Growvember Day 23

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#23 of Growvember Series

Bryant takes Chris out to let off some steam at the vacate city of Hamfton, where they make a few discoveries.


November 23

The next morning, I took a deep breath with what I was planning. Slowly sitting up, I survived my surroundings to try and determine my size. Sadly, I couldn't tell very well with having been sure to move back from the city once more. So turned to my side to get up.

"Watch it!"

I instantly froze, not wanting to move another inch. I turned my head slowly to look down, noticing Chris was apparently trying to approach me, and I had almost crushed him under my hand.

"Holy shit! Chris! I'm so sorry!" I moved my hand back, making sure to look around where I was putting it this time to make sure I wasn't going to crush anyone else.

"Its fine Bud, I shouldn't have gotten so close without giving you a heads up." He rubbed the back of his head.

"I assume this is about my demand?" I asked, staying on my side since it was easier to talk to him. He looked liked a slightly larger action figure to me.

"First, they don't like it, and I don't like it. But...they'll allow it. For now. If it goes too far though, they will use force. Despite you saying how you are invincible, they still feel they can take you out if needed, and it seems they are willing to sacrifice a few for the many, if need be." He crossed his arms and spoke. I nodded at the seriousness of the ordeal, and couldn't blame them.

"Okay. They can give us locations they know are evacuated or already in ruin. If we run into any of the rogue macros, we'll take them out as well and bring them back." I explained, starting to stand up. I'll admit, I did like watching him having to slowly tilt his head up more and more just to look me in the face. Now at my full height, I could see he was basically knee high to me, which would put me around...

"holy shit....3000 feet...." I whispered. Shawn slowly nodded.

"Yeah, and Nicolas is still bigger than you. That bear is gonna break a mile any day now." He pointed behind him where Nicolas was still snoring. Kevin was nearby him, but now that the fox looked even smaller, it was getting harder to tell if he was even still breathing.

"Please tell me they made progress." I sighed down. But Shawn only shook his head. I sighed.

"Okay. Well then, I'm going to take Chris to Hamfton to try and get out his urges before we get too big. We'll be back tonight." I started to walk over to the sleeping puma, who was curled up in a fetal position. He probably cried before he fell asleep.

"Hey, Chris, wake up." I shook his shoulder gently. His eyes slowly peeked open, looking over at me.

"Something wrong?" He said lowly, though not moving.

"No, everything is fine. Figured you might want to go for a walk instead of being stuck here." I gave him a tug on the arm to get him up.

"Man, I really don't want to okay? Take Nicolas instead." He tried tugging his arm back, but I held on.

"Nope. Me and you. Lets go." I tugged him again and heard him sigh before getting up.

"Bryant. I'm really not in the mood." His eye gave a brief glance over to Kevin.

"Look. I got permission to go wreck a city. So lets go wreck it. Clear out minds. Do some stuff." I winked at the end. He only looked down at the ground.

"I don't think I should."

"Look, we both need it. Its been really tense lately so we can just let loose and have some fun." I put my arm around him, starting to lead him away. Again he sighed, saying nothing but just going with it.

It didn't take long to reach Hamfton like it did the first time. Thinking back, we walked here when we were below a thousand feet. I wanted to say it felt like ages ago, but it was barely five days. Over 2000 feet just in five days, and the growth was still accelerating. I could be a mile tomorrow possibly. I shiver went down my spine. Was that in fear, or was I actually excited for it?

We finally came to Hamfton, the city looking mostly untouched except for the area I had damaged during the fight between me and Kevin.

"Okay, so what do you want to do first?" I asked, looking towards Chris.

"I don't know. I just don't feel into it."

I looked at the city, walking towards it and reaching down. When I first was tempted to pick up a skyscraper, it looked liked a model building. Now, even the tallest bearly managed to get up to my shins. I reached down, gripping it carefully by its base and started to rip it up, a feeling of exhilaration going through me at what I could do. It was cool! I could feel my tail twitching excitedly as I stood back up, looking over the building. Other than a few broken windows, it looking mostly intact. I took it back to Chris and held it out for him.

"Look, mostly intact. Go ahead, use it for whatever you want."

He looked down at it, but refused.

"Its not that easy. I just can't." His shoulders slumped. Well, that meant I had to be more aggressive then. I stepped closer and lowered the tower, only to grind it against his balls with the palm of my hand, groping.

"Dude what-" He tried to step back, but I slipped my foot behind him, causing him to trip backwards. The boom was probably heard from miles as cracks formed in the earth. I easily went with him, staying on top and continued my ministrations. I could see the panic and pleasure in his eyes as he squirmed under me.

"You just crushed thousands of homes merely with your body laying down. And if your balls weren't in my hand, you've would've crushed more." I teased, trying to narrate his own story. He continued to squirm under me, but I could feel his sheath plumping up, his tip probably peeking out by now.

"Bryant, stop!" He roared out, his muscles tensing before he actually flipped me off, landing me hard on my butt before jumping up onto me, pinning my shoulders to the ground and snarling. I actually felt fear gripping my throat, knowing that one snap of his teeth and I was dead.

And then, he kissed me.

I was shocked, wondering if this is what he felt when I did it to him. No, this was different. This felt...passionate. Not a one and done. I didn't even try to force him off but instead embraced it, letting my body relax and kiss just as hard back before he finally broke off.

"I'm sorry. But after that other night. I couldn't stop thinking about it and you. I'm not gay, just bi. I didn't tell you because-"

I grabbed the back of his head.

"I don't care." And brought him down for another kiss, slipping my other hand to grope his rear. I never thought a guy would turn me on, but maybe I didn't know myself as well as I thought.

Needless to say, Hamfton was wiped off the face of the world that day.