The Predator of the Predator becomes the Prey

Story by Blondie709 on SoFurry

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Jon Talbain is from Darkstalkers, which is owned by Capcom© and Fox McCloud is from Star Fox, which is owned by Nintendo©. Andrew Emerald belongs to me.

Fox was running. He didn't know for how long, but it was a long time. His muscular, naked body was gleaming with sweat from his exertion. His breathing was growing more and more labored. He had a good stamina level, but he had never before been chased by such an endurance-filled creature.

The one giving chase to Fox was a massive blue-and-white furred wolf by the name of Jon Talbain. Jon's belly was rumbling with hunger, and so he refused to give up. He would have that fox inside of his belly if it were the last thing he did. And so he ran, keeping the scent of the fox in his nose even if he lost sight of the orange-furred future meal.

Fox realized he was slowing down, because the creature was slowly drawing closer and closer to him. He began looking around wildly, hoping there would be somewhere for him to hide. After a moment or two, his eyes focus on a cave just a little off to the side of his current position. He breaks off towards it, hoping there was enough distance between him and the creature for him to lose it.

However, unbeknownst to both Fox and Talbain, there was a third creature. This one was a massive, muscular cat, his fur a bright shade of white. However, his eartips, toe-tips, and fingertips were all a brilliant shade of emerald green, seeming almost painted onto his fur, though it was completely natural. He chuckled deeply to himself, knowing what was approaching his cave. He had been watching Talbain for days now, memorizing the patterns in which he chased his prey. Talbain assumed this cave to be unoccupied, and as such he often chased his prey into it to be devoured. Tonight, the cat knew that Talbain wouldn't be leaving the cave. His cock grew hard from the many thoughts running through his head, the shaft being larger than most people's entire bodies. He pointed the tip at the entrance of the cave, awaiting his long-coming snacks.

Fox was so close to the cave, so close to what he thought was safety. But the moment he ran in he found himself buried waist deep in a massive cock. While this was not entirely unusual for him, he hadn't been expecting it this time and therefore was too in shock to fight back.

Andrew, the massive cat, laughed softly to himself as he flexed his shaft, easily slurping up Fox entirely. Fox's stunned form bulged within his shaft as it traveled down to Andrew's balls. Those massive orbs then swell to an even bigger size as Fox plops down into the musky liquid. The balls seem to crunch in on Fox, and with many "slurshes, gurgles," and "glurks" he melts away while moaning, the cum tinted orange now as Andrew's cock grows.

Talbain rushes into the cave, expecting to see Fox trembling at the dead end. However, all he sees is the massive cat with an even more massive cock. He blushes and he sniffs the musk, but he becomes angered when he realizes the musk has a bit of Fox's smell, which meant this large cat had stolen his prey. "Hey cat! That fox that I chased in here was supposed to fill my belly tonight!" He then took up a fighting stance, his anger not letting him see the clear difference in power.

Andrew smirks as he studies the wolf, his cock twitching as he envisions how his next meal will go. "So you wish to fight me wolf? Very well~" Andrew flexes his cock, the enlarged shaft rising and then dropping right onto Talbain, squishing him against the floor of the cave. He smirks as he hears the wolf yelp, and he uses that opportunity to shove the tip of his cock into Talbain's mouth. "You can still have that fox fill your belly, he'll just be a little creamier now~" As if on command, Andrew's cock begins to pour forth a river of cum, flooding Talbain's mouth with the thick and musky seed.

Talbain's eyes widen as the liquid is forced down his throat, his belly swelling very quickly with the sheer volume of the spunk. After minutes of the liquid flowing into his stomach and he feels he is at the bursting point, he feels the flow stop and the cock is pulled from his mouth. He gasps for air, coughing as he tries to regain his composure. But with his now massively swollen belly, he can barely move.

Taking advantage of that, Andrew shoves Talbain's face into his cock, the imprint of the wolf's muzzle clearly outlined in Andrew's cock. As much as he struggles and flails, the wolf is inevitably sucked deeper, his entire form within Andrew's cock. You could see every detail of Talbain's face before he slid down to a creamy fate similar to that of Fox. The cum had lost the orange tint since Andrew shot it all into Talbain, but as the cum melted Talbain away he moaned in pleasure.

The newly formed cat spunk had a blue tint, and the veins on Andrew's cock began glowing a deep blue. He smirked with his growth, stroking the shaft fast, blowing his new load into his own mouth and drinking down the wolf-turned-cum. After twenty minutes of guzzling his own seed he pulls away with a satisfied sigh, rubbing his swollen midsection. "You were one of my tastiest loads of cum ever wolf~ I cannot wait for you to reform tomorrow so we can do this all over again~" And with that, Andrew fell into a pleasured sleep with dreams of endless Fox McClouds and Jon Talbains for him to devour.