The Dragon's Servant - A Night Well Spent

Story by Penstrum on SoFurry

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#1 of Commissions

A commission for my buddy Bushido Black. (Not on SoFurry himself, unfortunately!)

Small piece--3,500 words or so--about his fursona getting swept up by a big hunk of a dragon and having some fun before their anniversary dinner. It gets pretty hot and heavy, gotta say. Might commission some art for it in the future. Hmm... Anyway, enjoy! ^w^

A single candle lit up the room. Rows of turkey meat, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans and more appeared before the hungry panda's eyes. He lit another candle and the light snuck under the closed door of the dining room into the kitchen. The aromas seemed to waft with the light creating an incredible mix of smells that nearly overwhelmed the chubby panda sitting at the end of the table. "One last thing," he said with a hum, setting down a massive white plate beside his.

Everything was perfect.Master will be pleased with this.

Pleased with himself, the panda adjusted the collar snugly fit around his neck. The nametag embedded in gold read: "Bushi - Property of Raegon." After the many hours he'd spent in the kitchen getting dinner prepared, the fur under his neck had grown damp with sweat. "He'll be home any moment now... Maybe I should shower?" he asked himself, re-fitting the collar.

Bushi got up from the table and started to head toward the bathroom. He quickly shimmied off his jeans and threw off his undershirt leaving him in nothing but his sweat stained boxers. If I'm fast enough I'll be able to... Before he could finish the thought his attention was stolen from him by the rustling of the front door lock. A mixture of panic and excitement spun the panda around. He wasn't sure whether to put his clothes back on or to go into the bathroom.

The dragon on the other side of the door didn't wait for him to come to his conclusion. Bushi bit down on his lip as a large red dragon walked into the seemingly too small apartment for such a beast. He wore a fitting black business suit and carried a suit case that looked comically sized in his massive claws. The red scales lining his face softened in tone a little, but only made his piercing green eyes stand out as the rhinestone-like embeds around his face only sought to make him look more threatening.

Despite his fierce appearance the panda couldn't be more excited by his presence. "Master!" he chimed, "Oh, Master you're home!" His eyes lit up. He just couldn't help himself. The excitement from seeing Rae after so long practically had him leaping into the air.

"My, my..." Rae lifted his snout into the air to take a whiff. "What is that delightful aroma?" He licked his lips with a wet, lizard-like tongue.

As Rae started to dress down from his suit, Bushi replied, "Oh! It's just... Well, you know how it's our anniversary? So, I um... I just thought it'd be nice if, uh..." The bear was noticeably too distracted to speak. Watching the dragon undress caught his full attention, each article shed bringing him closer to his master's chiseled, muscular arms and rounded belly. Just the sight of his chest through his dress shirt was enough to make Bushi start drooling. "T-turkey, and mashed potatoes... Your favorites..."

The dragon's wings spread as he chuckled, shaking his head. "No, no you silly thing... I'm not talking about the food." His eyes seemed to gleam as he looked into Bushi's.

"Wh-what...?" Bushi stepped back a little, unsure of what he was getting at.

In response, Rae casually walked over to Bushi, his shirt half unbuttoned. He sniffed the air around the timid panda and hummed in approval. "You smell... Divine..." Rae poked his tongue out to taste the air, which only made Bushi's white cheek fur turn red.

"Oh... Oh, Master... I..." he stammered, hardly able to get the words out. They were caught in his throat. Amidst the deep embarrassment he felt he couldn't help, but he turned on at the same time. The dragon was emitting his own masculine scent into the room--a scent that Bushi had grown more than fond of over the years. He could feel the blood rushing between his legs as he became more and more flustered, the need inside of him worsening the longer the dragon inspected him. "Aren't you... Erm... Hunry...?" Bushi asked, his hands reaching out to the dragon's firm chest.

Rae looked down into Bushi's eyes and replied, "Oh, darling... I'm starving."

"Ye--Mmmfff...!" Bushi's next words were gobbled up in Rae's massive maw as the two locked lips. They slowly closed their eyes, letting their claws travel up and down the other's body. Bushi could feel his powerful claws reaching around to grasp his ass firmly, pulling the bear up and against the dragon's body. He eased into the kiss gradually, growling louder as Rae's tongue explored his mouth.

The unique taste of his master's saliva was unlike any other--like hickory smoke or liquid embers in his mouth. It made his entire body feel the same warmth. The warmth of a dominant dragon claiming him as his own. As a sign of submission Bushi moaned quietly into Rae's mouth, his own paws struggling to stay on top of the dragon's chest.

Rae's wings spread out at their full lengths, knocking over numerous things around the apartment. His breaths grew heavier, the kiss deepening as the hunger he had expressed turning ravenous--maddening. Fuck, Bushi thought, feeling the grip on his ass growing tighter, his hard cock pressing up against his master.

Suddenly, as if in an instant, Rae broke the kiss leaving a sloppy trail of saliva between them. "Been waiting for this all day," Rae growled into my ear. Bushi opened his mouth to speak, but only a whimper came out. The dragon grinned, amused, and licked Bushi across the lips. "I bet you have to, haven't ya, slut?"

Bushi nodded eagerly, his lips glistening with his master's saliva. "S-so m-much... A-ah..." The panda looked down to see Rae teasing him with one of his claws. "Augh..." growled Bushi, watching as his foreskin overflowing with pre-cum slowly rolled back in his master's hold. "M-Master... I uh... I ah...!"

"Hush, hush. I know what you need..." Rae replied quietly, nodding to the panda.

Bushi's eyes shot open as the dragon threw his shirt to the side and unbuckled his belt. "You're..."

"I sure am."

He couldn't stop staring at the massive bulge barely kept inside his briefs. It was almost hypnotic, the way it twitched under the veil of dark blue fabric. Bushi caught himself starting to drool again, the wetness in his mouth matching his cock. "F-fuck... I need it so much, Master...!"

"You'll get it, boy. If you behave."

"Of course!" Bushi's tail twitched with excitement in time with his cock. Rae sat down on the couch and signaled for Bushi to come forward with his feet propped up. "God yes..." He pried off the first boot and the potent dragon musk slapped him in the face. "Ahhh..." Bushi inhaled deeply, his snout buried in his master's damp sock. The musk clouded his thoughts--such an intoxicating smell that drove him crazier than before.

As if possessed by his lust his hands found the other boot and promptly ripped it off. That same rank scent now wafted into his nose as well. Bushi's mouth hung open, his excitement surpassing what his mental fortitude could hold. He was mad. Mad and high off the mighty dragon's potent musk.

Bushi couldn't control the groans of pleasure scratching his throat as he pulled off one of the socks with his maw. Just beneath them were Rae's sweat soaked paws, ripe from his long day at work. "That's it, slave. Keep going..." the dragon bellowed, his eyes on Bushi's every move.

The panda nodded emphatically, his tongue now lapping up one of the dragon's paws. "Mmmfff..." he hummed, his wet tongue sliding up and down the full length of the paw. Meanwhile his hands tended to the other paw, giving it a slow message until finally taking the sock off of it as well. Rae wiggled his toes, seemingly making them dance upon the eager panda's tongue.

"You like that, huh?" Rae asked, grinning. He teetered his claws on the edges of his hardness, feeling himself up.

"Yes, Master! Very much..."

"That's what I like to hear." The dragon shimmied his pants down and kicked them away. Bushi looked on at the sight of his master nearly fully naked. All that was left on the dragon were those same briefs, the briefs so worn and stained with pre-cum that it surprised Bushi they hadn't ripped at the seams. Although, Bushi didn't mind staring at his master's bulge. It was so impressive to think he could fit it inside of the bear's bottom. The struggle to get it inside was definitely the best part, but his mind reeled at the very thought of touching it alone.

Bushi bit down on his bottom lip and asked, "Master, can I...?"

"What's the magic word?" Rae grinned.


"Please, what...?"

He couldn't take his eyes off the thickness hugging the thin fabric. The way it twitched beckoned to him like nothing else.

"P-please, Master! Can I please suck your cock, Master?! Please?!" he cried, falling to the ground in a begging position.

Rae smiled and replied, "Mm... Well, let's see how you do then. Come here, boy." Bushi crawled up between the dragon's legs, and pressed his snout against his bulge. "Get to work."

Bushi's eyes lit up with lust, his cock tensing and pulsing. "Fuck yes, sir..." he moaned against his master's cock. One breath in and he felt light headed, two breaths and he started to feel dizzy. The potent masculinity was almost too much for the panda as his mind swirled, trying to keep a grasp on reality.

Tender palms grasped Rae's cock to earn a content growl from the massive dragon. Bushi's ears twitched at the sound of it--any sound from his master was an utter delight. He could feel every inch of his pulsing hardness aching with the need that echoed his own. Each fingertip could easily find a place along his shaft, slowly moving up and down its full length.

Rae's legs spread widely as he relaxed, a smoky sigh escaping from his raspy throat. That's it, Master. I'll take good care of you. Bushi licked his lips as his claws unveiled the girthy mass that had been trapped within Rae's boxers for far too long. He couldn't help but stare at his cock for a brief while.

Admiration marked a smile across the bear's face as he adored the red, softer scales that covered his cock. Atop the red were black spines accented around the head and tip to create a star-like head. The steady trickle of pre-cum made Bush lick his lips again, his hands starting to sweat. "God damn, Master..." His eyes trailed down to the thick knot pushed out of his cloaca.

"Gonna gawk all day, boy?" the dragon growled.

"Master, I--Ahhh! Mmmfff...!" Rae grabbed Bushi by the back of the head and shoved him face first onto his cock. Thick pre-cum smeared the bear's face fur. "H-huff..." Bushi struggled to move, the tip pressing against his lips, up and down as the dragon reeled back to enjoy the sensations.

"Open up, bitch!" he rumbled, the vibrations from his throat reaching down to his cock. Unable to refuse his master, Bushi opened his mouth wide to accept his hardness. "There we go...!" Rae spat some ember onto Bushi's fur, making the bear open his mouth open up wider in shock.

"Auuugghhh...!" Bushi gagged on the tip alone as inch after inch invaded his mouth. The pre-cum seemed to all but fill his mouth entirely. His face was already coated in the slick substance and now his mouth fared no better. "Mmff...! Mmmmfff!" The salty and hickory flavors of Rae's pre-cum drove Bushi wild. Wilder than he'd gone in ages. It unlocked something primal within him hidden away for far too long.

Without thinking Bushi found his bearings again. He adjusted himself to start bopping his head up and down the dragon's shaft franticly. Hands took what he couldn't fit in his maw--namely the knot--at the base of his cock. The bear lost himself in the moment, letting lust drive him to suck harder and harder on the hot and hard dragon cock in his mouth.

Rae kept his dominant claw on top of Bushi's head, forcing him down right to the knot every so often. Bushi would hold on for as long as he could, but after a while he'd have to pull off to catch his breath. The panda's face was nearly completely drenched in a mixture of spit and pre-cum as in between sucking and deep throating he would take to nuzzling right up to the shaft. He begged for it. Pleaded for it. Knowing the scent stained his fur and made him smell more like his master's pet made him want it more.

He had to have it.

Bushi felt the fur at the back of his neck standing up as Rae bore his claws into him deeper. He couldn't feel the pain. Pleasure was all his master could give him. It was all he felt. Pleasure. Overwhelming and insurmountable pleasure. And though his claws raked down him in that same pleasure as his knot throbbed intensely. The same intensity that Bushi felt in his own cock despite not getting the chance to touch himself.

In the heat of the moment, Bushi wrapped both of his hands around Rae's knot and thrust forced his lips down his cock. Rae blew a smoke ring--a sign of the lust taking hold of him. His tail whipped around and thrashed on the ground, shaking everything in the apartment. "Aaaarrrgghhh!" Bushi shimmied his tongue against the shaft's underside and closed his eyes, slowly making his way down to the knot. Just before his lips reached his engorged sex, Rae tightened his grip on Bushi's head.

"Not ready to pop just yet..." Rae's voice rumbled, his claws reaching down to grab Bushi at the waist. The bear begrudgingly released Rae's cock gradually, leaving his shaft shining from the layers of saliva left over. "And while I'm at it... I might as well get you ready, hmm...?"

Bushi was puzzled for a moment, but the moment didn't last long as he was hoisted into the air and spun around. "H-huh...?" Bushi gasped, his tail twitching. "Oh... Ohhh... Master..." he moaned, unable to stop himself as heat spread from one of his cheeks to the other. Similarly, his backside was going through the same sensation. A hot, wet lizard tongue playfully lapped at the unaware bear right between his plump mounds of panda rump.

Sticky strands of dragon saliva collected around the panda's puckering little hole. Lap after lap Rae's tongue grew hungrier still. He wanted to taste more and more of the sweet hole. The way it made his pet squirm in his hold and kick his legs up only drove him to make his tongue work faster. "Mmm..." he hummed, greedy for more of his hoard. The fork-like ends of his tongue snuck into the tight hole, making Bushi gasp aloud.

"F-fuck..." Bushi moaned, his toes curling from the waves of pleasure washing over him. The sensations were steady, but seemed to keep building. He let his tongue hang out and his eyes roll back as if he was in heat. It felt so good to be licked back there. Too good. Heaven couldn't dream of being this good for Bushi.

As Rae dragged his tongue over Bushi's asshole again and again, nuzzling the insides of his cheeks and teasing him with tiny inserts, Bushi couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have his master's cock inside of him at last. The feeling lingered on as Rae's tongue snaked down to Bushi's balls, cradling and caressing them for brief moments to check their fullness. Once he was pleased with it, he'd let his tongue twist around Bushi a little lower, wrapping around his shaft and pulling his foreskin down just enough to get the head free.

"My, my... You are quite the treat..." Rae teased, his tail coming around to rub up against Bushi's chin. "But now that I've had a taste I'm afraid that I'll have to have a bit more..."

"Wh-what do you mean, Master...?" Bushi asked in a shaky voice, barely able to think of the words let alone say them.

"I think it's time to finally mark you as my mate," Rae replied, setting Bushi down on the floor and getting up. He wiped himself off and lumbered off into the bedroom, beckoning Bushi to follow him behind. Wearily, the bear trailed behind him after a minute. His curiosity got the better of him when he saw Rae digging into the bedside table. He could already see the bottle of lube from the corner of his eye, but something else shimmered in a way he didn't recognize.

Before Bushi could ask what it was Rae suddenly turned around and leapt to him. "Yip!" Rae grabbed Bushi and spun him around, clipping something onto his collar. Bushi frantically tried to look at what it was--a leash? His eyes shot open in surprise, but quickly shut as Rae shoved him into a nearby wall.

"Ugh..." Bushi groaned, feeling the collar tightening around his neck. Rae pulled on the leash a few times to get Bushi to settle down and once his arms stopped flailing he let the bear catch his breath. It gave him time to notice something hot and wet pressed up against his backside. Something firm. Is that...? A playful shove from behind confirmed it. Rae's cock was grinding right against Bushi's asshole.

The copious amounts of saliva from earlier seemed to make it easily slide up and down the panda's hole from the outside. It was near impossible for Bushi to fight back when the pleasure nearly drowned him. His cock, still stiff, ground against the wall. Although it was rough it was still sensation, and it all but brought Bushi closer to the edge one thrust at a time.

"You ready, slut?" Rae asked, aligning his tip to Bushi's hole.

"Y-yes, sir!"

Bushi didn't know what made him agree in that moment. He didn't know whether it was the lust controlling him or the steely look in Rae's eyes or the feel of his thick dragon cock grinding its spines on him. Either way it didn't matter what the reason was. He'd made his decision.

Regret set in briefly. Bushi had taken Rae numerous times in the past, but it was never easy. He bent over a little more, practically hugging the wall. "Easy does it..." Rae assured Bushi as he slid the tip in, slowly shoving in the rest.

As the inches went on Bushi bit down on his bottom lip to distract himself from the pain. Rae's cock was massive enough to split the bear's ass right in half. At the least there was enough lube for him to go in, but relief washed over Bushi once he felt Rae's knot hit his cheeks. "Ahh..." he breathed.

"God damn... You're so cute..." Rae growled into Bushi's ear, letting him feel his hot breath. "So... You think you can take this dick, huh?"

"H-hu-huh... I...I..."

"Heh. That's cute." Before Bushi could do anything Rae pulled back on Bushi's leash and opened up the bear's mouth to spit into it. Bushi reluctantly swallowed in submission, feeling the hot spit on splash on his tongue was enough to remind him of his place.

Even if he wanted to Bushi couldn't speak. Speaking was too much for him at the moment. The moment that Rae's hips started moving. Slowly, at first, but he quickly got into a steady rhythm. Every thrust went inside deeper than the last and any of his numerous inches was enough to push Bushi over the edge. "Nnnggghh..." Rae growled. "Aaahh... Hahh..." he panted, his mouth wide open, embers scattering against the wall to quickly vaporize.

The dragon grasped Bushi's sides and slammed him against the wall, pressing his knot against him. It was so close. Almost there. Something held it back. Something that Bushi had to let go of. He desperately wanted to let him in.

"Auuuggghh! Deeper, deeper! Deeper, Master I can take it!" the panda cried, his face dripping with sweat.

"What was that, boy? Couldn't quite hear ya..." The dragon's voice snaked around Bushi's ears, draped in a lizard like tongue slapping at the back of his neck.

"GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU'VE GOT, MASTER! I NEED YOUR FUCKING KNOT IN MY ASS!" Bushi yelled and Rae took Bushi's leash into his mouth, pulling back on it.

"FUCK!" Rae threw his head back, taking Bushi into the air and slamming his ass down onto his knot. After struggling for a brief moment it happened. It popped in. Pop! Just like that.

Bushi's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he let out a long moan. "Oh... Ohhhh! OHHH! FUCK!" he shouted, his feet kicking up as Rae roared aloud over him.

"FUCK YEAH!" Rae roared, his wings and tail thrashing around the room. At the height of it, they both came. They came hard.

Rae erupted shot after shot up Bushi's ass until it was filled past the brim, just a few drops managed to seep past it. Meanwhile Bushi lie atop Rae, shooting his own thick ropes into the distance and atop both of them. By the end of it, they were both covered in hot and sticky seed. "Hah... Hah..." they both panted, trying to catch their breaths.

"Hey... Master...?" Bushi asked after a while.

"Yeah?" he asked in return.

"Happy anniversary!"

The dragon smiled. "Happy anniversary, honey."