Kharlia: The beginning (part 1)

Story by Kixt on SoFurry

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#1 of Kharlia

This is the first story I've ever written, and sorry the lack of grammar, I come from a non english speaking land, and it troubles me a bit. So please do not bitch the grammar, but I hope I get some good response on this, if so, I'll continue to write part 2 and so on, wich I promise will have yiff in it :)

enjoy the world of Kharlia!


This story goes around in two different worlds, our own world and another realm called Kharlia. Our world is a modern city, as we live in, yeah, our world. Kharlia is a dimension living next to ours, it's a medival place wich magic and old fairy-tales from our world lives.


Valikorlia - The classic medival nation, can look like old England, knights and noble men are most common here.

Athedia - The semi-technologic land, it is most famous for its airships and Reavers, their elite force. They are most like, technological nation for that time.

Dalmar - Dalmar is more -the- technological land, it has mechs, huge machines wich is mostly used as digging machines, they got crossbows wich use mana(Magic) to fire off bolts, looks more like modern rifles.

Empyria - The nation wich roams the seas. Their abilities are sailors and got the biggest fleet in Kharlia.

Alkaria - This nation looks and acts more like Germany under the nazi realm, military and tactics are their best ability, they have what is called LSCB1, a crossbow wich can fire repeatable without loading a bolt.

The Horde of Vragdish - This is the Horde of Orcs, most all orcs are from The Horde of Vragdish

Lahan - Lahan is the desert people, their capitol is in the middle of the desert. They are most famous for their desert riders.

Frost - Frost lies north of Kharlia, a frost covered island. It's winter there all eyar around and the people there are small but still, huge, think vikings.

Taron - Mostly known as the nation of mages. Here magic is greatly taught to others, a lot of great mages came from this nation, it is also mostly known for The Mage Cannon.

Cir'ri - Cir'ri is more of an independant city wich is on a small island, it's considered as a sub-nation.

Suiriku - Suiriku is probally the most peaceful kind of all the nations, they hate war and their culture is more like China and Japan.


Setengar - The main diety in Kharlia, most refered as the platinum Dragon. He's the god of light and goodness. Setengar only publicly did something active once. He banished Vinx, the current master of the 7th Circle from Valikorlia at the end of the first Abyssal War. He's probably the most passive of the Gods. Personality wise, he's much like a Judge. Serious, to the point, and without mercy. Despite that fact he's a platinum dragon.

Setengar takes many champions and paladins, and he is always revered as a tall knight in gleaming armor, or his popular insignia that is the platinum dragon.

Syren - Syren is the godess of love and water. Seen as probaly the most compassionate of the Gods, she is the one that has acted the most, directly. This was during the founding of Empyria and often, many of her acts were done through Magnus' words. She is the most generous of the Gods and scholars claim, at times, she created human beings while Setengar and other Gods supported and encouraged the more ancient races, such as the elves. She is thoughtful, kind, and sometimes goes against the word of Setengar, even though her intentions are always good.

Dearuhk - Godess of Darkness. Syren's competitor for "Most active Goddess". Dearuhk is responsible for much of the world's grief. She never does much against demons and other evil types, even though Setengar has tried, time and time again, to convince her to. Most of her direct acts are done through the Drow. Most of the other Gods don't have such direct "prophets" or "champions", so due to Syren and Dearuhk each having a person of choice, they are considered the most active. They are often at each others throats as Dearuhk corrupts whatever Syren works to purify. Dearuhk is angst filled, for unknown reasons, and spites all the other Gods save Searith. She is more the dark dragon.

Saurvold - The god of fire and Justice. aurvold has never directly interfered, although rumors of a Pheonix flying about and protecting Pheonix Mountain were always quite abundant. Most of his action is take through his followers, sometimes called zealots or champions. Saurvold is Setengar's right hand, the Sherrif, one might say. Setengar's followers are often supported by Saurvold's. Setengar's often guide Saurvold's followers into battle, when the time comes. A good analogy is the Inquisition. The Priests of Light would be to the Saurvold's followers as the Pope was to the Knights of the Cross. They often take the roll of vampire hunters, demon hunters, and so on. Saurvold's quick to act and relentless. He's said to have a very short temper. Saurvold has a reputation for appearing in the form of a great fire bird, the phoenix. Other drawings show him as a fiery humanoid with wings.

Elan - Considered by many to be a 'lesser god' in comparison to the 'greater gods' of Valikorlia. The Frostatian people now believe him to be the true god, the one who makes everything for their people possible. Elan is the god of wind, hunting, and perseverance, all of which you will find in the landscape and people of Frost. The harsh winds blow through the jagged peaks of the island, creating an omnipresent snowfall almost everywhere on the island. In return for weekly prayers from the public and daily prayers from the leader of the religious sect, Elan blesses the people with prosperous hunts and the perseverance to survive the harsh winters their climate offers them. Hardened by the bitter cold and crashing winds, the people who call Frost home are not easily shaken by battle or death, given this strength through Elan. Elan was not originally the god of these people, he came to them through the Disciple of his order Wyand Gieuge, and Wyand's brother Malak, the Champion of the Elanic order. Through the teachings of these brothers Elan slowly came into all Frostians hearts and prayers.

Ohoku Teleri, an ex-harbor master showed great devotion to his new god and friend; Elan appointed him leader of the religious sect, naming him an Elanic Prophet. Also showing great faith and devotion through his technique with a sword.

Elan is also worshiped by Elves of the plains, where the wind rustles the oat stocks and grants speed and quick travel to the wilderness runners, or Wild Elves. These elves are shorter than the forest elves by a good 5 inches on average, they dress more appropriate to their surroundings, wearing tunics and boots, instead of robes and soft-soled shoes like their wood dwelling cousins, Elan blesses them with the ability to blend in naturally with the swaying grain of the pastures and to defend their borders with fierce resistance, much like a mother hawk, defending her nest from egg-thieving reptiles. Less is known about the mysterious people of the plains, because they do not record their history in form of text, but rather in the form of stories handed down between families.


The wind blew throughout the plains between Valikorlia and Taron. It was a cloud-free sky as the people and all other living beeings ran around underneath it. No one knew what fate would soon be released upon their poor realm. A local farmer who had his settlement between the two cities looked up at the sky and drew his hand over his forhead to take away some sweat. He saw his children run across the crops, playing with their dog. He gave a smirk, thinking how great life was, but it was then catastrophy hit. Suddenly the whole ground started to shake violently, he found himself soon on the ground as the shakes were too strong. First thing he thought was about his kids and if this was an earthquake. He fast got up just to see the wall of flame wich came for him, he couldn't even call for his kids before he was consumed by the flames and turned in to ashes in a second. In couple of seconds, 50 kilometres of earth had turned to ashes, and in the middle of this burning inferno, stood a man clad in black robes, his hands held high above his head as his face was hidden underneath a hood. He slowly let his hands fall down and the inferno quit in a second, all life had been destroyed except him, an evil chuckle was heard as he turned around, looking at the disaster. He started to walk away towards the mountains where his keep lay.

~~~~~~SO IT STARTS~~~~~~

"It's outrageous" yells Kevin as his right palm hits the table he was sitting behind. The men who had gathered around the King of Valikorlia looked at him with curious eyes. It was then a lady stepped forth "But my liege, what are we going to do about it?" her voice was calm, but still soft. She had long brown hair, green sparkling eyes. Her slender body was more or less perfect in the eyes of any man. Her breasts were not too big, but either not to small. Her pointy ears was the proof of she was an full-blood Elf. Kevin staretd to bite his underlip, thinking "50 kilometres each way? How could he do it?" he broke the long silence and looked up at the people. No one answered him, and it made Kevin more angry. He stood up and walked around the table so he was infront of it, looked at his most trusted men. A sigh of dissapointment was let out from his mouth. Kevin was a man in his middle-age, some gray hairs was already showing in his short brown hair. He got hazel-brown eyes, wich looked at his men with anger. He was a broad-shouldered man on 6'1 feet tall and his body were scarred from more than one battle.

He swallowed "Well?" he didn't say anymore, it was then a black-haired man, gray eyes, a slender man stepped forth "Your majesty, it's not much we can do, he is The Dark Dragon Knight, we can simply wait until he strikes again, but I can set out more city guards to patrol the city to look for his minions?" "Ah, yes Grand-General, do that. make the people feel safer than what they really is, avoid panic at all costs." Kevin nodded toward his General. Kevin shook his head back and forth "Everyone, leave, I need to get some rest, and Jade" he pointed to the girl who had spoke first of his people "Yes your majesty?". She still kept her soft and calm tone in her voice. "You stay, I need to speak to you."

She nodded and waited until everyone had left and the door was closed. "What do you wish to speak to me about, your majesty?" Kevin waved his hand toward her, as if he was waving away an anoying fly "Do not your majesty me when we're only two here. But, I want you to travel from Valikorlia to Athedia, I really hate to do this, but I want you to inform King Fer'nlis about The Dark Dragon Knight's so open attack, and he has to tell the others, alright?". Jade gave Kevin a nod "Was that all, Kevin?" He nodded "Yes, that was all, go now, make haste, sorry to say, you need to travel straight away, we do not have time." She gave Kevin a nod as she too left the chambers. Jade went to the royal kitchen and got her supplies ebfore she went to the stable and took the best horse she could and started her long journy to the east, where Athedia lay.

~~~~~~8 DAY LATERS~~~~~~

Jade now found herself infront of the great city wall of Athedia, it was made from some weird red coloured stone, it was huge and strong. Jade rolled her eyes <> she thought as she saw the crimson colours. At the gates stood 6 guards, all clad in Athedias colours black and crimson. The captain wore the same uniform as the others, but he instead of having nothing on his back, he had a crimson-coloured cape. Carved in to the cape was Athedias symbol, the blue eagle with its wings spread out. They stopped her "Halt there missy" one of the soldiers said and stepped infront of her, blocking her way. She cocked her right eyebrow and looked at him "Something wrong, cadet?" she said with a bit arrogance in her voice, placing her hands on her hips, standing next to her brown mare. "What brings a Valikorlian to this place, if I may ask?".

"I am here to speak to the king, I am in a haste, now let me pass" the soldiers around her, who had gathered in a circle around her started to laugh "Why would he speak to *you*, Valikorlian?" it was the captain who spoke this time. A man in his hirties, strong jawbones and ugly. "Since I am Lady Jade Hanochi, now let me pass" the guards looked at eachother "Alright, we'll let you pass, all because you're a noble" and the gates were opened by a command the captain shouted out. Jade went underneath the gate and entered the city of Athedia. She looked around, not impressed, the place looked more like the slums she had seen, one road was made of stone and rest was wet mud, people rushed pass her, busy with their own buisness. When she was walking up the road, she paid no heed the merchants who tried to get to her, she had come here in buissness and wanted to leave as soon as possible.

It was then she heard someone shout and hoofs wich hit the rock was heard. She just managed to get out of the way and take the reins of the horse, as if it was magic, she halted the horse. A man with blond hair came running behind it "Ahh, thanks mi'lady" he gave her a bow "He suddenly paniced and started to run." The man who had just spoke to her stood 5'9 feet tall, he had ice-blue eyes wich peered in to her green ones. He had busty blond hair and strapped across his back was a sword. He was smiling toward her, a warm, welcomming smile, she couldn't do anything but smile back "Oh, I see, well, here he is" she handed him the reins, he gladly took it. "Well, uhm" he looked down in to the ground "May I ask what your name is, mi'lady?" he was very polite, she noticed, however, Athedians usaly didn't were this polite, and she saw he was an Athedian due she saw his clothes.

Underneath his right arm, resting to his side, as he was holding was a black helmet and he had a paddern armor on him and a cape with the eagle of Athedia on it. "Oh, well, my name is Lady Jade Hanochi, noblewoman of Valikorlia, what might your name be, stranger?" "Oh, my name is Kixt Norkazz, Reaver of Athedia Army at your service" he gave her a deep bow, the same bow you give to a lady. She couldn't do anything but giggle "Why are you actually here? You do not act like an Athedian and well, you're too cute to be one" she simply said that to see his reaction, and her reaction bit suprised her, he blushed. He scratched the back of his head shyly "Well, I am an Athedians, but only half. My mother is an Empyriand and my father is an Athedia, a weird mix, I know, but it fits perfect for a bastard as m'self. I am half of two races, half-elf you see"

he gave her a smirk "But do tell" Kixt spoke again "What brings you to Athedia?" She blinked suprisely, she had forgotten her reason for a second "oh..Yes, I am here to speak to the King, something horrible has happened and King Kevin sent me in all haste." Kixt nodded "I see, but well, a lady as yourself should need escort. Let me show you the castle." Jade gave him a nod to say she accepted it. He wetn betweent he two horses and took her horse's reins too and started to walk. "Well, you see, Athedia is not as it once were, the last years with war against those damned Alkarians has made a few things....Why we do not greet strangers as happily as we used to." he shook his head sadly "But anyways, I still keep it as I am not as every other Athedian" he chuckled. Jade giggled again "I see I see". No words were spoken as they went. Soon she went in to a house, it looked like a horrible shack, she couldn't belive the king of Athedia would live in this. Kixt made a halt and looked at her "I'll tell him you're here, mi'lady Jade. " he said as he opened the doubble-door wich stood infront of them. He went in and the door was closed. Jade looked around in the room, she saw an old piano standing in the corner, two stairs went in an half-circle to second floor and there was a huge picture of Athedia castle, she knew it as it stood written underneath it "Athedia Castle". She shook her head, why live in a shack when you can live in a huge nice castle, but she wouldn't question their habits, Athedians was known to be one of the best soldiers in Kharlia. It was then Kixt came out and waved her to him, telling her she could enter. She gave him a nod and entered the "throne room" wich was a single room with a table filled up with papers, maps and other things.

With his back turned to her, stood Fer'nlis. He was a huge man, atleast 6'7 feet tall. She stood there, amazed by his massive size. He was broad-shouldered, she could see that and wore no crown, it was not hard to see he was a king, it almost shone out from him. When he turned around she could see his face. His hair was black with white stripes in it, hazel-brown eyes wich almost shone with inteligence. His jaw-bones were strong and big and he had a scar wich went alone his nose. She shook her head "Greetings your majesty, King Fer'nlis of Athedia" she gave him a lady bow. He waved his hand to her, smiling "No need to act all nobleish here, well, you may act as you want, but simply, do not say your majesty" he grimaced "I am still not used to it, even though I grew up with it." he pulled back his chair and sat down, his eyes, never left her eyes. He guestrued toward a chair wich stood infront of his table "Now Jade, tell me why Kevin sent you here?" he folded his hands as if he was to pray, but placed his elbows on the table and let his head rest at his huge fist that was his folded hands.

Jade took a seat before she explained "You see, not even a tenday ago, the plains between Taron and Valikorlia were burnt to ashes" she said, but Fer'nlis cut her short "What? Is that all, Kevin wants me to send soldiers, now as I am at war, to help the peasants?". Jade shook her head "Please, let me finnish....Well, it happened all under a second, and witnesses who stood outside this, say they saw..." she stopped up a second, taking a deep breath "The Dark Dragon Knight who walked away from the place. 50 kilometres, all ash in a couple of seconds.." Hearing that, Fer'nlis leaned back in to his chair and placed his folded hands on his stomach "Tarus? Hah, he's dead they say, if he's alive, he must be old? 130 years old?" he frowned "We all know that, yes, and that The Dark Dragon Knight is a Human and would be impossible, but as a Champion of Dearuhk, he suffers under the Dark Dragoon curse as his minions, the Dark Dragoons." She never let her gaze fall away from Fer'nlis' eyes. The king pouted

"Horseshit...horseshit and dragon shit!" he stood up and looked around in the room, as if he was afraid it was someone else there "I thank you for this information Jade, I think Kevin wants me to send these words aroud to the other Kingdoms?" he looked at her, she nodded in agreement. He unfolded his hands and placed his right hand on his forhead and let it go through his hair "Well...I'll tighten the defense and pull back my forces from Alkaria, make them belive they've won..Heh, bastards.....This is indeed serious, much more serious than an ancient feud between Alkaria and Athedia." He liked his lips to wet them. Jade kept silent, letting the king speak out. "Now, do we know where Tarus has his dark den?" he looked at Jade this time, she shook her head "Nay, we just found it out under a tenday ago, as I said. We have no more information, but after this meeting, think I'll go ahead and scout alone, si-"

she was cut short again as the door suddenly was forced open and Kixt fell in, he had been listening to the conversation, all in secret. He landed with an "ouf" and rolled around "Uhm....Hello...I was...washing the floor..". Fer'nlis couldn't do nothing but laugh "Kixt, ye' damn besterd, ye' can never be left b'hind can ya'?" Jade was suprised how Fer'nlis real accent were, she shook her head and looked at Kixt who was standing up "Sir,I'm sorry, and I give my apologies to you too, Lady Jade...But, as a Reaver, I can't let you go alone!" he punched his own chest, not hard though. She cocked her right eyebrow, but before she could say a thing, Fer'nlis spoke "Mesh! Eh(Eh=I) see ye' still 'ave not studi'd' th' Reaver 'istory, 'ave ye, bloodeh' besterd." he chuckled and shook his head "I'll grant ye' that if th'lady 'ere accepts yer' acompany, aye?" he looked over to Jade, more begging her to take Kixt with her. She couldn't but shake her head "I'm not sure, he needs expe-" Fer'nlis started to laugh "Eperience, eh? Well, ye' betta' see, Kix' 'ere is one of the best soldiers I got....Ye' shoul've herd' 'bout his victery' ova' in Chartar'(Charter) port."

She saw Kixt start to blush "I simply did my duty, sir". Jade sighed "Very well, I'll take with me the Reaver and I would be glad if you could spare me 2 other of your soldiers to acompany me on this scouting." The nod started to make up a grin "Perfect! Imma' sen' ya' to the Captain of tha' gates, ler'im(let him) sen' with ye' tha' bes' guards I got der'." he staretd to write down some papers, Jade kept silent, same did Kixt. When he was done he handed it her and stood up "Eh(I) wish ye' good jerney' an' bes' off leck'(luck)." he motioned to them to tell them they could go. Jade gave him a nod, then a lady bow before he went out, Kixt followed her as if he was her tail and closed the doors behind them. Soon they found themself on the street again and out from the city. "The Captain will give us supplies and such, I have all I need on me, what 'bout you?" he looked over at Jade. She nodded "I have what I need" she said and once again they went with a thick silence between them. When they reached the gate, the Captain didn't even ask any questions, he handed them two brutes of some guards before they left.


The follow on 4 people was walking down a very bad road, they were sliding and stumbling forward, the rain they had encountered came suddenly. On their left side was the great mountains known as the Daggermouth Mountains. It got its name as it looked like a Dragon-shaped mouth and the huge tops looked like the teeth of a Dragon. Soon they found a pub on their way and entered it. It was not many in it, but it was some few. A dark clad man sat at the counter of the bar, drinking some beer, some others were scattered around the room at the tables. The follow went to one of the tables and sat down and was to discuss the matter of their travel. Jade told the 3 others that they were heading around the Dagger Mountains to the plains where it was nothing left to head for Mount Laboo, where she suspected where his den would be. She named Tarus a lot, and it seemed it caught the attention of some people around them. After getting some refreshments the two guards went up to bed, letting Jade and Kixt sit down alone. "Well, Kixt, what do you think of all this?" Jade asked him after a long time of silence. Kixt was looking in to the cup of ale "Oh, well, I haven't tought so much of it, as it came as a hit...But if you fear for being attacked, I'll protect you." he looked up from is cup and directly at Jade. 9 people, sitting at their left stood up, Kixt and Jade didn't give any attention to them, only when they suddenly drew their blades, roaring "By the Dark Knight!" as they spun around to face Jade and Kixt.

Kixt blinked a bit confused by this sudden move, not understanding a thing. Jade, jumped up from the chair and slide across the table and stood next to Kixt, her hand on the pommel of her sword wich she kept at her left side. The 9 men started to move in closer "This is the end of the journey, no one will interupt the plans of the master." By those words the man at the counter spun around looking at the brawl "Excuse me, gents, would you please lay down your swords, this is an evening of joyment, not onslaught..." no one could see his face as it was covered in a hood. One of them men turned around "Shut it, scumbag, keep out of this if you value your life." Kixt got up, cougehd a bit as he suddenly drew his Athedian Reaver, holding it with both hands at the side, letting it lay in a 60 degreece angel out "Well, they want a fight, stranger..let them" The crowd of people would surround the two, the hooded man did nothing, just kept on watching. It was then a breaking noise is heard from the stairs as the two Athedian brutes came running down with their swords drawn, even with no questions, they tossed themself at the back of the men who had gathered around Jade and Kixt, killing 4 of them in some seconds.

The others went to attack on Jade and Kixt. Kixt held them at bay with his sword, swinging it around like a mad-man, crying out "Norkazz! Norkazz!". The men stood ready a second before tossing themself over, two had turned around to fight the two brutes at their backs. The sword came down for Kixt's face, but he deflected it with his sword, then let the tip face down so the sword slid down to his guard, wich were on the hilt. He moved inwards, pushing the sword to the side as he sent his sword in to the mans open chest. He went down screaming, but Kixt was not done, his movements were done in 3 seconds, giving the ones infront of him no time to react. He spun around, his back facing them as he suddenly pulled his sword out from the falling opponent to send it in to a backawrd thrust at his side in to the other mans throat. He went down, blood splatting everywhere and only a disgusting gurgle was heard from the victim. The burtes of some Athedian and slaughtered the two others and everyone gathered around the last one who stood there, still willing to fight. "You better lay down your weapon and spit out where The Dark Dragon Knight is" Kixt said, calmly, his clothes staiend with the blood of the mans fallen comrades.

The man looked around and accepted his fate "Never!" he snarled as he went forward to stab Jade who stood next to Kixt! But his sword never reached her, as suddenly black-robed clothes came from above, as if he came from the ceiling, and blocked their view. When all the loosely-hanging clothes they could see the hooded man stand behind the other one, his blade dug in to the mans skull. The unknown entity pulled out his sword and placed it in to his scabbard and let the mans limp body fall to the ground. The silent lay over the bar as a heavy fog, it was then the hooded entity spoke "I'm sorry I didn't act before now, I wanted to see how good you were...." he said and looked straight at Kixt. Kixt then saw his glowing blue eyes and nodded "Ahh, I thank you Draconians" he said, recognizing the movements. The hooded one laughed as he pulled off his hood. He was an handsome man in his late twenties. He had brown long hair wich had curls in it at the end, very girl-like too. He didn't look strong at all, as he was thin as bone, but what took most of the small follows eyes were the fins he had, instead of ears, he had like Dragon fins as ears. Kixt reached out his hand "I must thank you, Draconian for saving Lady Jade here, my name is Kixt Norkazz" the Draconian took his hand and shook his friendly "The name is Xanorion Keftarn, I'm a Dragoon of the Order"

he said, smirking. Kixt nodded, and looked around on all the corpses "What a mess we've made....." he said, shaking his head. Xanorion looked at them "So what brings 3 Athedians and a Valikorlian to these places? Oh wait, stupid question, I listened to your conversation, sorry, I know it's rude but I heard you mentioned Tarus Rubeus. Well, I must also thank you, we just killed some of his most trusted Minions. Damn, a bit fast too, Tarus will be pis-" he couldn't say anymore, and as if he was summoned, Tarus indeed came. The ceiling above their heads were ripped to only sticks, falling ontop of them and the poor bartender died where he stood, a plank had impaled his skull and in to the ground, he still stood due the plank wich held him up. A black sphere of power covered the fallen heroes so they couldn't see it, but they felt the intense power wich surrounded them. Just luck everyone survived the thrashing of the pub and when they stood up, it was only one clean space, it was around the entity who stood in the middle, he had his back turned to them, he slowly turned around as if he knew they were looking at him. Tarus Rubeus, The Dark Dragon Knight was wearing a black trench-coat wich was open, underneath he was wearing a black shirt with black pants. His hair was brown and his eyes were green and glowing with the mana he had gathered around him.

He was very handsome by girl standar and looked at them. When he spoke, what surpised Kixt was the voice he had, it was so, normal. But still, it had the tone of power in it "My men, stand up! Minions?" he looked around and suddenly saw the corpse of his men and saw they had been slaughtered by sword his eyes burnt in to them "You.....You 5!" he pointed at them "How dare you slaying my followers?! HOW DARE YOU ALL!" he stomped his foot in to the ground as a spoiled kid who gets angry. This time, it was Kixt who spoke, he took a step forward "For once, how did you know it was us, second....Tarus Rubeus, you are to come with us to stand to court for what you've done, slaughtered thousands of people". It was silent for a second, but simply to be answered my laughter. "Haha youg mortal fool! You dare to encounter *me*, I, Tarus Rubeus, The Dark Dragon Knight, to imprison me, it's either stupidity or bravery. You should more kneel before my feets and beg for mercy for what you've done to my men...Also, to answer your first question, I read your minds." Kixt looked around on his follow and suddenly noticed a hole in to the ground wich led to a tunnel, it had been ripped open when the roof had crashed down on to them, but how it had opened, was a question to be, perhaps the gods was there to aid them, Kixt didn't know, but he did know, he had to get the others out from here. He turned around, Tarus however, was a pompus ignorant, thinking he was unbeatable.

Kixt nodded toward the opening, and winked, and once again, he got the suprise, they understood him. They nodded and started to walk backward, even Xanorion followed the others. Kixt took a step forward, toward the hole "You're right...You're too powerful..But..." he suddenly grabbed one of his daggers wich was in his belt, and threw it, didn't even see if it struck its target, he sprinted after the others and down the hole.


Kixt landed with an "ouf" again as he rolled away from the hole, he heard Tarus' cackling behind, cursing himself for missing him. "Fools! Run, I'll get you...My minions! Raise again, I give you new life!" a wave of power were felt going through Kixt, but he didn't stop. He got up and looked at the others, Tarus voice were heard again "Go after the infidels, SLAY them and let them rot...Muahahaha!" Kixt and the follow started to run as they saw red eyes start to cover the entrance to the tunnel. They ran as fast as they could, but simply, Jade fell over and screaming in pain "Agh! Run! Let me stay here....I'll only slow you down." Kixt ran back picking her up "I wont leave you, I'll keep my oath, Lady Jade." He said as he started to sprint as fast as his legs could carry him, he heard the splashes of feets hitting wet muddy ground behind him. He saw the two Athedian brutes stand ifnront of him and waved him forward "Run Kixt, We'll stay behind and make sure they can't follow you, it has been an honor" said the one to the left as Kixt sprinted pass them, giving a prayer to Syren for the two fraet and noble men who sacrificed themself. Kixt, carrying Jade, run as he had never run before as two screams were heard filling the tunnel and instantly he knew the two couldn't hold the dead people away anymore.

All his hope to survive was shattered moments later as suddenly an explotion went off underneath his legs, sent him spinning around until he struck the wall and the air was knocked out of his lounges. He had dropped Jade and she was laying on the ground, watching in terror at Tarus, who stood in the middle of them. Kixt couldn't belive it, he possessed the powers to warp! He gulped and stood up, drawing his sword once again. He didn't say a word as he ran for Tarus, only to be stopped as Tarus lifted his right palm and aimed it at him, he was stunned by magic. He screamed out in frustration "NOOOO!!!" he stood completely silent. Tarus, went over to him laughing "Oh dear.....Looks like you're stunned in fear....Hah! What to do with such a man and his bitch....Hmm" his eyes met Jades, they were suddenly filled with happiness. He then pointed at Kixt "I'll slay you and rape your girl!" he said, drawing his own blade and sent it straight in to Kixt's heart! Kixt gasped in pain and shock as he felt the sword penetrate his heart and out his back. He heard Jade scream out as this happened. Kixt felt his head slowly fall down as he felt sleepy. But only to be raised by Tarus, as if to mock him in his death, the last he'd see was Tarus face grinning. "Oh no, Kixt.....I'll do something far worse to you....Haha.."

he placed his left palm on to Kixt's forhead "Den'hathar Gon'than farm'ouse ALTACHT!" and by those word, Kixt felt horrible pain shooting through his body, he felt his sight fade away and it went dark for a second before it went a bright flash before his eyes and he fell to the ground. Slowly his sight came back and he looked around, seeing Tarus stand over him, grinning. "What...What did you do?!" Kixt yelled as he put his paws in to the mud and rose a bit up. He let his eyes fall upon Jade who looked at him with her eyes filled with terror.He gulped and looked up at Tarus "Oh....I did something...." he pointed at a small pit of water "See for yourself" he grinned. Kixt crawled over to the pit and looked down, just to scream out in shock and terror. From the pit of water, a wolfish face was looking back at him. Coal-black fur with Kixt's ice-blue eyes. He looked down at his body, seeing his paws, tail and back-paws. He looked up at Tarus "NO!" he said as he sat up, patting his body down "no no no no!" he more cried. This was far worse than death indeed for Kixt. Tarus had turned him in to an Animalitic. Not much is known by this race, only people belive it's the race Tarus made for pure fun, they were looked upon as beasts, animals, nothing. Kixt got up and shook in fear "No no no! WHY?!" he grabbed his knife at his belt, pulling it out and stabbed his heart once again, only to feel pain go through his body, he gasped in pain. He once again gazed over at Jade who were crying for him.

But, he didn't die! He looked down at the horrible wound he had given himself. He froze in fear, Tarus laughed "Haha, not only that, I made you immortal, bound your soul to the body, fun, hm?" he chuckled. "NOOOO!! Why, I AM A LIVING DEAD!" he screamed out, and his worst fear had come to be true. He was a man of Syren who hated undead, now, he was one of them it looked like, and he would never be welcommed in to her halls. He fell to the ground and fainted due pain and shock.

Part 1 is finnished.