Spin the Bottle 2-1 - Ardonis and Halally

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#10 of Spin the Bottle

Ardonis and Halally had heard of the Spin the Bottle night at the sorority house on campus. It sounded like fun, so they opted to give it a try. Naturally, it allowed them to indulge in a favorite pastime of theirs.

This is a YCH Commission for T4Capt and his mate Halally.

Are you interested in getting a YCH commission? Look out for a journal post linking to a form where you can sign up. There are several different scenarios beyond just this one.

Ardonis is (C) his owner

Halally is (C) her owner

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The air was crisp and cool. Fall was coming to a close, giving way to winter. The students had exchanged their warm-weather clothes for a wardrobe that covered more skin and fur. A curious looking pair, a black wolf and a cat covered in a creamy off-white with splotches of red, walked down the sidewalk. They were enjoying the last few rays of sunlight as the evening deepened into night. They were dressed warmly just like everyone else on campus, but they had made sure their attire was easy to remove.

It wouldn't do to struggle to get undressed given where they were going.

The sorority house was as lively as it always was on a Friday night. Ever since a large, gluttonous grey lizard lady had made a splash at her debut appearance, word had spread and more had wanted to attend. Some where eager to participate. Some just wanted to enjoy the spectacle of it all. The tabby who stood as head of the household welcomed as many as she felt comfortable filling her house with, but took steps to make the game a little more exclusive.

Invitations went out to beckon those who could to attend. Tiffany had even gone far enough to make the invitations as posh and regal as she could. There wasn't much reason to do so other than because she wanted to. It added a sense of 'debutante ball' to the whole affair and that amused her deeply. The usuals showed up to watch, and the other usuals showed up to participate, quickly filling the 'play room' as it had come to be called.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Tiffany called out in a loud, clear voice to gather attention, "Thank you all for showing up. I think it's time we get started. Now, as you might be aware, we've gotten a good deal more popular lately. I'm hearing word of copycats popping up in other frat and sorority houses. They usually devolve into a sort of free-for-all. We will not let that happen here. We might be eating one another, but let's not lose our civility, shall we?"

A tongue-in-cheek golf clap sounded throughout the room, triggering a quiet wave of chuckles and giggles. Everyone knew it was just a bit of silliness, even if Tiffany took it somewhat seriously. She didn't like the idea of being compared to the other gatherings where things descended into chaos. She liked to run a properly organized establishment. And no one really crossed her. Otherwise they might end up getting eaten. But then she also knew it was funnier to play it straight than to break.

"Tonight's roll, ma'am." a dog covered in a rich, almost copper colored golden pelt stepped forward, just as scantily clad as the headmistress as some had come to call the feline. She was clearly excited to be in attendance, with large, glee-filled eyes and a bushy tail wagging with delight behind her. Her ears had perked up, though they refused to stand upright, flopped over in front. It was hard for a golden retriever to look anything but happy.

"Thank you, Penny," Tiffany smiled, giving the canine the typical air-cheek-kiss on both sides, again, meant to be just a bit of silliness, "We've had to organize who gets to spin so that we can keep order. No more multiple turns except under special circumstances. Up first, we have a newcomer. Ardonis, are you ready?"

The black wolf clinging comfortably to his cream and red feline companion lifted a paw to show he was present.

"Back here, and yeah, I'm ready. Just need to get up front." he called out.

The crowd parted to permit the dark lupine a path to the circle. No one paid much mind to the rather large bulge in the groin of his pants. To someone not in the know, he could be trying to smuggle a couple of cantaloupes in his trousers. That and an extra-tall soda can. He sat himself down in the gap made for him and adjusted his posture, a little ritual he had to go through given the mass he was working with between his thighs.

His feline companion walked around the edge of the circle, studying the group. She seemed quite interested in the game.

"So, anyone can join? You just have to sign up if you want to spin?" Halally asked.

"If you're interested in getting eaten, then by all means, have a seat." Tiffany grinned, gesturing for the other newcomer to participate.

"Good. I was hoping that might be the case," the cream and red cat turned to look back at the dark wolf as she settled between two other girls, "Now don't be upset if you don't land on me."

"I can still hope I do." Ardonis grinned back at his girlfriend.

The curiously colored feline took her seat, going through a similar ritual as her lupine lover, possessing a very similarly sized bulge that pushed out her skirt. Again, no one seemed to take too much notice of it, though the girl to her left eyed it in wonder, reaching out tentatively as if wanting to touch it.

"Go on, cutie," Halally smirked to the vixen, "It won't bite."

The vulpine blushed and giggled before daring to let her paw rest on the grand swell. She gently caressed and squeezed it, marveling at the warmth radiating off of it.

"It's so big." Stacy mused, transfixed on the feline's impressive manhood.

"It sure is, but it belongs to someone else. If you wanna do more than just give it a pet, you'll have to talk to his 'husband'." the cat replied, having practiced that little line more than a few times.

Ardonis watched the two girls interact, unable to keep from grinning ear to ear. He loved seeing Halally flirt with other ladies. It wasn't uncommon for him to receive similar attention, though it appeared as though tonight was her night. There was a strong chance of that changing in just a short while, however.

Tiffany stepped into the circle, arms raised, one paw holding an empty wine bottle. It had been carefully engraved with the house insignia and a few words in very loopy script. If one were to get close enough to see, they would discover that it read 'the best way to get to know someone inside and out'. It was just another example of the silliness that meshed with the professional air the cat like to provide.

"And the first spin of the night goes to a first-timer, Ardonis. He and his girlfriend transferred here from out of state. Usually when a lover is in the circle, the goal is to land on them, but no one said it had to. At least if you don't get to eat your mate, they can rub your belly while you enjoy a new friend." she announced, handing the bottle carefully to the black wolf.

Ardonis took the glass object with delicate paws, holding it until he was clear to begin.

"Whenever everyone's ready, I suppose." He looked around the circle.

"If you want in, now's the time. Once the bottle is on the rug, that's it. No one else gets in until the next round," Tiffany explained to the room, clearly having thought through the rules quite a bit, "In your own time, Mr. Wolf."

The feline stepped backwards out of the circle, opting to observe. Ardonis nodded and reached his arm towards the center of the void left by the players. He gently placed the bottle on the rug, thus locking out anyone who might have second thoughts about simply watching. With a good twist of his hand, the bottle was set to spinning. It created a blur as it danced across the short nap of the rug. It bounced lightly as it hit a few fibers standing up higher than the rest. Tiffany frowned, scolding herself mentally for mussing up the rug with her paws. She would have to have someone smooth it out after each round, she thought.

The bottle began to slow fairly quickly, all under the watchful gaze of everyone in the room. As it neared the end of its momentum's strength, it struck another patch of fibers, making it come to a halt faster than anticipated. With so much kinetic energy still trapped in it, the bottle began to roll. As it did, it rolled right past three players, a smallish bunny who clearly had played before by how excited she was, a sheep who had recently been sheered wearing a wool sweater--possibly made of her own fluff--and right past the vixen who still had her hand on Halally's gently throbbing, skirt-covered shaft. There it stopped, resting as it pointed at the wolf's date.

Both the cat and canid grinned as they looked up at one another. Luck was on their side it seemed. Not that they really needed it. They probably would have gone home and played their own version of the game with just the two of them afterward.

"Fortune favors the familiar it seems," Tiffany smiled, "Alright, off to the closet you two. Unless of course you want to just get down to it right here in front of everyone."

Halally shook her head as she stood, gently guiding Stacy's hand off of her crotch. She enjoyed the vixen's eagerness to massage, but it would have to wait for another time. As the vulpine was left to frown in disappointment, the feline leaned down and offered the girl a tender, slow kiss that surprised not just Stacy, but a few others in the group.

"Better luck next time, sweetie. Be sure to give my boyfriend your number." Halally grinned.

The vixen nodded fiercely, "You can count on it!"

"The closet, if you please. I'd like to keep a few things mysterious." she smiled knowingly at her dark-furred partner.

Ardonis climbed to his paws as well, stepping in close to wrap his arms around the cat's waist. Their swollen groins mashed against one another, both beginning to plump as they anticipated what was coming.

"Mystery can be fun." he rumbled low in his throat.

The audience applauded the couple as they were shown to the closet in question, never leaving one another's embrace. The door closed behind them to a hail of cheers. The last thing the crowd was permitted to witness was the couple diving deep into a passionate kiss. As soon as the door was closed, they broke that kiss, gazing deep into one another's eyes.

"So, now you've got me, what do you plan to do with me?" Halally grinned.

"Well the rules never said anything about how I had to eat you. I'm thinking I want to put you where you just love getting put." Ardonis leaned forward, pressing his nose against the feline's neck. He dragged his teeth harmlessly across the fur he found there.

The cat shuddered happily and canted her head away from the wolf's muzzle, letting him explore for the moment.

"Mmm, you do know me so well. But before I end up in there, I think I'd like to make sure you're nice and full somewhere else. Might as well push for a litter." the feline purred smoothly.

Ardonis wagged his tail in response, all too pleased with the idea.

"Already going for a second batch? Alright. I've been missing the bump anyway." the wolf rumbled deep in his throat as he curled his fingers around the feline's rump.

He said nothing more but instead nipped playfully at his lover's neck. Paws roamed about both figures, appreciating one another before working to remove clothes. This was why they opted for attire that was easy to cast aside. It took the couple only moments to disrobe, pressing back against one another now that nothing separated them. Both the wolf and the cat had taken note of the two spires of flesh rising between them. They were both generously sized, feeling the two heads trapped between their chests. Halally's lovely bust helped capture them.

A pair of quiet, feral growls filled the closet as they squeezed against one another, grinding flesh on flesh, not caring how sticky they got. The act didn't last long. The cream and red feline leaned back and roughly spun her lover about, shoving him forward against the wall. She then leaned in and mewled in his ear, making sure her throbbing spire was cupped by the valley between the wolf's cheeks just below his tail.

"You'd better make my time in there worthwhile. You know I don't like it when you get to carry without me." Halally said huskily, breathing hot breath across the nape of her mate's neck.

"Don't worry, I would never leave you out. You know how much I love it when we're both swollen together." the wolf growled back, pressing his hips into the feline's.

The lady's hips jerked back sharply, then forward again. It silenced the canid. His breath was quickly stolen away as he felt his feline partner sink her impressive mast deep between his feminine folds. She didn't even need to take long to aim. Ardonis spread his legs and pressed back against her as he began to pant softly. She knew how to overwhelm him in a matter of seconds.

The cat ran her fingers through the lupine's dark fur along his stomach and chest. She kept her arms wrapped around him possessively, whispering in his ear as she pushed deeper, aiming to bottom out in his womb. She could feel a lump in his belly caused by her presence, knowing that he was going to get stretched so much more by the end of this. And she knew he loved it. It might have been strange to most everyone else at the party that they both happened to be similarly equipped, enjoying both sides between their legs. To them, it was no never mind, business as usual. It certainly made for quite a lot of fun.

A low groan escaped the closet as Halally began to pump, making the crowd listening in wonder just what she was doing to the noisy wolf. Usually is was the lady making that kind of a sound. A few quickly understood. Others would have to wait until the door opened to find out. Until then, the sounds of their lovemaking would conjure all sorts of images in the minds of the audience outside.

Halally rocked her hips powerfully against her wolf, moving one of her paws to wrap around his own throbbing, drooling rod. She pumped along his length, helping to drive him towards climax that much faster. They both knew they were going to make a terrible mess in such a confined space. That was part of the fun. And given how much the cat knew her wolf loved being stretched, she just drove on.

Ardonis panted and rocked back into his beloved's form, hoping to make her erupt before she could get him to. It was something of a race between them, usually. With mixed results. The wolf's petals clenched each time the invading rod plunged deep into him, coating it in a thin sheen of sticky nectar. It only made her efforts all the easier. The curiously colored cat swayed as she thrust, catching her 'puppy' off guard by pressing against one side, then the other. She knew how to push his buttons. Mainly because he often used the same tricks on her. The wolf clenched his teeth and balled up his fists as he fought to keep his composure. It didn't last long.

A howl burst from behind the closed door, encouraging the audience to cheer again. Ardonis lifted one of his legs, pressing the knee against the wall for support, as his length bobbed in Halally's grasp. A thick gush of white splattered across his chest, dripping down over his stomach. A sizable smear was left on the wall he leaned against. His nethers clenched again, this time so strongly that the feline might have a difficult time withdrawing. And that was just fine. Halally leaned in against her mate, hilting herself in him just seconds after she pushed him to a dual climax. A hot rush flooded his belly as she moaned. Her weighty sac tugged up against her thighs as it unloaded itself.

The wolf shuddered as his stomach surged outward, growing in a series of sudden swells. Each one was prompted by a strong pulse from the feline's shaft buried deep in him, pouring seed into his womb. It was exactly what they both wanted, to fill him up. After a few minutes, the feline's orgasm ended, adding only a few thin spurts as she caught her breath. It had been a new record for them. Ardonis was swollen to the point where he could have been mistaken for someone at the end of term, ready to go into labor any day.

Halally let her paws roam over that lovely swollen belly, bumping into the still twitching shaft bobbing in the air. She giggled and squeezed the sloshing tummy she had given her mate, even offering a couple of gentle humps to make him gasp.

"That's my good boy. Take it all." she cooed.

"I'll take... whatever... you want... to give me." Ardonis replied breathlessly.

"Well, next time, you're giving it to me instead. For now, I think it's time we made good on the game." Halally purred.

The wolf nodded and turned himself around, leaning heavily on the wall behind him. He didn't care that he was getting his own spunk in his fur as he slid down to sit on the floor. His legs splayed out, parted by the warm dome he had gained. He slouched a good bit, pulling that weighty swell up off his lap, giving his length the chance to stand more upright. The feline followed quickly, dropping to her knees and lavishing the thing in affection.

Ardonis dropped a paw gently atop her head, running his fingers through her hair. She purred happily at the attention as she dragged her tongue up over the end of her mate's shaft. The act sent a shudder up his spine and brought a smile to his muzzle. Before he could try anything about pushing her in, the cat pulled away and stood back up. She still held the wolf's member in her paws, massaging it gingerly. She was coaxing something out of it, not literally, but a behavior. The slit at the end began to yawn open under her efforts. That was what she was after, and she'd gotten good at making it happen.

Halally lifted one of her foot-paws and pressed her toes against the sticky, musky entrance. A satisfied smile stretched her lips as the dark rod stretched easily around her. Ardonis tilted his head back and let out a happy growl, his tail thumping against the ground. He left his hands on his bloated tummy, enjoying the sloshing sensation he could bring about as he wiggled his hips. The feline was going to do all the work for him.

The intruding paw slipped in without any trouble at all, making a visible lump in the wolf's shaft. It slipped down without any real trouble until she could feel the hot, sticky pool below that she was aiming for. The lupine's scrotum stretched, but not by very much yet. It was only a single paw hiding in what appeared to be a pair of small melons. That would change very shortly. As soon as Halally had 'firm' footing to stand on, she lifted her other leg and pressed her other paw in to join the first. It was swallowed up just as eagerly as the first. She pressed it down her lover's shaft until she was literally standing inside him. A giggle escaped her as she felt his member suckle on her legs, kissing just below her knees.

"Now to just let nature take its course." the cream and red cat sighed.

Ardonis just moaned happily, not able to respond with anything more than incoherent noises. He worked his hips back and forth as she sank into him just to stand there. That wouldn't do. He wanted her completely inside him. His member did not disappoint. It rippled and squeezed, gradually inching its way up along the lady's legs. She stood patiently, trying not to move too much as she was slowly eaten by her mate's rod. It took a few minutes, but the dark mast managed to crawl its way up until he reached just below her hips. The process had forced her to bend her knees, making herself shorter and stretching out his sac. Now her presence within was quite visible.

As soon as she felt the heat of her boyfriend's shaft begin to kiss at her own impressively sized scrotum, she wiggled about to help sink deeper. The curve of her lovely rump was slurped up in one greedy gulp, forcing her to kneel inside the wolf's sac. The sudden downward motion brought the black flesh quickly up her trim abdomen. Quietly, she wished she had managed to get nice and swollen like her lover before going in. It would have given him even more of a stretch. Her own member began to throb anew now that it was trapped inside such a warm, slick tunnel.

The wolf looked down at his beloved as she was slowly consumed. He licked his chops and squeezed his legs together, fighting to keep from howling again. Already he was feeling the familiar pent-up sensation of his sac being filled beyond its usual capacity. And he was deeply interested in more.

"I'll see you in a few days, love." Ardonis huffed.

"Just don't leave me in there too long. I might not want to come back out." Halally teased.

The feline stroked along the sleek member, deformed around her figure. She tucked her legs in together further, dragging herself down even more. Her bust, pert and full, vanished into the dark flesh. She lifted her arms over her head and tilted her chin upward. One more good tug from the hungry rod saw it wreathed around her neck. One last good look at the dark closet they were hidden in was all she got before a deeper darkness clouded her vision. Her head was swallowed up as Ardonis groaned even louder. His member throbbed with a mighty ache. He needed release, desperately.

The bloated sac stretched even further, swelling to impossible size as the feline glided in, suddenly awash in her lover's seed. It was like a hot tub, only the walls gave and sprang back into place. Halally's paws wiggled in the air one last time before the wolf threw his head back and howled one more time. A geyser of creamy white gushed out of him, reaching a few feet straight up before falling back down on his belly in a wet, sticky splatter. The sudden rush of seed released his shaft's grip on the lady slipping in and she was dragged out of sight completely. The oddly colored feline curled up in her lover's scrotum, as she had so many times before, and began to stir. She knew he loved a good stretch, so she gave it to him.

A paw groped at the wriggling bulge that left the wolf feeling a mighty need to pleasure himself all over again. He refrained, not wanting to accidentally fire her back out so soon. He intended to hold her captive for quite a while. When at last he could breathe again, and his legs weren't quite so shaky, Ardonis managed to climb back up and stand on his own two paws. He didn't bother dressing. He simply opened the door to the closet and revealed himself to the crowd.

They clearly had been waiting to cheer and applaud, but what they saw left them puzzled. He had a lovely round belly, just as most expected to leave the closet with, but it wasn't nearly big enough to house the seductive feline he had gone in with. His sac however was quite bloated and very active. All eyes fell on the writhing bulge. Some stared in wonder, not having known such a thing was possible. Others prompted the cheer they had been preparing.

Two from the audience stepped in to help the sated lupine towards the couch. There he was sat and his messy fur was tended to, helping to clean him up. Stacy had been quick to move to his side, moping up the heavy coating of spunk his belly, thighs, and groin had been showered in. His clothing and Halally's was collected and set down on the couch next to him while he writhed slowly, a smile never leaving his muzzle.

"I didn't know you could do that. Now you've got me all interested in you two!" the vixen giggled.

She even dared to caress his still twitching spire and the gently churning sac housing the feline he'd consumed.

"It's... something else. Maybe one day, Halally will let me stick someone else in there. That way we can still enjoy each other's company and I get to feel nice and full." Ardonis said.

"Or maybe you could send someone in to keep her company?" Stacy offered in a hopeful tone.

"Maybe, but not tonight. I don't think I'm ready for more than one occupant yet. Mmm, but don't stop, that feels lovely." the wolf sighed and slouched on the sofa.

The rest of the night passed for the wolf in a bit of a daze. That was common for what he had just gone through. When it was late enough for the party to end, he slipped on what clothes he could fit into. His pants were a lost cause, so with a number of giggles, he put Halally's skirt on, if only to make an attempt at decency. It covered enough that he figured he might be able to get away with it. He'd managed to remember to get Stacy's number. The naughty vixen had taken to sampling his member, finding it interesting how it never softened and continued to drool. More than once, he nearly reached his peak, forcing them to stop. Now though, he was wishing he might have gotten a chance to relieve a little pressure. Walking like this was a strain, but the best kind.

The wolf waddled his way out of the sorority house and off down the sidewalk towards home. It was slow going. He couldn't stand the powerful need, not when Halally was swaying back and forth, making his scrotum sag down past his knees. More than once he was claimed by a strong impulse to just stop and stroke himself to satisfaction, then walk away leaving a white stain on someone's lawn. But he refrained. It wouldn't do to leave his lover out in the cold just because he couldn't control himself. He made his way all the way back home and paid the babysitter. The young lady didn't seem all that thrown off by the wolf's various swells. He could smell a subtle hint of her arousal as she walked past, making him grin. Then, Ardonis checked on the little ones. They were all curled up asleep in their room. He smiled and quietly made his way back to his room. He undressed once more after the door was closed behind him. Bed was a welcome destination. Ardonis flopped down onto his back atop the sheets, not bothering to pull them over himself.

He lay there, appreciating the swells he had been given that night. His paws roamed over his gravid tummy while his legs curled around his heavy, pendulous sac that had swung back and forth against his legs the whole way home. He loved having to walk the whole way like that. It was a strange twist on the 'walk of shame' that he found he deeply relished. The act was agony, an almost painful desire to spill himself. And he loved every second of it. It wasn't long before sleep finally took him.

The next day was spent with the wolf milling about the house, tending to the children and just enjoying dragging his beloved around in his scrotum. He gave his middle a pat from time to time, checking on its progress in processing the small lake of seed she'd given him. He didn't bother dressing, opting to waddle around the house naked. The kids were used to their parents wandering around without clothes. And they were used to mommy being curled up in daddy, or the other way around. He did make frequent stops in the shower to 'relieve tension', always careful to not get too excited and release the cat curled up against his thighs. Having stayed like this all night, he had managed to regain a bit of internal control. Not enough to really let himself completely indulge, but he could 'scratch the itch' a little bit.

When Sunday morning finally came around, he woke just as groggy as the day before. His sac stirred only gently, no doubt from Halally kicking in her sleep. He'd left her in there quite a while. It was time to get her out. Reluctantly, the wolf made his way to the bathroom, his occupied scrotum swaying just as it always did when he walked while it was this full. The shower spray helped to sober him up from his sleepy state. He reached down past his still rounded middle, smaller than Friday night, but still rather pronounced, and rubbed at his lover's form under his fur.

"Good morning, dear. I think it's time you came out." he called out, hoping she would be awake enough to hear him.

A strong stirring came from between his legs and he shivered, his length throbbing as if about to fire off a round.

"What day is it?" the groggy feline asked.

"Sunday morning. Better get you out before you decide to stay." the wolf answered.

"Oh alright. Fine." Halally complained. She did want to stay longer, but that was a dangerous prospect, even if they both would have enjoyed the permanence.

Ardonis began running one of his palms over his engorged member. The other massaged at his belly, feeling it to have firmed up a bit. He was likely well under way towards a good, heavy litter. It felt like it might be bigger than the first. That notion made him grin, and left his knees just a bit wobbly. As he approached climax, he could feel the cat's head start to slip up into his shaft, making it difficult for him to grip himself. The lupine let his tongue dangle from his jaws in a grin of mind-numbing stimulation. He twitched where he stood, trying to remain steady, expecting for her to emerge with a pop.

Only it never happened.

Much to his frustration, mixed with a strong tinge of delight, the feline dragged herself back down out of his rod and into his sac once again. Just before he could say anything to scold her, the large bulge of her presence in his length returned. She squirmed hard, stealing the canid's breath away, then dragged herself back down again. She had gone further that time. Suddenly, Ardonis had something of an idea of what she was up to. She was going to get him off from the inside out. He wasn't filling her, she was stretching him, over and over again as if he were rutting her like she had him two nights ago. And it was glorious.

Halally continued her efforts, letting herself get pushed up and out only to curl back up and drag herself back in. Slowly, she got the hang of the rhythm, and began picking up the pace. She even let herself slip so far up and out that her head emerged from the wolf's rod. When she was slurped right back up, it made Ardonis cry out gleefully. He could get used to this. But it wasn't to last terribly long. He just couldn't hold out, not when he was so incredibly pent up. Eventually, when the cat had managed to pass into the outer world right up to her shoulders, the wolf's shaft clamped down hard on her. Now there was too much of her to jerk back in, and not enough to let her slip out easily. And she made for an interesting blockage. A sudden flood of seed surged up behind her. The pressure forced it into any open crevice it could find.

And Halally had a couple of those available.

The wolf's rod bulged hard along the underside. It made the dark lupine yowl anew as he felt his beloved's stomach surge while trapped in such a tender location. The cat joined his cry of climax as she was filled, her womb--among other places--was suddenly home to a veritable sea of wolf spunk, not unlike what she had filled her lover with before disappearing into him. That grand dome prevented her from sliding back down. And it served as a stopper for the pressure to push again, slowly wedging her out. With a lewd slurp and a pop, as well as a ridiculously copious shower of creamy essence, Halally was loosed from her boyfriend's shaft. She landed on the floor of the shower stall just as Ardonis lost his footing and dropped down on to his rump with a thud.

The two had managed to separate themselves, then immediately sought one another out. Wolf and cat practically through themselves at one another, wrapping their arms up in a tangle of sticky, shower-soaked embrace.

"That... that was interesting." Ardonis puffed as he fought to make his lungs stop screaming.

"I'll say!" Halally laughed, "I wanna go for another ride!"

"Maybe some other time. I'm too tired." the wolf snickered.

"You're still pretty round. Have you tested yourself yet?" the cat pressed a paw against her boyfriend's stomach.

"Not yet, but I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant. It feels like I am." he replied.

"Well, if I'm not after that blast you gave me, then I'll let that cute fox girl from the party eat me. Either that did the trick or the day and a half I spent soaking in your balls did." Halally looked at her dark wolf with a huge grin.

"Then mission accomplished. Two big litters on the way to add to the already happy family." Ardonis leaned down to kiss his kitty.

"Yeah, and it was a hell of a ride getting there. We're definitely doing that again. When's the next party?" the cat asked.

"They hold one every Friday I think they said." the wolf pondered.