keys, his cell phone, and the phone's battery each neatly separated but at hand if desired. The shivering settled down as the chill worked its way to his core.

~ "They were right."

~ Calmly settling back down into the reclined seat, he focused his attention to the car's scarred and dusty upholstery above while he waited to stop feeling cold.