dmc 767 chapter 7

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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#8 of dmc 767

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sorry for the delay on release. I got busy last week and forgot to post. So you will get 3 this week (2 of them are long enough to add another chapter normally)

Chapter 7- world update

POV- Carl (B rank adventurer)

I could not help and get mildly drunk after getting back to base. Of course we reported our findings first before getting shit faced. I was at a half buzz when Shari attacked me for no reason, or was it an attack as I remember seeing her naked and me as well. My memory is fuzzy and all I remember is feeling good. When I woke in the morning I felt drained and I found myself naked in her private cot. She was cooking some eggs and onion and it was not till after breakfast that I noticed her smiling at me like I did something wrong. Then it happened. She kissed me. Then she attacked me again in my confusion. I never knew she had those type of feelings for me. It was not till evening we were called to the guild hall again and everyone we knew had a snicker on their face. Whispers of " It is about time." and " Finally putting two and two together." comments came at me regularly. Am I the only one that was oblivious to her feeling? I shook my head at the thought and decided what now is now and then was then.

After entering the guild hall meeting room we sat down across the guild hall master. He was only rank A but he is more experienced than us by several decades. He could be S rank now if he decided to not retire after twenty years of service. In truth I am probably a better fighter than he is by physical build alone but his skills and tactics alone trump me. He puts a hand on his head and I recognize the reports we filed earlier in front of him as well as a message. " If it is only a single village, no by now I am sure the influence has spread to the whole area now. Even this that is acceptable sacrifices." I was confused. " Guild master?" He sighs with a heavy head and looks at us. " If you fought it. How sure of winning were you?" I was not completely sure but my guess would be about half and half, but that is why I do not do the thinking during a fight. " Less than five percent of putting it down. Even if we went in knowing we will die, but the others are not trained as we are. They would have broke ranks quickly once one or two fell. So five is being generous." I was shocked. She evaluated that dragon that highly. Yes, it had intellect but we have killed things with that before. " Why do you think that?" I see Shari become nervous. " Well the truth is is his confidence. I am sure he summed us up much more than we did him at a glance. He talked down to us. Hell I think he was almost out right ignoring us and talking to the village more than us. Like some noble." The guild master seemed humored by a moment but stopped at a momentary smirk. Dread overtook his humor quickly. " What I say will not leave this room. Of course I do not expect it to stay silent for long but what you encountered is a triple S class threat." Both my and Shari's jaws drop. SSS is the highest ranking threats. A fully legion of rampaging dragons able to destroy a large country would only be classified as a SS. He continued. " Dungeon masters in themselves are dangerous beings. In their own turf they are classified as kings and rulers. As you know the demon empire is one such example." We both nod. " However dungeon masters are a rare sort. They are incredibly weak but cunning. And they provide a service to taking mana from ignorant fools who would use it for their own gains. So they provide stability to the land. A core is different. They are strange being that can create a dungeon anywhere they want!" I did not understand as Shari spoke up. " So are you saying they are more powerful than normal dungeon masters?" The guild master shook his head. " That is not quite right. How to say it. Think of a blacksmith that makes swords. Now a sword man would be the ones that most normal dungeon masters would be called. However a core will be classified to be the blacksmith." I still did not understand as Shari stood and slammed her hands on the table. " What!" I look at her to explain it better.

POV- Shari

I could not control myself. I did not understand it fully but in essence anyone can wield a dungeon, even unskillfully, but a core can bring out the full potential of a dungeon. Not only bring it out but create even more dangerous dungeons. " How do we stop him?" The guild master put his face in his hands again. " There has been a total over seven hundred known dungeon cores. The last appeared over 500 years ago calling itself core 7-6-6. That core was allowed to grow strong enough to cause a major war within a decade after being discovered. That is the most recent case. The ones before of note. The Holy Revival wars, the destruction of the Trustidan republic, and the civil war of Grangor. Just to name a few others." I blink amazed. Those are all historic wars lost to time. Few organizations are older than the adventurers guild and of course they would have records of such things but to believe that it was like this. " What do we do? We can not do nothing." The guild master sighs again and looks up to us. " We are an out of the way branch of the guild in the far reaches of the world. You two are the strongest I got and by they time we go back to hunt the core it will be much stronger than it was before." I did not know what to say. We could not do anything. " How did they stop them in the past?" The guild master seemed broken as he leaned back on his chair. Now I know why he is so depressed. " In the past when a core becomes fully grown it will require tens of thousands of sacrifices. No hundreds of thousands, but this core is young. It has the form of a young great dragon. The core status alone upgrades it's threat grade a level beyond that. The guild is hastily taking action now calling all nearby S rank or higher adventurers and former adventurers and the neighboring lords together for a strategy meeting." I could not question that. I am a nobody B rank from the fringe of the world. How am I to know better. However I did have one question. " If I may be bold. There is the issue of this so called son." The guild master shook his head. " He is far gone. Because we are not sure even what variety of dragon blood he is. A holocaust is not something we can arrange. Especially with the dragon tribes on edge in the south." I was surprised he even mentioned causing a mass extinction of dragons. I would think it would be a simple manor but that is not the case it seems. The request stated a lizard man but it may be more accurate to say he is a dragonoid or even a newt. If it is not a newt then he will be even hard to track. So all that we can do is wait.