Chapter 7: All Aboard The Crazy Train

Story by Steve The Visionary on SoFurry

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#8 of Heroes of Alteria Vol. 1

He back here again . . . with her . He ran though the jungle, making sure to avoid the traps he got caught in last time. Jeeve sprinted like a madman, ducking and dashing through the foliage, trying not to be caught by her again. He saw a clearing and used the last of his energy to burst through it. He tripped and began tumbling down the hill, scraping and cutting his clothes along the way. Once he reached the bottom, he rose to his feet and grimaced . . . He was trapped.

He was on some beach, but had nowhere to run. With an ocean in front and a jungle in the back, he had ran right into her trap.

"Hello Jeeve. It's been awhile since we've met here hasn't it?"

"Stay away from me! I'm not afraid of you!"

"Yet you keep running? Tell me, why have you been avoiding sleep? A warrior needs sleep to stay sharp."

"Well every time, I lay down . . . I get thrown in this nightmare! I'm sick and tired of you haunting me! GO AWAY!" Kira smirked and lunged with Jericho towards him, Jeeve braced and parried the attack. Kira looked back at him and said "Why do you fight our bond? Don't you understand?! You and I are connected! Whenever you are distressed or frightened I feel it! And the same can be said for me . . . I know that you can feel my emotions too . . . So why do you fight me!?"

"Because you're a piece of shit! I hate you!!"

"Why so angry today? Are you afraid I'll . . . hurt your precious family?"

Jeeve took on a defensive stance at the question. "Oh so you are afraid of me and what I'll do to them!" Kira began circling him tauntingly, saying "What will you do when I kill the rabbit? Will you lash out and kill me in anger too?" Jeeve said nothing, just maintaining his ground. "I can feel a surge at the mention of her . . . You are . . . angry with her yes?" Jeeve gripped Ethos a little tighter.

"Ah you two had a fight, and I surmise it was about me . . . Yes interesting indeed. What exactly was the fight about?"

"Apparently you can read minds, so why don't you tell me."

"I can not read minds . . . only feelings, scents, and body language. You are a very easy creature to read. You tell me everything I want to know and more, just by standing the way you do now."

"Well this is my dream and I want you out!"

"You are in the DreamScape. An expansive world connected to every Arch warrior's subconsciousness. For some it is a safe haven from the woes of everyday life, but for me? It's a tool."

"What are you talking about?"

"There was once a time when every patriarch ever shared this space. And now with most gone, it's so easy to find the remaining ones, like you."

"If it were so easy, you would have found all of them by now."

Kira huffed indignantly, saying "Yes it's true. The last remaining Patriarchs do not utilize the DreamScape, making it nearly impossible to track them down. Though you found one without this place didn't you?"

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Oh but you already have. Tyloc was it? You did my father a great service by luring him out of the Lauren depths. Without you we would have never captured him."

"What are you talking about!?"

Kira chuckled coyly and said "Didn't you hear? We captured the great worm mere hours after you left Lauren. He tried to make his escape but the Kydon Navy, caught and effectively terminated this rebel. Now there's only two patriarchs. You and Nigel Gaiden. We've been looking for that fool for years, but he proves to be an illusive one. But maybe he'll show himself now that his trusted friend and ally is no more."

Jeeve couldn't take anymore and charged Kira. He went in to stab her, but stopped as he felt her spear slide into his abdomen. With a pained expression, he looked down and saw his bleeding stomach. Kira grabbed his neck and brought his face to hers. "I grow tired of this game. Where are you!?" Jeeve coughed and spat blood in Kira's face, causing her to sigh and to wipe off the excess. "I hate killing you in the DreamScape! Everything becomes so dull and lifeless when you're gone, but I need you to tell me your location." While on his back, Jeeve motioned for her to come near. Kira complied and bent down to the fallen hero, then went wide eyed in surprise. Using the last of his energy, Jeeve thrust Ethos with all his might into Kira's stomach. The Arctic wolfess hunched over in pain, then fell next to Jeeve, dying just as slow and painful as him.

With ragged breaths she spoke asking "So . . . You actually have it in you? I could never envision you killing someone."

Jeeve ignored her and instead focused his gaze up towards the setting sun. "You know you and I are not so different. We're both powerful beings, to large for the world we inhabit." Jeeve made the agonizing effort and scooted two paces away from Kira. "If I have to die . . . I don't want to do it next to you."

Kira huffed and reached out to Jeeve, grasping his hand. He instinctively recoiled at her touch, but then relaxed as he realized he wasn't getting out of it. The two lied there in the sand, holding hands and expiring. "This is not a very productive use of time." Jeeve thought while closing his eyes and exhaling. He felt Kira's hand go limp in his grasp and figure she had died. He felt his body finally shutting down as well. The hero relaxed the last of his muscles and let his body perish too.

Jeeve shot up in bed, and began scanning the room. It was much larger than his, and even in the dimly lit room he could see pink coating the walls. He looked besides him and noticed Natalia, the royal rabbit, fast asleep and curled up besides him. Jeeve sighed tiredly and plopped back down, this was the second time he had been killed in his own dream and he was tired of it. He made himself a reminder to ask Shirlene about it . . . Shirlene. Jeeve carefully slipped from the rabbit's grasp and made his way out the room. He went down the three floors and headed for the courtyard. Leaning against a railing, the young hero turned his gaze up to the sky.

"I shouldn't have let her walk out."_ _The hero turned around, half expecting Wolfram to appear and give him sage advice, but nobody came. Jeeve looked at his communicator and debated calling her. His finger hovered over her picture, but with a heavy heart, he let it fall to his side. Jeeve let his mind wander, causing him to think of Tyloc. He hadn't even known the great worm for a day's length, but to hear of his death made the young hero sad. "I can't believe I helped kill him . . . I should've listened." Jeeve felt something rub against his leg, causing him to look down and smile.

"Aw Clover. You always put a smile on my face." The hero bent down and picked up the pup, cradling her affectionately. "What are you still doing up? You hungry?" The wolf pup nodded and licked Jeeve's wrist. He smiled and sat down on the nearby bench, letting Clover get comfortable in his lap. The wolf pup crawled over to his wrist and began sucking from the cut. Jeeve looked at the feeding pup and smiled. "I don't suppose you know anything about losing friends?"

Clover ignored Jeeve and continued sucking. "Yea I thought so. I just . . . wanted to the right thing. I still don't get why she's so against this!? I knew Kira would probably be there! But did I chicken out?! NO!" Clover lazily looked up at Jeeve, then went back to sucking. "I don't know girl. Why is she so obsessed with money and gain?! I get we need the money, but she just got a million credits yesterday! And a crate full of those rubies the day before! . . . wow have I been busy!"

Jeeve looked down at Clover and saw her curled up, fast asleep in his lap. He absentmindedly pet her, until the sounds of approaching paws put him on edge.

"You're up mighty early."

"Oh it's just you Wolfram. Yea I couldn't sleep so I came out here to relax, sorry if I disturbed you."

"No it's quite alright, but If you're not too busy, I could use a hand with the Royal Carriage."

"Of course, say what time are we leaving?"

"We'll be leaving in the next three hours. I want to get the convoy moving in enough time to bar any accidents."

"Sounds like a plan to me! I'll help you get ready." Jeeve woke Clover up and sent her scurrying off as he followed Wolfram to the Castle's motor pool. Once there Wolfram opened the garage and revealed the vehicle to Jeeve. "Wait a minute! This is a freaking train!"

"Yes. What did you expect?"

"A spaceship? A super cool hovercraft, or even a hover train would do, but this is regular, plain old train!"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Well it's like the year 2100 or something? You guys got flying technology down packed, so why still have trains?"

"That is a very good question young one, though the only way to the summit is by railroad. The surrounding forest would make it difficult for anyone to expertly navigate.."

" . . . Shirlene could do it."

"Look out there . . . On the horizon!"

Jeeve turned his gaze to the outside horizon and grimaced. "Is that what I think it is?"

"If you are thinking of the ARK Tower, then you are absolutely correct. The Summit is several miles past it and that horrid thing is the only thing stopping us."

"Well consider this mission accomplished then._ _ARK Towers are no match for Ethos!"

Wolfram closed his eyes and sighed "It's not the tower that worries me . . ."

With the rise of the sun, came the awakening of a very excited Natalia. She bounced into the motor pool screaming "GOODMORNING EVERYONE!" Wolfram chuckled and replied "Well good morrow your highness. I take it your slumber was acceptable?"

"Acceptable?! IT WAS FANTASTIC! The best sleep I've had in years! Aren't you excited Wolfram!?"

"Excited for what your Majesty?" Natalia gave Wolfram an incredulous look and said "For the Summit of course! I'm ready to wipe the floor with those other royals . . . Politically of course!"

"Hold your zeal for when we actually get there your Majesty! It is unwise to be so presumptuous."

"Oh stop it Wolfram! I know that today's the day! I can feel it!"

Wolfram nodded to appease the royal, and continued moving supplies onto the train. Jeeve moved off to the side and stared at his communicator again. Jeeve looked nervously around, then quickly pressed her icon. The communicator rang and rang, but no one answered. He sighed sadly as Shirlene's voice mail came on. "Sup' loser. It looks like you're trying to call me buutttt . . . I'm probably ignoring you. Just leave a message and maybe I'll humor you." Jeeve grumbled angrily, then shot up as Wolfram tapped him. "Sorry young hero, I did not realize you were making a call. I just came to inform you that we are departing very soon, so it would be wise to come aboard."

"Thanks Wolfram." Jeeve said while standing up, and making his way over to the train. He grabbed his bag and sleeping daughter, placing both of them on the train. Jeeve then walked out and began climbing to the top of the train. "Young one! What on Alteria are you doing?"

"Well I gotta deflect the ARK Tower's beam, so It's best for me to be up here." Wolfram nodded understandingly, then adjusted his conductor's cap. "Wait a minute? Why are you wearing a conductor's hat? You drive trains?!"

Wolfram chuckled saying "Of course! One must be well versed when dealing in this kingdom. Help is very difficult to come by!"

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's very hard to get animals to help her highness. Most will not make the effort to assist her, they are still sore about her parents."

"Yea so I've heard . . . Wolfram?"

"Yes young one?"

"Do you use . . . The DreamScpape?"

"Why of course I use it, all Arch warriors do."

"Well how do you avoid being detected in it?!" Wolfram looked away for a second then replied. "Tonight I will teach you, but for now you must get ready to depart."

Jeeve watched as the sage wolf boarded the ship, leaving him alone with his thoughts. Jeeve sat forlornly as the train came to life, and steadily made it's way out the bay. The hero stood and turned as he saw a crowd gathering along the tracks. The crowd was holding posters, signs, and placards, wishing the queen safe travels and best of luck. Jeeve cracked a small smile as he saw the coyote from yesterday there holding an 'I'm sorry poster.' The crowd ran along side the creeping train, until the vehicle picked up speed and sped down the tracks.

Jeeve looked down and saw Natalia leaning out the window waving goodbye to her subjects. His mind began drifting to Shirlene, causing him to flop back against the train roof. "Why did you have to go Shirl?"

"Master Jeeve! The ARK Tower approaches!" Jeeve leaned over the side and saw Wolfram frantically pointing and saying "They've issued us a warning! It says to turn course or be destroyed!"

Jeeve stood up and looked to the tower, taking note of its laser barrel rotating. "Full steam ahead Wolfram! We will not be detoured!"

"Of course young hero!" Wolfram ignored the threat and began feeding the train more power, causing it to gain speed and barrel towards the tower. The ARK Tower's barrel aimed down and began charging. Jeeve readied Ethos and closed his eyes . . . He could feel her. The hero opened his eyes and noticed the beam had already fired, but like all other ones . . it just crept slowly along the horizon. The hero closed his eyes again and focused on the sensation. It felt like a warm hug . . 'It has to be her!' Jeeve thought while opening his eyes. The beam had made its way right to him , causing parts of the train to peel off at the exposure. He quickly swung Ethos at the oncoming beam and sent it flying back to the tower. The tower caught flames and exploded, shooting debris and rubble flying all over the forest.

Wolfram leaned his head out the window and said "Excellent work young one! The summit fast approaches!"

Jeeve nodded absentmindedly while staring down the tracks. He could see another little gathering. They looked like the gathering from earlier, but as he got closer he could see them holding weapons and setting canons in place. The mob began firing at the ship causing Wolfram to yell. "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK! Brace for impact your highness!"

Jeeve continued looking at the oncoming mob, but failed to notice the other animals climbing the back of the train. Ethos vibrated violently in his hands, causing him to turn and notice them. Jeeve held his ground and stared at the wolves menacingly. "Alright guys. I'll give you a chance to leave, before things get nasty." The wolves exchanged looks, then allowed the leader to step forward.

"By the order of his Honor Kyoto Kydon, You and this party are under arrest for breaking Intercontinental Sanctions. Queen Natalia was placed under Kingdom Arrest, two years ago. So now I give you a chance to surrender."

Jeeve twirled Ethos and said "If there's one thing I hate, it's crooked cops."

The wolves loaded their blasters and started firing. Jeeve smirked, dashing through their beams, and launching himself into the air. The wolves looked up in awe as he came down slicing one in half. They continued firing at him, only for him to dodge and slice. Jeeve looked around and noticed two wolves on his left and right. The wolves exchanged looks of nervousness, neither of them wanted to move. The one on the right began sweating bullets, the charged Jeeve. Jeeve stepped back and let the wolf run right off the train. The wolf hit the ground face first, creating a sickening crunch noise.

"So you're the last one? How do you want to do this?" The wolf looked at Jeeve then, took off running towards the back of the train. Jeeve looked at Ethos then to the wolf. He sighed and threw Ethos will all his might, the sword went straight for his target, lodging himself in he wolf's back. Ethos twisted and turned inside the wolf, making sure he was dead before he flew back to his master. Jeeve leaned over the edge and called "Is everything alright down there Wolfram?"

"Yes young one! A ruffian tried to board the ship, but met the end of my wrench!"

"Nice going! How close are we?"

"We're fast approaching the entrance to the summit, but there is a conundrum."

"Wait like a problem? What's the matter?"

"The entrance is being blocked by another group of animals. Though I don't know if violence is the answer."

Jeeve cupped his hands over his eyes and stared aver at the entrance. There laying on the track were several non militant animals. They looked like avid protesters to Jeeve and that brought up several problems. Jeeve scratched his chin and said "You've gotta be kidding me!? Fine let's just stop the train and make our way on foot."

"That won't work either . . . Look deep into the forest young one." Jeeve looked into the forest and didn't see anything. He squinted his eyes, then jumped back in shock. Camouflaged extremely well, were at least 500 plus soldiers.

"So let me get this straight. If we stop the train, we'll be ambushed by an army."

"That is correct."

"And if we continue, we'll kill unarmed animals?"

Wolfram nodded solemnly and said "I am afraid that is so."

"Well what do you think we should do?! You're much more wise than us!?"

"I do not know my child."

"Well ask Natalia!? She's the queen here!"

"She's . . . Well out of sorts right now. The mere thought of the situation has her ill and confused. You are the patriarch. Arch warriors have always had to make difficult decisions, just remember what and who you are fighting for."

Jeeve sighed and sat down frustrated, how was he supposed to decide something like this?! He looked back to the summit entrance and saw the animals just lying there, not even concerned with the impending train. Jeeve thought of his original family and how he wasn't there to protect them . . ._ "Not again!"_ The hero stood up with newfound resolve and said "WOLFRAM!"

"Yes young one?"

"Stay on course. If they value their lives then they will move." Wolfram nodded gravely saying "Understood." Jeeve closed his eyes and tried not to vomit as the the screams sounded and the train rocked. When he opened his eyes, he could see that the train had passed the entrance without further incident, he also took note of the blood dripping down the sides of the train.

Jeeve shakily climbed back down into the train car and tensed as he was enveloped in a hug by Wolfram and Natalia. "Thanks guys I-I . . . I'm sorry." Natalia buried her face in his chest crying "NO I'M SORRY! I should've done more!! I just hid while you and Wolfram fought, what kind of queen am I?!"

"A smart one your highness. We very well could've been killed, it was wise to hide."

"B-B-But T-The A-Animals! We should've stopped!"

"Hey! Don't you think about that now! We would've been killed, if we stopped. We've come to far to far to give up now!"

Wolfram nodded in agreement and said "Master Jeeve is correct. We have finally made it to the Summit your Highness! We're pulling into the bay now! This has been your dream since you were but a child."

"You're right Wolfram I-I . . . Just Did Not Expect That!"

"None of us did your highness, but now we must move onward. Getting here was half the battle, but now we must survive the actual proceedings! Let us go and make the roll call."

The group made their way to the exit, but were stopped by a loud stomping and overjoyed cheering. The commotion continued, causing Jeeve to peek outside. "GAH!! WHAT IS THAT?!" Natalia, snuck to window also, gasping in shock. "Wolrfam! Is that really him?" The elderly wolf peeked outside and nodded his head. "Yes your highness. That would be him. Though he has gotten much larger than I remember."

"Wolfram I'm scared!"

"Don't be your highness, he isn't here to hurt you." Jeeve shook his head in confusion before saying. "Wait who is that gigantic monstrosity?!"

Wolfram drew the curtain closed and said "That young patriarch. Was Kyoto Kydon."

". . ."

"Is everything alright young one?" Jeeve darted back to the curtain, peeking outside again. He couldn't believe his eyes, there was no way this was real.

"Wolfram! That's Kyoto Kydon!? He's a giant 6 tailed wolf!? I'm freaking out!!"

Wolfram peeked outside then quickly ducked saying "Get down children! Hurry!" Natalia and Jeeve ducked down, while Wolfram whispered. "You need to leave Jeeve, I was mistaken about this."

"Mistaken about what? Why do I need to leave?"

"He's watching." Jeeve crawled over to the window and peered outside, he quickly ducked back down when he saw Kyoto staring directly at him.

"You must leave immediately! You are not ready for this."

"Ready for what!? I thought I wouldn't have to fight anybody?"

"It is not that. You are not ready to be in the same vicinity as him. He will drain you dry."

"Wait drain? What do you mean by drain?!"

Wolfram sighed, saying "Kyoto Kydon was not always this powerful. Say did Tyloc ever tell you how he became the way he did?"

"Well it was something about politics and weapons right?"

"That is only half the story. Tyloc did not tell you why the patriarchs were hunted?"

"He said that Kyoto didn't want arch warriors running around anymore."

"No it was much more nefarious than that. He wanted our power. He developed those weapons to kill patriarchs and siphon their power into him. That is where his multiple tails come from."

"Well that's fine and all, but why do I have to go? You guys need me!"

"No you have done your part and gotten us here, now you must flee before Kyoto steals your life force as well."

"Well what about you?! You're a patriarch too!"

"Worry not for me child, I will be fine."

"Will I ever see you again?"

"Of course child. Probably sooner than you realize." Jeeve sighed and peeked outside once more. Kyoto was still outside, stalking on all fours, just waiting for Jeeve to leave the train. Wolfram patted his shoulder and said. "Her majesty and I will buy you some time. As soon as we leave . . . run._Do not stop, until you are well away from this place."_

"I understand." Natalia shuffled nervously toward him, and gave him a nervous hug. "Be safe Jeeve. There are others out there, that'll need your help."

"I'll try." The group shared one last look, before Natalia and Wolfram left the train car. Holding Clover tight, Jeeve sprinted right as they left. He looked back and saw the large wolf staring intently at him. Kyoto squinted his blood red eyes, then calmly nodded his head, turning around back towards the summit. Jeeve ran, leaping over the closed gates, and continuing down the bloody railroad tracks. By the time he had made it back, it was already dark out. Clover yawned and hopped out Jeeve's arms.

"Oh are you tired? Let me call Shirlene to pick us up." Jeeve pressed her icon on his communicator and waited patiently for her to answer. When she didn't, Jeeve got worried. "You don't think she's still mad at me do you Clover?" Clover scratched her ear in response. "Yea you're probably right, but just to be safe . . . Computer?"

Jeeve waited for the C Wing's computer to respond, but he was greeted with silence. "COMPUTER! What's wrong with this thing?!" Jeeve began scrolling through the applications on the device, when he saw one that said locate C Wing. Jeeve anxiously pressed the button, and waited as the device tried to locate the C Wing. The device binged and brought up a satellite map of the ship's location. Picking up Clover again, Jeeve followed the instructions. He walked for about ten minutes before Clover started aggressively barking. "What's the matter? You hear something?" The pup wriggled her way out his grasp and darted through the woods. Jeeve sighed and ran after her, hoping she hadn't gone too far. Jeeve sighed in relief as he saw her in a clearing, but his relief didn't last long.

"What . . . happened?" The hero fell to his knees as he saw the C Wing on fire. Jeeve quickly ran to the entrance and pried it open with Ethos. He frantically grabbed the fire extinguisher and began spraying it every which way. Once the flames were doused he said. "Dear God. What happened?" Jeeve rubbed his eyes in disbelief as he saw papers, tools, and trash strewn about. It looked like a tornado had hit the C Wing. "Clover. Please be a dear and sniff around for clues." The wolf pup yipped excitedly and began sniffing around, pawing through things she thought was useful.

Jeeve made his way over to the captain's chair and began retching. Her workplace and desk was covered in blood, presumably hers. Jeeve staggered back and fell on the floor. "This can't be happening! Oh God it's everywhere!" Her shakily stood to his feet and began sifting through her desk. He pressed a button on her computer and the C Wing came to life saying "EXECUTING SELF REPAIRS. ESTIMATED TIME DONE . . . 3 AND A HALF DAYS."

"Computer . . . Where is Shirlene?!"




"Well what can you do?"


"Oh yea. That is kinda important. Was anything stolen?"


"Well doesn't this thing have surveillance?!"


"This is no good! We don't have that kind of time! Do you remember anything about what happened?!"


"Well what about flying? Can you fly!?"


" . . . So we're stuck here for 5 days?!"


"I don't want full ship power!! I want Shirlene back! There has to be something we can do! Did she leave any clues around or something!?"


Jeeve sighed and sat down in her chair. "This is all my fault! I should've stayed with her! Now she could be dead, all because of me!" Clover whined, then leapt in his lap, rubbing herself up against his chest. "Oh Clover! What am I gonna do?!" the wolf pup unsteadily stood on her hind paws and wrapped her father in a hug. Jeeve hugged back, then set her down. He walked outside and hopped up on top of the ship. Looking out at the night sky, Jeeve said. "Wherever you are. Dead or alive . . . We will find you!"