The Windsar Adventures Part 1: Threetails

Story by Gideon Kalve Jarvis on SoFurry

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#1 of Windsar


The Windsar Adventures

Part 1: Threetails

By Gideon Kalve Jarvis

She only looked back once, and that was only when she knew that she could still be seen by the others as they waved goodbye to her from the tallest tower of Charles Windsar's keep. While Sheru told herself that this was to show her sisters mages how she would miss them, but that she was still confident in her abilities to accomplish the mission set out before her, the real reason was that she didn't want to let the homesickness and the fears that hung in the pit of her stomach like a swallowed peach pit to grow any stronger than they already were.

"It's up to me now," said Sheru to herself, before she thrust out her chin, lifted her head in confidence and determination, her floppy peaked wizard's at a slightly jaunty angle, and set forth onto the long road ahead of her, smiling into the bright sunshine that filled the air all around her with the waxing of the glorious early spring morning. "Best not to leave destiny waiting for me."

As the best of the old wizard's pupils, Sheru Windsar had been the one that was the natural choice to set out into the world, to accomplish the great task that needed to be done. Tabitha, the blue-haired diviner (a lingering remnant, it was said, of some draconic blood in her ancestry), had seen it in the stars. While Tabitha was certainly young, she was gifted far beyond her years, her poor vision (corrected with horn-rimmed spectacles) belying the clearness of her second sight. For maximum clarity of sight in divination, however, Tabitha was often required to carry out long and arduous rituals necessary to coax the visions of the future into her view, something for which her meticulous attention to detail made her as well-suited as her magical potential, and which also suited her for her role as librarian of the keep. Tabitha took her time with her predictions, but Charles Windsar himself had asked her to probe into the future with her greater natural talent, fearing for what he had seen himself, albeit in a far more peripheral fashion, and hoping that Tabitha's own investigations would prove his fears ill-grounded.

Charles Windsar, whose last name many of the young, orphaned women in the old wizard's keep now bore (though a few clung to their last names for their own reasons) had been one of the greatest wizards of three ages. His magic had kept him alive far beyond the bounds of normal human possibility, and all with the aim of keeping the world safe, protecting the delicate balance required to keep the beautiful world of Therafim from falling into ruin and darkness. More than a mere advocate of good works, the elder mage was more than willing to back up what he taught with actions, and sponsored many orphanages across the world, to tend to the victims of the recent conflicts that had so badly wracked every land and race of Therafim. From these orphanages, which took in lost souls from every walk of life, class being no defense against the ravages of war, Charles Windsar selected a small cadre of young apprentices, all of them female, who he brought to live with him in his keep. There he trained them with all his skill and patience, awakening within each of his young pupils the powers and skills that they would need to face and overcome the conflicts that the war-weary wizard feared so badly.

Despite the talk that fomented in some groups of the social elites of humans, dwarves, and elves that Charles Windsar frequented in his efforts to gather support for his cause (and all-too-often without fruit), the elder wizard was a strict homosexual. This was his true reason for selecting only girls: he felt that the work for which he was preparing them was simply too important for him to be distracted by the intimate potential that was an inherent part of the mentor-student relationship. This was not too say that he didn't love his girls like daughters, for he did, and dearly, but that was as far as it went. He was a doting parent, and an indulgent teacher, but he was indeed one of the greatest wizards in the world for the passing of three ages of human history, and every one of his apprentices had within her the potential to match him, each of them in her own way. Of that he was certain, and he instilled this confidence and determination into each of them. They would need it for the conflicts that the elder wizard saw looming on the horizon of history, conflicts into which he had wanted Tabitha to probe with her greater second sight, to uncover the details that would be essential to saving Therafim. But while he saw the beginning of the days-long process that Tabitha undertook to divine from the alignment of the stars and the ways of the elements what was coming, and what was to be done about it, Charles Windsar never saw the results of those divinations.

After three ages of life, the death of Charles Windsar came as an understandable shock. He had left one day, to attend a great conference of wizards and spellcasters of all races in the magocratic land of the Council of Wands, and then, only two days later, he had appeared once more in the courtyard, coughing up blood with the last syllables of his hastily-cast teleportation spell. His apprentices all around him, the elder wizard had only managed to hug them all close one last time before he breathed his last, passing on to the reward that awaits all the good and the just in the worlds beyond the mortal coil.

Sheru relived these memories as she walked, letting the miles burn by with the hours as she leaned slightly on her gnarled wizard's staff with every step. The last few days had been a nightmare, and the journey ahead of her was a relief, as her initial bout of homesickness left her, for it meant that she didn't have to dwell in the gloom that had fallen over the keep with the passing of her master. Fingering the nine golden beads looped into a bracelet around her wrist, a gift from her master only a few months ago, on her last birthday, the blue-robed young sorceress reached into the leather pouch hanging from her gold-studded white leather belt, pulling out an enigmatic object.

The object in question had been clutched in Charles Windsar's hand at his death. It was a small medallion, a disk of pure gold, with a strange device embossed in mithril upon its face, surrounded by a variety of magical sigils and runes, though it wasn't a heraldic device that Sheru or her fellow apprentice sisters recognized. This was a part of the key to discovering who had slain their master. And with that discovery would come the start of the quest that Sheru was destined to undertake to save the world.

It was almost dark by the time Sheru reached the edge of the dark, creepy wood. This was a journey to the east of her master's keep that normally took three or even four days' journey on foot, as she was. But around noon, after she'd enjoyed a simple conjured lunch of bread, cheese, and apples, Sheru had decided to use one of her limited store of spells to increase her rate of speed, letting her rush tirelessly along like the wind, the sleeves and skirts of her blue robes billowing out behind her like the wings and tail of a bird, leaving a small cloud of dust behind in her racing wake, and forcing her to hold on tight to her broad-brimmed hat with one hand, her staff clutched firmly in the other at an almost parallel line to the blurred ground beneath her pumping slender legs. This boost of speed had brought her at last to the edge of the Great Green, a forest so vast, it was often compared to a sea of trees, with a wide variety of dangerous creatures stalking its depths like barracuda and sharks, eager to prey on the unwary and the unprepared. On the occasions when Charles Windsar had taken her flying, to teach her the proper use of this magic (and a spell she generally avoided when possible, because of an extreme fear of heights), Sheru had looked over the waving canopy of the Great Green, and had to agree that the metaphor was indeed appropriate: the thick, lush greenery flowed in the wind like the waves of a vast ocean that ran from the edge of the flat plains in the center of the continent, all the way to the Granite Mountains in the east. It was here that the first stage of Sheru's journey was to begin.

"Here goes nothing," said Sheru softly as she looked up at the vast, forbidding stands of densely-packed trees before her, and then down, into the depths of the seemingly-endless forest. Then, screwing up all her courage once more, just as she had when she'd first set out that morning from the safe haven of Charles Windsar's keep and the only family she had left in the world, Sheru lifted one white-booted foot, and stepped into the darkness before her, just as the last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon at her back, bathing the world in bloody twilight.

Lifting her gnarled staff, Sheru whispered a soft word of power, calling a floating ball of light to hover just above the tip. The light giving her confidence in the seemingly impenetrable darkness that surrounded her, filled with the limitless noises of the living wood, the young mage set out with resolve in her step, determined to reach her destination at any cost. With such a strong resolve to hearten her against the fears and dangers of the Great Green at night - and they were many, if even a fraction of the tales were true - Sheru was actually almost disappointed when her bright green eyes caught sight of a light only a short distance before her, her feet stepping out of the thick foliage she'd been pushing through and onto a worn dirt path.

"Curiouser and curiouser," said Sheru, prone to talking to herself as she was, especially when nervous. But despite her misgivings, she had a mission to fulfill, and she turned towards the light, following the path on its meandering way, until she came with startling abruptness to the door of a well-tended little cottage with round windows, one of which proved to be the source of the light that Sheru had seen, flower boxes hanging from just below them, and a pleasant, neatly-kept vegetable garden to one side of the front door. The scene was incongruous to Sheru in the midst of the grim, foreboding surroundings, and for a long moment she was brought up short, uncertain what she should do next. This lack of resolve didn't last long, however, and the sorceress soon lifted one dainty hand, and knocked politely on the front door.

"Just a minute!" came a feminine voice with a soft, lilting brogue from within the hut, the least little inflections of tone in that voice sounding to Sheru like the awakening of strange night blossoms. It was the voice of someone with a depth and texture of character that Sheru had never known before, save in her departed master.

And then the door opened, and Sheru found her breath taken away. Before her stood a woman unlike any she had ever conceived of before, save in half-remembered stories about teasing woodland nymphs or sly infernal succubi, dressed only very briefly in a gossamer robe, held only just barely shut by a loosely-cinched cloth belt. This translucent garment did nothing to disguise the well-endowed assets of the woman, her cleavage clearly visible through the open V of the robe's neckline, her figure flawless, like that of some erotic statuary in the decadent kingdoms to the south. The flame-haired beauty before her regarded the young sorceress with green eyes that were so deep, so all-enveloping, that Sheru's voice utterly failed her, all thought forgotten save to gaze on that perfect, flawless face. And then the woman laughed, and Sheru realized that she was being given back her will.

"I know you," said the woman with that same, wonderful voice, reaching out to touch Sheru's cheek, making the younger woman shiver slightly at the electric thrill of that touch, her puzzlement at this greeting overwhelmed by a strange, all-encompassing sense that she could trust the woman before her with her life (which was briefly met by an inner note of warning and mistrust that was soon crushed beneath this much stronger impression). "You're one of the apprentices of that delightful man, Charles Windsar. Whatever your cause for being here, it must be something very important indeed to make a sweet girl like yourself go wandering around in the Great Green past sunset." She stepped back, a gentle hand on Sheru's arm easily guiding the bedazzled blonde sorceress into the comfortable little cottage without resistance. "Why don't you come inside, and tell me all about your troubles?"

Following the shapely woman into the house without question, the door closing on its own behind her, Sheru couldn't quite break the sensation that she was walking into the spider's parlour, so to speak, and yet she couldn't find it within herself to even think of resisting as she was guided to a long, soft couch before a merrily crackling fire. After some bustling about, the green-eyed beauty returned, carrying two cups of steaming liquid, and handed one to Sheru before she seated herself alongside the young mageling, just barely far enough away that Sheru did not quite feel uncomfortable.

"Master Charles..." began Sheru without prompting, pausing as she had to look down with the memory. "My master is dead," she finally got out, her voice only breaking a little with the words.

"Oh, my poor, precious dear," said the woman, her gentle hand touching Sheru's shoulder, and then tenderly stroking the slim sorceress' back, soothing the saddened young woman before the tears could quite start.

"And now he's left his apprentices with a mystery that none of us know how to begin to solve," Sheru plowed ahead, taking strength from that gentle touch. "A mystery that might mean the end of the world as we know it. But Callista, our necromancy specialist, called out to his shade. According to him, she said, we should take the mystery to Threetails. That Threetails would be the one who could set us on the right path. Tabitha, the one among us with the greatest understanding of the powers of divination, pointed me on the right path - she's the one who said that I'd have to be the one to do this mission, however strange and dangerous it might be. Master Charles said similar things as I was growing up, though I've never told anyone about that, and I don't think he did either." She smiled shyly into the warm, welcoming eyes of the beautiful woman, no hint of distrust in her face, feeling so safe and completely open as she snuggled up against the side of the mature, flame-haired beauty. "We'd heard Master Charles talk about Threetails, but he never seemed to want to talk about this person much, except to say that the person was a source of information when no other sources were available. Tabitha had to locate where this Threetails lived with her magic, and the effort very nearly exhausted her. That's why I'm here, and who I'm looking for."

"What an adventure you've set out upon," cooed the woman with the warm green eyes and hair like fire, wrapping both arms tenderly around Sheru, stroking the teenaged wizardess' back and side with her long-fingered hands, which Sheru only now noticed seemed to have black gloves covering them, even as she felt what must have been the woman's legs brushing against her calves, right above where her high, white leather boots ended. "And such a dangerous beginning, setting out into the Great Green in search of someone you've never even really met before. What was this mystery that Threetails is supposed to solve for you? What puzzle did the great Charles Windsar leave to drag his greatest apprentice into such perilous circumstances?"

Unable to speak any more in the overwhelming presence of the beautiful woman beside her, Sheru reached within her belt pouch, and drew out the medallion, holding it out to the outstretched hand of the woman, letting her take it without any complaint or resistance. Dangling the small gold medallion before her on its chain, the green eyes of the woman seemed entranced by the surprisingly intricate designs inscribed upon it, though her attention drew again and again to the central embossing.

"It is just as well that you brought this to me," said the green-eyed woman with a light, mysterious smile, and Sheru blinked as she felt the soft, teasing brushing against her legs continue, even as she noticed the naked feet of the woman extending before her as she rose. "After all, I am the only one alive now who would probably know what these are, who would also willingly help an apprentice of Charles Windsar."

Sheru's eyes widened as they caught sight of one, two, three long, immaculately-groomed and achingly soft-looking red-furred vulpine tails extending from beneath the woman's robes, causing them to rise up in the back. They must have been there all along, but Sheru had been too caught up in the overwhelming presence of the woman to have noticed them before. Her eyes rising up the woman's sleek, shapely figure, undisguised in the least through the filmy robe, Sheru saw now that what had at first appeared to be long black gloves were in reality fur, fur that seemed to be sprouting all over the woman's body, the transformation smooth and seamless, like the flow of events in a dream in the dancing light of the fire. Sheru's eyes met those of the woman before her as she looked over her shoulder while standing framed before the fire, their green-eyed gazes so alike and yet so different, and she gasped at the bestial change in features. The realization of her danger came swiftly, then, and yet it was still all-too-late.

"Kitsune!" Sheru gasped in horror, the tales of the unseelie fey creatures filling her head as she tried to rise, but found it beyond her power, the cup of tea in her hands spilling to the floor, only to hiss softly as the liquid that had seemed to be green tea evaporated.

"You have found the one you sought, little Sheru, apprentice and adopted daughter of Charles Windsar," said the kitsune, her three tails slowly twisting in unison, showing her emotions of triumph and utter relaxation in the knowledge that Sheru could do nothing against her now. "Threetails, the master wizard's greatest secret, and his greatest shame." Before her eyes, Sheru saw the svelte vixen adjust her appearance, the features flowing like quicksilver into that of a male of her kind, his figure almost identical with that of the vixen that had been there before, and then flowing just as smoothly back into the original female shape. "He had a fondness for soft fur, had your master, and the skilled touch of a well-trained tod when certain moods came upon him. But I was born a vixen, and favor the female shape when I can." She smirked, hand on hip, as she turned fully around to face the adolescent adept. "You are fortunate that I did feel genuine fondness for your master, or I might not let you leave here at all." Sheru whimpered softly as the kitsune stroked the human girl's cheek, and then cupped her chin. "You are very pretty, and will mature into a fine beauty indeed. I would be more than pleased to keep you as my pet for a century or two, if I can make you last that long. But," and here she sighed, releasing Sheru's face with the greatest reluctance, "I can see that your Tabitha is right, as is master Charles: there is something brewing that is threatening everything, myself included. I've been seeing hints of it in the flights of birds, and in the cauldron on the hearth, and you may indeed be the only one who can stop this great wickedness from overcoming us all. So, out of affection for Charles Windsar, and from a lively sense of self-preservation, I will help you, little Sheru Windsar." But this comforting statement was soon followed by a truly predatory, sharp-toothed smile. "Though I assure you, I'll have ample payment for it."

As Sheru sat, shivering in trepidation, her eyes wide and watchful as the vixen drew close to her, she could not shake the realization that, as a human, the kitsune had been beautiful, but in her natural shape, she was ravishing indeed, her warm red fur almost glowing in the firelight, looking so soft and sleek against her perfect figure. Sheru did not have long to reflect upon this realization, however, before the surprisingly agile lips of the wicked fey met her own, vulpine muzzle and human lips intertwining with smooth skill, born of what must have been at least three centuries of practice, if the tales about each tail of a kitsune signifying a century of life were true. When her mouth was invaded by the cunningly skilled tongue of the fox woman, however, these thoughts and all others were blown away, and Sheru could not resist moaning in confused delight as those black-furred fingers began to unbutton the high, white collar at the top of her robes that preserved her modesty more perfectly, much like that worn by the women of some clerical orders, letting it flutter away, and then went to work undoing the little buttons that ran down a scant few inches from her neck. With these undone, it was only a matter of moments before the ever-skilled Threetails was sliding Sheru's robes right down and off of her body, leaving the young sorceress in nothing but her jewelry, her boots, and her pink silk panties.

"So deliciously smooth," murmured the wicked kitsune in her seductive purr of a voice as she stroked her hand slowly down Sheru's thigh, just below her panties. "So many girls of your age would be breaking out in pimples, but your skin is flawless." Before Sheru was even aware of the slight movement, Threetails suddenly bent her head, her long, smooth vulpine tongue flicking out over the very tip of one perfect, strawberry pink nipple, making Sheru gasp for breath. "And so very sensitive as well," purred the vixen in delight. "Who was the elf in your lineage?"

"M-my grandfather," Sheru answered without thinking, unable for a moment to resist the power of her captor. Her eyes widened still further as Threetails hooked her thumbs into the waist of her panties, and then slid them smoothly down Sheru's legs, tossing them aside. The wicked fey licked her chops hungrily as her eyes raked over Sheru's lovely, budding body, still not quite blossomed into the fullness of womanhood. The teenaged sorceress' face was sweet and kissable, an approachable beauty rather than a flawless ice maiden. Her golden blonde hair, normally long enough to almost reach the middle of her back, was parted in the back into two halves, each half curled up and tied with a ribbon so that they hung at about shoulder length, the style a hybrid between a more conservative bun, and the more girlish pigtails she'd worn in her youth. Her green eyes were large and open, expressive, her emotions easily read through them. Sheru had nothing to hide, not with eyes like those.

Moving her examination down the lovely blonde's body, Threetails nodded in satisfaction as she noted the pert breasts, nice little palmfuls (not quite handfuls) for a grown human man, capped with the most delicious strawberry pink nipples, which she couldn't have helped but notice before, the aureoles about the size of a gold piece each, the teats themselves hardly half a fingerwidth in height. These were now nicely erect, and the kitsune didn't even try to resist the impulse to stroke the soft-furred backs of her palms over them in tight little circles, making the sensitive young wizardess writhe on the couch before her, crying out as Threetails popped one precious pink nipple into her mouth, and began to suckle, her tongue circling and abusing the cute little nub.

Shifting her muzzle over to Sheru's other nipple, to continue her sensual nursing, Threetails let her hands as well as her eyes explore the rest of the adorable adolescent's body - her trim, flat little tummy with its cute little dimple of a navel; her smooth legs, sleek like those of an active colt; her hips a little bit skinny with the last vestiges of her lingering girlhood, though already finely set and a joy to grip with the hands, just barely ready to be put to the business of giving birth; the achingly snug indentation that marked the cleft of her sex, the slightly puffy mound wonderfully smooth to the touch in ways that only magic could match, for no hair had ever or would ever grow there, thanks to Sheru's elven ancestry. Then Threetails lifted her head from Sheru's nipple, and grinned at the flushed teen as poor Sheru tried desperately to catch her breath, her heart pounding at the skilled touch of the kitsune. Threetails' black-furred hands had come to rest on Sheru's smooth bum, and stroked it slowly, appraisingly, lifting the younger mage from the couch slightly to do so. Then, with a swift motion, Threetails rolled Sheru over, making the teen squeal in surprise as she found herself facing the back of the couch, her legs pulled over the edge, so that her rump was facing Threetails.

"You have the finest little tush I've ever seen," said Threetails, her voice impressed. "I mean that. In almost six centuries of life, I've never seen a girl's bottom as perfectly formed as yours - just the right amount of smoothness, firm in the right places, easy into the hands, and the cutest bit of bounce." She smirked, then, with wry humor, as she gave Sheru's bum a light smack, drawing a cute little 'eep!' from Sheru. "Though I admit I've seen bottoms almost as good on a few males, which by all rights should have been attached to females."

The potion leaving Sheru without any strength to act without Threetail's permission, besides almost incapable of resisting the kitsune's will, the young sorceress lay there, bottom thrust out in an embarrassingly inviting fashion that made her cheeks flush still more as she squeezed her eyes shut, hoping that the fey would finish with her soon. She felt Threetails leave her for a time, rummaging around in the room out of her line of sight, before Sheru heard the other female softly padding back towards her once more. Her eyes soon snapped open again as she felt a warm liquid being poured over her back, and then kneaded into her flesh. The liquid, whatever it was, made Sheru's body tingle erotically, and she moaned despite herself, moving against those skilled, knowing hands as they stroked and caressed her body, coating her slickly with the clear, slightly viscous liquid.

Pulling Sheru up onto her knees, her back pressed against the kitsune's ample chest, Threetails smiled as she stroked the younger female's sides and trim tummy. Then her hands moved inward, and she began to whisper words of Power, calling the magic to her as she carefully drew a circle around Sheru's dimpled navel in the slick liquid, and then the traceries of three equidistant tails radiating out from that circle by about two inches. Two tails curled up almost to Sheru's floating ribs, while the third pointed downward, towards her waiting sex. Lifting her hands from the drawing, Threetails smiled as she admired it over Sheru's shoulder, before she said one final word, and reached down, ever-so-lightly silpping her hand between Sheru's legs, and touching one fingertip to the human girl' vulnerable little slit.

Instantly, Sheru's whole body was wracked with pleasure unlike anything she'd ever known before, and it was all that she could do to keep her eyes open, watching as the design on her belly flared to life with golden light. Then her eyes were forced shut, her whole body jerking and spasming as though she'd been struck by lightning, the force of her thrashing almost throwing Threetails right off of her, even as Sheru found that she was unable to give voice to the sensations wracking her, her cries of pleasure dying in her throat, as the sensations were too intense for any such utterance to properly articulate, no matter how wild and desperate.

Then the storm passed, and Sheru hung limply in Threetails' grip, panting, feeling as wrung out as a used dishrag. The kitsune stroked Sheru's body gently with her skilled, deft hands, nuzzling Sheru's cheek before giving her a sweet little lick.

"Shh, that's the worst of it," she said tenderly, one arm holding Sheru up, while the other reached back for something on the floor nearby. "The best part is yet to come."

Her eyes opening slightly in some confusion at these words, Sheru's eyes then opened wide as she saw Threetails holding a golden rod in both her hands. It was about a foot long, with a head on it in the shape of a closed-mouthed dragon, sleek and streamlined.

"What is that?" she got out, her voice not restricted by the kitsune's will, before shivering as Threetails teased the cool metal rod against Sheru's skin. And then her eyes caught sight of the mark on her belly. "What have you done to me?"

The mark that Threetails had traced before was still there, lightly visible, looking drawn in pure gold. Chuckling lightly, her manner almost friendly, Threetails slowly drew the slightly throbbing head of the dragonrod down Sheru's body a bit more, stroking it against her mons. Sheru couldn't help but gasp as she felt it quickly warming against her skin, pulsing in time with her own heartbeat.

"This is a dragon's phallus," said Threetails in her sweetly seductive voice, the tones making Sheru instinctively relax into the soft-furred woman's grip. "Also called a phallus of Kon, for its maker, one of the greatest crafters of sexual magic items to ever live. His toys are hard to come by, and they all have immense power as, I promise you, you will soon feel for yourself. As to this," her other hand stroked over the golden circle with its radiating tails. "This is my mark. I've cast a powerful enchantment on you, little Sheru Windsar. An enchantment I intend to seal with your virginity."

Sheru tried to rise as she heard this, to lash out, to fight somehow, but it was all in vain: the wicked, centuries-old kitsune's will was too strong. She didn't even get a chance to challenge Threetails, to defy her with words, as the foxkin female tilted the teen's head back, pressing her muzzle against Sheru's, moaning eagerly into the kiss. Sheru struggled briefly against this, but quickly gave in, her powers of resistance almost utterly spent now...before she suddenly screamed right into the kitsune's muzzle as Threetails plunged the phallus of Kon upwards, into her waiting, well-slicked cunny.

Even as weak as she'd been rendered, Sheru's whole body still spasmed at this rude violation, the dragonlike dildo squeezing into her too-small twat as though it had a life of its own, and she continued to scream and to try and thrash against Threetail's firm grip, until her strength gave out at last, and she slumped, weak and sobbing, against Threetails' chest, her head leaning back against the kitsune's shoulder, staring up at the ceiling. Her whole body was in the throes of a series of microspasms, each out of her power, and each driving her mad with what felt like a single, continual orgasm that had started from the moment the phallus had pierced her hymen. There was no pain - pain would have been a relief! Instead, Sheru's body was being shaken with pleasure, raw and unrestrained, delivered into her body in its most pure, primal form. She couldn't help but squirm in the kitsune's lap, her firm little bum upon Threetails' knees, her own knees spread wide as she arched her body upwards, her creamy skin now heavily flushed. The young wizardess could almost swear that the phallus of Kon was moving inside of her, pulsing like a living thing, a sensation that just grew more pronounced as she could swear she felt something licking her, right at the gates of her cervix, with a tongue more talented even than that of Threetails!

Then, just as Sheru was certain her entire body was going to explode like a sun gone supernova, Threetails pulled the phallus slowly back, slipping it from the trembling teenager's body with a wet, messy slurp. But despite the juices that Sheru knew she must have been producing, and the blood that should have been there from her deflowering, as she looked down she saw that, though she was heavily flushed, she was quite clean down below. Her eyes went next to the phallus of Kon, just in time to see the last few drops of her virgin blood disappearing into its golden length, as though being drunk up by the metal.

She didn't have long to consider this, however, before Threetails pushed her forward, bending her over the couch in front of them, forcing her rear out towards the wicked kitsune for her most humiliating act yet. Sheru was too spent, however, to do more than whimper in protest as she realized what was coming, her wide green eyes pleading with the fey creature. Threetails only grinned all the more wickedly in response as she fit the pulsing dragon's head against Sheru's rear passage, and the young mage knew for certain that she felt it rimming her with its tongue. This was no mere dildo, but a construct, or perhaps even a living thing, endowed with immense magic. Magic strong enough that, when Threetails finally, firmly, forcefully thrust the head of the phallus past Sheru's clenching anal ring, there was no pain at all - only pleasure only slightly less intense than that which had wracked her at her deflowering, and a sense of utter shame at being taken in this most humiliating of ways.

"The phallus of Kon makes a good sex toy if used normally, little Sheru," Threetails whispered, leaning over Sheru's body, her full, firm breasts stroking against the smooth-skinned girl's back. "But its true power is released only when it is used to deflower someone. And here, I have given it two of your virginities, its power all the more potent for it." Sheru shuddered as Threetails tauntingly licked the girl's cheek, her head sinking to the cushion before her as the kitsune started moving her hips as though she were a male, slow and gentle at first, the phallus moving in time with the handhold that she kept on it.

"Kon, the dragon crafter, made these especially for Flayfire, the most perverse of all dragonesses," Threetails continued as she gradually increased the pace of her thrusting, making Sheru's whole body start to heat up once again, after the all-too-brief respite that had come with the removal of the phallus from her sex. "A sirius - a mere dog soldier - with ability for creating things unlike any mortal before or since. Each of them is alive, flexible, malleable: they can change shape, can move freely, and have a will of their own, which they mold to the most primal needs of their users. And when they deflower someone," and here Threetails shifted both her hands to Sheru's hips, before pressing her own firmly against Sheru's outthrust bare bottom, soft fur brushing against soft skin, the phallus impaled to the hilt inside of the teen's tightly-stretched tushie, "it changes you. It makes you more suitable for sex, anywhere, anywhen, anyhow. Your body has been changed, sweet little Sheru; the phallus of Kon has remade you so that you will enjoy sex, your body given an innate understanding of how to give and take sexual pleasure from almost anything. It's instinctive for you now, magically implanted, so you won't even realize it's happening. You'll stay sweet and innocent, just as you are, while being able to engage in the most perverse sexual acts, because it won't be completely you that engages in them - it will be the phallus' power, working through you." Threetails chuckled as she smacked Sheru's bottom, the handprint standing out clearly against her pink skin, before she started to thrust harder, more roughly, making the teen start to moan and whimper with another rising multigasm like before, the kitsune starting to growl and grunt like a tod covering his vixen as she humped Sheru, feral and rough. "That is, until you give in to its power, innocent little Sheru. But that won't happen for a long while - you're far too naive, far too repressed and unsure of your sexuality to do that for many years yet. But when you do, you'll be irresistible in your sexual powerrrrr."

Beyond this, Threetails let herself go, holding nothing back as she started to pound Sheru's fine little butt, good and hard and rough. Rocking forward and back on the couch, the young mage risked a glimpse back, between her legs, her eyes growing wide as she saw that Threetails had inserted one end of the phallus between her legs, and that it had merged with the kitsune's sex, covering it with a light gold film, replacing it like a large golden penis. This allowed Threetails' hands to roam Sheru's body at will. Mere seconds later, all thought was blasted from the teen's mind as she gave herself up to sensation and pleasure, as the phallus created a link between the two females, a circuit of pleasure, so that both of them felt as the other did, the upward-spiraling loop overwhelming all else, until the whole world faded into a golden haze.

How long Sheru was lost to the world, she wasn't sure. But when she next opened her eyes, she was sitting on the couch in the house of the kindly human matron she'd been sent to find. Threetails (and what a strange name for such a nice older woman) was standing there, smiling indulgently at the sweet human teen, while Sheru brushed down her robes, a bit self-conscious at having fallen asleep like that.

"Do you remember anything about last night, my dear?" asked the sweet-faced human woman standing by the fire, her hair (no doubt grey with age) hidden beneath a kerchief. "My, but you must have been tired to drift off like that, so suddenly after I let you in."

"I...yes, I'm terribly sorry," said Sheru, rising slowly, reaching out to take hold of her staff, leaning nearby, and use it to lean against while she reoriented herself. "Things are a bit hazy right now, I'm afraid. I must have used more of my strength than I thought while getting here." She smiled, blushing. "Thank you for being patient with me."

"Oh, no trouble," said the kindly matron, pulling open the curtains, revealing the light of a bright morning shining through the leaves of the great trees surrounding the little cottage. "But you've got a quest to go on, don't you? Come now, let's get you some breakfast, and I'll tell you what you need to know. There's a good girl."

Breakfast was plain but pleasant, and soon enough Sheru was standing in the front yard of the matron, Threetails, still puzzled at how she could have been so tired that she remembered so very little about the night before, everything getting hazy from the moment she first entered that strange, pleasant little house in the woods.

"Now, this isn't a direct answer, mind, little Sheru," said the matron, leaning on a broom on the front steps of her cottage, "but I don't risk anything more, or else I'll draw down terrible things upon myself. I'm sorry for not being able to give you more help."

"That's all right, ma'am," said Sheru politely, disappointed at not having all her mysteries cleared up right away, but understanding that the rules of knowledge, and especially magical knowledge could be very risky. "Some information is better than none."

"Well, where you're going is the perfect place to get all the information you could want," said Threetails, pointing to the north and east, where a clear game path ran through the woods in a winding meander. "You'll want to stick to the path, as far as it takes you," she explained. "It'll bring you not far from a little village, where a few farmers and woodcutters and hunters make their living on the edge of the Great Green, preferring the safety that comes from living so close to danger to that of having to swear allegiance to some lord. They've got a problem at present, and if you help them solve that problem, you'll meet new friends who'll help you with your mission. Or, to be more precise," the pleasant-faced older woman smiled, "you'll help them with theirs - you are all on the same quest, after all, even if you didn't know it. After you've helped them solve the problem of the village, tell them that you're going to Trevalis Academy for answers, but don't know the way. They'll be sure to help you after that. And you're likely to have friends for life, besides."

Nodding, her lips pursed as she took all of this in, Sheru's sharp mind memorized each word as easily as she did the words of her favorite books. This clarity of memory had failed her last night, but that was all likely due to exhaustion from her long journey, or so she reassured herself. Finally, as the older woman ended her tale, Sheru gave her a polite curtsy.

"Thank you very much, ma'am," she said with her sweetest smile, before standing up, straightening her pointed wizard's hat as she did so, out of habit. "I...I suppose I'd best be on my way, then."

"All safety to you, my dear," said Threetails as Sheru started off, down the path she'd been shown. "May the provisions I've given you serve as well as the advice."

Sheru waved back, and then continued on her way, not looking back again as she let that chapter of her life close. If she had, however, she might have seen the pleasant-faced matron slowly shift into a more familiar, furry form, a wicked grin on the kitsune's face.

"Silly little fool," the seductive fox spirit said with a chuckle. "But you'll serve quite nicely as a pawn in the great game ahead of us."