Chap 4 Teaser (SPOILER WARNING!!)

Story by Wolfwind on SoFurry

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hey guys still working on chapter 4 but I kinda felt like releasing a small teaser.....ok a really big teaser lol. (^^,) it gives away the big secret of my series so far, so if you want to wait til I release the entire chapter to read it, now is your only warning. For those of you who can't wait, here ya go : 3

PS this section is subject to editting depending on how the writing goes.

"Hit me."

I swiped the top card of the deck off with a gloved thumb and laid it down on the wood. King of Hearts.

I grinned. "You bust."

"BALLS SHIT COCK SUCKER!!" Chris shouted and threw the cards at me. I chuckled while bending down to pick them up.

"Bro, keep it down!" I cocked my head for a moment, listening for any noises out of the ordinary. When I heard none, I just smirked and passed the deck of cards to Chris.

Still fuming, the Byakko shuffled the cards then flicked two cards at me. I picked them deftly out of the air and took a peek. Ace of Clubs and Five of Diamonds.

"Hold 'em," Chris said simply and dealt five cards onto the wood.

I took a second to look at them before laying down my cards face up. "Full house. Aces and Eights."

Chris stared blankly at the cards I had laid down. Then his furry eyebrows came together in a fierce V and he smacked his cards down.

"How the hell do you keep winning, Nate? That's like 9 times in a row now. That's not even statistically probable! You would have to be the luckiest mother fucker I know." I sniggered while he smoldered and picked up the cards.

"Pshhhh," I waved him off. "I don't need luck. You shouldn't underestimate me." I breathed the cool air in deep as Chris shuffled again. Then I snorted and realized I should calm him down. "So did I tell you that I think Brandon is trying to trick me into saying the 'L' word?"

That seemed to do the trick. His eyebrows shot up and he glanced at me sidelong. "Yeah? How?"

I shrugged, "Well, after sex, he keeps-"

Chris cut me off by flattening his feline ears against his skull, covering them, and started "Lalalalalalalala"-ing. I paused and frowned at him. He saw me and removed his paws from his ears.

"I don't need to hear about your fudge-packing adventures, you peter puffer. Five card draw," Chris said nonchalantly and dealt me five cards.

I scowled as I picked them up. "What, you get to tell me about all of your pussy excavations in detail, but I can't mention the word 'sex' without you flipping out?"

Chris set down a couple cards. "Dealer is taking two. Well duh. Pussy is normal. I don't care that you and Brandon are touching twinkies, just don't tell me about it. Anyway, he keeps what?"

"I'm fine with what I have. Yeah, he keeps saying 'I love you', and it's putting me into very awkward positions."

"Do you?" Chris asked with an ascended eyebrow.

I grimaced. "Yeah,"

"Then what's the problem?"

I snorted. "You know the problem. If the Institute found out I love him, then I'm in some seriously deep shit. Flush," I mentioned and laid down the hand full of Hearts. A fluffy white flake fell on the top card and melted almost instantly. I looked up to see a torrent of while snow falling down from the nightly heavens.

Chris glared at me for a second then his watch started to beep. He peeked at it. "Eleven o'clock already?" then he shivered. "Damn, it's freezing out here. I didn't expect it to snow."

I sighed heavily as I stood up. Sitting on my heels for an hour might not have been the smartest idea. I picked up the deck of cards from the shorn tree trunk we had been playing off of. When Chris convulsed again I rolled my eyes and peeled off the black tactical jacket I was wearing. Now I was only wearing the skin tight black shirt that only covered my upper torso and black combat shorts.

I tossed the jacket to him and it landed on his furry head, his ears sticking out from the sides.

"Here, now quit your bitchin."

He pulled the jacket off of his head and shoved his arms through the sleeves. "Thanks man. Did you want your flashbangs?" he offered the grenades to me.

I shook my head and pulled out my wakizashi that I had impaled in the ground. With a quick whip to fling the dirt off of the blade, I turned to the SkyTech headquarters that glowed against the night sky.

"So you know your corpse?" I questioned.