Story by Naveronasis on SoFurry

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The Wildlands Attria is a Novel. All chapters here are not to be considered final even those not labeled DRAFT. The method of writing is as follows. I write chapters as somewhat of a flow of consciousness which will contain inconsistencies, grammatical errors, placeholder dialogue, and exposition in place of events that I haven't figured out how to describe.

If you are bothered by literary errors avoid the "DRAFT" chapters until they are updated and the DRAFT designation removed.


ALSO SPOILER WARNING Just for fun I am going to keep some of the more interesting notes about the progression of the story here.

Renno was once a human named Matthew but since hes not the main character I changed him into a pine marten to reduce the level of intrigue generated by his subplot.

Originally Matthew was not a plague survivor she only mistook him as one. The plague was not introduced to amnesia Renno it was just a convenient part of the plot to begin with.

Originally Matthew commented in Chapter 1 about how the stew tasted like venison which (IMO) was the greatest bit of foreshadowing but as a non-outsider with no memory I had to remove it ; ;

Chapter 2 and 3 were once a single chapter but It was too long and had to be broken in half. Also almost none of it was planned other than the well.

Originally Renno started naked as well because I felt i needed a stronger reason for his rescue but I eventually realised everyone started the book naked and it was just weird.