Michael and Eric - Chapter 1: The fated meeting

Story by CraZygAEmeR on SoFurry

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#1 of Michael and Eric

A mouse is out looking for his true love. His search is interrupted when he encounters an elephant.

Michael looks out across the grass, a gentle breeze blowing through his grey fur, as he stretches his legs. For most species this would be no problem, but for a mouse everything becomes a marathon. The only thing keeping him going is the story he was told. Michael comes from a (very short) line of people who found their true loves while on an adventure. His dad did it, and his mother before him; now it's Michael's turn, and although he's only been away for two days he still regrets not bringing anything. Sure, surviving with nothing but your wits sounds adventurous, but you should make sure you actually have wits to survive on. No experience... no supplies... Michael can barely say he's got clothes on his back, only his favourite red shorts. "This is no time to be turnin' back." he says to himself as he strides off, a determined look on his face. Nothing could stop him now!

"I need... to stop..." Michael lay down to catch his breath. It took him minutes to achieve what many could do in seconds, and he still hasn't reached the other side. It doesn't help that his stomach is growling. He doesn't want to give up. "I'll find my true love, just have to keep goin'." He repeats this over and over to himself in his mind. He wonders what his wife will look like. Is she curvaceous? Does she smile a lot? Is she smart? Does she have big... 'assets'? Is she good at conversations? And what about kids? Is he be able to take care of kids? What about a job? You need to have a stable job for a stable relationship, right? Will they argue? How will he know if he found the right person? Michael was having doubts. He pictures himself in a car with his kids, driving through the rain, trying to find a cheap hotel. He imagines so hard he could practically feel his wife's wedding ring in his pocket, and his cheeks wet with tears, and his eye blackened. "Maybe this was a bad idea..." As if to confirm it, his stomach growls once more.

Trying to get his mind off things he looks up at the clouds, the setting sun painting the sky orange. "Layin' in the grass watchin' the sun set. Eventually I'll be sharin' moments like these with someone." He muses. "My wife could be frolickin' through this grass at this very moment." The ground starts to shake. He looks about in panic and sees an elephant -- completely naked -- moving towards him. As it passes overhead, he can see a massive cock attached to two gigantic balls, swinging from side to side with each movement. Michael's eyes wander to his shorts. "Whoever goes with him will surely be pleased." He whispers under his breath. Then it happens. Michael can barely react as the elephant's rear rushes towards him and he is consumed by darkness.

As Eric lands on his bum, he lets out a fart. He must've slipped on something, but there's no time to check; he has to get to the toilet quickly. He carefully stands back up, unknowingly bringing a guest with him, and moves towards his house as quickly as he can manage, letting out gas along the way. Michael can feel his fur getting soaked in the elephant's butt sweat. Eric opens the front door, rushes to his bathroom and sits down on the toilet, releasing Michael into the water. Eric pushes hard, an avalanche of faeces and urine. Michael swims under the water to avoid getting hit. It takes a few minutes for Eric to empty his bowels. He gets up and moves his hand to flush when he hears a voice coming from the toilet; looking inside he sees a mouse. He carefully picks it up, washes it under the sink, and places it on his bed. The mouse sits with his arms crossed, refusing to look a Eric. Eric worries about the mouse's safety. "Are you okay?" He asks.

"Okay?! You crushed me with your butt!"

"W-when did that happen?"

"You sat on me in the field!"

"I think I slipped on somethin'."

"And you even..." Michael is embarrassed that he has to say it. "... f-farted on me." Eric blushes as he realises it, and rubs his thumb against his trunk nervously.

"I-I'm sure it wasn't... that bad, right?" Michael is fuming. He's ready to go on a rant, but when he turns around he notices how close he is to the elephant's junk. He could reach out and touch it.

"W-why aren't you... wearin' p-pants?" Michael stammers nervously, his cheeks red. He's never been this intimately close to a woman before, let alone another man.

"I usually don't get guests in a remote place like this. When I'm out on a stroll I like to feel the cool breeze flowing between my balls." Michael is surprised that the elephant could talk this casually about his own balls to someone he just met. "Um... want anythin' to eat?" Michael nods as his stomach growls. Eric walks off into the kitchen, swaying his hips in an effeminate way as he moves. Michael became mesmerised on what was once his prison until the elephant's rear disappears from view. His shorts were becoming uncomfortably tight.

The two ate without a word, the silence only broken occasionally by Eric passing gas. Michael noticed that Eric ate a lot of food, and he was fat even for an elephant. By the time the two finished their meal, it was already night time. Eric was the first to speak. "It's really late, your wife probably misses you."

"I... don't have a wife..."

"A cute guy like you?" Eric blurted it out without even thinking. Only Michael's parents have ever called him 'cute', and even then it was when he was a kid. Michael tells the elephant his story: about how his parents met, about his adventures in the wilderness, about finding true love. Eric just listened attentively. When he concluded his story, Eric gave him a smile. It was a gentle smile. It made Michael feel warm inside. "Whoever they are, I'm sure they'd be glad to have you."

"What about you? D'you have a wife?" Eric just shook his head. "A sweet guy like you?" Michael covers his mouth at what he just said. Eric looks out the window.

"You can stay the night if you want."

"We haven't even introduced ourselves."

"I'm Eric."

"Michael." The mouse smiles back.

Eric gently carries Michael to the bedroom with his trunk, placing the mouse onto a pillow. The bed is very big, probably big enough to fit three Erics. Eric lies down next to Michael, stretching and yawning. As Eric shifts to his side, facing away from Michael, he lets out a rumbling fart that lasts for a few seconds. Michael can see it travelling through the covers up to him. As the fart hits him he starts coughing: it's making the air dry. "D-do you... *cough*... fart a lot?"

"Yeah. Sorry." Eric replies as another massive fart escapes him. "I hope it doesn't bother you too much."

"It's... *cough*... fine..." With that, Eric closes his eyes and quickly drifts off to sleep, which doesn't seem to stop the gas. Michael can tell it's going to be a long night. Despite it all, he's still able to smile. Even while his new friend's rear lets out a hiss, he looks forward to what the morning will bring. Maybe this is a sign that things were starting to look up. Now if only he could get some sleep...