Slutcat and Sworddog #19

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#20 of Slutcat


In which Slutcat takes on a Dragon and gets spooged


Slutcat and Sworddog followed Irileth up some stairs to a room behind the grand hall. Jarl Balgruuf was there interviewing a soldier who had just come from a place called the Western Watchtower,z where a dragon had been sighted. After some words with the guard, he turned to Irileth and commanded her to gather a group of soldiers and confront the dragon.

The Jarl of Whiterun then addressed Slutcat directly, "There's no time to stand on ceremony, my friend. I need your help again. I want you to go with Irileth and help her fight this dragon. You survived Helgen, so you have more experience with dragons than anyone else here."

Slutcat stared at him open-mouthed. "Me? Yeah, I had experience... Running from the damned thing!

The Jarl looked disapponted, but continued, "But I haven't forgotten the service you did for me in retrieving the Dragonstone for Farengar. As a token of my esteem, I have instructed Avenicci that you are now permitted to purchase property in the city."

He also handed her another bit of armor, which apparently passed for gold around here, she thought.

Slutcat leaned seductively against a support. "Well thanks Jarl," she said in a sultry tone. "Now I can be a property-owning corpse," she continued, her voice shifting into full scale sarcasm, "Thanks a lot."

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The Jarl leaned in close and whispered in her ear, "when you return, perhaps we can discuss your other talents in private?"

"Now you're talking! Well come on Irileth! That dragon's not going to slay itself!"

Sworddog ran after Slutcat and Irileth who were hurrying towards the small garrison and some waiting soldiers.

"Slutcat! What are you doing? You're going to attack a dragon!"

"Damn straight I am! Come on, you can help too."

"I'm not sure how much good I can do. I can't fly you know."

"You can distract it while I hit it with my Sparks!"

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The three ran to the main gate where some men stood waiting. After a rather humdrum 'inspirational' rally, Slutcat and the men passed through the gate and headed out into the nearby countryside to find the dragon.

"Kind of weird for a Dunmer to be rallying her men using the 'Nord card', don't you think?" Slutcat commented quietly to Sworddog.

She nodded back to Slutcat, "well, it seems to have worked."

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"So," Sworddog said as they followed the others. "What did the Jarl give you anyway?"

"Some helmet. Here, what do you think?" Slutcat said, pausing to try it on.

"Slutcat, you look ridiculous."

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"Yeah. That's what I thought. And it might interfere with my inverse proportionality armor. What do you think, should I try it out against the dragon?"

"Mmm. Probably better wait for something less... lethal," Sworddog suggested.

"Good thinking..." Slutcat said and ran on all fours to catch up with the others before removing it.

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When they got to the tower, though it had obviously been attacked with fire recently, there was no dragon to be seen. However, when Slutcat went inside the tower a soldier was there insisting it was nearby. That was when they all heard the dragon's roar. Slutcat could see the soldiers outside looking skyward and all had their bows out, but she was pretty sure she didn't have the range of an arrow.

"What about if you go to the top of the tower? You might be able to get closer to it," Sworddog suggested.

"Good idea!"

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In a moment she was on top of the tower and she saw the dragon. "Sworddog, it's not the same one! This one is smaller!"

"Looks pretty damned big to me!"

Slutcat tried her Spark spell. A couple of times she did manage to get a hit when it came close enough, as evidenced by the blue glow that the sparks caused across its scales. But then it saw her.

"SWORDDOG! RUN!" she screamed, but it was too late for Slutcat to avoid the dragon's fire. She maintained her Sparks spell till the flames came roaring from it's mouth as she backed towards the stairs down. She ran to the stairs as fast as she could then and took only some minor burns which she quickly healed with a potion.

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"That's no good," she said as they got to the bottom of the tower. "There's no place to hide up there."

Sworddog nodded. But then they heard Irileth calling to her men. She ran outside to see the dragon on the ground attacking and she swung around to apply her spells to it's side as it concentrated on Irileth.

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But then the massive head swung to face Slutcat. It was bloodied from a myriad of wounds and arrow shafts stuck out of it like a porcupine. It advanced on her, ready to unleash the fire yet again, but Irileth had recovered and was hacking at it as well while more arrows found their mark and Slutcat continued her minor spark assault. Before it could take another breath, a mighty hack from Irileth finished it and the dragon rolled to it's side, dead.

But instead of laying dormant, the body began to glow with an increasing intensity and something swirled around Slutcat, apparently eminating from the dead dragon. Slutcat knelt to look down it's throat but her vision began to blur as power flowed into her.

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"Oh fuck!" she screamed, not sure what was happening.

"Slutcat! Get back!" Sworddog barked, but before she could do much more it was over.


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The soldiers began to talk of her as someone called a Dragonborn, though she had no idea what they were talking about. Irileth, iracible as ever, would have no part of it and began the walk back to Whiterun.

"Slutcat? Are you okay?" Sworddog asked.

"I think so. But I think that dragon just spooged me."

The dog laughed, "Well, if that was dragon-spooge, at least it doesn't leave a mess you have to wash up!"


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"Speaking of which, that Jarl better have saved up for me. I deserve a fucking hosing after that."

"Your metaphors never cease to both amaze and disgust me, Slutcat."

"I'm just sayin'."

"Slutcat, you deserve whatever reward you want. And if it's a 'hosing' from the Jarl of Whiterun you dream of, I sincerely hope he covers you from head to toe."

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Slutcat closed her eyes, visualizing her dream scenario.

At the climax of her imagining, the ground shook beneath her feet and a thunderclap was heard.

Slutcat sat down on the path, shaken. "Whoa! That was a damned lucid dream! I must be more desperate than I thought."

"Sorry Slutcat, that wasn't your dream. Something happened just now. Did you hear the voice in the thunder?"

"Yeah. Could you make out the words?"

"Doh Va Kin?" Sworddog suggested.

"I heard 'Do Again'."

"You would have heard that."


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